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[GitHub] [james-project] vttranlina commented on a change in pull request #385: [WIP] JAMES-3520 MDN/send

vttranlina commented on a change in pull request #385:

File path: server/protocols/jmap-rfc-8621/src/main/scala/org/apache/james/jmap/method/MDNSendMethod.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
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+package org.apache.james.jmap.method
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.CapabilityIdentifier.{CapabilityIdentifier, JMAP_CORE, JMAP_MAIL, JMAP_MDN}
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.Invocation._
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.{ClientId, Id, Invocation, ServerId}
+import org.apache.james.jmap.json.{MDNSendSerializer, ResponseSerializer}
+import org.apache.james.jmap.mail.MDNSend.MDNSendId
+import org.apache.james.jmap.mail._
+import org.apache.james.jmap.method.EmailSubmissionSetMethod.LOGGER
+import org.apache.james.jmap.routes.{ProcessingContext, SessionSupplier}
+import org.apache.james.lifecycle.api.Startable
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.{FetchGroup, MessageId, MessageResult}
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.{MailboxSession, MessageIdManager}
+import org.apache.james.mdn.`type`.DispositionType
+import org.apache.james.mdn.action.mode.DispositionActionMode
+import org.apache.james.mdn.fields.{ExtensionField, ReportingUserAgent, Disposition => DispositionJava}
+import org.apache.james.mdn.sending.mode.DispositionSendingMode
+import org.apache.james.mdn.{MDN, MDNReport}
+import org.apache.james.metrics.api.MetricFactory
+import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Message
+import org.apache.james.queue.api.MailQueueFactory.SPOOL
+import org.apache.james.queue.api.{MailQueue, MailQueueFactory}
+import org.apache.james.server.core.MailImpl
+import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsObject, JsSuccess, Json}
+import reactor.core.scala.publisher.{SFlux, SMono}
+import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers
+import javax.annotation.PreDestroy
+import javax.inject.Inject
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
+import scala.util.Try
+class MDNSendMethod @Inject()(serializer: MDNSendSerializer,
+                              mailQueueFactory: MailQueueFactory[_ <: MailQueue],
+                              messageIdManager: MessageIdManager,
+                              emailSetMethod: EmailSetMethod,
+                              messageIdFactory: MessageId.Factory,
+                              val metricFactory: MetricFactory,
+                              val sessionSupplier: SessionSupplier) extends MethodRequiringAccountId[MDNSendRequest] with Startable {
+  override val methodName: MethodName = MethodName("MDN/send")
+  override val requiredCapabilities: Set[CapabilityIdentifier] = Set(JMAP_MDN, JMAP_MAIL, JMAP_CORE)
+  var queue: MailQueue = _
+  def init: Unit =
+    queue = mailQueueFactory.createQueue(SPOOL)
+  @PreDestroy def dispose: Unit =
+    Try(queue.close())
+      .recover(e => LOGGER.debug("error closing queue", e))
+  override def doProcess(capabilities: Set[CapabilityIdentifier],
+                         invocation: InvocationWithContext,
+                         mailboxSession: MailboxSession,
+                         request: MDNSendRequest): SFlux[InvocationWithContext] =
+    create(request, mailboxSession, invocation.processingContext)
+      .flatMapMany(createdResults => {
+        val explicitInvocation: InvocationWithContext = InvocationWithContext(
+          invocation = Invocation(
+            methodName = invocation.invocation.methodName,
+            arguments = Arguments(serializer.serializeMDNSendResponse(createdResults._1.asResponse(request.accountId))
+              .as[JsObject]),
+            methodCallId = invocation.invocation.methodCallId),
+          processingContext = createdResults._2)
+        val emailSetCall: SMono[InvocationWithContext] = request.implicitEmailSetRequest(createdResults._1.resolveMessageId)
+          .fold(e => SMono.error(e),
+            emailSetRequest => emailSetMethod.doProcess(
+              capabilities = capabilities,
+              invocation = invocation,
+              mailboxSession = mailboxSession,
+              request = emailSetRequest))
+        SFlux.concat(SMono.just(explicitInvocation), emailSetCall)
+      })
+  override def getRequest(mailboxSession: MailboxSession, invocation: Invocation): Either[Exception, MDNSendRequest] =
+    serializer.deserializeMDNSendRequest(invocation.arguments.value) match {
+      case JsSuccess(mdnSendRequest, _) => mdnSendRequest.validate
+      case errors: JsError => Left(new IllegalArgumentException(Json.stringify(ResponseSerializer.serialize(errors))))
+    }
+  private def create(request: MDNSendRequest,
+                     session: MailboxSession,
+                     processingContext: ProcessingContext): SMono[(MDNSendResults, ProcessingContext)] =
+    SFlux.fromIterable(request.send.view)
+      .fold(MDNSendResults.empty -> processingContext) {
+        (acc: (MDNSendResults, ProcessingContext), elem: (MDNSendId, JsObject)) => {
+          val (mdnSendId, jsObject) = elem
+          val (creationResult, updatedProcessingContext) = createMDNSend(session, mdnSendId, jsObject, acc._2)
+          (MDNSendResults.merge(acc._1, creationResult) -> updatedProcessingContext)
+        }
+      }
+      .subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic())
+  private def createMDNSend(session: MailboxSession,
+                            mdnSendId: MDNSendId,
+                            jsObject: JsObject,
+                            processingContext: ProcessingContext): (MDNSendResults, ProcessingContext) =
+    parseMDNRequest(jsObject)
+      .flatMap(createRequest => sendMDN(session, mdnSendId, createRequest))
+      .flatMap {
+        case (results, id) => recordCreationIdInProcessingContext(mdnSendId, id, processingContext)
+          .map(_ => results)
+      }
+      .fold(error => (MDNSendResults.notSent(mdnSendId, error) -> processingContext),
+        creation => (creation -> processingContext))
+  private def parseMDNRequest(jsObject: JsObject): Either[MDNSendParseException, MDNSendCreateRequest] =
+      MDNSendCreateRequest.validateProperties(jsObject)
+        .flatMap(validJson => serializer.deserializeMDNSendCreateRequest(validJson) match {
+          case JsSuccess(createRequest, _) => createRequest.validate
+          case JsError(errors) => Left(MDNSendParseException.parse(errors))
+        })
+  private def sendMDN(session: MailboxSession,
+                      mdnSendId: MDNSendId,
+                      requestEntry: MDNSendCreateRequest): Either[Throwable, (MDNSendResults, MessageId)] = {
+    val mdnRelatedMessage: Either[Exception, MessageResult] = messageIdManager.getMessage(requestEntry.forEmailId.originalMessageId, FetchGroup.FULL_CONTENT, session)
+      .asScala
+      .toList
+      .headOption
+      .toRight(MDNSendForEmailIdNotFoundException("The reference \"forEmailId\" cannot be found."))
+    val mdnRelatedMessageAlready: Either[Exception, MessageResult] = mdnRelatedMessage.flatMap(messageResult => {
+      if (isMDNSentAlready(messageResult)) {
+        Left(MDNSendAlreadySentException())
+      } else {
+        scala.Right(messageResult)
+      }
+    })
+    mdnRelatedMessageAlready.flatMap(msg => {
+      val result: Try[(MDNSendResults, MessageId)] = {
+        val (mail, createResponse) = buildMailAndResponse(session, requestEntry, msg)
+        queue.enQueue(mail)
+        Try(MDNSendResults.sent(mdnSendId, createResponse, msg.getMessageId) -> msg.getMessageId)
+      }
+      result.toEither
+    })
+  }
+  private def isMDNSentAlready(messageResultRelated: MessageResult): Boolean =
+    messageResultRelated.getFlags.contains("$mdnsent")
+  private def recordCreationIdInProcessingContext(mdnSendId: MDNSendId,
+                                                  messageId: MessageId,
+                                                  processingContext: ProcessingContext): Either[IllegalArgumentException, ProcessingContext] =
+    for {
+      creationId <- Id.validate(mdnSendId)
+      serverAssignedId <- Id.validate(messageId.serialize())
+    } yield {
+      processingContext.recordCreatedId(ClientId(creationId), ServerId(serverAssignedId))
+    }
+  private def buildMailAndResponse(session: MailboxSession, requestEntry: MDNSendCreateRequest, messageRelated: MessageResult): (MailImpl, MDNSendCreateResponse) = {
+    val sender = session.getUser.asString()
+    val reportBuilder = MDNReport.builder()
+      .dispositionField(DispositionJava.builder()
+        .`type`(DispositionType.fromString(requestEntry.disposition.`type`).orElseThrow())
+        .actionMode(DispositionActionMode.fromString(requestEntry.disposition.actionMode).orElseThrow())
+        .sendingMode(DispositionSendingMode.fromString(requestEntry.disposition.sendingMode).orElseThrow())
+        .build())
+      .finalRecipientField(requestEntry.finalRecipient.getOrElse(FinalRecipientField(sender)).value)
+ => reportBuilder.reportingUserAgentField(ReportingUserAgent.builder().parse(uaField.value).build()))
+ => extensions
+      .map(extension => reportBuilder.withExtensionField(ExtensionField.builder()
+        .fieldName(extension._1)
+        .rawValue(extension._2)
+        .build())))
+    val mdnBuilder = MDN.builder()
+      .report(
+      .message(requestEntry.includeOriginalMessage
+        .filter(isInclude => isInclude.value)
+        .map(_ => getOriginalMessage(messageRelated)).toJava)
+ => mdnBuilder.humanReadableText(textBody.value))
+    val newMessageId = messageIdFactory.generate().serialize()
+    val mdn =
+    val mimeMessage = mdn.asMimeMessage()
+    mimeMessage.setFrom(sender)
+    mimeMessage.setRecipients(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, getRecipientAddress(messageRelated, session))
+    mimeMessage.setHeader("Message-Id", newMessageId)
+    mimeMessage.setSubject(requestEntry.subject.getOrElse(SubjectField("subject todo")).value)
+    val mdnSendCreateResponse = buildMDNSendCreateResponse(requestEntry, mdn)
+    (MailImpl.fromMimeMessage(newMessageId, mimeMessage) -> mdnSendCreateResponse)
+  }
+  private def buildMDNSendCreateResponse(requestEntry: MDNSendCreateRequest, mdn: MDN) =
+    MDNSendCreateResponse(
+      subject = requestEntry.subject match {
+        case Some(_) => None
+        case None => Some(SubjectField(mdn.asMimeMessage().getSubject))
+      },
+      textBody = requestEntry.textBody match {
+        case Some(_) => None
+        case None => Some(TextBodyField(mdn.getHumanReadableText))
+      },
+      reportingUA = requestEntry.reportingUA match {
+        case Some(_) => None
+        case None => mdn.getReport.getReportingUserAgentField
+          .map(ua => ReportUAField(ua.fieldValue()))
+          .toScala
+      },
+      mdnGateway = mdn.getReport.getGatewayField
+        .map(gateway => MDNGatewayField(gateway.fieldValue()))
+        .toScala,
+      originalRecipient = mdn.getReport.getOriginalRecipientField
+        .map(originalRecipient => OriginalRecipientField(originalRecipient.fieldValue()))
+        .toScala,
+      includeOriginalMessage = requestEntry.includeOriginalMessage match {
+        case Some(_) => None
+        case None => Some(IncludeOriginalMessageField(mdn.getOriginalMessage.isPresent))
+      },
+      error = Option(mdn.getReport.getErrorFields.asScala
+        .map(error => ErrorField(error.getText.formatted()))
+        .toSeq)
+        .filter(error => error.nonEmpty),
+      extensionFields = requestEntry.extensionFields match {

Review comment:
       I can't differentiate this field is `server-set`(server evaluate) or not.
   So, This is my reserve.

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