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Posted to by Graham Clark <> on 2014/06/20 12:31:14 UTC

Overriding the default


I'm completely new to log4j so please forgive any stupid questions.

I have an application with a file in it which works
normally. I want to override the destination of the log file, though, so
I've created my own file and pointed to it with the
log4j.configuration=file.... JVM property. This works as expected and log4j
initialises and creates a log file in my new directory. This is where it
goes wrong (or at least doesn't do what I expect).

Having started up and created the correct log file, it then goes off and
reads the application's own file and creates another log
file in the old directory (that I don't want to write to). It then uses
this log file (and not the one it created first in my directory) to write
the log messages to. Is this working as expected? How do I stop it looking
at the old properties file and just take notice of what's in my new
properties file?

Here's the debug messages.

log4j: Using URL Ýfile:/u/ssdb008/¨ for automatic log4j
log4j: Reading configuration from URL file:/u/ssdb008/
                                        My PROPERTIES FILE

log4j: Parsing for Ýroot¨ with value=ÝDEBUG¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝDEBUG¨.

log4j: Category root set to DEBUG

log4j: Parsing for ÝError¨ with value=ÝERROR, ErrorOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝERROR¨.

log4j: Category Error set to ERROR

log4j: Parsing appender named "ErrorOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "ErrorOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "ErrorOut".

log4j: Setting property Ýencoding¨ to ÝIBM-1047¨.

log4j: Setting property Ýfile¨ to Ý/u/ssdb008/waslogs/%j/alert_%n.log¨.

log4j: Process qualified filename:
/u/ssdb008/waslogs/WJS712S/alert_STC39857.log                       YES,
log4j: setFile called: /u/ssdb008/waslogs/WJS712S/alert_STC39857.log, true

log4j: setFile ended

log4j: Parsed "ErrorOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Error=Ýnull¨

log4j: Parsing for ÝDebug¨ with value=ÝOFF, DebugOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝOFF¨.

log4j: Category Debug set to OFF

log4j: Parsing appender named "DebugOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "DebugOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "DebugOut".

log4j: Parsed "DebugOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Debug=Ýnull¨

log4j: Parsing for ÝTrace¨ with value=ÝINFO, TraceOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝINFO¨.

log4j: Category Trace set to INFO

log4j: Parsing appender named "TraceOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "TraceOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "TraceOut".

log4j: Parsed "TraceOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Trace=Ýnull¨

log4j: Finished configuring.

log4j: Trying to find Ý¨ using context classloader
                                         NO, WHY IS IT LOOKING HERE?

   Local ClassPath:


   Delegation Mode: PARENT_FIRST.

log4j: Reading configuration from URL


log4j: Parsing for Ýroot¨ with value=ÝDEBUG¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝDEBUG¨.

log4j: Category root set to DEBUG

log4j: Parsing for ÝError¨ with value=ÝERROR, ErrorOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝERROR¨.

log4j: Category Error set to ERROR

log4j: Parsing appender named "ErrorOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "ErrorOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "ErrorOut".

log4j: Setting property Ýencoding¨ to ÝIBM-1047¨.

log4j: Setting property Ýfile¨ to Ý/software/waslogs/%j/alert_%n.log¨.

log4j: Process qualified filename:
/software/waslogs/WJS712S/alert_STC39857.log                   DON'T WANT
log4j: setFile called: /software/waslogs/WJS712S/alert_STC39857.log, true

log4j: setFile ended

log4j: Parsed "ErrorOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Error=Ýnull¨

log4j: Parsing for ÝDebug¨ with value=ÝOFF, DebugOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝOFF¨.

log4j: Category Debug set to OFF

log4j: Parsing appender named "DebugOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "DebugOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "DebugOut".

log4j: Parsed "DebugOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Debug=Ýnull¨

log4j: Parsing for ÝTrace¨ with value=ÝINFO, TraceOut¨.

log4j: Level token is ÝINFO¨.

log4j: Category Trace set to INFO

log4j: Parsing appender named "TraceOut".

log4j: Parsing layout options for "TraceOut".

log4j: Setting property ÝconversionPattern¨ to Ý%d{DATE} %m%n¨.

log4j: End of parsing for "TraceOut".

log4j: Parsed "TraceOut" options.

log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.Trace=Ýnull¨

log4j: Finished configuring.

