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Posted to by Aleksander Slominski <> on 2004/04/28 03:59:10 UTC

XmlObject and XML Infoset


as far as i understand everything in XmlBeans extends XmlObject? i would 
like to add to XmlBeans a marker interface XmlElement that is 
implemented by XmlObject only when XmlObject represents XML Infoset 
Elements Information Item (irregardless of what is inside eii). 
Similarly i would like to have a marker XmlCharacter interface for 
XmlObjects that represent XML Infoset character content. i am not 
exactly sure what is relation between TokenType and XmlObject.

so is it possible? probably yes :) as of course there is source code to 
hack in the worst case ...

but to be more specific is it possible in v1 with 
ExtensionInterfacesFeature that Cezar Andrei created?

if not how much work would be required to do it in some other way?



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