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[GitHub] [apisix] yangxikun commented on a change in pull request #6119: feat: add opentelemetry plugin #3891

yangxikun commented on a change in pull request #6119:

File path: apisix/plugins/opentelemetry.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local plugin_name = "opentelemetry"
+local core = require("apisix.core")
+local plugin = require("apisix.plugin")
+local process = require("ngx.process")
+local always_off_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.always_off_sampler").new
+local always_on_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.always_on_sampler").new
+local parent_base_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.parent_base_sampler").new
+local trace_id_ratio_sampler_new =
+                                require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.trace_id_ratio_sampler").new
+local exporter_client_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.exporter.http_client").new
+local otlp_exporter_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.exporter.otlp").new
+local batch_span_processor_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.batch_span_processor").new
+local id_generator = require("opentelemetry.trace.id_generator")
+local tracer_provider_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.tracer_provider").new
+local span_kind = require("opentelemetry.trace.span_kind")
+local span_status = require("opentelemetry.trace.span_status")
+local resource_new = require("opentelemetry.resource").new
+local attr = require("opentelemetry.attribute")
+local context_storage = require("opentelemetry.context_storage")
+local context = require("opentelemetry.context").new(context_storage)
+local carrier_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.propagation.carrier").new
+local trace_context = require("opentelemetry.trace.propagation.trace_context")
+local ngx     = ngx
+local ngx_var = ngx.var
+local ngx_req = ngx.req
+local table   = table
+local type    = type
+local pairs   = pairs
+local ipairs  = ipairs
+local unpack  = unpack
+local lrucache ={
+    type = 'plugin', count = 128, ttl = 24 * 60 * 60,
+local attr_schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        trace_id_source = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"x-request-id", "random"},
+            description = "alternate use x-request-id as trace id",
+            default = "random",
+        },
+        resource = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "additional resource",
+            additionalProperties = {{type = "boolean"}, {type = "number"}, {type = "string"}},
+        },
+        collector = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "opentelemetry collector",
+            properties = {
+                address = {type = "string", description = "host:port", default = ""},
+                request_timeout = {type = "integer", description = "second uint", default = 3},
+                request_headers = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    description = "http headers",
+                    additionalProperties = {
+                        one_of = {{type = "boolean"},{type = "number"}, {type = "string"}},
+                   },
+                }
+            },
+            default = {address = "", request_timeout = 3}
+        },
+        batch_span_processor = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "batch span processor",
+            properties = {
+                drop_on_queue_full = {
+                    type = "boolean",
+                    description = "if true, drop span when queue is full,"
+                            .. " otherwise force process batches",
+                },
+                max_queue_size = {
+                    type = "integer",
+                    description = "maximum queue size to buffer spans for delayed processing",
+                },
+                batch_timeout = {
+                    type = "number",
+                    description = "maximum duration for constructing a batch",
+                },
+                inactive_timeout = {
+                    type = "number",
+                    description = "maximum duration for processing batches",
+                },
+                max_export_batch_size = {
+                    type = "integer",
+                    description = "maximum number of spans to process in a single batch",
+                }
+            },
+            default = {},
+        },
+    },
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        sampler = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                name = {
+                    type = "string",
+                    enum = {"always_on", "always_off", "trace_id_ratio", "parent_base"},
+                    title = "sampling strategy",
+                    default = "always_off"
+                },
+                options = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fraction = {
+                            type = "number", title = "trace_id_ratio fraction", default = 0
+                        },
+                        root = {
+                            type = "object",
+                            title = "parent_base root sampler",
+                            properties = {
+                                name = {
+                                    type = "string",
+                                    enum = {"always_on", "always_off", "trace_id_ratio"},
+                                    title = "sampling strategy",
+                                    default = "always_off"
+                                },
+                                options = {
+                                    type = "object",
+                                    properties = {
+                                        fraction = {
+                                            type = "number",
+                                            title = "trace_id_ratio fraction parameter",
+                                            default = 0,
+                                        },
+                                    },
+                                    default = {fraction = 0}
+                                }
+                            },
+                            default = {name = "always_off", options = {fraction = 0}}
+                        },
+                    },
+                    default = {fraction = 0, root = {name = "always_off"}}
+                }
+            },
+            default = {name = "always_off", options = {fraction = 0, root = {name = "always_off"}}}
+        },
+        additional_attributes = {
+            type = "array",
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+                minLength = 1,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.1,
+    priority = -1200, -- last running plugin, but before serverless post func
+    name = plugin_name,
+    schema = schema,
+    attr_schema = attr_schema,
+function _M.check_schema(conf)
+    return core.schema.check(schema, conf)
+local hostname
+local sampler_factory
+local plugin_info
+function _M.init()
+    if process.type() ~= "worker" then
+        return
+    end
+    sampler_factory = {
+        always_off = always_off_sampler_new,
+        always_on = always_on_sampler_new,
+        parent_base = parent_base_sampler_new,
+        trace_id_ratio = trace_id_ratio_sampler_new,
+    }
+    hostname = core.utils.gethostname()
+    plugin_info = plugin.plugin_attr(plugin_name) or {}
+    local ok, err = core.schema.check(attr_schema, plugin_info)
+    if not ok then
+        core.log.error("failed to check the plugin_attr[", plugin_name, "]",
+                ": ", err)
+        return
+    end
+    if plugin_info.trace_id_source == "x-request-id" then
+        id_generator.new_ids = function()
+            local trace_id = ngx_req.get_headers()["x-request-id"] or ngx_var.request_id
+            return trace_id, id_generator.new_span_id()
+        end
+    end
+local function create_tracer_obj(conf)
+    -- create exporter
+    local exporter = otlp_exporter_new(exporter_client_new(plugin_info.collector.address,
+                                                            plugin_info.collector.request_timeout,
+                                                            plugin_info.collector.request_headers))
+    -- create span processor
+    local batch_span_processor = batch_span_processor_new(exporter,
+                                                            plugin_info.batch_span_processor)
+    -- create sampler
+    local sampler
+    local sampler_name =
+    local sampler_options = conf.sampler.options
+    if sampler_name == "parent_base" then
+        local root_sampler
+        if sampler_options.root then
+            local name, fraction =, sampler_options.root.options.fraction
+            root_sampler = sampler_factory[name](fraction)
+        else
+            root_sampler = always_off_sampler_new()
+        end
+        sampler = sampler_factory[sampler_name](root_sampler)
+    else
+        sampler = sampler_factory[sampler_name](sampler_options.fraction)
+    end
+    local resource_attrs = {attr.string("hostname", hostname)}
+    if plugin_info.resource then
+        if not plugin_info.resource[""] then
+            table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.string("", "APISIX"))
+        end
+        for k, v in pairs(plugin_info.resource) do
+            if type(v) == "string" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.string(k, v))
+            end
+            if type(v) == "number" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.double(k, v))
+            end
+            if type(v) == "boolean" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.bool(k, v))
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- create tracer provider
+    local tp = tracer_provider_new(batch_span_processor, {
+        resource = resource_new(unpack(resource_attrs)),
+        sampler = sampler,
+    })
+    -- create tracer
+    return tp:tracer("opentelemetry-lua")
+function _M.access(conf, api_ctx)
+    local tracer, err = core.lrucache.plugin_ctx(lrucache, api_ctx, nil, create_tracer_obj, conf)

Review comment:
       `shuitdown` is just used to export spans immediately.
   If `shutdown` is not call, the batch_span_processor background timer will export spans too, then exit when there is no more spans need to export.

File path: apisix/plugins/opentelemetry.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local plugin_name = "opentelemetry"
+local core = require("apisix.core")
+local plugin = require("apisix.plugin")
+local process = require("ngx.process")
+local always_off_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.always_off_sampler").new
+local always_on_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.always_on_sampler").new
+local parent_base_sampler_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.parent_base_sampler").new
+local trace_id_ratio_sampler_new =
+                                require("opentelemetry.trace.sampling.trace_id_ratio_sampler").new
+local exporter_client_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.exporter.http_client").new
+local otlp_exporter_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.exporter.otlp").new
+local batch_span_processor_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.batch_span_processor").new
+local id_generator = require("opentelemetry.trace.id_generator")
+local tracer_provider_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.tracer_provider").new
+local span_kind = require("opentelemetry.trace.span_kind")
+local span_status = require("opentelemetry.trace.span_status")
+local resource_new = require("opentelemetry.resource").new
+local attr = require("opentelemetry.attribute")
+local context_storage = require("opentelemetry.context_storage")
+local context = require("opentelemetry.context").new(context_storage)
+local carrier_new = require("opentelemetry.trace.propagation.carrier").new
+local trace_context = require("opentelemetry.trace.propagation.trace_context")
+local ngx     = ngx
+local ngx_var = ngx.var
+local ngx_req = ngx.req
+local table   = table
+local type    = type
+local pairs   = pairs
+local ipairs  = ipairs
+local unpack  = unpack
+local lrucache ={
+    type = 'plugin', count = 128, ttl = 24 * 60 * 60,
+local attr_schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        trace_id_source = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"x-request-id", "random"},
+            description = "alternate use x-request-id as trace id",
+            default = "random",
+        },
+        resource = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "additional resource",
+            additionalProperties = {{type = "boolean"}, {type = "number"}, {type = "string"}},
+        },
+        collector = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "opentelemetry collector",
+            properties = {
+                address = {type = "string", description = "host:port", default = ""},
+                request_timeout = {type = "integer", description = "second uint", default = 3},
+                request_headers = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    description = "http headers",
+                    additionalProperties = {
+                        one_of = {{type = "boolean"},{type = "number"}, {type = "string"}},
+                   },
+                }
+            },
+            default = {address = "", request_timeout = 3}
+        },
+        batch_span_processor = {
+            type = "object",
+            description = "batch span processor",
+            properties = {
+                drop_on_queue_full = {
+                    type = "boolean",
+                    description = "if true, drop span when queue is full,"
+                            .. " otherwise force process batches",
+                },
+                max_queue_size = {
+                    type = "integer",
+                    description = "maximum queue size to buffer spans for delayed processing",
+                },
+                batch_timeout = {
+                    type = "number",
+                    description = "maximum duration for constructing a batch",
+                },
+                inactive_timeout = {
+                    type = "number",
+                    description = "maximum duration for processing batches",
+                },
+                max_export_batch_size = {
+                    type = "integer",
+                    description = "maximum number of spans to process in a single batch",
+                }
+            },
+            default = {},
+        },
+    },
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        sampler = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                name = {
+                    type = "string",
+                    enum = {"always_on", "always_off", "trace_id_ratio", "parent_base"},
+                    title = "sampling strategy",
+                    default = "always_off"
+                },
+                options = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fraction = {
+                            type = "number", title = "trace_id_ratio fraction", default = 0
+                        },
+                        root = {
+                            type = "object",
+                            title = "parent_base root sampler",
+                            properties = {
+                                name = {
+                                    type = "string",
+                                    enum = {"always_on", "always_off", "trace_id_ratio"},
+                                    title = "sampling strategy",
+                                    default = "always_off"
+                                },
+                                options = {
+                                    type = "object",
+                                    properties = {
+                                        fraction = {
+                                            type = "number",
+                                            title = "trace_id_ratio fraction parameter",
+                                            default = 0,
+                                        },
+                                    },
+                                    default = {fraction = 0}
+                                }
+                            },
+                            default = {name = "always_off", options = {fraction = 0}}
+                        },
+                    },
+                    default = {fraction = 0, root = {name = "always_off"}}
+                }
+            },
+            default = {name = "always_off", options = {fraction = 0, root = {name = "always_off"}}}
+        },
+        additional_attributes = {
+            type = "array",
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+                minLength = 1,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.1,
+    priority = -1200, -- last running plugin, but before serverless post func
+    name = plugin_name,
+    schema = schema,
+    attr_schema = attr_schema,
+function _M.check_schema(conf)
+    return core.schema.check(schema, conf)
+local hostname
+local sampler_factory
+local plugin_info
+function _M.init()
+    if process.type() ~= "worker" then
+        return
+    end
+    sampler_factory = {
+        always_off = always_off_sampler_new,
+        always_on = always_on_sampler_new,
+        parent_base = parent_base_sampler_new,
+        trace_id_ratio = trace_id_ratio_sampler_new,
+    }
+    hostname = core.utils.gethostname()
+    plugin_info = plugin.plugin_attr(plugin_name) or {}
+    local ok, err = core.schema.check(attr_schema, plugin_info)
+    if not ok then
+        core.log.error("failed to check the plugin_attr[", plugin_name, "]",
+                ": ", err)
+        return
+    end
+    if plugin_info.trace_id_source == "x-request-id" then
+        id_generator.new_ids = function()
+            local trace_id = ngx_req.get_headers()["x-request-id"] or ngx_var.request_id
+            return trace_id, id_generator.new_span_id()
+        end
+    end
+local function create_tracer_obj(conf)
+    -- create exporter
+    local exporter = otlp_exporter_new(exporter_client_new(plugin_info.collector.address,
+                                                            plugin_info.collector.request_timeout,
+                                                            plugin_info.collector.request_headers))
+    -- create span processor
+    local batch_span_processor = batch_span_processor_new(exporter,
+                                                            plugin_info.batch_span_processor)
+    -- create sampler
+    local sampler
+    local sampler_name =
+    local sampler_options = conf.sampler.options
+    if sampler_name == "parent_base" then
+        local root_sampler
+        if sampler_options.root then
+            local name, fraction =, sampler_options.root.options.fraction
+            root_sampler = sampler_factory[name](fraction)
+        else
+            root_sampler = always_off_sampler_new()
+        end
+        sampler = sampler_factory[sampler_name](root_sampler)
+    else
+        sampler = sampler_factory[sampler_name](sampler_options.fraction)
+    end
+    local resource_attrs = {attr.string("hostname", hostname)}
+    if plugin_info.resource then
+        if not plugin_info.resource[""] then
+            table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.string("", "APISIX"))
+        end
+        for k, v in pairs(plugin_info.resource) do
+            if type(v) == "string" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.string(k, v))
+            end
+            if type(v) == "number" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.double(k, v))
+            end
+            if type(v) == "boolean" then
+                table.insert(resource_attrs, attr.bool(k, v))
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- create tracer provider
+    local tp = tracer_provider_new(batch_span_processor, {
+        resource = resource_new(unpack(resource_attrs)),
+        sampler = sampler,
+    })
+    -- create tracer
+    return tp:tracer("opentelemetry-lua")
+function _M.access(conf, api_ctx)
+    local tracer, err = core.lrucache.plugin_ctx(lrucache, api_ctx, nil, create_tracer_obj, conf)
+    if not tracer then
+        core.log.error("failed to fetch tracer object: ", err)
+        return
+    end
+    -- extract trace context from the headers of downstream HTTP request
+    local upstream_context = trace_context.extract(context, carrier_new())
+    local attributes = {
+        attr.string("service", api_ctx.service_name),
+        attr.string("route", api_ctx.route_name),
+    }
+    if conf.additional_attributes then
+        for _, key in ipairs(conf.additional_attributes) do
+            local val = api_ctx.var[key]
+            if val then
+                core.table.insert(attributes, attr.string(key, val))
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    local ctx, _ = tracer:start(upstream_context, api_ctx.var.request_uri, {
+        kind = span_kind.client,
+        attributes = attributes,
+    })
+    ctx:attach()
+    -- inject trace context into the headers of upstream HTTP request
+    trace_context.inject(ctx, carrier_new())
+function _M.body_filter(conf, ctx)
+    if ngx.arg[2] then
+        local upstream_status = core.response.get_upstream_status(ctx)
+        -- get span from current context
+        local span = context:current():span()
+        if upstream_status and upstream_status >= 500 then
+            span:set_status(span_status.error,
+                            "upstream response status: " .. upstream_status)
+        end
+        span:finish()

Review comment:
       I cannot figure out how to write an unit test for this.

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