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Posted to by on 2017/01/16 09:47:11 UTC

[3/4] incubator-streams git commit: STREAMS-255: remove incubator-streams dependency on incubator-streams-master
diff --git a/src/site/custom/ b/src/site/custom/
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index 0000000..49033c8
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+++ b/src/site/custom/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+                                 = This project uses {Jenkins,}.                                          = CI Management                                         = No continuous integration management system is defined. Please check back at a later date.                      = Address                = Configuration                         = Type                               = Configuration for notifying developers/users when a build is unsuccessful, including user information and notification mode.                              = No notifiers are defined. Please check back at a later date.                               = Notifiers                                         = No url to the continuous integration system is defined.                                = Overview                                         = CI Management Yo                                           = The following is a link to the continuous integration system used by the project, yo:
+report.dependencies.column.artifactId                              = ArtifactId
+report.dependencies.column.classifier                              = Classifier
+report.dependencies.column.description                             = Description
+report.dependencies.column.groupId                                 = GroupId
+report.dependencies.column.licenses                                = Licenses
+report.dependencies.column.optional                                = Optional
+report.dependencies.column.isOptional                              = Yes
+report.dependencies.column.isNotOptional                           = No
+report.dependencies.column.type                                    = Type
+report.dependencies.column.url                                     = URL
+report.dependencies.column.version                                 = Version
+report.dependencies.description                                    = This document lists the project's dependencies and provides information on each dependency.
+report.dependencies.file.details.cell.debuginformation.yes         = Yes          = No
+report.dependencies.file.details.cell.sealed.yes                   = Yes                    = No
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.classes                    = Classes
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.debuginformation           = Debug Information
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.entries                    = Entries
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.file                       = Filename
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.javaVersion                = Java Version
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.packages                   = Packages
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.sealed                     = Sealed
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.size                       = Size                    = GB
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.size.mb                    = MB
+report.dependencies.file.details.column.size.kb                    = kB
+report.dependencies.file.details.columntitle.debuginformation      = Indicates whether these dependencies have been compiled with debug information.
+report.dependencies.file.details.title                             = Dependency File Details                             = Total
+report.dependencies.graph.icon.close                               = [Close]
+report.dependencies.graph.icon.information                         = [Information]
+report.dependencies.graph.tables.licenses                          = Licenses
+report.dependencies.graph.tables.unknown                           = Unknown
+report.dependencies.graph.title                                    = Project Dependency Graph
+report.dependencies.graph.tree.title                               = Dependency Tree
+report.dependencies.intro.compile                                  = The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
+report.dependencies.intro.provided                                 = The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:
+report.dependencies.intro.runtime                                  = The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:
+report.dependencies.intro.system                                   = The following is a list of system dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application:
+report.dependencies.intro.test                                     = The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:                                           = Dependencies
+report.dependencies.nolist                                         = There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone application that does not depend on any other project.
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.artifact.breakdown              = Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.release.disabled           = No
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.release.enabled            = Yes
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.snapshot.disabled          = No
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.snapshot.enabled           = Yes
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.blacklisted.disabled       = No
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.cell.blacklisted.enabled        = Yes
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.artifact                 = Artifact
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.blacklisted              = Blacklisted
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.release                  = Release
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.repoid                   = Repo ID
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.snapshot                 = Snapshot
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.column.url                      = URL
+report.dependencies.repo.locations.title                           = Dependency Repository Locations
+report.dependencies.title                                          = Project Dependencies
+report.dependencies.unnamed                                        = Unnamed
+report.dependencies.transitive.intro                               = The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
+report.dependencies.transitive.nolist                              = No transitive dependencies are required for this project.
+report.dependencies.transitive.title                               = Project Transitive Dependencies
+report.dependency-convergence.convergence.caption                  = Dependencies used in modules
+report.dependency-convergence.convergence.single.caption           = Dependencies used in this project
+report.dependency-convergence.description                          = This document presents the convergence of dependency versions across the entire project, and its sub modules.
+report.dependency-convergence.icon.error                           = [Error]
+report.dependency-convergence.icon.success                         = [Success]
+report.dependency-convergence.legend                               = Legend:
+report.dependency-convergence.legend.different                     = At least one dependency has a differing version of the dependency or has SNAPSHOT dependencies.
+report.dependency-convergence.legend.shared                        = All modules/dependencies share one version of the dependency.                                 = Dependency Convergence                         = Reactor Dependency Convergence
+report.dependency-convergence.reactor.title                        = Reactor Dependency Convergence
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.artifacts                      = Number of unique artifacts (NOA):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.caption                        = Statistics:
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.convergence                    = Convergence (NOD/NOA):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.dependencies                   = Number of dependencies (NOD):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.readyrelease                   = Ready for release (100% convergence and no SNAPSHOTS):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.readyrelease.error             = Error
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.readyrelease.error.convergence = You do not have 100% convergence.
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.readyrelease.error.snapshots   = You have SNAPSHOT dependencies.
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.readyrelease.success           = Success
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.conflicting                    = Number of version-conflicting artifacts (NOC):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.snapshots                      = Number of SNAPSHOT artifacts (NOS):
+report.dependency-convergence.stats.modules                        = Number of modules:
+report.dependency-convergence.title                                = Dependency Convergence                                        = Dependency Information
+report.dependency-info.title                                       = Dependency Information
+report.dependency-info.description                                 = This document describes how to to include this project as a dependency using various dependency management tools.
+report.index.nodescription                                         = There is currently no description associated with this project.
+report.index.title                                                 = About
+report.issue-management.bugzilla.intro                             = This project uses {Bugzilla,}.
+report.issue-management.custom.intro                               = This project uses %issueManagementSystem% to manage its issues.
+report.issue-management.description                                = This document provides information on the issue management system used in this project.
+report.issue-management.general.intro                              = This project uses an issue management system to manage its issues.
+report.issue-management.intro                                      = Issues, bugs, and feature requests should be submitted to the following issue management system for this project.
+report.issue-management.jira.intro                                 = This project uses {JIRA,}.                                       = Issue Management
+report.issue-management.noissueManagement                          = No issue management system is defined. Please check back at a later date.
+report.issue-management.overview.title                             = Overview
+report.issue-management.scarab.intro                               = This project uses {Scarab,}.
+report.issue-management.title                                      = Issue Management
+report.licenses.description                                        = This document lists the project license(s).
+report.licenses.multiple                                           = This project is provided under multiple licenses:                                               = Licenses
+report.licenses.nolicense                                          = No licenses are defined for this project.
+report.licenses.overview.intro                                     = Typically the licenses listed for the project are that of the project itself, and not of dependencies.
+report.licenses.overview.title                                     = Overview
+report.licenses.originalText                                       = [Original text]
+report.licenses.copy                                               = Copy of the license follows:
+report.licenses.title                                              = Project Licenses
+report.licenses.unnamed                                            = Unnamed
+report.mailing-lists.column.archive                                = Archive                                   = Name
+report.mailing-lists.column.otherArchives                          = Other Archives                                   = Post
+report.mailing-lists.column.subscribe                              = Subscribe
+report.mailing-lists.column.unsubscribe                            = Unsubscribe
+report.mailing-lists.description                                   = This document provides subscription and archive information for this project's mailing lists.
+report.mailing-lists.intro                                         = These are the mailing lists that have been established for this project. For each list, there is a subscribe, unsubscribe, and an archive link.                                          = Mailing Lists
+report.mailing-lists.nolist                                        = There are no mailing lists currently associated with this project.
+report.mailing-lists.title                                         = Project Mailing Lists
+report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.cvs.intro                          = For those developers who are stuck behind a corporate firewall, {CVSGrab,} can use the viewcvs web interface to checkout the source code.
+report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.general.intro                      = Refer to the documentation of the SCM used for more information about access behind a firewall.
+report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.svn.intro                          = For those users who are stuck behind a corporate firewall which is blocking HTTP access to the Subversion repository, you can try to access it via the developer connection:
+report.scm.accessbehindfirewall.title                              = Access from Behind a Firewall
+report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro1                          = The Subversion client can go through a proxy, if you configure it to do so. First, edit your "servers" configuration file to indicate which proxy to use. The file's location depends on your operating system. On Linux or Unix it is located in the directory "~/.subversion". On Windows it is in "%APPDATA%\\Subversion". (Try "echo %APPDATA%", note this is a hidden directory.)
+report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro2                          = There are comments in the file explaining what to do. If you don't have that file, get the latest Subversion client and run any command; this will cause the configuration directory and template files to be created.
+report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.svn.intro3                          = Example: Edit the 'servers' file and add something like:
+report.scm.accessthroughtproxy.title                               = Access Through a Proxy
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.cvs.intro                               = This project's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous CVS with the following instruction set. When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.general.intro                           = Refer to the documentation of the SCM used for more information about anonymously check out. The connection url is:
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.git.intro                               = The source can be checked out anonymously from Git with this command (See {,}):
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.hg.intro                                = The source can be checked out anonymously from Mercurial with this command (See {,}):
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.svn.intro                               = The source can be checked out anonymously from Subversion with this command:
+report.scm.anonymousaccess.title                                   = Anonymous Access
+report.scm.clearcase.intro                                         = This project uses {ClearCase,} to manage its source code. Informations on ClearCase use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.cvs.intro                                               = This project uses {Concurrent Versions System,} to manage its source code. Instructions on CVS use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.description                                             = This document lists ways to access the online source repository.
+report.scm.devaccess.clearcase.intro                               = Only project developers can access the ClearCase tree via this method. Substitute username with the proper value.
+report.scm.devaccess.cvs.intro                                     = Only project developers can access the CVS tree via this method. Substitute username with the proper value.
+report.scm.devaccess.general.intro                                 = Refer to the documentation of the SCM used for more information about developer check out. The connection url is:
+report.scm.devaccess.git.intro                                     = Only project developers can access the Git tree via this method (See {,}).
+report.scm.devaccess.hg.intro                                      = Only project developers can access the Mercurial tree via this method (See {,}).
+report.scm.devaccess.perforce.intro                                = Only project developers can access the Perforce tree via this method. Substitute username and password with the proper values.
+report.scm.devaccess.starteam.intro                                = Only project developers can access the Starteam tree via this method. Substitute username with the proper value.
+report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.https                              = Everyone can access the Subversion repository via HTTP, but committers must checkout the Subversion repository via HTTPS.
+report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.other                              = Committers must checkout the Subversion repository.
+report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.svn                                = Committers must checkout the Subversion repository via SVN.
+report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro1.svnssh                             = Committers must checkout the Subversion repository via SVN+SSH.
+report.scm.devaccess.svn.intro2                                    = To commit changes to the repository, execute the following command to commit your changes (svn will prompt you for your password):
+report.scm.devaccess.title                                         = Developer Access
+report.scm.general.intro                                           = This project uses a source code management system to manage its source code.                                                    = Source Code Management
+report.scm.noscm                                                   = No source configuration management system is defined. Please check back at a later date.
+report.scm.overview.title                                          = Overview
+report.scm.git.intro                                               = This project uses {Git,} to manage its source code. Instructions on Git use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.hg.intro                                                = This project uses {Mercurial,} to manage its source code. Instructions on Mercurial use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.perforce.intro                                          = This project uses {Perforce,} to manage its source code. Instructions on Perforce use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.starteam.intro                                          = This project uses {Starteam,} to manage its source code.
+report.scm.svn.intro                                               = This project uses {Subversion,} to manage its source code. Instructions on Subversion use can be found at {,}.
+report.scm.title                                                   = Source Code Management
+report.scm.webaccess.nourl                                         = There is no browsable version of the source code repository listed for this project. Please check back again later.
+report.scm.webaccess.title                                         = Web Browser Access
+report.scm.webaccess.url                                           = The following is a link to a browsable version of the source repository:                                    = ArtifactId                                       = GroupId                                   = Java Version                                         = Build Information                                          = Type                                       = Version
+report.summary.description                                         = This document lists other related information of this project
+report.summary.field                                               = Field
+report.summary.general.description                                 = Description
+report.summary.general.homepage                                    = Homepage                                        = Name
+report.summary.general.title                                       = Project Information                                                = Summary                                   = Name
+report.summary.organization.title                                  = Project Organization
+report.summary.organization.url                                    = URL
+report.summary.noorganization                                      = This project does not belong to an organization.
+report.summary.title                                               = Project Summary
+report.summary.value                                               = Value                                            = Download                                = Actual Time (GMT)                                     = Email                                     = The following additional people have contributed to this project through the way of suggestions, patches or documentation.                                     = Image                                      = Name                              = Organization                           = Organization URL                                = Properties                                     = Roles                                  = Time Zone                                     = Contributors                                       = URL                                            = This document provides information on the members of this project. These are the individuals who have contributed to the project in one form or another.                                  = Actual Time (GMT)                                       = Email                                       = Image                                          = Id                                       = The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.                                        = Name                                = Organization                             = Organization URL                                  = Properties                                       = Roles                                    = Time Zone                                       = Members                                         = URL                                     = A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.                                     = The project team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.                                            = Project Team                                                   = Team                                          = There are no contributors listed for this project. Please check back again later.                                            = There are no developers working on this project.                                                  = Project Team                                  = Dependency Management
+report.dependency-management.description                           = This document lists the dependencies that are defined through dependencyManagement.
+report.dependency-management.title                                 = Project Dependency Management
+report.dependency-management.nolist                                = There are no dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project.
+report.dependency-management.column.groupId                        = GroupId
+report.dependency-management.column.artifactId                     = ArtifactId
+report.dependency-management.column.version                        = Version
+report.dependency-management.column.classifier                     = Classifier
+report.dependency-management.column.type                           = Type
+report.dependency-management.column.license                        = License
+report.dependency-management.intro.compile                         = The following is a list of compile dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies are used widely across many streams modules:
+report.dependency-management.intro.provided                        = The following is a list of provided dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile the submodule, but should be provided by default when using the library:
+report.dependency-management.intro.runtime                         = The following is a list of runtime dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to run the submodule:
+report.dependency-management.intro.system                          = The following is a list of system dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile the submodule:
+report.dependency-management.intro.test                            = The following is a list of test dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile and run unit tests for the submodule:
+report.plugin-management.nolist                                    = There are no plugins defined in the PluginManagement part of this project.                                      = Plugin Management
+report.plugin-management.description                               = This document lists the plugins that are defined through pluginManagement.
+report.plugin-management.title                                     = Project Plugin Management                                                = Plugins
+report.plugins.description                                         = This document lists the build plugins and the report plugins used by this project.
+report.plugins.title                                               = Project Plugins                                         = Project Build Plugins                                        = Project Report Plugins
+report.plugins.nolist                                              = There are no plugins defined in the Build part of this project.                                       = There are no plugins reports defined in the Reporting part of this project.
+report.modules.nolist                                              = There are no modules declared in this project.                                                = Project Modules
+report.modules.description                                         = This document lists the modules (sub-projects) of this project.
+report.modules.title                                               = Project Modules
+report.modules.intro                                               = This project has declared the following modules:                                         = Name
+report.modules.header.description                                  = Description                                = Distribution Management
+report.distribution-management.description                         = This document provides informations on the distribution management of this project.
+report.distribution-management.title                               = Project Distribution Management
+report.distribution-management.nodistributionmanagement            = No distribution management is defined for this project.
+report.distribution-management.overview.title                      = Overview
+report.distribution-management.overview.intro                      = The following is the distribution management information used by this project.
+report.distribution-management.downloadURL                         = Download URL
+report.distribution-management.repository                          = Repository
+report.distribution-management.snapshotRepository                  = Snapshot Repository                                = Site
+report.distribution-management.relocation                          = Relocation
+report.distribution-management.field                               = Field
+report.distribution-management.value                               = Value
+report.distribution-management.relocation.groupid                  = GroupId
+report.distribution-management.relocation.artifactid               = ArtifactId
+report.distribution-management.relocation.version                  = Version
+report.distribution-management.relocation.message                  = Message
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+## Architecture
+Apache Streams consists of a loosely coupled set of modules with specific capabilities, such as:
+ - collecting data.
+ - transforming or filter data
+ - storing and retrieving documents and metadata from databases
+ - binding streams components to other systems
+ - facilitating starting and stopping of streams.
+#### Modules
+Each module has it's own POM and dependency tree.  Each stream deployment needs to import only the modules it needs for what it wants to do.
+#### Schemas
+Streams also contains libraries and patterns for specifying document schemas, converting documents to and from ActivityStreams format, and generating source and resource files for binding to data objects in those formats.
+#### Pipelines
+A Pipeline is a set of collection, processing, and storage components structured in a directed graph (cycles may be permitted) which is packaged, deployed, started, and stopped together.
+#### Runtimes
+A Runtime is a module containing bindings that help setup and run a pipeline.  Runtimes may submit pipeline binaries to an existing cluster, or may launch the process(es) to execute the stream directly.  
+### Example
+A standard usage of Apache Streams is to collect, normalize, and archive activity across multiple networks.
+###### Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
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+Apache Streams (incubating)
+Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
+        Release Notes - Streams - Version 0.4
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-121</a>] -         InstagramTimelineProvider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-217</a>] -         Delete unneeded Configurator classes
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-73</a>] -         Interfaces
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-132</a>] -         RegexUtils does not ensure that content is non-null
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-151</a>] -         Refactor Facebook Provider to have continuous AND finite mode
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-159</a>] -         Add facebook page feed provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-177</a>] -         new NPE in LinkResolver causing surefire to fail
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-258</a>] -         Prevent signing of .asc, .m5, and .sha1 artifacts
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-391</a>] -         streams-provider-dropwizard exceptions in test logs
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-405</a>] -         Link to src/site/markdown/ in is broken
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-407</a>] -         add DateTimeSerializers for formats safely, don't crash if invalid
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-414</a>] -         Incorrect Documentation 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-436</a>] -         Put a timeout on all Provider Integration Tests 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-437</a>] -         DatumFromMetadataProcessorIT failing during 0.4 release
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-446</a>] -         RAT check fails in prep for 0.4-incubating release
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-447</a>] -         Scala-plugin failures in prep for 0.4-incubating release
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-127</a>] -         JsonSchema Replication in Datasift provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-160</a>] -         Embed original source provider pojos inside datasift pojos if possible
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-186</a>] -         Platform-level 'detectConfiguration'
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-399</a>] -         Add any missing fields to tweet.json
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-400</a>] -         streams-persist-elasticsearch : bump to version 2.x
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-403</a>] -         Ensure all providers function stand-alone
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-404</a>] -         Integration Test for FsElasticsearchIndex
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-411</a>] -         ability (and instructions on how) to run providers directly from console
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-413</a>] -         Update dependency and plugin versions - Q4 2016
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-425</a>] -         better tracking completion in multi-threaded providers
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-426</a>] -         streams-persist-mongo : test with docker
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-427</a>] -         Support any jackson-compatible class as valid input to base converters and provider converters
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-428</a>] -         Update example markdown on website 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-429</a>] -         fix failing tests in streams-plugins
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-430</a>] -         update jenkins to run advanced integration testing
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-431</a>] -         Remove streams.util.RegexUtils
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-432</a>] -         Update to Java 8
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-433</a>] -         Upgrade maven and jenkins to build with jdk8
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-434</a>] -         Delete CustomDateTimeFormat which is not used anywhere
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-435</a>] -         remove incubator-streams-master-pom.xml
+<h2>        New Feature
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-213</a>] -         Publish jsonschemas to a web-accessible URL when jenkins builds snapshot and releases
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-389</a>] -         Support generation of scala source from jsonschemas
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-398</a>] -         Support generation of hive table definitions from jsonschema
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-418</a>] -         Flink twitter example(s)
+<h2>        Story
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-51</a>] -         Complete, test, and document tika processor
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-297</a>] -         Create RssLinkProvider
+<h2>        Task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-203</a>] -         Update GooglePlus TypeConverter to handle Post Activities
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-316</a>] -         add \u201capache\u2019 to the artifact name
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-408</a>] -         Check package names and run instructions of modules in streams-examples/local
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-409</a>] -         the copyright year in the NOTICE files need to be updated for 2016. 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-410</a>] -         Delete any modules which have been removed from reactor from master branch
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-416</a>] -         Delete defunct or not-implemented provider modules
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-417</a>] -         Collect example AS 2.0 object and activity documents to use in test cases
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-419</a>] -         reboot: cleanup git branches and tags 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-421</a>] -         Delete defunct or not-implemented runtime modules
+<h2>        Test
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-415</a>] -         Proof of concept integration test that pulls actual data from generator
+        Release Notes - Streams - Version 0.3
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-122</a>] -         Build appropriate serializer classes
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-198</a>] -         Deprecate DatumCountable
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-231</a>] -         Basic Neo4j graph persistence
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-310</a>] -         incubator-streams-examples rat plugin
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-158</a>] -         Sysomos Processor exceptions result in failed processor thread
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-220</a>] -         FacebookPostSerializer is broken
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-223</a>] -         streams-monitoring exception when streamConfig not set
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-227</a>] -         Array out of bounds Exception running FacebookTypeConverter
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-229</a>] -         GooglePlus TypeConverter needs to be able to accommodate String datums
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-230</a>] -         Broadcast Monitor doesn't start in all cases
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-236</a>] -         AbstractRegexExtensionExtractor should not allow duplicate entities
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-260</a>] -         FacebookPageFeedDataCollector should handle backoff strategy correctly
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-264</a>] -         LinkExpansion Tests are depending on (non-existent) external resources
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-311</a>] -         TwitterUserInformationProvider stalls with > 20 items provided
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-337</a>] -         WebHdfsPersistReader/Writer should allow user-specified file encoding
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-338</a>] -         Runtime exceptions caught by LocalStreamBuilder aren't logged
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-346</a>] -         persist-hdfs: unnecessary port config causes failure when reading from local filesystem
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-347</a>] -         persist-hdfs: incorrectly escapes output when write called on a json String
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-354</a>] -         pojo.json.Collection.totalItems should be an integer
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-355</a>] -         WebHdfsPersistReader should be serializable
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-356</a>] -         Metadata missing in StreamsDatum constructors and toString
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-357</a>] -         Streams can shutdown before starting if providers haven't started yet when runtime first checks run status
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-358</a>] -         Refreshing indexes in EsPW.cleanUp can result in streams not terminating
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-374</a>] -         Fix ActivityConverterUtil detectClasses(document) exception handling
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-377</a>] -         can't create different LineReadWriteUtils 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-380</a>] -         Media_Link should be serializable
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-382</a>] -         Media_Link width and height should be integers, not floats
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-386</a>] -         Clean up streams-pojo jsonschemas to ensure all beans are serialiazable
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-395</a>] -         incubator-streams-examples COMPILATION ERROR
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-126</a>] -         StreamsLocalBuilder should look for provider timeout in typesafe config
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-191</a>] -         Streams implement use of throughput queues
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-226</a>] -         Consolidate all stream-wide configuration
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-279</a>] -         Create Youtube User/Channel provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-294</a>] -         Allow for custom setting of QueueSize, BatchSize, and ScrollTimeout
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-308</a>] -         Update readme and website to recommend latest version of JDK
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-313</a>] -         Performant Off-line Neo4j GraphPersistWriter
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-320</a>] -         Update release documentation to cover build and deploy of mvn site to svn
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-321</a>] -         Add HOCON Converter support for input object not at root node
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-322</a>] -         Support gzipped files in WebHdfsReader
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-324</a>] -         clean up example poms
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-325</a>] -         Configure monitoring via typesafe 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-326</a>] -         Bump hadoop version in streams-persist-hdfs
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-328</a>] -         StreamsJacksonMapper should omit null/empty fields when serializing
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-329</a>] -         Processor to derive required ES metadata from standard fields
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-330</a>] -         make TwitterErrorHandler respect the Twitter4j RateLimitStatus reset time
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-332</a>] -         Restore ability to test data conversions on flat files during build
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-333</a>] -         ElasticsearchPersistUpdater should set parent+routing when available
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-335</a>] -         Publish schema and configuration resources to maven site pages
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-336</a>] -         consolidate common pom sections to streams-master
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-339</a>] -         incorporate defined extension fields for activities and actors into pojos
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-342</a>] -         Expose convertResultToString and processLine as public methods
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-343</a>] -         Make SerializationUtil spark-compatible
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-348</a>] -         Add get/set methods for StreamsConfiguration to Builder interface
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-350</a>] -         provider-twitter: derive baseURL from configuration
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-353</a>] -         Support removal of 'extensions' from document path structure
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-361</a>] -         Persist Reader/Writer for Amazon Kinesis
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-362</a>] -         Make shutdown timers in local runtime fully configurable
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-363</a>] -         upgrade persist-s3 to match persist-hdfs features
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-364</a>] -         Allow resolution of typesafe/stream config from url in stream-config
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-368</a>] -         Add String getId() to StreamsOperation
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-370</a>] -         Support arbitrary labels in streams-persist-graph
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-371</a>] -         Allow use of ids endpoints in TwitterFollowingProvider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-373</a>] -         Allow specification of 'maximum_items' in twitter providers
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-375</a>] -         Override component configuration when valid beans supplied by runtime as prepare args
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-376</a>] -         When twitter providers fail authentication, log the ID that could not be accessed.
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-378</a>] -         incompatibility between streams binaries and spark 1.5
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-381</a>] -         streams-provider-twitter: User can contain a Status
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-383</a>] -         register DefaultScalaModule in StreamsJacksonMapper
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-387</a>] -         Default behavior of streams-pojo-extensions: use additionalProperties directly
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-390</a>] -         Eliminate dependency and plugin warnings from build 
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-392</a>] -         Centralized logging configuration for maven build
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-393</a>] -         Switch any usage of System.out and System.err to slf4j
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-397</a>] -         streams-provider-youtube test failure in jenkins
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-401</a>] -         Refresh Streams Website
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-406</a>] -         Bring streams-master markdown files into compliance with rat plugin
+<h2>        New Feature
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-120</a>] -         Implement, Document, and Test Instagram Provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-221</a>] -         Simple HTTP Persist Writer
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-222</a>] -         Simple HTTP Webhook Provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-290</a>] -         Example: local/twitter-userstream-elasticsearch
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-292</a>] -         Example: local/twitter-history-elasticsearch
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-295</a>] -         Example - elasticsearch-hdfs
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-302</a>] -         Example: local/twitter-follow-graph
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-385</a>] -         ActivityObjectConverter
+<h2>        Story
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-43</a>] -         Complete, test, and document g+ provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-44</a>] -         Complete, test, and document sysomos provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-46</a>] -         Complete, test, and document facebook API provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-261</a>] -         Create Facebook Bio Collector/Provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-272</a>] -         Create a Youtube Post Provider
+<h2>        Task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-123</a>] -         Add twitter specific link handling for datasift
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-202</a>] -         Create Google Plus Deserializer and TypeConverter
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-274</a>] -         Create a YoutubeTypeConverter and serializer
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-280</a>] -         Add ability to get a final document count from the Sysomos Provider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-298</a>] -         Ensure jcl-over-slf4j bridge is included where necessary
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-317</a>] -         release a .tar.gz artefact as well as a .zip
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-318</a>] -         remove test files whose license may not be compatible with an Apache release (google-gplus)
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-319</a>] -         update &lt;developer&gt; info in the pom with active contributors
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-331</a>] -         Set up build of master and pull requested branches on
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-334</a>] -         version bump datasift module to remove boundary repo dependency
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-351</a>] -         add A2 license to site.xml files
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-359</a>] -         copy streams-master pom into streams-project as CI workaround
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-372</a>] -         Support deploy to snapshot repo by CI
+<h2>        Test
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-208</a>] -         Integration Testing capability and reference Integration Test
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-384</a>] -         TestLinkUnwinderProcessor.test404Link is failing
+        Release Notes - Streams - Version 0.2
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-275</a>] -         ActivityConverterProcessor should apply reflection mode when configuration is not provided
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-277</a>] -         Upgrade streams-provider-twitter to work with reflection-based conversion
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-305</a>] -         Add missing AL
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-306</a>] -         Intermittent test failures
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-307</a>] -         Release test-jar packaging
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-309</a>] -         incubator-streams-examples site plugin
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-312</a>] -         Remove test resources without clear licensing and ignore tests that require them
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-155</a>] -         Build hadoop modules with Apache artifacts
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-200</a>] -         StreamsProcessorTask ignores any processing
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-225</a>] -         Streams need to remove any of their JMX beans on shutdown/cleanup
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-243</a>] -         S3 Persist Writer does not flush or shutdown on stream shutdown
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-263</a>] -         FacebookTypeConverter should be able to handle Facebook Pages
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-266</a>] -         some classes/tests are using the wrong NotImplementedException
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-278</a>] -         Rework pig runtime as part of switch from 'Serializer' to 'Converter'
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-281</a>] -         enable BroadcastMessagePersister
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-288</a>] -         StreamsJacksonModule should not scan for DateTimeFormats by default
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-296</a>] -         Local Runtime doesn't allow persist writers enough time to flush and close during shutdown
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-299</a>] -         Sysomos Provider uses dev API URL
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-147</a>] -         Platform-level type conversion
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-201</a>] -         Util function to remove all MXBeans for tests
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-214</a>] -         Create, test, and document file-backed persistance module
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-271</a>] -         suggest increasing JVM heap in readme
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-273</a>] -         Support POST endpoints in streams-http
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-284</a>] -         Read/write parent IDs in streams-persist-elasticsearch
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-285</a>] -         Add all objectTypes in spec to streams-pojo
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-286</a>] -         Add all verbs in spec to streams-pojo
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-293</a>] -         allow for missing metadata fields in streams-persist-hdfs
+<h2>        New Feature
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-235</a>] -         TwitterFollowingProvider
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-259</a>] -         Filter a stream of Activities for specific verbs and objectTypes
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-283</a>] -         Logstash-friendly monitoring
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-287</a>] -         Example: local/elasticsearch-reindex
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-289</a>] -         Example: local/mongo-elasticsearch-sync
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-301</a>] -         streams-converters: HOCON Converter
+<h2>        Story
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-47</a>] -         Complete, test, and document mongo persist
+<h2>        Task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-95</a>] -         TwitterProfileProcessor needs to send a user ID in each StreamsDatum
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-304</a>] -         Perform 0.2-incubating release
+        Release Notes - Streams - Version 0.1
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-212</a>] -         Generic Type Converter Processor
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-215</a>] -         Add method to StreamsConfigurator to return Serializable config given a Typesafe Config
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-218</a>] -         Generic Activity Converter Processor
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-241</a>] -         Reflection-based StreamsJacksonMapper
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-245</a>] -         Clean-up root POM
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-246</a>] -         Clean-up module POMs
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-247</a>] -         Clean-up READMEs
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-248</a>] -         Bring website content in-line with released capabilities.
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-249</a>] -         Javadoc plugin
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-250</a>] -         Prepare release notes
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-251</a>] -         Dry-run release process, review artifacts, update documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-254</a>] -         Resolve rat plugin failures
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-255</a>] -         Merge streams-master into streams-project
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-256</a>] -         streams-components-all version doesn't bump during release
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-267</a>] -         .gitignore eclipse workspace files
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-268</a>] -         remove streams-web from master
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-269</a>] -         maven-remote-resources-plugin using SNAPSHOT resource-bundles
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-167</a>] -         TwitterConfigurator doesn't properly create TwitterUserInfoConfiguration from hocon
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-219</a>] -         src/main/resource files are being created by build
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-252</a>] -         Monitor Executor Service in LocalStreamBuilder needs to be Flexible
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-262</a>] -         jars in runner folder of source release
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-265</a>] -         some jar artifacts from 0.1-rc1 did not contain DISCLAIMER
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-68</a>] -         ActivitySerializer should be ActivityConverter
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-143</a>] -         Allow modules to get instances of StreamsJacksonMapper that can process additional DateTime formats
+<li>[<a href=''>STREAMS-244</a>] -         Prepare for 0.1 release
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+### Concepts
+Components are the classes that do stuff within a stream.  Components are assembled into pipelines and executed using a runtime.  There are several core types of Components, each using a specific java interface:
+A Provider is a component that *provides* data to the stream from external systems.
+A Processor is a component that *processes* data flowing through the stream - transformations, filters, and enrichments are common processors.
+A PersistWriter is a component that *writes* data exiting the stream.
+A PersistReader is a component that *reads* data, often previously written by a PersistWriter.
+A Schema defines the expected shape of the documents that will passed from step to step within a stream.  Defining the schema for a type of document allows source files and resource files to be generated by the build process, relieving your team of the need to maintain these files by hand.
+Schemas can include other schemas, whether in the same repo or available via HTTP, allowing for full or partial reuse within or across organizations.
+A Datum is a single piece of data within a stream.  A datum typically has an identifier, a timestamp, a document (which may be any java object), and additional metadata kept apart from the document related to upstream or downstream processing..
+Apache Streams has a preference for ActivityStreams formatted messages.  These messages may be passed using the 'Activity' class or one of it's sub-classes.  
+An activity has several sub-object fields:
+ - actor (required)
+ - object (optional)
+ - target (optional)
+ - generator (optional)
+ - provider (optional)
+Streams containing details of actors, objects, etc... may be created using the 'ActivityObject' class or one of it's sub-classes.  
+A Pipeline is a set of collection, processing, and storage components structured in a directed graph (cycles may be permitted) which is packaged, deployed, started, and stopped together.
+A Runtime is a module containing bindings that help setup and run a pipeline.  Runtimes may submit pipeline binaries to an existing cluster, or may launch the process(es) to execute the stream directly.  
+###### Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/credentials/ b/src/site/markdown/credentials/
new file mode 100644
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+## Twitter Credentials
+Create a local file `twitter.oauth.conf` with valid twitter credentials
+    twitter {
+      oauth {
+        consumerKey = ""
+        consumerSecret = ""
+        accessToken = ""
+        accessTokenSecret = ""
+      }
+    }
+Log into
+Visit and create an application.
+Select your application and click into 'Keys and Access Tokens'
+The consumerKey and consumerSecret are application-wide.
+The accessToken and accessTokenSecret are per-user.
+###### Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
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+##Dependency Info
+This project uses [Maven]( "Maven") for dependency management.
+Below are some examples of how to import Streams artifacts into your project.
+Please note that your project should import multiple artifacts corresponding to the Components in your stream(s) and the Runtime used to execute your stream(s).
+You should *not* import streams-master (depicted below), because it does not do anything interesting.
+Browse the "Project Modules" index of streams-project to find artifacts you might want to import.
+[streams-project-modules]( "")
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Apache_Maven"></a>Apache Maven</h3><a name="Apache_Maven"></a>
+<div class="source">
+<pre class="prettyprint">&lt;dependency&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.streams&lt;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;streams-master&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;type&gt;pom&lt;/type&gt;
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Apache_Buildr"></a>Apache Buildr</h3><a name="Apache_Buildr"></a>
+<div class="source">
+<pre class="prettyprint">'org.apache.streams:streams-master:pom:0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT'</pre>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Apache_Ivy"></a>Apache Ivy</h3><a name="Apache_Ivy"></a>
+<div class="source">
+<pre class="prettyprint">&lt;dependency org=&quot;org.apache.streams&quot; name=&quot;streams-master&quot; rev=&quot;0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT&quot;&gt;
+  &lt;artifact name=&quot;streams-master&quot; type=&quot;pom&quot; /&gt;
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Groovy_Grape"></a>Groovy Grape</h3><a name="Groovy_Grape"></a>
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">@Grapes(
+@Grab(group='org.apache.streams', module='streams-master', version='0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT')
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Gradle"></a>Gradle</h3><a name="Gradle"></a>
+<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint">compile 'org.apache.streams:streams-master:0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT'</pre>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Leiningen"></a>Leiningen</h3><a name="Leiningen"></a>
+<div class="source">
+<pre class="prettyprint">[org.apache.streams/streams-master &quot;0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT&quot;]</pre>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="SBT"></a>SBT</h3><a name="SBT"></a>
+<div class="source">
+<pre class="prettyprint">libraryDependencies += &quot;org.apache.streams&quot; % &quot;streams-master&quot; % &quot;0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT&quot;</pre>
+###### Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/site/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## Downloads
+All downloads can be verified using Apache Streams code signing.
+| Artifact | Version | Source | asc | md5 | sha1 |
+| streams-master | 0.4.1-incubating | <a class="externalLink" href="">zip</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">asc</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">sha1</a> |
+| streams-project | 0.4.1-incubating | <a class="externalLink" href="">zip</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">asc</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">sha1</a> |
+| streams-examples | 0.4.1-incubating | <a class="externalLink" href="">zip</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">asc</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a> | <a class="externalLink" href="">sha1</a> |
+###### Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -