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[34/51] [abbrv] [partial] couchdb-nmo git commit: Remove node_modules from repo
diff --git a/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js b/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6667297..0000000
--- a/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1731 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
-  , inherits = require('util').inherits
-  , getSingleProperty = require('./utils').getSingleProperty
-  , shallowClone = require('./utils').shallowClone
-  , parseIndexOptions = require('./utils').parseIndexOptions
-  , debugOptions = require('./utils').debugOptions
-  , CommandCursor = require('./command_cursor')
-  , handleCallback = require('./utils').handleCallback
-  , toError = require('./utils').toError
-  , ReadPreference = require('./read_preference')
-  , f = require('util').format
-  , Admin = require('./admin')
-  , Code = require('mongodb-core').BSON.Code
-  , CoreReadPreference = require('mongodb-core').ReadPreference
-  , MongoError = require('mongodb-core').MongoError
-  , ObjectID = require('mongodb-core').ObjectID
-  , Define = require('./metadata')
-  , Logger = require('mongodb-core').Logger
-  , Collection = require('./collection')
-  , crypto = require('crypto');
-var debugFields = ['authSource', 'w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'native_parser', 'forceServerObjectId'
-  , 'serializeFunctions', 'raw', 'promoteLongs', 'bufferMaxEntries', 'numberOfRetries', 'retryMiliSeconds'
-  , 'readPreference', 'pkFactory'];
- * @fileOverview The **Db** class is a class that represents a MongoDB Database.
- *
- * @example
- * var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient,
- *   test = require('assert');
- * // Connection url
- * var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
- * // Connect using MongoClient
- * MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
- *   // Get an additional db
- *   var testDb = db.db('test');
- *   db.close();
- * });
- */
- * Creates a new Db instance
- * @class
- * @param {string} databaseName The name of the database this instance represents.
- * @param {(Server|ReplSet|Mongos)} topology The server topology for the database.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {string} [options.authSource=null] If the database authentication is dependent on another databaseName.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {boolean} [options.native_parser=true] Select C++ bson parser instead of JavaScript parser.
- * @param {boolean} [options.forceServerObjectId=false] Force server to assign _id values instead of driver.
- * @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
- * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
- * @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
- * @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Promotes Long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution.
- * @param {number} [options.bufferMaxEntries=-1] Sets a cap on how many operations the driver will buffer up before giving up on getting a working connection, default is -1 which is unlimited.
- * @param {number} [options.numberOfRetries=5] Number of times a tailable cursor will re-poll when it gets nothing back.
- * @param {number} [options.retryMiliSeconds=500] Number of milliseconds between retries.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {object} [options.pkFactory=null] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
- * @param {object} [options.promiseLibrary=null] A Promise library class the application wishes to use such as Bluebird, must be ES6 compatible
- * @param {object} [options.readConcern=null] Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
- * @param {object} [options.readConcern.level='local'] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations, one of [local|majority]. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
- * @property {(Server|ReplSet|Mongos)} serverConfig Get the current db topology.
- * @property {number} bufferMaxEntries Current bufferMaxEntries value for the database
- * @property {string} databaseName The name of the database this instance represents.
- * @property {object} options The options associated with the db instance.
- * @property {boolean} native_parser The current value of the parameter native_parser.
- * @property {boolean} slaveOk The current slaveOk value for the db instance.
- * @property {object} writeConcern The current write concern values.
- * @fires Db#close
- * @fires Db#authenticated
- * @fires Db#reconnect
- * @fires Db#error
- * @fires Db#timeout
- * @fires Db#parseError
- * @fires Db#fullsetup
- * @return {Db} a Db instance.
- */
-var Db = function(databaseName, topology, options) {
-  options = options || {};
-  if(!(this instanceof Db)) return new Db(databaseName, topology, options);
-  var self = this;
-  // Get the promiseLibrary
-  var promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary;
-  // No promise library selected fall back
-  if(!promiseLibrary) {
-    promiseLibrary = typeof global.Promise == 'function' ?
-      global.Promise : require('es6-promise').Promise;
-  }
-  // Ensure we put the promiseLib in the options
-  options.promiseLibrary = promiseLibrary;
-  // var self = this;  // Internal state of the db object
-  this.s = {
-    // Database name
-      databaseName: databaseName
-    // DbCache
-    , dbCache: {}
-    // Children db's
-    , children: []
-    // Topology
-    , topology: topology
-    // Options
-    , options: options
-    // Logger instance
-    , logger: Logger('Db', options)
-    // Get the bson parser
-    , bson: topology ? topology.bson : null
-    // Authsource if any
-    , authSource: options.authSource
-    // Unpack read preference
-    , readPreference: options.readPreference
-    // Set buffermaxEntries
-    , bufferMaxEntries: typeof options.bufferMaxEntries == 'number' ? options.bufferMaxEntries : -1
-    // Parent db (if chained)
-    , parentDb: options.parentDb || null
-    // Set up the primary key factory or fallback to ObjectID
-    , pkFactory: options.pkFactory || ObjectID
-    // Get native parser
-    , nativeParser: options.nativeParser || options.native_parser
-    // Promise library
-    , promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary
-    // No listener
-    , noListener: typeof options.noListener == 'boolean' ? options.noListener : false
-    // ReadConcern
-    , readConcern: options.readConcern
-  }
-  // Ensure we have a valid db name
-  validateDatabaseName(self.s.databaseName);
-  // If we have specified the type of parser
-  if(typeof self.s.nativeParser == 'boolean') {
-    if(self.s.nativeParser) {
-      topology.setBSONParserType("c++");
-    } else {
-      topology.setBSONParserType("js");
-    }
-  }
-  // Add a read Only property
-  getSingleProperty(this, 'serverConfig', self.s.topology);
-  getSingleProperty(this, 'bufferMaxEntries', self.s.bufferMaxEntries);
-  getSingleProperty(this, 'databaseName', self.s.databaseName);
-  // Last ismaster
-  Object.defineProperty(this, 'options', {
-    enumerable:true,
-    get: function() { return self.s.options; }
-  });
-  // Last ismaster
-  Object.defineProperty(this, 'native_parser', {
-    enumerable:true,
-    get: function() { return self.s.topology.parserType() == 'c++'; }
-  });
-  // Last ismaster
-  Object.defineProperty(this, 'slaveOk', {
-    enumerable:true,
-    get: function() {
-      if(self.s.options.readPreference != null
-        && (self.s.options.readPreference != 'primary' || self.s.options.readPreference.mode != 'primary')) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-  });
-  Object.defineProperty(this, 'writeConcern', {
-    enumerable:true,
-    get: function() {
-      var ops = {};
-      if(self.s.options.w != null) ops.w = self.s.options.w;
-      if(self.s.options.j != null) ops.j = self.s.options.j;
-      if(self.s.options.fsync != null) ops.fsync = self.s.options.fsync;
-      if(self.s.options.wtimeout != null) ops.wtimeout = self.s.options.wtimeout;
-      return ops;
-    }
-  });
-  // This is a child db, do not register any listeners
-  if(options.parentDb) return;
-  if(this.s.noListener) return;
-  // Add listeners
-  topology.on('error', createListener(self, 'error', self));
-  topology.on('timeout', createListener(self, 'timeout', self));
-  topology.on('close', createListener(self, 'close', self));
-  topology.on('parseError', createListener(self, 'parseError', self));
-  topology.once('open', createListener(self, 'open', self));
-  topology.once('fullsetup', createListener(self, 'fullsetup', self));
-  topology.once('all', createListener(self, 'all', self));
-  topology.on('reconnect', createListener(self, 'reconnect', self));
-inherits(Db, EventEmitter);
-var define = Db.define = new Define('Db', Db, false);
- * The callback format for the method
- * @callback Db~openCallback
- * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
- * @param {Db} db The Db instance if the open method was successful.
- */
-// Internal method
-var open = function(self, callback) {
-  self.s.topology.connect(self, self.s.options, function(err, topology) {
-    if(callback == null) return;
-    var internalCallback = callback;
-    callback == null;
-    if(err) {
-      self.close();
-      return internalCallback(err);
-    }
-    internalCallback(null, self);
-  });
- * Open the database
- * @method
- * @param {Db~openCallback} [callback] Callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */ = function(callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  // We provided a callback leg
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return open(self, callback);
-  // Return promise
-  return new self.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    open(self, function(err, db) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(db);
-    })
-  });
-define.classMethod('open', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * The callback format for results
- * @callback Db~resultCallback
- * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
- * @param {object} result The result object if the command was executed successfully.
- */
-var executeCommand = function(self, command, options, callback) {
-  var dbName = options.dbName || options.authdb || self.s.databaseName;
-  // If we have a readPreference set
-  if(options.readPreference == null && self.s.readPreference) {
-    options.readPreference = self.s.readPreference;
-  }
-  // Convert the readPreference
-  if(options.readPreference && typeof options.readPreference == 'string') {
-    options.readPreference = new CoreReadPreference(options.readPreference);
-  } else if(options.readPreference instanceof ReadPreference) {
-    options.readPreference = new CoreReadPreference(options.readPreference.mode
-      , options.readPreference.tags);
-  }
-  // Debug information
-  if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) self.s.logger.debug(f('executing command %s against %s with options [%s]'
-    , JSON.stringify(command), f('%s.$cmd', dbName), JSON.stringify(debugOptions(debugFields, options))));
-  // Execute command
-  self.s.topology.command(f('%s.$cmd', dbName), command, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, result.result);
-  });
- * Execute a command
- * @method
- * @param {object} command The command hash
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {number} [options.maxTimeMS=null] Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.command = function(command, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  // Change the callback
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  // Clone the options
-  options = shallowClone(options);
-  // Do we have a callback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return executeCommand(self, command, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    executeCommand(self, command, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('command', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * The callback format for results
- * @callback Db~noResultCallback
- * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
- * @param {null} result Is not set to a value
- */
- * Close the db and it's underlying connections
- * @method
- * @param {boolean} force Force close, emitting no events
- * @param {Db~noResultCallback} [callback] The result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.close = function(force, callback) {
-  if(typeof force == 'function') callback = force, force = false;
-  this.s.topology.close(force);
-  var self = this;
-  // Fire close event if any listeners
-  if(this.listeners('close').length > 0) {
-    this.emit('close');
-    // If it's the top level db emit close on all children
-    if(this.parentDb == null) {
-      // Fire close on all children
-      for(var i = 0; i < this.s.children.length; i++) {
-        this.s.children[i].emit('close');
-      }
-    }
-    // Remove listeners after emit
-    self.removeAllListeners('close');
-  }
-  // Close parent db if set
-  if(this.s.parentDb) this.s.parentDb.close();
-  // Callback after next event loop tick
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return process.nextTick(function() {
-    handleCallback(callback, null);
-  })
-  // Return dummy promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    resolve();
-  });
-define.classMethod('close', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Return the Admin db instance
- * @method
- * @return {Admin} return the new Admin db instance
- */
-Db.prototype.admin = function() {
-  return new Admin(this, this.s.topology, this.s.promiseLibrary);
-define.classMethod('admin', {callback: false, promise:false, returns: [Admin]});
- * The callback format for the collection method, must be used if strict is specified
- * @callback Db~collectionResultCallback
- * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
- * @param {Collection} collection The collection instance.
- */
- * Fetch a specific collection (containing the actual collection information). If the application does not use strict mode you can
- * can use it without a callback in the following way. var collection = db.collection('mycollection');
- *
- * @method
- * @param {string} name the collection name we wish to access.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
- * @param {object} [options.pkFactory=null] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
- * @param {boolean} [options.strict=false] Returns an error if the collection does not exist
- * @param {object} [options.readConcern=null] Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
- * @param {object} [options.readConcern.level='local'] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations, one of [local|majority]. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
- * @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} callback The collection result callback
- * @return {Collection} return the new Collection instance if not in strict mode
- */
-Db.prototype.collection = function(name, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  options = shallowClone(options);
-  // Set the promise library
-  options.promiseLibrary = this.s.promiseLibrary;
-  // If we have not set a collection level readConcern set the db level one
-  options.readConcern = options.readConcern || this.s.readConcern;
-  // Do we have ignoreUndefined set
-  if(this.s.options.ignoreUndefined) {
-    options.ignoreUndefined = this.s.options.ignoreUndefined;
-  }
-  // Execute
-  if(options == null || !options.strict) {
-    try {
-      var collection = new Collection(this, this.s.topology, this.s.databaseName, name, this.s.pkFactory, options);
-      if(callback) callback(null, collection);
-      return collection;
-    } catch(err) {
-      if(callback) return callback(err);
-      throw err;
-    }
-  }
-  // Strict mode
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') {
-    throw toError(f("A callback is required in strict mode. While getting collection %s.", name));
-  }
-  // Strict mode
-  this.listCollections({name:name}).toArray(function(err, collections) {
-    if(err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    if(collections.length == 0) return handleCallback(callback, toError(f("Collection %s does not exist. Currently in strict mode.", name)), null);
-    try {
-      return handleCallback(callback, null, new Collection(self, self.s.topology, self.s.databaseName, name, self.s.pkFactory, options));
-    } catch(err) {
-      return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    }
-  });
-define.classMethod('collection', {callback: true, promise:false, returns: [Collection]});
-var createCollection = function(self, name, options, callback) {
-  // Get the write concern options
-  var finalOptions = writeConcern(shallowClone(options), self, options);
-  // Check if we have the name
-  self.listCollections({name: name}).toArray(function(err, collections) {
-    if(err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    if(collections.length > 0 && finalOptions.strict) {
-      return handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create({message: f("Collection %s already exists. Currently in strict mode.", name), driver:true}), null);
-    } else if (collections.length > 0) {
-      try { return handleCallback(callback, null, new Collection(self, self.s.topology, self.s.databaseName, name, self.s.pkFactory, options)); }
-      catch(err) { return handleCallback(callback, err); }
-    }
-    // Create collection command
-    var cmd = {'create':name};
-    // Add all optional parameters
-    for(var n in options) {
-      if(options[n] != null && typeof options[n] != 'function')
-        cmd[n] = options[n];
-    }
-    // Execute command
-    self.command(cmd, finalOptions, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-      handleCallback(callback, null, new Collection(self, self.s.topology, self.s.databaseName, name, self.s.pkFactory, options));
-    });
-  });
- * Creates a collection on a server pre-allocating space, need to create f.ex capped collections.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {string} name the collection name we wish to access.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
- * @param {object} [options.pkFactory=null] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
- * @param {boolean} [options.strict=false] Returns an error if the collection does not exist
- * @param {boolean} [options.capped=false] Create a capped collection.
- * @param {number} [options.size=null] The size of the capped collection in bytes.
- * @param {number} [options.max=null] The maximum number of documents in the capped collection.
- * @param {boolean} [options.autoIndexId=true] Create an index on the _id field of the document, True by default on MongoDB 2.2 or higher off for version < 2.2.
- * @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.createCollection = function(name, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 0);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  name = args.length ? args.shift() : null;
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  // Do we have a promisesLibrary
-  options.promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary || this.s.promiseLibrary;
-  // Check if the callback is in fact a string
-  if(typeof callback == 'string') name = callback;
-  // Execute the fallback callback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return createCollection(self, name, options, callback);
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    createCollection(self, name, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('createCollection', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Get all the db statistics.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {number} [options.scale=null] Divide the returned sizes by scale value.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The collection result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.stats = function(options, callback) {
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  // Build command object
-  var commandObject = { dbStats:true };
-  // Check if we have the scale value
-  if(options['scale'] != null) commandObject['scale'] = options['scale'];
-  // Execute the command
-  return this.command(commandObject, options, callback);
-define.classMethod('stats', {callback: true, promise:true});
-// Transformation methods for cursor results
-var listCollectionsTranforms = function(databaseName) {
-  var matching = f('%s.', databaseName);
-  return {
-    doc: function(doc) {
-      var index =;
-      // Remove database name if available
-      if( && index == 0) {
- = + matching.length);
-      }
-      return doc;
-    }
-  }
- * Get the list of all collection information for the specified db.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {object} filter Query to filter collections by
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {number} [options.batchSize=null] The batchSize for the returned command cursor or if pre 2.8 the systems batch collection
- * @return {CommandCursor}
- */
-Db.prototype.listCollections = function(filter, options) {
-  filter = filter || {};
-  options = options || {};
-  // Shallow clone the object
-  options = shallowClone(options);
-  // Set the promise library
-  options.promiseLibrary = this.s.promiseLibrary;
-  // We have a list collections command
-  if(this.serverConfig.capabilities().hasListCollectionsCommand) {
-    // Cursor options
-    var cursor = options.batchSize ? {batchSize: options.batchSize} : {}
-    // Build the command
-    var command = { listCollections : true, filter: filter, cursor: cursor };
-    // Set the AggregationCursor constructor
-    options.cursorFactory = CommandCursor;
-    // Filter out the correct field values
-    options.transforms = listCollectionsTranforms(this.s.databaseName);
-    // Execute the cursor
-    return this.s.topology.cursor(f('%s.$cmd', this.s.databaseName), command, options);
-  }
-  // We cannot use the listCollectionsCommand
-  if(!this.serverConfig.capabilities().hasListCollectionsCommand) {
-    // If we have legacy mode and have not provided a full db name filter it
-    if(typeof == 'string' && !(new RegExp('^' + this.databaseName + '\\.').test( {
-      filter = shallowClone(filter);
- = f('%s.%s', this.s.databaseName,;
-    }
-  }
-  // No filter, filter by current database
-  if(filter == null) {
- = f('/%s/', this.s.databaseName);
-  }
-  // Rewrite the filter to use $and to filter out indexes
-  if( {
-    filter = {$and: [{name:}, {name:/^((?!\$).)*$/}]};
-  } else {
-    filter = {name:/^((?!\$).)*$/};
-  }
-  // Return options
-  var options = {transforms: listCollectionsTranforms(this.s.databaseName)}
-  // Get the cursor
-  var cursor = this.collection(Db.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_COLLECTION).find(filter, options);
-  // Set the passed in batch size if one was provided
-  if(options.batchSize) cursor = cursor.batchSize(options.batchSize);
-  // We have a fallback mode using legacy systems collections
-  return cursor;
-define.classMethod('listCollections', {callback: false, promise:false, returns: [CommandCursor]});
-var evaluate = function(self, code, parameters, options, callback) {
-  var finalCode = code;
-  var finalParameters = [];
-  // If not a code object translate to one
-  if(!(finalCode instanceof Code)) finalCode = new Code(finalCode);
-  // Ensure the parameters are correct
-  if(parameters != null && !Array.isArray(parameters) && typeof parameters !== 'function') {
-    finalParameters = [parameters];
-  } else if(parameters != null && Array.isArray(parameters) && typeof parameters !== 'function') {
-    finalParameters = parameters;
-  }
-  // Create execution selector
-  var cmd = {'$eval':finalCode, 'args':finalParameters};
-  // Check if the nolock parameter is passed in
-  if(options['nolock']) {
-    cmd['nolock'] = options['nolock'];
-  }
-  // Set primary read preference
-  options.readPreference = new CoreReadPreference(ReadPreference.PRIMARY);
-  // Execute the command
-  self.command(cmd, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    if(result && result.ok == 1) return handleCallback(callback, null, result.retval);
-    if(result) return handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create({message: f("eval failed: %s", result.errmsg), driver:true}), null);
-    handleCallback(callback, err, result);
-  });
- * Evaluate JavaScript on the server
- *
- * @method
- * @param {Code} code JavaScript to execute on server.
- * @param {(object|array)} parameters The parameters for the call.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {boolean} [options.nolock=false] Tell MongoDB not to block on the evaulation of the javascript.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @deprecated Eval is deprecated on MongoDB 3.2 and forward
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.eval = function(code, parameters, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 1);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  parameters = args.length ? args.shift() : parameters;
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  // Check if the callback is in fact a string
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return evaluate(self, code, parameters, options, callback);
-  // Execute the command
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    evaluate(self, code, parameters, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('eval', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Rename a collection.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {string} fromCollection Name of current collection to rename.
- * @param {string} toCollection New name of of the collection.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {boolean} [options.dropTarget=false] Drop the target name collection if it previously exists.
- * @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.renameCollection = function(fromCollection, toCollection, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  // Add return new collection
-  options.new_collection = true;
-  // Check if the callback is in fact a string
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') {
-    return this.collection(fromCollection).rename(toCollection, options, callback);
-  }
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    self.collection(fromCollection).rename(toCollection, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('renameCollection', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Drop a collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {string} name Name of collection to drop
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.dropCollection = function(name, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  // Command to execute
-  var cmd = {'drop':name}
-  // Check if the callback is in fact a string
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return this.command(cmd, this.s.options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-    if(result.ok) return handleCallback(callback, null, true);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, false);
-  });
-  // Execute the command
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    // Execute command
-    self.command(cmd, self.s.options, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      if(result.ok) return resolve(true);
-      resolve(false);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('dropCollection', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Drop a database.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.dropDatabase = function(callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  // Drop database command
-  var cmd = {'dropDatabase':1};
-  // Check if the callback is in fact a string
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return this.command(cmd, this.s.options, function(err, result) {
-    if(callback == null) return;
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, result.ok ? true : false);
-  });
-  // Execute the command
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    // Execute command
-    self.command(cmd, self.s.options, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      if(result.ok) return resolve(true);
-      resolve(false);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('dropDatabase', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * The callback format for the collections method.
- * @callback Db~collectionsResultCallback
- * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
- * @param {Collection[]} collections An array of all the collections objects for the db instance.
- */
-var collections = function(self, callback) {
-  // Let's get the collection names
-  self.listCollections().toArray(function(err, documents) {
-    if(err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    // Filter collections removing any illegal ones
-    documents = documents.filter(function(doc) {
-      return'$') == -1;
-    });
-    // Return the collection objects
-    handleCallback(callback, null, {
-      return new Collection(self, self.s.topology, self.s.databaseName, + ".", ''), self.s.pkFactory, self.s.options);
-    }));
-  });
- * Fetch all collections for the current db.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {Db~collectionsResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.collections = function(callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  // Return the callback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return collections(self, callback);
-  // Return the promise
-  return new self.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    collections(self, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('collections', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Runs a command on the database as admin.
- * @method
- * @param {object} command The command hash
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {number} [options.maxTimeMS=null] Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.executeDbAdminCommand = function(selector, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  if(options.readPreference) {
-    options.readPreference = options.readPreference;
-  }
-  // Return the callback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return self.s.topology.command('admin.$cmd', selector, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, result.result);
-  });
-  // Return promise
-  return new self.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    self.s.topology.command('admin.$cmd', selector, options, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(result.result);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('executeDbAdminCommand', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Creates an index on the db and collection collection.
- * @method
- * @param {string} name Name of the collection to create the index on.
- * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {boolean} [options.unique=false] Creates an unique index.
- * @param {boolean} [options.sparse=false] Creates a sparse index.
- * @param {boolean} [options.background=false] Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible.
- * @param {boolean} [options.dropDups=false] A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate value
- * @param {number} [options.min=null] For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates.
- * @param {number} [options.max=null] For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates.
- * @param {number} [options.v=null] Specify the format version of the indexes.
- * @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds=null] Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher)
- * @param {number} [] Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes)
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.createIndex = function(name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 2);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  options = typeof callback === 'function' ? options : callback;
-  options = options == null ? {} : options;
-  // Shallow clone the options
-  options = shallowClone(options);
-  // Run only against primary
-  options.readPreference = ReadPreference.PRIMARY;
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return createIndex(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    createIndex(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-var createIndex = function(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
-  // Get the write concern options
-  var finalOptions = writeConcern({}, self, options);
-  // Ensure we have a callback
-  if(finalOptions.writeConcern && typeof callback != 'function') {
-    throw MongoError.create({message: "Cannot use a writeConcern without a provided callback", driver:true});
-  }
-  // Attempt to run using createIndexes command
-  createIndexUsingCreateIndexes(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err == null) return handleCallback(callback, err, result);
-    // Create command
-    var doc = createCreateIndexCommand(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options);
-    // Set no key checking
-    finalOptions.checkKeys = false;
-    // Insert document
-    self.s.topology.insert(f("%s.%s", self.s.databaseName, Db.SYSTEM_INDEX_COLLECTION), doc, finalOptions, function(err, result) {
-      if(callback == null) return;
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-      if(result == null) return handleCallback(callback, null, null);
-      if(result.result.writeErrors) return handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create(result.result.writeErrors[0]), null);
-      handleCallback(callback, null,;
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('createIndex', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Ensures that an index exists, if it does not it creates it
- * @method
- * @deprecated since version 2.0
- * @param {string} name The index name
- * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {boolean} [options.unique=false] Creates an unique index.
- * @param {boolean} [options.sparse=false] Creates a sparse index.
- * @param {boolean} [options.background=false] Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible.
- * @param {boolean} [options.dropDups=false] A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate value
- * @param {number} [options.min=null] For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates.
- * @param {number} [options.max=null] For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates.
- * @param {number} [options.v=null] Specify the format version of the indexes.
- * @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds=null] Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher)
- * @param {number} [] Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes)
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.ensureIndex = function(name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return ensureIndex(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    ensureIndex(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-var ensureIndex = function(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
-  // Get the write concern options
-  var finalOptions = writeConcern({}, self, options);
-  // Create command
-  var selector = createCreateIndexCommand(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options);
-  var index_name =;
-  // Default command options
-  var commandOptions = {};
-  // Check if the index allready exists
-  self.indexInformation(name, finalOptions, function(err, indexInformation) {
-    if(err != null && err.code != 26) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    // If the index does not exist, create it
-    if(indexInformation == null || !indexInformation[index_name])  {
-      self.createIndex(name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback);
-    } else {
-      if(typeof callback === 'function') return handleCallback(callback, null, index_name);
-    }
-  });
-define.classMethod('ensureIndex', {callback: true, promise:true});
-Db.prototype.addChild = function(db) {
-  if(this.s.parentDb) return this.s.parentDb.addChild(db);
-  this.s.children.push(db);
- * Create a new Db instance sharing the current socket connections. Be aware that the new db instances are
- * related in a parent-child relationship to the original instance so that events are correctly emitted on child
- * db instances. Child db instances are cached so performing db('db1') twice will return the same instance.
- * You can control these behaviors with the options noListener and returnNonCachedInstance.
- *
- * @method
- * @param {string} name The name of the database we want to use.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {boolean} [options.noListener=false] Do not make the db an event listener to the original connection.
- * @param {boolean} [options.returnNonCachedInstance=false] Control if you want to return a cached instance or have a new one created
- * @return {Db}
- */
-Db.prototype.db = function(dbName, options) {
-  options = options || {};
-  // Copy the options and add out internal override of the not shared flag
-  for(var key in this.options) {
-    options[key] = this.options[key];
-  }
-  // Do we have the db in the cache already
-  if(this.s.dbCache[dbName] && options.returnNonCachedInstance !== true) {
-    return this.s.dbCache[dbName];
-  }
-  // Add current db as parentDb
-  if(options.noListener == null || options.noListener == false) {
-    options.parentDb = this;
-  }
-  // Add promiseLibrary
-  options.promiseLibrary = this.s.promiseLibrary;
-  // Return the db object
-  var db = new Db(dbName, this.s.topology, options)
-  // Add as child
-  if(options.noListener == null || options.noListener == false) {
-    this.addChild(db);
-  }
-  // Add the db to the cache
-  this.s.dbCache[dbName] = db;
-  // Return the database
-  return db;
-define.classMethod('db', {callback: false, promise:false, returns: [Db]});
-var _executeAuthCreateUserCommand = function(self, username, password, options, callback) {
-  // Special case where there is no password ($external users)
-  if(typeof username == 'string'
-    && password != null && typeof password == 'object') {
-    options = password;
-    password = null;
-  }
-  // Unpack all options
-  if(typeof options == 'function') {
-    callback = options;
-    options = {};
-  }
-  // Error out if we digestPassword set
-  if(options.digestPassword != null) {
-    throw toError("The digestPassword option is not supported via add_user. Please use db.command('createUser', ...) instead for this option.");
-  }
-  // Get additional values
-  var customData = options.customData != null ? options.customData : {};
-  var roles = Array.isArray(options.roles) ? options.roles : [];
-  var maxTimeMS = typeof options.maxTimeMS == 'number' ? options.maxTimeMS : null;
-  // If not roles defined print deprecated message
-  if(roles.length == 0) {
-    console.log("Creating a user without roles is deprecated in MongoDB >= 2.6");
-  }
-  // Get the error options
-  var commandOptions = {writeCommand:true};
-  if(options['dbName']) commandOptions.dbName = options['dbName'];
-  // Add maxTimeMS to options if set
-  if(maxTimeMS != null) commandOptions.maxTimeMS = maxTimeMS;
-  // Check the db name and add roles if needed
-  if((self.databaseName.toLowerCase() == 'admin' || options.dbName == 'admin') && !Array.isArray(options.roles)) {
-    roles = ['root']
-  } else if(!Array.isArray(options.roles)) {
-    roles = ['dbOwner']
-  }
-  // Build the command to execute
-  var command = {
-      createUser: username
-    , customData: customData
-    , roles: roles
-    , digestPassword:false
-  }
-  // Apply write concern to command
-  command = writeConcern(command, self, options);
-  // Use node md5 generator
-  var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5');
-  // Generate keys used for authentication
-  md5.update(username + ":mongo:" + password);
-  var userPassword = md5.digest('hex');
-  // No password
-  if(typeof password == 'string') {
-    command.pwd = userPassword;
-  }
-  // Force write using primary
-  commandOptions.readPreference = CoreReadPreference.primary;
-  // Execute the command
-  self.command(command, commandOptions, function(err, result) {
-    if(err && err.ok == 0 && err.code == undefined) return handleCallback(callback, {code: -5000}, null);
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    handleCallback(callback, !result.ok ? toError(result) : null
-      , result.ok ? [{user: username, pwd: ''}] : null);
-  })
-var addUser = function(self, username, password, options, callback) {
-  // Attempt to execute auth command
-  _executeAuthCreateUserCommand(self, username, password, options, function(err, r) {
-    // We need to perform the backward compatible insert operation
-    if(err && err.code == -5000) {
-      var finalOptions = writeConcern(shallowClone(options), self, options);
-      // Use node md5 generator
-      var md5 = crypto.createHash('md5');
-      // Generate keys used for authentication
-      md5.update(username + ":mongo:" + password);
-      var userPassword = md5.digest('hex');
-      // If we have another db set
-      var db = options.dbName ? self.db(options.dbName) : self;
-      // Fetch a user collection
-      var collection = db.collection(Db.SYSTEM_USER_COLLECTION);
-      // Check if we are inserting the first user
-      collection.count({}, function(err, count) {
-        // We got an error (f.ex not authorized)
-        if(err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-        // Check if the user exists and update i
-        collection.find({user: username}, {dbName: options['dbName']}).toArray(function(err, documents) {
-          // We got an error (f.ex not authorized)
-          if(err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-          // Add command keys
-          finalOptions.upsert = true;
-          // We have a user, let's update the password or upsert if not
-          collection.update({user: username},{$set: {user: username, pwd: userPassword}}, finalOptions, function(err, results, full) {
-            if(count == 0 && err) return handleCallback(callback, null, [{user:username, pwd:userPassword}]);
-            if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null)
-            handleCallback(callback, null, [{user:username, pwd:userPassword}]);
-          });
-        });
-      });
-      return;
-    }
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-    handleCallback(callback, err, r);
-  });
- * Add a user to the database.
- * @method
- * @param {string} username The username.
- * @param {string} password The password.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {object} [options.customData=null] Custom data associated with the user (only Mongodb 2.6 or higher)
- * @param {object[]} [options.roles=null] Roles associated with the created user (only Mongodb 2.6 or higher)
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.addUser = function(username, password, options, callback) {
-  // Unpack the parameters
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 2);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return addUser(self, username, password, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    addUser(self, username, password, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('addUser', {callback: true, promise:true});
-var _executeAuthRemoveUserCommand = function(self, username, options, callback) {
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  // Get the error options
-  var commandOptions = {writeCommand:true};
-  if(options['dbName']) commandOptions.dbName = options['dbName'];
-  // Get additional values
-  var maxTimeMS = typeof options.maxTimeMS == 'number' ? options.maxTimeMS : null;
-  // Add maxTimeMS to options if set
-  if(maxTimeMS != null) commandOptions.maxTimeMS = maxTimeMS;
-  // Build the command to execute
-  var command = {
-    dropUser: username
-  }
-  // Apply write concern to command
-  command = writeConcern(command, self, options);
-  // Force write using primary
-  commandOptions.readPreference = CoreReadPreference.primary;
-  // Execute the command
-  self.command(command, commandOptions, function(err, result) {
-    if(err && !err.ok && err.code == undefined) return handleCallback(callback, {code: -5000});
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, result.ok ? true : false);
-  })
-var removeUser = function(self, username, options, callback) {
-  // Attempt to execute command
-  _executeAuthRemoveUserCommand(self, username, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err && err.code == -5000) {
-      var finalOptions = writeConcern(shallowClone(options), self, options);
-      // If we have another db set
-      var db = options.dbName ? self.db(options.dbName) : self;
-      // Fetch a user collection
-      var collection = db.collection(Db.SYSTEM_USER_COLLECTION);
-      // Locate the user
-      collection.findOne({user: username}, {}, function(err, user) {
-        if(user == null) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-        collection.remove({user: username}, finalOptions, function(err, result) {
-          handleCallback(callback, err, true);
-        });
-      });
-      return;
-    }
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err);
-    handleCallback(callback, err, result);
-  });
-define.classMethod('removeUser', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Remove a user from a database
- * @method
- * @param {string} username The username.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
- * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
- * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.removeUser = function(username, options, callback) {
-  // Unpack the parameters
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 1);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return removeUser(self, username, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    removeUser(self, username, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-var authenticate = function(self, username, password, options, callback) {
-  // the default db to authenticate against is 'self'
-  // if authententicate is called from a retry context, it may be another one, like admin
-  var authdb = options.authdb ? options.authdb : options.dbName;
-  authdb = options.authSource ? options.authSource : authdb;
-  authdb = authdb ? authdb : self.databaseName;
-  // Callback
-  var _callback = function(err, result) {
-    if(self.listeners('authenticated').length > 0) {
-      self.emit('authenticated', err, result);
-    }
-    // Return to caller
-    handleCallback(callback, err, result);
-  }
-  // authMechanism
-  var authMechanism = options.authMechanism || '';
-  authMechanism = authMechanism.toUpperCase();
-  // If classic auth delegate to auth command
-  if(authMechanism == 'MONGODB-CR') {
-    self.s.topology.auth('mongocr', authdb, username, password, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-      _callback(null, true);
-    });
-  } else if(authMechanism == 'PLAIN') {
-    self.s.topology.auth('plain', authdb, username, password, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-      _callback(null, true);
-    });
-  } else if(authMechanism == 'MONGODB-X509') {
-    self.s.topology.auth('x509', authdb, username, password, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-      _callback(null, true);
-    });
-  } else if(authMechanism == 'SCRAM-SHA-1') {
-    self.s.topology.auth('scram-sha-1', authdb, username, password, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-      _callback(null, true);
-    });
-  } else if(authMechanism == 'GSSAPI') {
-    if(process.platform == 'win32') {
-      self.s.topology.auth('sspi', authdb, username, password, options, function(err, result) {
-        if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-        _callback(null, true);
-      });
-    } else {
-      self.s.topology.auth('gssapi', authdb, username, password, options, function(err, result) {
-        if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-        _callback(null, true);
-      });
-    }
-  } else if(authMechanism == 'DEFAULT') {
-    self.s.topology.auth('default', authdb, username, password, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-      _callback(null, true);
-    });
-  } else {
-    handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create({message: f("authentication mechanism %s not supported", options.authMechanism), driver:true}));
-  }
- * Authenticate a user against the server.
- * @method
- * @param {string} username The username.
- * @param {string} [password] The password.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {string} [options.authMechanism=MONGODB-CR] The authentication mechanism to use, GSSAPI, MONGODB-CR, MONGODB-X509, PLAIN
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.authenticate = function(username, password, options, callback) {
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  var self = this;
-  // Shallow copy the options
-  options = shallowClone(options);
-  // Set default mechanism
-  if(!options.authMechanism) {
-    options.authMechanism = 'DEFAULT';
-  } else if(options.authMechanism != 'GSSAPI'
-    && options.authMechanism != 'MONGODB-CR'
-    && options.authMechanism != 'MONGODB-X509'
-    && options.authMechanism != 'SCRAM-SHA-1'
-    && options.authMechanism != 'PLAIN') {
-      return handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create({message: "only GSSAPI, PLAIN, MONGODB-X509, SCRAM-SHA-1 or MONGODB-CR is supported by authMechanism", driver:true}));
-  }
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return authenticate(self, username, password, options, function(err, r) {
-    // Support failed auth method
-    if(err && err.message && err.message.indexOf('saslStart') != -1) err.code = 59;
-    // Reject error
-    if(err) return callback(err, r);
-    callback(null, r);
-  });
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    authenticate(self, username, password, options, function(err, r) {
-      // Support failed auth method
-      if(err && err.message && err.message.indexOf('saslStart') != -1) err.code = 59;
-      // Reject error
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('authenticate', {callback: true, promise:true});
- * Logout user from server, fire off on all connections and remove all auth info
- * @method
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {string} [options.dbName=null] Logout against different database than current.
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.logout = function(options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  var args =, 0);
-  callback = args.pop();
-  if(typeof callback != 'function') args.push(callback);
-  options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
-  // logout command
-  var cmd = {'logout':1};
-  // Add onAll to login to ensure all connection are logged out
-  options.onAll = true;
-  // We authenticated against a different db use that
-  if(this.s.authSource) options.dbName = this.s.authSource;
-  // Execute the command
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return this.command(cmd, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, false);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, true)
-  });
-  // Return promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    self.command(cmd, options, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(true);
-    });
-  });
-define.classMethod('logout', {callback: true, promise:true});
-// Figure out the read preference
-var getReadPreference = function(options, db) {
-  if(options.readPreference) return options;
-  if(db.readPreference) options.readPreference = db.readPreference;
-  return options;
- * Retrieves this collections index info.
- * @method
- * @param {string} name The name of the collection.
- * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
- * @param {boolean} [options.full=false] Returns the full raw index information.
- * @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference=null] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
- * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
- * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
- */
-Db.prototype.indexInformation = function(name, options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {};
-  options = options || {};
-  // If we have a callback fallback
-  if(typeof callback == 'function') return indexInformation(self, name, options, callback);
-  // Return a promise
-  return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
-    indexInformation(self, name, options, function(err, r) {
-      if(err) return reject(err);
-      resolve(r);
-    });
-  });
-var indexInformation = function(self, name, options, callback) {
-    // If we specified full information
-  var full = options['full'] == null ? false : options['full'];
-  // Process all the results from the index command and collection
-  var processResults = function(indexes) {
-    // Contains all the information
-    var info = {};
-    // Process all the indexes
-    for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
-      var index = indexes[i];
-      // Let's unpack the object
-      info[] = [];
-      for(var name in index.key) {
-        info[].push([name, index.key[name]]);
-      }
-    }
-    return info;
-  }
-  // Get the list of indexes of the specified collection
-  self.collection(name).listIndexes().toArray(function(err, indexes) {
-    if(err) return callback(toError(err));
-    if(!Array.isArray(indexes)) return handleCallback(callback, null, []);
-    if(full) return handleCallback(callback, null, indexes);
-    handleCallback(callback, null, processResults(indexes));
-  });
-define.classMethod('indexInformation', {callback: true, promise:true});
-var createCreateIndexCommand = function(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options) {
-  var indexParameters = parseIndexOptions(fieldOrSpec);
-  var fieldHash = indexParameters.fieldHash;
-  var keys = indexParameters.keys;
-  // Generate the index name
-  var indexName = typeof == 'string' ? :;
-  var selector = {
-    'ns': db.databaseName + "." + name, 'key': fieldHash, 'name': indexName
-  }
-  // Ensure we have a correct finalUnique
-  var finalUnique = options == null || 'object' === typeof options ? false : options;
-  // Set up options
-  options = options == null || typeof options == 'boolean' ? {} : options;
-  // Add all the options
-  var keysToOmit = Object.keys(selector);
-  for(var optionName in options) {
-    if(keysToOmit.indexOf(optionName) == -1) {
-      selector[optionName] = options[optionName];
-    }
-  }
-  if(selector['unique'] == null) selector['unique'] = finalUnique;
-  // Remove any write concern operations
-  var removeKeys = ['w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'fsync', 'readPreference'];
-  for(var i = 0; i < removeKeys.length; i++) {
-    delete selector[removeKeys[i]];
-  }
-  // Return the command creation selector
-  return selector;
-var createIndexUsingCreateIndexes = function(self, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
-  // Build the index
-  var indexParameters = parseIndexOptions(fieldOrSpec);
-  // Generate the index name
-  var indexName = typeof == 'string' ? :;
-  // Set up the index
-  var indexes = [{ name: indexName, key: indexParameters.fieldHash }];
-  // merge all the options
-  var keysToOmit = Object.keys(indexes[0]);
-  for(var optionName in options) {
-    if(keysToOmit.indexOf(optionName) == -1) {
-      indexes[0][optionName] = options[optionName];
-    }
-    // Remove any write concern operations
-    var removeKeys = ['w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'fsync', 'readPreference'];
-    for(var i = 0; i < removeKeys.length; i++) {
-      delete indexes[0][removeKeys[i]];
-    }
-  }
-  // Create command
-  var cmd = {createIndexes: name, indexes: indexes};
-  // Apply write concern to command
-  cmd = writeConcern(cmd, self, options);
-  // Build the command
-  self.command(cmd, options, function(err, result) {
-    if(err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
-    if(result.ok == 0) return handleCallback(callback, toError(result), null);
-    // Return the indexName for backward compatibility
-    handleCallback(callback, null, indexName);
-  });
-// Validate the database name
-var validateDatabaseName = function(databaseName) {
-  if(typeof databaseName !== 'string') throw MongoError.create({message: "database name must be a string", driver:true});
-  if(databaseName.length === 0) throw MongoError.create({message: "database name cannot be the empty string", driver:true});
-  if(databaseName == '$external') return;
-  var invalidChars = [" ", ".", "$", "/", "\\"];
-  for(var i = 0; i < invalidChars.length; i++) {
-    if(databaseName.indexOf(invalidChars[i]) != -1) throw MongoError.create({message: "database names cannot contain the character '" + invalidChars[i] + "'", driver:true});
-  }
-// Get write concern
-var writeConcern = function(target, db, options) {
-  if(options.w != null || options.j != null || options.fsync != null) {
-    var opts = {};
-    if(options.w) opts.w = options.w;
-    if(options.wtimeout) opts.wtimeout = options.wtimeout;
-    if(options.j) opts.j = options.j;
-    if(options.fsync) opts.fsync = options.fsync;
-    target.writeConcern = opts;
-  } else if(db.writeConcern.w != null || db.writeConcern.j != null || db.writeConcern.fsync != null) {
-    target.writeConcern = db.writeConcern;
-  }
-  return target
-// Add listeners to topology
-var createListener = function(self, e, object) {
-  var listener = function(err) {
-    if(e != 'error') {
-      object.emit(e, err, self);
-      // Emit on all associated db's if available
-      for(var i = 0; i < self.s.children.length; i++) {
-        self.s.children[i].emit(e, err, self.s.children[i]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return listener;
- * Db close event
- *
- * Emitted after a socket closed against a single server or mongos proxy.
- *
- * @event Db#close
- * @type {MongoError}
- */
- * Db authenticated event
- *
- * Emitted after all server members in the topology (single server, replicaset or mongos) have successfully authenticated.
- *
- * @event Db#authenticated
- * @type {object}
- */
- * Db reconnect event
- *
- *  * Server: Emitted when the driver has reconnected and re-authenticated.
- *  * ReplicaSet: N/A
- *  * Mongos: Emitted when the driver reconnects and re-authenticates successfully against a Mongos.
- *
- * @event Db#reconnect
- * @type {object}
- */
- * Db error event
- *
- * Emitted after an error occurred against a single server or mongos proxy.
- *
- * @event Db#error
- * @type {MongoError}
- */
- * Db timeout event
- *
- * Emitted after a socket timeout occurred against a single server or mongos proxy.
- *
- * @event Db#timeout
- * @type {MongoError}
- */
- * Db parseError event
- *
- * The parseError event is emitted if the driver detects illegal or corrupt BSON being received from the server.
- *
- * @event Db#parseError
- * @type {MongoError}
- */
- * Db fullsetup event, emitted when all servers in the topology have been connected to at start up time.
- *
- * * Server: Emitted when the driver has connected to the single server and has authenticated.
- * * ReplSet: Emitted after the driver has attempted to connect to all replicaset members.
- * * Mongos: Emitted after the driver has attempted to connect to all mongos proxies.
- *
- * @event Db#fullsetup
- * @type {Db}
- */
-// Constants
-Db.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_COLLECTION = "system.namespaces";
-Db.SYSTEM_INDEX_COLLECTION = "system.indexes";
-Db.SYSTEM_PROFILE_COLLECTION = "system.profile";
-Db.SYSTEM_USER_COLLECTION = "system.users";
-Db.SYSTEM_JS_COLLECTION = "system.js";
-module.exports = Db;
diff --git a/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/gridfs/chunk.js b/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/gridfs/chunk.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d96095f..0000000
--- a/node_modules/couchbulkimporter/node_modules/mongodb/lib/gridfs/chunk.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var Binary = require('mongodb-core').BSON.Binary,
-  ObjectID = require('mongodb-core').BSON.ObjectID;
- * Class for representing a single chunk in GridFS.
- *
- * @class
- *
- * @param file {GridStore} The {@link GridStore} object holding this chunk.
- * @param mongoObject {object} The mongo object representation of this chunk.
- *
- * @throws Error when the type of data field for {@link mongoObject} is not
- *     supported. Currently supported types for data field are instances of
- *     {@link String}, {@link Array}, {@link Binary} and {@link Binary}
- *     from the bson module
- *
- * @see Chunk#buildMongoObject
- */
-var Chunk = function(file, mongoObject, writeConcern) {
-  if(!(this instanceof Chunk)) return new Chunk(file, mongoObject);
-  this.file = file;
-  var self = this;
-  var mongoObjectFinal = mongoObject == null ? {} : mongoObject;
-  this.writeConcern = writeConcern || {w:1};
-  this.objectId = mongoObjectFinal._id == null ? new ObjectID() : mongoObjectFinal._id;
-  this.chunkNumber = mongoObjectFinal.n == null ? 0 : mongoObjectFinal.n;
- = new Binary();
-  if( == null) {
-  } else if(typeof == "string") {
-    var buffer = new Buffer(;
-    buffer.write(, 0,, 'binary');
- = new Binary(buffer);
-  } else if(Array.isArray( {
-    var buffer = new Buffer(;
-    var data ='');
-    buffer.write(data, 0, data.length, 'binary');
- = new Binary(buffer);
-  } else if( === 'Binary') {
- =;
-  } else if(Buffer.isBuffer( {
-  } else {
-    throw Error("Illegal chunk format");
-  }
-  // Update position
-  this.internalPosition = 0;
- * Writes a data to this object and advance the read/write head.
- *
- * @param data {string} the data to write
- * @param callback {function(*, GridStore)} This will be called after executing
- *     this method. The first parameter will contain null and the second one
- *     will contain a reference to this object.
- */
-Chunk.prototype.write = function(data, callback) {
-, this.internalPosition, data.length, 'binary');
-  this.internalPosition =;
-  if(callback != null) return callback(null, this);
-  return this;
- * Reads data and advances the read/write head.
- *
- * @param length {number} The length of data to read.
- *
- * @return {string} The data read if the given length will not exceed the end of
- *     the chunk. Returns an empty String otherwise.
- */ = function(length) {
-  // Default to full read if no index defined
-  length = length == null || length == 0 ? this.length() : length;
-  if(this.length() - this.internalPosition + 1 >= length) {
-    var data =, length);
-    this.internalPosition = this.internalPosition + length;
-    return data;
-  } else {
-    return '';
-  }
-Chunk.prototype.readSlice = function(length) {
-  if ((this.length() - this.internalPosition) >= length) {
-    var data = null;
-    if ( != null) { //Pure BSON
-      data =, this.internalPosition + length);
-    } else { //Native BSON
-      data = new Buffer(length);
-      length =, this.internalPosition);
-    }
-    this.internalPosition = this.internalPosition + length;
-    return data;
-  } else {
-    return null;
-  }
- * Checks if the read/write head is at the end.
- *
- * @return {boolean} Whether the read/write head has reached the end of this
- *     chunk.
- */
-Chunk.prototype.eof = function() {
-  return this.internalPosition == this.length() ? true : false;
- * Reads one character from the data of this chunk and advances the read/write
- * head.
- *
- * @return {string} a single character data read if the the read/write head is
- *     not at the end of the chunk. Returns an empty String otherwise.
- */
-Chunk.prototype.getc = function() {
-  return;
- * Clears the contents of the data in this chunk and resets the read/write head
- * to the initial position.
- */
-Chunk.prototype.rewind = function() {
-  this.internalPosition = 0;
- = new Binary();
- * Saves this chunk to the database. Also overwrites existing entries having the
- * same id as this chunk.
- *
- * @param callback {function(*, GridStore)} This will be called after executing
- *     this method. The first parameter will contain null and the second one
- *     will contain a reference to this object.
- */ = function(options, callback) {
-  var self = this;
-  if(typeof options == 'function') {
-    callback = options;
-    options = {};
-  }
-  self.file.chunkCollection(function(err, collection) {
-    if(err) return callback(err);
-    // Merge the options
-    var writeOptions = {};
-    for(var name in options) writeOptions[name] = options[name];
-    for(var name in self.writeConcern) writeOptions[name] = self.writeConcern[name];
-    // collection.remove({'_id':self.objectId}, self.writeConcern, function(err, result) {
-    collection.remove({'_id':self.objectId}, writeOptions, function(err, result) {
-      if(err) return callback(err);
-      if( > 0) {
-        self.buildMongoObject(function(mongoObject) {
-          var options = {forceServerObjectId:true};
-          for(var name in self.writeConcern) {
-            options[name] = self.writeConcern[name];
-          }
-          collection.insert(mongoObject, writeOptions, function(err, collection) {
-            callback(err, self);
-          });
-        });
-      } else {
-        callback(null, self);
-      }
-    });
-  });
- * Creates a mongoDB object representation of this chunk.
- *
- * @param callback {function(Object)} This will be called after executing this
- *     method. The object will be passed to the first parameter and will have
- *     the structure:
- *
- *        <pre><code>
- *        {
- *          '_id' : , // {number} id for this chunk
- *          'files_id' : , // {number} foreign key to the file collection
- *          'n' : , // {number} chunk number
- *          'data' : , // {bson#Binary} the chunk data itself
- *        }
- *        </code></pre>
- *
- * @see <a href="{{chunks}}">MongoDB GridFS Chunk Object Structure</a>
- */
-Chunk.prototype.buildMongoObject = function(callback) {
-  var mongoObject = {
-    'files_id': this.file.fileId,
-    'n': this.chunkNumber,
-    'data':};
-  // If we are saving using a specific ObjectId
-  if(this.objectId != null) mongoObject._id = this.objectId;
-  callback(mongoObject);
- * @return {number} the length of the data
- */
-Chunk.prototype.length = function() {
-  return;
- * The position of the read/write head
- * @name position
- * @lends Chunk#
- * @field
- */
-Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "position", { enumerable: true
-  , get: function () {
-      return this.internalPosition;
-    }
-  , set: function(value) {
-      this.internalPosition = value;
-    }
- * The default chunk size
- * @constant
- */
-Chunk.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 255;
-module.exports = Chunk;