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Posted to by "K.Srikumar" <> on 2006/01/03 12:12:41 UTC

Unable to archive properly

  Thank u for all the answers to my silly queries, here is a new one,
  I tried to create a jar file of the java classes in the dest folder, but
  it is creating a jar file with a info file namely """""""""" which doesnt have any class files at all,
  What could be the problem?
  The code i used is as follows:
  <!--Archiving the class files-->
   <!--Directory Creation-->
  <target name="createjar" description="Jars the class files">
<mkdir dir="${jardir-name}"/>
  <jar basedir="${jardir-name}" destfile="${jarfile-name}" includes="**/*.class"/>

  <target name="usejar" description="Runs the class from the Jar file" depends="compile,createjar">
<java classname="hello" classpath="${jarfile-name}" fork="true"/>
  For reference: The complete build script
   <!--Project name and default target specification-->
<project name="compile" default="speak" basedir=".">
   <!--Setting the property tags for the frequently used names-->
  <property name="path" location="dest"/>  
<property name="jardir-name" location="c:\test\dest"/>
<property name="jarfile-name" value="hello.jar"/>
   <!-- Compiling the files-->
  <target name="compile">
 <mkdir dir="${path}" /> 
  <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${path}" /> 
   <!-- Simple Messaging to guide the user-->
  <target name="speak" description="Prints the developer's Name">
   <echo message="     You did not specify any target   "/>
 <echo message="       "/>
 <echo message="     K.Srikumar"/>
   <!-- Deleting the folder containing the class files -->
  <target name="clean" description="Clear the new dirs">
    <delete dir="${path}"/>
 <!-- Visiting all the targets -->
  <target name="doall" depends="compile,speak,clean" description="Run all the targets"/>
  <target name="-hidden">
<echo message="This is hidden"/>
   <!--Archiving the class files-->
   <!--Directory Creation-->
  <target name="createjar" description="Jars the class files">
<mkdir dir="${jardir-name}"/>
  <jar basedir="${jardir-name}" destfile="${jarfile-name}" includes="**/*.class"/>
<target name="usejar" description="Runs the class from the Jar file" depends="compile,createjar">
<java classname="hello" classpath="${jarfile-name}" fork="true"/>

:)K  .  S  R  I  K  U  M  A  R
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