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Posted to by De Saint Steban Emmanuel <> on 2009/07/20 17:46:05 UTC

Using Form fragment into a tapestry Zone

Hi all,

If someone could help to this issue it will be great.
I want to use a form fragment into a Tapestry Zone. But when the zone is updated, the form fragment doesn't work.

<t:Zone t:id="myZone">
// here my form
<t:form t:Zone="myZone">
                <t:radiogroup t:id="fragmentGroupRadio" value="fragmentGroupRadio">

                  <t:label for="productCondition">

                  <t:label for="fragment2Radio">

      </t:formfragment t:id="fragment1" >
            // Here code fragment

      </t:formfragment t:id="fragment2" >
            // Here code fragment


In the server when the form was submited in ajax (with Zone). I reload my Zone (myZone) to get a new formulaire, and also show some other stuff in my zone.  For this I return myZone.getBody().
But when my zone is updated the form fragment doesn't work. I can't change my formfragment by clicking in the form Radio.  but in the first time (when I refresh the entire page), it's work perfectly.

It seems it was because the init javascript code from tapestry isn't relaoded. Because this code is at the end of page and was not reloaded when the zone is upadated.

Do you have an id how I could init again the javacript, or enable the form fragment.

Many thanks in advance for your help.



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