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Posted to by Andrew Boyd <> on 2005/06/21 19:58:56 UTC

Nutch does not use stemmers?

Hi All,
  I've been working with Lucene since the beginning of the year and would like to add nutch's bi-gram and automated proximaty search fuctionality to my project.  While doing my reasearch I came across a pdf written by Doug Cutting with the title:

Nutch & Lucene

with a date of Dec, 2003.  In the document it say that the Nutch analysis does not use stop word lists and does not use stemmers.  I understand not using stop words since nutch uses bi-grams with common words but could someone explain the decision to not use stemmers?



Re: Nutch does not use stemmers?

Posted by Jérôme Charron <>.
> The proposal sounds good. I'd love to see something like this.

Great... it's very justifying to read someting like that...

A couple of comments...

Thanks for your comments. I will keep them in mind during development.



Re: Nutch does not use stemmers?

Posted by Howie Wang <>.
The proposal sounds good. I'd love to see something like this.

A couple of comments...

1. It might be nice to change the wording so users know that
they can plug any analyzer into it, whether it's for another
language or just for stemming or something else.

2. Having the query analysis in a QueryFilter might be an easier
way to go. I found it easier to let NutchAnalysis work on the query
string first, and then pump the clause values through an analyzer.
That way I didn't have to worry about parsing and stemming
things like "site:" and doing the right thing. I just worried about
analyzing certain fields' values from the query like "title", "anchor", and
"content". And you can easily skip analysis of the values for
fields like "url".

It's probably less efficient this way since you're tokenizing twice, but
query strings are usually short anyway, and it gives the user more
control over which fields to stem/analyze. Writing an abstract
LanguageQueryFilter plugin could be a nice solution. You could
subclass this to use LanguageIdentifier or other methods to select
an analyzer. Others could simply subclass it with an analyzer of their


>I recently send a proposal on the Nutch Wiki for Multi-Lingual support in
>Nutch (add the ability to add language specific analyzers for both querying
>and analyzing).
>This document is available at
>It seems that your solution is very similar to mine (except mine uses the
>plugin framework).
>Could you please review my proposal regarding your experience.
>I will begin implementation in a few days (and will keep in mind the piece
>of code you send).

Re: Nutch does not use stemmers?

Posted by Jérôme Charron <>.
> I've gotten a couple of questions offlist about stemming
> so I thought I'd just post here with my changes. Sorry that
> some of the changes are in the main code and not in a plugin. It
> seemed that it's more efficient to put in the main analyzer. It
> would be nice if later releases could add support for plugging
> in a custom stemmer/analyzer.

I recently send a proposal on the Nutch Wiki for Multi-Lingual support in 
Nutch (add the ability to add language specific analyzers for both querying 
and analyzing).
This document is available at
It seems that your solution is very similar to mine (except mine uses the 
plugin framework).
Could you please review my proposal regarding your experience.
I will begin implementation in a few days (and will keep in mind the piece 
of code you send).




RE: Nutch does not use stemmers?

Posted by Howie Wang <>.
I've gotten a couple of questions offlist about stemming
so I thought I'd just post here with my changes. Sorry that
some of the changes are in the main code and not in a plugin. It
seemed that it's more efficient to put in the main analyzer. It
would be nice if later releases could add support for plugging
in a custom stemmer/analyzer.

The first change I made is in

Import the following classes at the top of the file:
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.PorterStemFilter;

Change tokenStream to:

   public TokenStream tokenStream(String field, Reader reader) {
TokenStream ts = CommonGrams.getFilter(new NutchDocumentTokenizer(reader), 
if (field.equals("content") || field.equals("title")) {
    ts = new LowerCaseFilter(ts);
    return new PorterStemFilter(ts);
} else {
    return ts;

The second change is in
Import the following classes near the top:

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.PorterStemFilter;

In optimizePhrase, after this line:

   TokenStream ts = getFilter(new ArrayTokens(phrase), field);


   ts = new PorterStemFilter(new LowerCaseFilter(ts));

And the rest is a new QueryFilter plugin that I'm calling query-stemmer.
Here's the full source for the Java file. You can copy the build.xml
and plugin.xml from query-basic, and alter the names for query-stemmer.

/* Copyright (c) 2003 The Nutch Organization.  All rights reserved.   */
/* Use subject to the conditions in */

package org.apache.nutch.searcher.stemmer;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.PorterStemFilter;

import org.apache.nutch.analysis.NutchDocumentAnalyzer;
import org.apache.nutch.analysis.CommonGrams;

import org.apache.nutch.searcher.QueryFilter;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.Query;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.Query.*;

import java.util.HashSet;

/** The default query filter.  Query terms in the default query field are
* expanded to search the url, anchor and content document fields.*/
public class StemmerQueryFilter implements QueryFilter {

  private static float URL_BOOST = 4.0f;
  private static float ANCHOR_BOOST = 2.0f;

  private static int SLOP = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  private static float PHRASE_BOOST = 1.0f;

  private static final String[] FIELDS = {"url", "anchor", "content", 
  private static final float[] FIELD_BOOSTS = {URL_BOOST, ANCHOR_BOOST, 
1.0f, 2.0f};

  /** Set the boost factor for url matches, relative to content and anchor
   * matches */
  public static void setUrlBoost(float boost) { URL_BOOST = boost; }

  /** Set the boost factor for title/anchor matches, relative to url and
   * content matches. */
  public static void setAnchorBoost(float boost) { ANCHOR_BOOST = boost; }

  /** Set the boost factor for sloppy phrase matches relative to unordered 
   * matches. */
  public static void setPhraseBoost(float boost) { PHRASE_BOOST = boost; }

  /** Set the maximum number of terms permitted between matching terms in a
   * sloppy phrase match. */
  public static void setSlop(int slop) { SLOP = slop; }

  public BooleanQuery filter(Query input, BooleanQuery output) {
    addTerms(input, output);
    addSloppyPhrases(input, output);
    return output;

  private static void addTerms(Query input, BooleanQuery output) {
    Clause[] clauses = input.getClauses();
    for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
      Clause c = clauses[i];

      if (!c.getField().equals(Clause.DEFAULT_FIELD))
        continue;                                 // skip non-default fields

      BooleanQuery out = new BooleanQuery();
      for (int f = 0; f < FIELDS.length; f++) {

        Clause o = c;
	String[] opt;

	// TODO: I'm a little nervous about stemming for all default fields.
	//       Should keep an eye on this.
        if (c.isPhrase()) {                         // optimize phrase 
	    opt = CommonGrams.optimizePhrase(c.getPhrase(), FIELDS[f]);
        } else {
	    System.out.println("o.getTerm = " + o.getTerm().toString());
	    opt = getStemmedWords(o.getTerm().toString());
	if (opt.length==1) {
            o = new Clause(new Term(opt[0]), c.isRequired(), 
	} else {
            o = new Clause(new Phrase(opt), c.isRequired(), 

                ? exactPhrase(o.getPhrase(), FIELDS[f], FIELD_BOOSTS[f])
                : termQuery(FIELDS[f], o.getTerm(), FIELD_BOOSTS[f]),
                false, false);
      output.add(out, c.isRequired(), c.isProhibited());
    System.out.println("query = " + output.toString());

    private static String[] getStemmedWords(String value) {
	  StringReader sr = new StringReader(value);
	  TokenStream ts = new PorterStemFilter(new LowerCaseTokenizer(sr));

	  String stemmedValue = "";
	  try {
	      Token token =;
	      int count = 0;
	      while (token != null) {
		  System.out.println("token = " + token.termText());
		  System.out.println("type = " + token.type());

		  if (count == 0)
		      stemmedValue = token.termText();
		      stemmedValue = stemmedValue + " " + token.termText();

		  token =;
	  } catch (Exception e) {
	      stemmedValue = value;

	  if (stemmedValue.equals("")) {
	      stemmedValue = value;

	  String[] stemmedValues = stemmedValue.split("\\s+");

	  for (int j=0; j<stemmedValues.length; j++) {
	      System.out.println("stemmedValues = " + stemmedValues[j]);
	  return stemmedValues;

  private static void addSloppyPhrases(Query input, BooleanQuery output) {
    Clause[] clauses = input.getClauses();
    for (int f = 0; f < FIELDS.length; f++) {

      PhraseQuery sloppyPhrase = new PhraseQuery();
      sloppyPhrase.setBoost(FIELD_BOOSTS[f] * PHRASE_BOOST);
                           ? NutchDocumentAnalyzer.INTER_ANCHOR_GAP
                           : SLOP);
      int sloppyTerms = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
        Clause c = clauses[i];

        if (!c.getField().equals(Clause.DEFAULT_FIELD))
          continue;                               // skip non-default fields

        if (c.isPhrase())                         // skip exact phrases

        if (c.isProhibited())                     // skip prohibited terms

        sloppyPhrase.add(luceneTerm(FIELDS[f], c.getTerm()));

      if (sloppyTerms > 1)
        output.add(sloppyPhrase, false, false);

  private static
        termQuery(String field, Term term, float boost) {
    TermQuery result = new TermQuery(luceneTerm(field, term));
    return result;

  /** Utility to construct a Lucene exact phrase query for a Nutch phrase. 
  private static
       exactPhrase(Phrase nutchPhrase,
                   String field, float boost) {
    Term[] terms = nutchPhrase.getTerms();
    PhraseQuery exactPhrase = new PhraseQuery();
    for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
      exactPhrase.add(luceneTerm(field, terms[i]));
    return exactPhrase;

  /** Utility to construct a Lucene Term given a Nutch query term and field. 
  private static org.apache.lucene.index.Term luceneTerm(String field,
                                                         Term term) {
    return new org.apache.lucene.index.Term(field, term.toString());