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Posted to by Berin Loritsch <> on 2000/11/15 18:11:27 UTC

WebSphere integration status

All main functionality works!  Woohoo!

There are two issues:
different vendors have a twist on their interpretation
of the Servlet 2.2 specs.  WebSphere's doesn't allow
you to do a context.getResource() because the generated
URL uses a "classloader:" protocol with no handler ?!

Redirecting does not work in WebSphere yet.  The issue
is that the URL rewriting takes the desired resource
and replaces the whole path.  Tomcat correctly handles
this IMO, however we need to look at the code and see
what we can do to handle that issue.

WebSphere's interpretation of getResourceURI() and
getServletPath() seem to be semantically different
than Tomcat's.  The difference is this:

if (contextRoot == "/" && path == "welcome") {
    WebSphere {
        getServletPath() == null
        getPathInfo() == "/welcome"
    Tomcat {
        getServletPath() == "/"
        getPathInfo() == "welcome"

if (contextRoot == "cocoon" && path == "") {
    WebSphere {
        getServletPath() == "cocoon"
        getPathInfo() == "/"
    Tomcat {
        getServletPath() == "cocoon/"
        getPathInfo() == null

We need to make the Environment variable handle these
subtle differences so that the code from all over the
system doesn't have to compensate.

If you lust for Ham and Eggs, you have
committed breakfast in your heart
already.   -- C. S. Lewis