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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/02/20 08:22:10 UTC

[GitHub] [apisix] spacewander commented on a change in pull request #3615: feat: add consul kv discovery module

spacewander commented on a change in pull request #3615:

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},

Review comment:
       Should we use `exclusiveMinimum = 0`?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {
+                    connect = 1,
+                    send = 1,
+                    read = 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    required = {"servers"}
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.3,
+local function discovery_consul_callback(data, event, source, pid)
+    applications = data
+    log.notice("update local variable application, event is: ", event,
+        "source: ", source, "server pid:", pid,
+        ", application: ", core.json.encode(applications, true))
+function _M.all_nodes()
+    return applications
+function _M.nodes(service_name)
+    if not applications then
+        log.error("application is nil, failed to fetch nodes for : ", service_name)
+        return
+    end
+    local resp_list = applications[service_name]
+    if not resp_list then
+        log.error("fetch nodes failed by ", service_name, ", return default service")
+        return default_service and {default_service}
+    end
+"process id: ",, ", applications[", service_name, "] = ",
+        core.json.delay_encode(resp_list, true))
+    return resp_list
+local function parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+    local cj = cjson
+    local key = node.Key
+    local pr = default_prefix_rule
+    if key == cj.null or not key or #key == 0 then
+        log.error("consul_key_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local host, port, sn
+    for sn0, host0, port0 in string_gmatch(key, pr) do
+        sn  = sn0
+        host = host0
+        port = port0
+    end
+    -- if exist, skip special kesy
+    if sn and skip_keys_map[sn] then
+        return false
+    end
+    if not sn or not host or not port then
+        log.error("server name error, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    -- base64 value   = "IHsid2VpZ2h0IjogMTIwLCAibWF4X2ZhaWxzIjogMiwgImZhaWxfdGltZW91dCI6IDJ9"
+    -- ori    value   = "{"weight": 120, "max_fails": 2, "fail_timeout": 2}"
+    local metadataBase64 = node.Value
+    if metadataBase64 == cj.null or not metadataBase64 or #metadataBase64 == 0 then
+        log.error("error: consul_value_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local metadata, err = core.json.decode(ngx_decode_base64(metadataBase64))
+    if err then
+        log.error("invalid upstream value, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ",err: ", err, ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    elseif metadata.check_status == false or metadata.check_status == "false" then
+        log.error("server node unhealthy, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    return true, host, tonumber(port), metadata, sn
+local function update_application(server_name_prefix, data)
+    local sn
+    local up_apps =, #data)
+    local weight = default_weight
+    for _, node in ipairs(data) do
+        local succ, ip, port, metadata, server_name = parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+        if succ then
+            sn = server_name_prefix .. server_name
+            local nodes = up_apps[sn]
+            if not nodes then
+                nodes =, 0)
+                up_apps[sn] = nodes
+            end
+            core.table.insert(nodes, {
+                host = ip,
+                port = port,
+                weight = metadata and metadata.weight or weight,
+            })
+        end
+    end
+    -- clean old unused data
+    local old_apps = consul_apps[server_name_prefix] or {}
+    for k, _ in pairs(old_apps) do
+        applications[k] = nil
+    end
+    core.table.clear(old_apps)
+    for k, v in pairs(up_apps) do
+        applications[k] = v
+    end
+    consul_apps[server_name_prefix] = up_apps
+"update applications: ", core.json.encode(applications))
+function _M.connect(premature, consul_server)
+    if premature then
+        return
+    end
+    local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    })
+"consul_server: ", core.json.delay_encode(consul_server, true))
+    local result, err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_key)
+    local error_info = (err ~= nil and err)
+            or ((result ~= nil and result.status ~= 200)
+            and result.status)
+    if error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+            " by key: ", consul_server.consul_key,
+            ", got result: ", core.json.delay_encode(result, true),
+            ", with error: ", error_info)
+        goto ERR
+    end
+"connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+        ", result status: ", result.status,
+        ", result.headers.index: ", result.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
+        ", result body: ", core.json.delay_encode(result.body))
+    -- if current index different last index then update application
+    if consul_server.index ~= result.headers['X-Consul-Index'] then
+        consul_server.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        -- only long connect type use index
+        if consul_server.connect_type == "long" then
+            consul_server.default_args.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        end
+        -- decode body, decode json, update application, error handling
+        if result.body and #result.body ~= 0 then
+            log.notice("server_name: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+                ", header: ", core.json.encode(result.headers, true),
+                ", body: ", core.json.encode(result.body, true))
+            update_application(consul_server.server_name_key, result.body)
+            --update events
+            local ok, err =, events_list.updating, applications)
+            if not ok then
+                log.error("post_event failure with ", events_list._source,
+                    ", update application error: ", err)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    :: ERR ::
+    local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(consul_server.delay, _M.connect, consul_server)
+    if not ok then
+        log.error("create ngx_timer_at got error: ", err)
+        return
+    end
+local function format_consul_params(consul_conf)
+    local consul_server_list =, #consul_conf.servers)
+    local args
+    local delay = 2
+    -- set default value or not
+    if consul_conf.delay then
+        delay = consul_conf.delay
+    end
+    if consul_conf.connect_type == "short" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+        }
+    elseif consul_conf.connect_type == "long" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+            wait = consul_conf.timeout.wait, --阻塞 wait!=0, 非阻塞 wait=0
+            index = 0,
+        }
+    end
+    for _, v in pairs(consul_conf.servers) do
+        local scheme, host, port, path = unpack(http.parse_uri(nil, v))
+        if scheme ~= "http" then
+            return nil, "only support consul http schema address, eg: http://address:port"
+        elseif path ~= "/" or core.string.has_suffix(v, '/') then
+            return nil, "invald consul server address, the valid format: http://address:port"
+        end
+        core.table.insert(consul_server_list, {
+            host = host,
+            port = port,
+            connect_timeout = consul_conf.timeout.connect,
+            read_timeout =,
+            consul_key = "/kv/" .. consul_conf.prefix,
+            server_name_key = v .. "/v1/kv/",
+            weight = consul_conf.weight,
+            connect_type = consul_conf.connect_type,
+            default_args = args,
+            index = 0,
+            delay = delay, -- delay to next connect consul
+            default_delay = delay, -- delay to next connect consul
+        })
+    end
+    return consul_server_list
+function _M.init_worker()
+    local consul_conf = local_conf.discovery.consul_kv
+    if not consul_conf
+        or not consul_conf.servers
+        or #consul_conf.servers == 0 then
+        error("do not set consul_kv correctly !")
+        return
+    end
+    local ok, err = core.schema.check(schema, consul_conf)
+    if not ok then
+        error("invalid consul_kv configuration: " .. err)
+        return
+    end
+    events = require("")
+    events_list = events.event_list(
+        "discovery_consul_update_application",
+        "updating"
+    )
+    -- 对进程号不是0的进程,仅注册客户端,更新全局变量application
+    if 0 ~= then
+        -- 这里绑定source和updating事件
+        events.register(discovery_consul_callback, events_list._source, events_list.updating)
+        return
+    end
+    log.notice("consul_conf: ", core.json.encode(consul_conf))
+    -- set default service, used when the server node cannot be found
+    if consul_conf.default_server then
+        default_service = consul_conf.default_server
+    end
+    default_weight = consul_conf.weight
+    default_prefix_rule = "(" .. consul_conf.prefix .. "/.*/)([a-zA-Z0-9.]+):(%d*)"
+"default params, default_weight: ", default_weight,
+            ", default_prefix_rule: ", default_prefix_rule)
+    if consul_conf.skip_keys then
+        skip_keys_map =, #consul_conf.skip_keys)
+        for _, v in ipairs(consul_conf.skip_keys) do
+            skip_keys_map[v] = true
+        end
+    end
+    local consul_servers_list, err = format_consul_params(consul_conf)
+    if err then
+        log.error("init consul_kv.lua got error: ", err)

Review comment:
       Should be `error(xxx)`?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {

Review comment:
       Should be `default_service`?

File path: doc/discovery/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+## Summary
+For users who used [nginx-upsync-module]( and consul key value for service discovery way, as we Weibo Mobile Team, maybe need it.
+Thanks to @fatman-x guy, who developed this module, called `consul_kv`, and its worker process data flow is below:
+## Configuration for discovery client
+### Configuration for Consul KV
+Add following configuration in `conf/config.yaml` :
+  consul_kv:
+    servers:
+      - ""
+      - ""
+    prefix: "upstreams"
+    skip_keys:                    # if you need to skip special keys
+      - "upstreams/unused_api/"
+    timeout:
+      connect: 1000               # default 2000
+      read: 1000                  # default 2000
+      wait: 60                    # default 2000
+    weight: 1                     # default 1
+    delay: 5                      # default 3

Review comment:
       Would it be better to use `interval` instead of `delay`?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {
+                    connect = 1,
+                    send = 1,
+                    read = 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    required = {"servers"}
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.3,
+local function discovery_consul_callback(data, event, source, pid)
+    applications = data
+    log.notice("update local variable application, event is: ", event,
+        "source: ", source, "server pid:", pid,
+        ", application: ", core.json.encode(applications, true))
+function _M.all_nodes()
+    return applications
+function _M.nodes(service_name)
+    if not applications then
+        log.error("application is nil, failed to fetch nodes for : ", service_name)
+        return
+    end
+    local resp_list = applications[service_name]
+    if not resp_list then
+        log.error("fetch nodes failed by ", service_name, ", return default service")
+        return default_service and {default_service}
+    end
+"process id: ",, ", applications[", service_name, "] = ",
+        core.json.delay_encode(resp_list, true))
+    return resp_list
+local function parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+    local cj = cjson
+    local key = node.Key
+    local pr = default_prefix_rule
+    if key == cj.null or not key or #key == 0 then
+        log.error("consul_key_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local host, port, sn
+    for sn0, host0, port0 in string_gmatch(key, pr) do
+        sn  = sn0
+        host = host0
+        port = port0
+    end
+    -- if exist, skip special kesy
+    if sn and skip_keys_map[sn] then
+        return false
+    end
+    if not sn or not host or not port then
+        log.error("server name error, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    -- base64 value   = "IHsid2VpZ2h0IjogMTIwLCAibWF4X2ZhaWxzIjogMiwgImZhaWxfdGltZW91dCI6IDJ9"
+    -- ori    value   = "{"weight": 120, "max_fails": 2, "fail_timeout": 2}"
+    local metadataBase64 = node.Value
+    if metadataBase64 == cj.null or not metadataBase64 or #metadataBase64 == 0 then
+        log.error("error: consul_value_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local metadata, err = core.json.decode(ngx_decode_base64(metadataBase64))
+    if err then
+        log.error("invalid upstream value, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ",err: ", err, ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    elseif metadata.check_status == false or metadata.check_status == "false" then
+        log.error("server node unhealthy, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    return true, host, tonumber(port), metadata, sn
+local function update_application(server_name_prefix, data)
+    local sn
+    local up_apps =, #data)
+    local weight = default_weight
+    for _, node in ipairs(data) do
+        local succ, ip, port, metadata, server_name = parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+        if succ then
+            sn = server_name_prefix .. server_name
+            local nodes = up_apps[sn]
+            if not nodes then
+                nodes =, 0)
+                up_apps[sn] = nodes
+            end
+            core.table.insert(nodes, {
+                host = ip,
+                port = port,
+                weight = metadata and metadata.weight or weight,
+            })
+        end
+    end
+    -- clean old unused data
+    local old_apps = consul_apps[server_name_prefix] or {}
+    for k, _ in pairs(old_apps) do
+        applications[k] = nil
+    end
+    core.table.clear(old_apps)
+    for k, v in pairs(up_apps) do
+        applications[k] = v
+    end
+    consul_apps[server_name_prefix] = up_apps
+"update applications: ", core.json.encode(applications))
+function _M.connect(premature, consul_server)
+    if premature then
+        return
+    end
+    local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    })
+"consul_server: ", core.json.delay_encode(consul_server, true))
+    local result, err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_key)
+    local error_info = (err ~= nil and err)
+            or ((result ~= nil and result.status ~= 200)
+            and result.status)
+    if error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+            " by key: ", consul_server.consul_key,
+            ", got result: ", core.json.delay_encode(result, true),
+            ", with error: ", error_info)
+        goto ERR
+    end
+"connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+        ", result status: ", result.status,
+        ", result.headers.index: ", result.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
+        ", result body: ", core.json.delay_encode(result.body))
+    -- if current index different last index then update application
+    if consul_server.index ~= result.headers['X-Consul-Index'] then
+        consul_server.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        -- only long connect type use index
+        if consul_server.connect_type == "long" then
+            consul_server.default_args.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        end
+        -- decode body, decode json, update application, error handling
+        if result.body and #result.body ~= 0 then
+            log.notice("server_name: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+                ", header: ", core.json.encode(result.headers, true),
+                ", body: ", core.json.encode(result.body, true))
+            update_application(consul_server.server_name_key, result.body)
+            --update events
+            local ok, err =, events_list.updating, applications)
+            if not ok then
+                log.error("post_event failure with ", events_list._source,
+                    ", update application error: ", err)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    :: ERR ::
+    local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(consul_server.delay, _M.connect, consul_server)
+    if not ok then
+        log.error("create ngx_timer_at got error: ", err)
+        return
+    end
+local function format_consul_params(consul_conf)
+    local consul_server_list =, #consul_conf.servers)
+    local args
+    local delay = 2
+    -- set default value or not
+    if consul_conf.delay then
+        delay = consul_conf.delay
+    end
+    if consul_conf.connect_type == "short" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+        }
+    elseif consul_conf.connect_type == "long" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+            wait = consul_conf.timeout.wait, --阻塞 wait!=0, 非阻塞 wait=0

Review comment:
       Please use English for comment

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {
+                    connect = 1,
+                    send = 1,
+                    read = 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    required = {"servers"}
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.3,
+local function discovery_consul_callback(data, event, source, pid)
+    applications = data
+    log.notice("update local variable application, event is: ", event,
+        "source: ", source, "server pid:", pid,
+        ", application: ", core.json.encode(applications, true))
+function _M.all_nodes()
+    return applications
+function _M.nodes(service_name)
+    if not applications then
+        log.error("application is nil, failed to fetch nodes for : ", service_name)
+        return
+    end
+    local resp_list = applications[service_name]
+    if not resp_list then
+        log.error("fetch nodes failed by ", service_name, ", return default service")
+        return default_service and {default_service}
+    end
+"process id: ",, ", applications[", service_name, "] = ",
+        core.json.delay_encode(resp_list, true))
+    return resp_list
+local function parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+    local cj = cjson
+    local key = node.Key
+    local pr = default_prefix_rule
+    if key == cj.null or not key or #key == 0 then
+        log.error("consul_key_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local host, port, sn
+    for sn0, host0, port0 in string_gmatch(key, pr) do
+        sn  = sn0
+        host = host0
+        port = port0
+    end
+    -- if exist, skip special kesy
+    if sn and skip_keys_map[sn] then
+        return false
+    end
+    if not sn or not host or not port then
+        log.error("server name error, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    -- base64 value   = "IHsid2VpZ2h0IjogMTIwLCAibWF4X2ZhaWxzIjogMiwgImZhaWxfdGltZW91dCI6IDJ9"
+    -- ori    value   = "{"weight": 120, "max_fails": 2, "fail_timeout": 2}"
+    local metadataBase64 = node.Value
+    if metadataBase64 == cj.null or not metadataBase64 or #metadataBase64 == 0 then
+        log.error("error: consul_value_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local metadata, err = core.json.decode(ngx_decode_base64(metadataBase64))
+    if err then
+        log.error("invalid upstream value, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ",err: ", err, ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    elseif metadata.check_status == false or metadata.check_status == "false" then
+        log.error("server node unhealthy, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    return true, host, tonumber(port), metadata, sn
+local function update_application(server_name_prefix, data)
+    local sn
+    local up_apps =, #data)
+    local weight = default_weight
+    for _, node in ipairs(data) do
+        local succ, ip, port, metadata, server_name = parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+        if succ then
+            sn = server_name_prefix .. server_name
+            local nodes = up_apps[sn]
+            if not nodes then
+                nodes =, 0)
+                up_apps[sn] = nodes
+            end
+            core.table.insert(nodes, {
+                host = ip,
+                port = port,
+                weight = metadata and metadata.weight or weight,
+            })
+        end
+    end
+    -- clean old unused data
+    local old_apps = consul_apps[server_name_prefix] or {}
+    for k, _ in pairs(old_apps) do
+        applications[k] = nil
+    end
+    core.table.clear(old_apps)
+    for k, v in pairs(up_apps) do
+        applications[k] = v
+    end
+    consul_apps[server_name_prefix] = up_apps
+"update applications: ", core.json.encode(applications))
+function _M.connect(premature, consul_server)
+    if premature then
+        return
+    end
+    local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    })
+"consul_server: ", core.json.delay_encode(consul_server, true))
+    local result, err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_key)
+    local error_info = (err ~= nil and err)
+            or ((result ~= nil and result.status ~= 200)
+            and result.status)
+    if error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+            " by key: ", consul_server.consul_key,
+            ", got result: ", core.json.delay_encode(result, true),
+            ", with error: ", error_info)
+        goto ERR
+    end
+"connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+        ", result status: ", result.status,
+        ", result.headers.index: ", result.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
+        ", result body: ", core.json.delay_encode(result.body))
+    -- if current index different last index then update application
+    if consul_server.index ~= result.headers['X-Consul-Index'] then
+        consul_server.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        -- only long connect type use index
+        if consul_server.connect_type == "long" then
+            consul_server.default_args.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        end
+        -- decode body, decode json, update application, error handling
+        if result.body and #result.body ~= 0 then
+            log.notice("server_name: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+                ", header: ", core.json.encode(result.headers, true),
+                ", body: ", core.json.encode(result.body, true))
+            update_application(consul_server.server_name_key, result.body)
+            --update events
+            local ok, err =, events_list.updating, applications)
+            if not ok then
+                log.error("post_event failure with ", events_list._source,
+                    ", update application error: ", err)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    :: ERR ::
+    local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(consul_server.delay, _M.connect, consul_server)
+    if not ok then
+        log.error("create ngx_timer_at got error: ", err)
+        return
+    end
+local function format_consul_params(consul_conf)
+    local consul_server_list =, #consul_conf.servers)
+    local args
+    local delay = 2
+    -- set default value or not
+    if consul_conf.delay then
+        delay = consul_conf.delay
+    end
+    if consul_conf.connect_type == "short" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+        }
+    elseif consul_conf.connect_type == "long" then
+        args = {
+            recurse = true,
+            wait = consul_conf.timeout.wait, --阻塞 wait!=0, 非阻塞 wait=0
+            index = 0,
+        }
+    end
+    for _, v in pairs(consul_conf.servers) do
+        local scheme, host, port, path = unpack(http.parse_uri(nil, v))
+        if scheme ~= "http" then
+            return nil, "only support consul http schema address, eg: http://address:port"
+        elseif path ~= "/" or core.string.has_suffix(v, '/') then
+            return nil, "invald consul server address, the valid format: http://address:port"
+        end
+        core.table.insert(consul_server_list, {
+            host = host,
+            port = port,
+            connect_timeout = consul_conf.timeout.connect,
+            read_timeout =,
+            consul_key = "/kv/" .. consul_conf.prefix,
+            server_name_key = v .. "/v1/kv/",
+            weight = consul_conf.weight,
+            connect_type = consul_conf.connect_type,
+            default_args = args,
+            index = 0,
+            delay = delay, -- delay to next connect consul
+            default_delay = delay, -- delay to next connect consul

Review comment:
       Is `default_delay` in used?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {

Review comment:
       What does this mean?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {
+                    connect = 1,
+                    send = 1,
+                    read = 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    required = {"servers"}
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.3,
+local function discovery_consul_callback(data, event, source, pid)
+    applications = data
+    log.notice("update local variable application, event is: ", event,
+        "source: ", source, "server pid:", pid,
+        ", application: ", core.json.encode(applications, true))
+function _M.all_nodes()
+    return applications
+function _M.nodes(service_name)
+    if not applications then
+        log.error("application is nil, failed to fetch nodes for : ", service_name)
+        return
+    end
+    local resp_list = applications[service_name]
+    if not resp_list then
+        log.error("fetch nodes failed by ", service_name, ", return default service")
+        return default_service and {default_service}
+    end
+"process id: ",, ", applications[", service_name, "] = ",
+        core.json.delay_encode(resp_list, true))
+    return resp_list
+local function parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+    local cj = cjson
+    local key = node.Key
+    local pr = default_prefix_rule
+    if key == cj.null or not key or #key == 0 then
+        log.error("consul_key_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local host, port, sn
+    for sn0, host0, port0 in string_gmatch(key, pr) do

Review comment:
       Could you use ``, which is much faster?

File path: apisix/discovery/consul_kv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+local require            = require
+local local_conf         = require("apisix.core.config_local").local_conf()
+local core               = require("apisix.core")
+local resty_consul       = require('resty.consul')
+local cjson              = require('cjson')
+local http               = require('resty.http')
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local error              = error
+local ngx                = ngx
+local unpack             = unpack
+local string_gmatch      = string.gmatch
+local tonumber           = tonumber
+local pairs              = pairs
+local ipairs             = ipairs
+local ngx_timer_at       =
+local log                = core.log
+local ngx_decode_base64  = ngx.decode_base64
+local applications =, 5)
+local default_service
+local default_weight
+local default_prefix_rule
+local skip_keys_map =, 1)
+local events
+local events_list
+local consul_apps
+local schema = {
+    type = "object",
+    properties = {
+        servers = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        delay = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 3},
+        connect_type = {
+            type = "string",
+            enum = {"long", "short"},
+            default = "long"
+        },
+        prefix = {type = "string", default = "upstreams"},
+        weight = {type = "integer", minimum = 0, default = 1},
+        timeout = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                connect = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                send = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000},
+                read = {type = "integer", minimum = 1, default = 2000}
+            },
+            default = {
+                connect = 2000,
+                send = 2000,
+                read = 2000
+            }
+        },
+        skip_keys = {
+            type = "array",
+            minItems = 1,
+            items = {
+                type = "string",
+            }
+        },
+        default_server = {
+            type = "object",
+            properties = {
+                host = {type = "string"},
+                port = {type = "integer"},
+                metadata = {
+                    type = "object",
+                    properties = {
+                        fail_timeout = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        weigth = {type = "integer", default = 1},
+                        max_fails = {type = "integer", default = 1}
+                    }
+                },
+                default = {
+                    connect = 1,
+                    send = 1,
+                    read = 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    required = {"servers"}
+local _M = {
+    version = 0.3,
+local function discovery_consul_callback(data, event, source, pid)
+    applications = data
+    log.notice("update local variable application, event is: ", event,
+        "source: ", source, "server pid:", pid,
+        ", application: ", core.json.encode(applications, true))
+function _M.all_nodes()
+    return applications
+function _M.nodes(service_name)
+    if not applications then
+        log.error("application is nil, failed to fetch nodes for : ", service_name)
+        return
+    end
+    local resp_list = applications[service_name]
+    if not resp_list then
+        log.error("fetch nodes failed by ", service_name, ", return default service")
+        return default_service and {default_service}
+    end
+"process id: ",, ", applications[", service_name, "] = ",
+        core.json.delay_encode(resp_list, true))
+    return resp_list
+local function parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+    local cj = cjson
+    local key = node.Key
+    local pr = default_prefix_rule
+    if key == cj.null or not key or #key == 0 then
+        log.error("consul_key_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local host, port, sn
+    for sn0, host0, port0 in string_gmatch(key, pr) do
+        sn  = sn0
+        host = host0
+        port = port0
+    end
+    -- if exist, skip special kesy
+    if sn and skip_keys_map[sn] then
+        return false
+    end
+    if not sn or not host or not port then
+        log.error("server name error, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    -- base64 value   = "IHsid2VpZ2h0IjogMTIwLCAibWF4X2ZhaWxzIjogMiwgImZhaWxfdGltZW91dCI6IDJ9"
+    -- ori    value   = "{"weight": 120, "max_fails": 2, "fail_timeout": 2}"
+    local metadataBase64 = node.Value
+    if metadataBase64 == cj.null or not metadataBase64 or #metadataBase64 == 0 then
+        log.error("error: consul_value_empty, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    local metadata, err = core.json.decode(ngx_decode_base64(metadataBase64))
+    if err then
+        log.error("invalid upstream value, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ",err: ", err, ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    elseif metadata.check_status == false or metadata.check_status == "false" then
+        log.error("server node unhealthy, server_name_prefix: ", server_name_prefix,
+            ", node: ", core.json.delay_encode(node, true))
+        return false
+    end
+    return true, host, tonumber(port), metadata, sn
+local function update_application(server_name_prefix, data)
+    local sn
+    local up_apps =, #data)
+    local weight = default_weight
+    for _, node in ipairs(data) do
+        local succ, ip, port, metadata, server_name = parse_instance(node, server_name_prefix)
+        if succ then
+            sn = server_name_prefix .. server_name
+            local nodes = up_apps[sn]
+            if not nodes then
+                nodes =, 0)
+                up_apps[sn] = nodes
+            end
+            core.table.insert(nodes, {
+                host = ip,
+                port = port,
+                weight = metadata and metadata.weight or weight,
+            })
+        end
+    end
+    -- clean old unused data
+    local old_apps = consul_apps[server_name_prefix] or {}
+    for k, _ in pairs(old_apps) do
+        applications[k] = nil
+    end
+    core.table.clear(old_apps)
+    for k, v in pairs(up_apps) do
+        applications[k] = v
+    end
+    consul_apps[server_name_prefix] = up_apps
+"update applications: ", core.json.encode(applications))
+function _M.connect(premature, consul_server)
+    if premature then
+        return
+    end
+    local consul_client = resty_consul:new({
+        host =,
+        port = consul_server.port,
+        connect_timeout = consul_server.connect_timeout,
+        read_timeout = consul_server.read_timeout,
+        default_args = consul_server.default_args,
+    })
+"consul_server: ", core.json.delay_encode(consul_server, true))
+    local result, err = consul_client:get(consul_server.consul_key)
+    local error_info = (err ~= nil and err)
+            or ((result ~= nil and result.status ~= 200)
+            and result.status)
+    if error_info then
+        log.error("connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+            " by key: ", consul_server.consul_key,
+            ", got result: ", core.json.delay_encode(result, true),
+            ", with error: ", error_info)
+        goto ERR
+    end
+"connect consul: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+        ", result status: ", result.status,
+        ", result.headers.index: ", result.headers['X-Consul-Index'],
+        ", result body: ", core.json.delay_encode(result.body))
+    -- if current index different last index then update application
+    if consul_server.index ~= result.headers['X-Consul-Index'] then
+        consul_server.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        -- only long connect type use index
+        if consul_server.connect_type == "long" then
+            consul_server.default_args.index = result.headers['X-Consul-Index']
+        end
+        -- decode body, decode json, update application, error handling
+        if result.body and #result.body ~= 0 then
+            log.notice("server_name: ", consul_server.server_name_key,
+                ", header: ", core.json.encode(result.headers, true),
+                ", body: ", core.json.encode(result.body, true))
+            update_application(consul_server.server_name_key, result.body)
+            --update events
+            local ok, err =, events_list.updating, applications)
+            if not ok then
+                log.error("post_event failure with ", events_list._source,
+                    ", update application error: ", err)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    :: ERR ::
+    local ok, err = ngx_timer_at(consul_server.delay, _M.connect, consul_server)

Review comment:
       Could we use ngx.timer.every like the eureka version?
   As may fail to run when there is no enough resource.

File path: doc/discovery/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+## Summary
+For users who used [nginx-upsync-module]( and consul key value for service discovery way, as we Weibo Mobile Team, maybe need it.
+Thanks to @fatman-x guy, who developed this module, called `consul_kv`, and its worker process data flow is below:
+## Configuration for discovery client
+### Configuration for Consul KV
+Add following configuration in `conf/config.yaml` :
+  consul_kv:
+    servers:
+      - ""
+      - ""
+    prefix: "upstreams"
+    skip_keys:                    # if you need to skip special keys
+      - "upstreams/unused_api/"
+    timeout:
+      connect: 1000               # default 2000

Review comment:
       Better to document that the unit is ms.

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