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Posted to by on 2009/03/24 23:09:59 UTC

svn commit: r758050 - in /incubator/cassandra/trunk/interface: ./ cassandra.thrift

Author: pmalik
Date: Tue Mar 24 22:09:59 2009
New Revision: 758050

New thrift file added


Added: incubator/cassandra/trunk/interface/cassandra.thrift
--- incubator/cassandra/trunk/interface/cassandra.thrift (added)
+++ incubator/cassandra/trunk/interface/cassandra.thrift Tue Mar 24 22:09:59 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/thrift --java --php
+# Interface definition for Cassandra Service
+namespace java  org.apache.cassandra.service
+namespace cpp   org.apache.cassandra
+php_namespace   cassandra
+struct column_t {
+   1: string                        columnName,
+   2: string                        value,
+   3: i64                           timestamp,
+typedef map< string, list<column_t>  > column_family_map
+struct batch_mutation_t {
+   1: string                        table,
+   2: string                        key,
+   3: column_family_map             cfmap,
+   4: column_family_map             cfmapdel,
+struct superColumn_t {
+   1: string                        name,
+   2: list<column_t>                columns,
+typedef map< string, list<superColumn_t>  > superColumn_family_map
+struct batch_mutation_super_t {
+   1: string                        table,
+   2: string                        key,
+   3: superColumn_family_map        cfmap,
+   4: superColumn_family_map        cfmapdel,
+typedef list<map<string, string>> resultSet_t
+struct CqlResult_t {
+   1: i32                           errorCode, // 0 - success
+   2: string                        errorTxt,
+   3: resultSet_t                   resultSet,
+exception CassandraException {
+  1: string error
+ }
+service Cassandra  {
+  list<column_t> get_slice(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily_column, i32 start = -1 , i32 count = -1) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  list<column_t> get_slice_by_names(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily, list<string> columnNames) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  column_t       get_column(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily_column) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  i32            get_column_count(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily_column) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  async void     insert(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily_column, string cellData,i64 timestamp),
+  async void     batch_insert(batch_mutation_t batchMutation),
+  bool           batch_insert_blocking(batch_mutation_t batchMutation) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  async void     remove(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily_column),
+  list<column_t> get_columns_since(string tablename, string key, string columnFamily_column, i64 timeStamp) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  list<superColumn_t> get_slice_super(string tablename, string key, string columnFamily_superColumnName, i32 start = -1 , i32 count = -1) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  list<superColumn_t> get_slice_super_by_names(string tablename, string key, string columnFamily, list<string> superColumnNames) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  superColumn_t       get_superColumn(string tablename,string key,string columnFamily) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  async void          batch_insert_superColumn(batch_mutation_super_t batchMutationSuper),
+  bool                batch_insert_superColumn_blocking(batch_mutation_super_t batchMutationSuper) throws (1:CassandraException e),
+  // Get the specified key into buffercache fData = true means get the data also for the key in buffercache.
+  async void          touch(string key, bool fData),
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // The following are beta APIs being introduced for CLI and/or CQL support.        //
+  // These are still experimental, and subject to change.                            //
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // get property whose value is of type "string"
+  string         getStringProperty(string propertyName),
+  // get property whose value is list of "strings"
+  list<string>   getStringListProperty(string propertyName),
+  // describe specified table
+  string         describeTable(string tableName),
+  // execute a CQL query
+  CqlResult_t    executeQuery(string query)