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[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] ZihengJiang commented on issue #6486: TVM v0.7 Release Note Candidate

ZihengJiang commented on issue #6486:

   # Feature Improvement
   ## Accelerator and Microcontroller Support
   - Cleanup legacy verilog code ([#4576](
   - uTVM support for ARM STM32F746XX boards ([#4274](
   - Add --runtime=c, remove micro_dev target, enable LLVM backend [#6145](
   ## Arithmetic Analysis
   - Linear system and equation solver ([#5171](
   - Inequalities solver [#5618](
   - Improve IntervalSet's floormod ([#5367](
   - Remove legacy const pattern functions ([#5387](
   - Handle likely in IRMutatorWithAnalyzer [#5665](
   - ExtendedEuclidean merge impl to int_operator [#5625](
   - Rewrite simplify fix for Vectorized Cooperative Fetching [#5924](
   ## AutoTVM and Graph Tuner
   - Adding ROCM schedules for TOPI ([#4507](
   - NHWC conv2d schedule templates for ARM ([#3859](
   - Use VM compile to extract autotvm tasks [#4328](
   - Download fallback schedule file if it does not exist [#4671](
   - Ignore error when removing tmpdir [#4781](
   - Fix a bug in generating the search space [#4779](
   - Minor bug fixes in AutoTVM for QNN graphs [#4797](
   - Fix autotvm customized template [#5034](
   - Add opt out operator for has_multiple_inputs for graph tuner [#5000](
   - Customize SI prefix in logging ([#5411](
   - Update XGBoost verbosity option [#5649](
   - Support range in index based tuners [#4870](
   ## BYOC
   - [BYOC] Bind constant tuples in graph partitioner ([#5476](
   - [BYOC] Add support for composite functions in BYOC ([#5261](
   - [BYOC] Register pattern tables from external codegens ([#5262](
   - [BYOC] Enhance partitioning and external codegen ([#5310](
   - [BYOC] Refine AnnotateTarget and MergeCompilerRegion Passes ([#5277](
   - [BYOC] Use Non-Recursive Visitor/Mutator ([#5410](
   - [BYOC] Refine DNNL Codegen ([#5288](
   - [BYOC] Add example of Composite + Annotate for DNNL fused op ([#5272](
   - [BYOC] Prevent duplicate outputs in subgraph Tuple ([#5320](
   ## Codegen
   - Intrinsic dispatching with OCML instead of LLVM for ROCm ([#4499](
   - Make target codegen take IRModule and PrimFunc. [#5107](
   - Enhance CUDA codegen for SelectNode [#4983](
   - Vectorization for intrinsics [#5101](
   - [LLVM] Do not use x86_vcvtph2ps_256 intrinsic with LLVM 11+ ([#5267](
   - [LLVM] Use llvm::ElementCount with LLVM 11+ when creating vectors ([#5265](
   - [LLVM] Use llvm::FunctionCallee in IRBuilder::CreateCall with LLVM 11+ ([#5338](
   - [LLVM] Include Support/Host.h for declaration of getDefaultTargetTriple ([#5268](
   - [LLVM] Replace calls to Type::getVectorNumElements ([#5398](
   - [LLVM] Use ArrayRef in calls to CreateShuffleVector ([#5399](
   - [LLVM] Use llvm::Align with LLVM 11+ to avoid warnings ([#5264](
   - [CodeGen] Cleanup generated code (#5424)
   - Rename target_id => target_kind [#6199](
   - 64-bit RPi4b target [#6211](
   - Creating Target from JSON-like Configuration [#6218](
   - Add python binding to new JSON target construction [#6315](
   - Use target class in all codegens [#6347](
   - Initial support for Hexagon codegen [#6261](
   - Add --runtime=c, remove micro_dev target, enable LLVM backend [#6145](
   - Add tvm::support::hexdump() debug utility [#6154](
   - Adding AMD codegen unit tests ([#4509](
   - Support cuda tensorcore subbyte int data type in auto tensorcore [#4546](
   - Handle empty LLVMModule in GetFunction [#5146](
   - Support int4/int8 conv2d tensor core with HWNC layout [#6121](
   ## Dynamism Support
   - Add shape function for zero, zeros_like, ones, ones_like ([#4448](, tile ([#4441](
   - Support symbolic newshape for Reshape #5429
   - Support symbolic TopK, Ones, Zeros and Full [#5459](
   - Add shape_of instruction [#5855](
   - symbolic max_output_size [#5844](
   - Dynamic TopK Op [#6008](
   - Dynamic broadcast_to, zeros, ones [#6007](
   - Add dynamic reshape grad [#6080](
   - Keep fixed dim when unifying dynamic shape [#5795](
   - OneHot operation [#6209](
   - Add Dynamic Resize Op [#6198](
   - Dynamic full operator [#6260](
   - Dynamic upsampling relay op [#6273](
   - Dynamic Tile Op [#5983](
   ## Frontend and User Interface
   - TFLite parser support for transpose_conv ([#4440](, unpack ([#4447](
   - LLDB pretty printers for relay ([#4453](
   - ONNX to Relay converter op support: expand op ([#4483](
   - ONNX auto_pad in conv and convtranspose ([#4563](
   - TF to Relay converter op support: bilinear and neighbour implementation refactor ([#4504](, max_pool3d ([#4551](, conv2d_transpose with “same” padding support for larger than 1x1 kernels ([#4484](
   - Remove unnecessary cast of constants in ONNX converter ([#4573](
   - Add support for tf.Keras networks in Relay Keras frontend [#4630](
   - Add conv3d [#4604](
   - Fix incorrect calculations in tf SLICE [#4518](
   - Dynamically calculate input_stats of any fake_quant range [#4789](
   - LSTM Support [#4825](
   - Add MIRROR_PAD operator [#4822](
   - use qnn helper function in softmax [#4840](
   - Add Resize op converter [#4838](
   - Add support for TFLite_Detection_PostProcess [#4543](
   - Fix tests for tflite unary elemwise operations [#4913](
   - GaussianDropout/Noise parsing support [#4928](
   - Add parser support for 'square' operator [#4915](
   - make_loss operator support [#4930](
   - Add parser support for l2_normalization [#4966](
   - ReadVariableOp operator support [#4952](
   - Check graph inputs match expected [#4992](
   - support multiply outputs [#4980](
   - TFLite: Using real image for QNN testing. [#4816](
   - TFLite: FLOOR_MOD & FLOOR_DIV support [#4971](
   - PyTorch: Upsampling op support and enable registering a user defined op conversion map [#4961](
   - PyTorch: fix unordered dictionary problem for python version under 3.6 [#4982](
   - Operator support NonZero [#5073](
   - Upsampling op support and enable registering a user defined op conversion map [#4961](
   - Check graph inputs match expected [#4992](
   - Add support for quantized models via QNN [#4977](
   - Add initial control flow support [#4964](
   - Remove FP32 piggy back and use QNN add/mul/concatenate [#5061](
   - Add missing upcast to uint8 avg_pool conversion [#5089](
   - Add initial 3D op support and test on Resnet 3D [#5075](
   - Fix conv2d conversion for group conv (group > 1 but != in channels) [#5132](
   - Add support for max_pool1d [#5142](
   - Add support for split [#5174](
   - FLOOR_MOD & FLOOR_DIV support [#4971](
   - Activation functions support [#4978](
   - Round op parsing support added [#5022](
   - DepthToSpace and SpaceToDepth support [#5041](
   - TOP_K op parser support [#5051](
   - ReadVariableOp operator support [#4952](
   - Support multiply outputs [#4980](
   - Reduce_any op parsing support [#4926](
   - TensorFlow Parser Control Flow Enhancement [#5020](
   - TensorFlow Frontend support with shared params [#5042](
   - Support for AddV2 in Relay Tensorflow frontend converter. [#5046](
   - conv3d frontend operator support [#5080](
   - Max_pool3d and Averagepool3d operator support [#5085](
   - Support for Atan/Atan2 in Relay Tensorflow frontend converter. [#5104](
   - Use leaky by default for LeakyReLU [#5192](
   - Conv3D ONNX support and conv3D_ncdhw x86 schedules [#4949](
   - Add support for FusedBatchNormV3 [#5065](
   - Activations for pytorch [#5194](
   - Dropouts And InstanceNorm support added [#5203](
   - [Frontend] Asymmetric padding of convolution support ([#4803](
   - [ONNX]Pool3d & upsample3d op support ([#5135](
   - Add TopK to ONNX Frontend ([#5441](
   - Add RoiAlign to Onnx frontend ([#5454](
   - [PYTORCH]AvgPool3d, MaxPool3d and Squeeze op support ([#5220](
   - [PYTORCH]celu, gelu, selu activations ([#5263](
   - [Pytorch]layernorm bug fix and testcase updated ([#5257](
   - [PYTORCH]LayerNorm support added ([#5249](
   - [RELAY-OP][PYTORCH]GroupNorm op support added ([#5358](
   - [TOPI][PYTORCH]Logical & Bitwise operator support ([#5341](
   - [PYTORCH]Tensor creation ops support ([#5347](
   - [RELAY][PYTORCH]cosh,sinh,log2,log10,log1p op support ([#5395](
   - [PYTORCH]Rsub, Embedded, OneHot ops support ([#5434](
   - [PYTORCH]Abs, Arange, Softplus ops ([#5295](
   - [RELAY][PYTORCH]isNan, isinf, isfinite, ceil, clamp, round ops ([#5316](
   - [PYTORCH]Activations for pytorch ([#5194](
   - [PYTORCH]Repeat, Reciprocal & Reshape Op support ([#5280](
   - [PYTORCH]Reduce_ops support added ([#5308](
   - [PYTORCH]Take, Topk op support ([#5332](
   - [PYTORCH]Dropouts And InstanceNorm support added ([#5203](
   - [PYTORCH]Unary Ops frontend support. ([#5378](
   - [Torch] Support Python list, more realistic recurrent networks ([#5306](
   - [PYTORCH]where, addcdiv, addcmul op support ([#5383](
   - [Torch] Add support for split ([#5174](
   - [Frontend][Torch] Fix up graph input handling ([#5204](
   - [FRONTEND][TFLITE]Logical not op support ([#5475](
   - [TFLITE]Hard Swish & MobilnetV3 model testing ([#5239](
   - [FRONTEND][TFLITE]Gather, StridedSlice op support added ([#4788](
   - [TFLITE] Match TFLite shape for SSD custom op ([#5473](
   - Factor out import of common tflite.Operator in tflite frontend. ([#5355](
   - [Frontend][TFLite] support for FILL and SPLIT_V operators ([#5330](
   - [Frontend][TFLite] L2_POOL_2D operator ([#5452](
   - [TFLite] Add config option to specify FlatBuffers location ([#5425](
   - [FRONTEND][TFLITE]Logical not op support ([#5475](
   - [TENSORFLOW]reduce ops updated ([#5180](
   - [FRONTEND][TENSORFLOW] Fix gather_nd indices ([#5279](
   - [Frontend][TensorFlow]Improve TensorFlow Static Shape Tensor Array ([#5243](
   - [KERAS]Minimum & AlphaDropout op support ([#5380](
   - [KERAS]Embedding layer ([#5444](
   - [FRONTEND][KERAS]Max_pool3d and Averagepool3d operator support ([#5085](
   - [RELAY][FRONTEND][CAFFE2] add Mul and ConvTranspose operator ([#5302](
   - [MXNET]DepthToSpace & SpaceToDepth Operator ([#5408](
   - [MXNET]broadcast and logical op support ([#5461](
   - [FRONTEND][MXNET] Use leaky by default for LeakyReLU ([#5192](
   - [FRONTEND][MXNET] support elemwise logic ops ([#5361](
   - [Frontend|MXNet] SwapAxis operator support ([#5246](
   - [RELAY] Move frontend utils (#5345)
   - [Fontend][Pytorch] Fix translation of transpose when axis argument is as a list (#5451)
   - LpPool Support added [#5696](
   - Skip ADD inside Gemm op when vector is zero [#5697](
   - ReduceL1, ReduceL2, ReduceSumSquare, ReduceLogSum ops added [#5721](
   - MaxRoiPool, Mod & Xor op support added [#5729](
   - Skip multiply with 1.0f constant for GEMM import [#5800](
   - StatefulPartitionedCall/PartitionedCall Ops support added [#5617](
   - Don't add cast for batch norm when type isn't changing [#5731](
   - Conv3d Transpose OP added [#5775](
   - expand bug fix [#5576](
   - Support max_pool2d_with_indices [#5549](
   - Add prim::device op [#5584](
   - ImplicitTensorToNum support added [#5603](
   - Matmul fix for batch_matmul [#5604](
   - ReflectionPad2d op [#5624](
   - Padding op support [#5638](
   - Minor bug fixes [#5683](
   - floor_divide support for squeezenet [#5702](
   - ReplicationPad support added [#5708](
   - aten::norm support added [#5776](
   - broadcast and logical op support [#5461](
   - MaxPool3d and AvgPool3d Ops support added [#5614](
   - Softmin, trunc op support added [#5715](
   - conv3d and conv3d_transpose addedx [#5814](
   - Model importer to be compatible with tflite 2.1.0 [#5497](
   - Nit: Function names made consistent [#5515](
   - Select op support for tflite frontend [#5486](
   - GATHER_ND [#5508](
   - Quantize & Dequantize op [#5394](
   - Fully connected op conversion made in sync with TFLite [#5510](
   - ADD_N operator [#5474](
   - onnx, mxnet, pytorch mathops added [#5561](
   - abs, round, reciprocal, sign, softsign, hard_sigmoid ops support [#5587](
   - Gather nd bug fix for one dim support in tensorflow [#5588](
   - Add parser support for shape and range [#5329](
   - Darknet support batch size for yolo [#5688](
   - Improve Control Flow and TensorArray [#5699](
   - MXNet: Softmin, trunc op support added [#5715](
   - MXNet: conv3d and conv3d_transpose addedx [#5814](
   - MXNet: Add parser for contrib.box_decode [#5967](
   - Onnx: ReduceL1, ReduceL2, ReduceSumSquare, ReduceLogSum ops added [#5721](
   - Onnx: MaxRoiPool, Mod & Xor op support added [#5729](
   - Onnx: Skip multiply with 1.0f constant for GEMM import [#5800](
   - Onnx: Fix an issue with #5755 and add Batch norm unit tests. [#5845](
   - TensorFlow: StatefulPartitionedCall/PartitionedCall Ops support added [#5617](
   - TensorFlow: Don’t add cast for batch norm when type isn’t changing [#5731](
   - TensorFlow: Conv3d Transpose OP added [#5775](
   - Add parser support for shape and range [#5329](
   - Darknet support batch size for yolo [#5688](
   - Improve Control Flow and TensorArray [#5699](
   - Improve TF Parser to keep output nodes for saved_model [#5794](
   - Add parser support for relu6, leaky_relu, relu_n1_to_1, log_softmax [#4805](
   - Fix TF Dynamic input shape [#5825](
   - Support a few contrib ops in mxnet [#5819](
   - Improve TF Parser to keep output nodes for saved_model [#5794](
   - Add parser support for relu6, leaky_relu, relu_n1_to_1, log_softmax [#4805](
   - Check all unsupported ops before raising an exception [#5929](
   - Add Pytorch advanced indexing [#6318](
   - Support index_select [#6295](
   - Fix cast to long [#6301](
   - Fix dtype handling for modules with integer parameters [#6311](
   - pytorch frontend support conv1d [#6203](
   - Add cast to double, fix flatten conversion [#6357](
   - Fix aten::max and aten::min conversion [#6372](
   - Match pytorch 1.6 googlenet pretrained model (#6201) [#6212]( unbiased variance op and corresponding support in pytorch frontend [#6232](
   - Implemented PADV2 Operator for TFLite and added support for constant values in PAD. [#6167](
   - Implemented ONE_HOT Operator for TFLite. [#6223](
   - Implemented EXPAND_DIMS Operator for TFLite. [#6243](
   - Implemented REVERSE_V2 Operator for TFLite. [#6304](
   - Implemented MATRIX_SET_DIAG Operator for Relay/TOPI and TFLite Frontend. [#6303](
   - RESHAPE with dynamic shape arg in TFLite frontend [#6208](
   - Constant input attr added to fully connected operation in TFLite frontend [#6228](
   - Gather operation with indices as tensor expr in TFLite frontend [#6168](
   - Added support for tflite quantized maximum and minimum [#6018](
   - Unary ops support added in frontend [#6196](
   - Introduce caffe frontend for tvm [#6206](
   - Keras softmax and prelu fix under NHWC [#6278](
   - add support for MXNET numpy operators [#6054](
   - Refine tensorflow frontend 1.x & 2.x compatibility [#6240](
   - Reduceops support added to frontend [#6252](
   - Update precision in the ONNX strided_slice, update precision of ToScalar [#6272](
   - NHWC import support. [#4899](
   - Refine tensorflow frontend 1.x & 2.x compatibility [#6240](
   - Fix node indices attribute error for tensorflow 2.3 [#6288](
   - Support NMSv4 [#6085](
   - Support for PyTorch Non-Maximum Suppression [#6314](
   - ReplicationPad support added [#5708](
   - MXNet pre-quantized BERT [#6039](
   - Keep parameter names from PyTorch [#5887](
   - Refine LSTMBlockCell to support dynamic rnn [#5963](
   ## Relay
   - Add function attributes to IR hash ([#4479](
   - Relay passes lookup overhead optimization ([#4594](
   - Add half_pixel option to Resize op [#4610](
   - Skip example json runtime test when config is not set [#4614](
   - Test tensor_array in vm [#4608](
   - Improve memory_allocation pass to support multiple i/o dynamic kernels [#4595](
   - Add unit test for tensor_array_split [#4619](
   - Add parses support for unary elemwise ops [#4634](
   - Add parses support for SLICE [#4502](
   - Added pool autopadding and simplified converters. [#4672](
   - Fix meaning of conv2d_transpose output_padding parameter [#4318](
   - Use packed func macro for external codegen [#4710](
   - Fix _parse_param bug [#4711](
   - Add constant input support for elemwise ops [#4666](
   - Add parser support for squared difference [#4652](
   - Add type check to dense [#4724](
   - Invoke tvm::build from relay compile_engine and interpreter [#4723](
   - Broadcast condition, x, and y for Where op [#4774](
   - Add parser support for relational ops [#4695](
   - Remove duplicated BindParamByName function in VM compiler [#4793](
   - Use SimplifyInference for L2 Normalization. [#4795](
   - Expose vm OptimizeModule to Python [#4800](
   - Add parser support for logical operators [#4642](
   - Conv2D padding representation [#4787](
   - Add support for quantized LOGISTIC [#4696](
   - Fix VM compiler for while loop with free vars [#4889](
   - Fix bug in re-processing call node in MergeComposite pass [#4879](
   - Expose FunctionGetAttr to Python [#4905](
   - Add a PyTorch to Relay Parser [#4497](
   - Support data types for CSourceModuleCodegen args and output [#4934](
   - Clean up and refactor PyTorch frontend [#4944](
   - Relay pass to use fast exp/tanh [#4873](
   - BatchNorm support with run-time mean and variance calculation [#4990](
   - Reduce plevel of conv2d winograd implementation on cuda [#4987](
   - Add operation tan to TVM [#4938](
   - Outline and inline lifted functions for external codegen [#4996](
   - Remove primitive attribute from composite function [#5014](
   - Refactor Relay Python to use new FFI [#5077](
   - Fix relay node registration after refactor [#5083](
   - Codegen_c.h should include relay.function [#5093](
   - Move expr.Function to [#5087](
   - Propagate constant to subgraphs [#5094](
   - Adjust strategy plevel to achieve expected performance by default [#5118](
   - Added a AnnotatedRegion utility class [#5030](
   - Support TupleGetItem in body of pattern [#5106](
   - Partition graph codestyle fixes [#5202](
   - Re-wrote the Graph Partitioner to support multiple outputs [#5143](
   - Fixes to MergeCompilerRegions [#5195](
   - Refactor build module to take IRModule [#4988](
   - Separate analysis and transform passes [#5035](
   - Relay Node::make to constructor [#5128](
   - relay::StructuralHash to tvm::StructuralHash [#5166](
   - Conditions updated to cover better user scenarios [#5043](
   - Replace UseDefaultCompiler with GetAttr [#5088](
   - Return empty CSourceModule when no lowered_funcs exists in Relay mod [#4847](
   - [Runtime][Relay][Cleanup] Clean up for memory pass to enable heterogenous execution support. (#5324)
   - [RELAY] Remove re-exports of tvm.transform (#5337)
   - [Refactor] Add memoized expr translator for use by backend codegen (#5325)
   - Legalize - Use Non-recursive Rewriter. (#5296)
   - Add additional check before re-using the cached match [#5552](
   - Remove kCompiler attr from external functions [#5615](
   - Pattern Language MergeComposite [#5656](
   - Support Tuple Output in C/DNNL Codegen [#5701](
   - Infer types in MergeComposite [#5766](
   - Convert PatternGrouper to do pre-order, non-recursive analysis [#5653](
   - Remove constants from partitioned functions [#5663](
   - Add a check for null function attributes [#5674](
   - Add ConstantPattern [#5689](
   - Conditionally Embedding Constants in Partitioned Functions [#5693](
   - Simplify Pattern API Implementations [#5703](
   - Add ShapePattern and DataTypePattern [#5760](
   - Remove unnecessary print [#5642](
   - Improve Shape Func handling for Tuple inputs [#5467](
   - Relay updated with String [#5578](
   - Fix the creation of tuple of tuples in PartitionGraph [#5616](
   - Preserve type information in Merge Composite [#5640](
   - Move compiler_begin/end_op to local static objects [#5622](
   - Fix dataflow_pattern.rewrite() hang if Match in IR [#5680](
   - Fix segfault in pretty print when ObjectRef is null [#5681](
   - Move fallback_device to config [#5690](
   - Replace build_config with PassContext [#5698](
   - Clear compile engine after task extraction [#5724](
   - Add storage_order ignore in pooling layer. [#5781](
   - Tweak cublas/cudnn priority level [#5820](
   - Skip Unknown Function Symbols [#5888](
   - Allow every runtime module to handle constants [#5885](
   - handle Tuple/TupleGetItem in first order gradient [#5946](
   - Add resnet-3d & Update network definitions for NHWC layout [#5945](
   - Use TargetNode::attrs for Target serialization [#5993](
   - each option of target str should only contain one ‘=’ [#5988](
   - Rename target_id => target_kind [#6199](
   - 64-bit RPi4b target [#6211](
   - Add resnet-3d & Update network definitions for NHWC layout [#5945](
   - Small bug fix for Conv1D imports. [#5995](
   - Move invoke_tvm_op and shape_func to vm dialect [#5958](
   - GRU Layer Support [#6020](
   - Add pass for getting calibration data from a relay module [#5997](
   - Merge two consecutive reshape ops [#6052](
   - Add operation scatter_add to relay, based on scatter implementation. [#6030](
   - i64 indices [#5235](
   - Port eliminate_common_subexpr to non-recursive form [#6134](
   - Fix interpreter for dyanmic shape input of ndarray_size [#6086](
   - Allow to config allocator type and refactor vm code structure [#6105](
   - Handle ndarray_size in FoldConstant [#6156](
   - when converting constant nodes with types of int64 or float64 [#6159](
   - Add ReshapeTensor instruction in the VM to replace the reshape op [#6089](
   - Support combine multiple dense op just into dense [#6062](
   - Add unbiased variance op and corresponding support in pytorch frontend [#6232](
   - Specify additional layouts in convert layout pass [#5422](
   - Safe check added for Merge Composite Call Node [#5562](
   - Non recursive partitioning [#5493](
   - Support combine multiple dense op just into dense [#6062](
   - Make the max number of fused ops configurable [#6327](
   - Implementation of the dynamic pad operator [#6284](
   - change device annotation from post DFS to recursive [#6124](
   - Make check stricter: disallow inserting function with free vars into module [#6313](
   - Make check stricter by using Feature. Fixed multiple bugs [#6326](
   - Resize support for NCHW-convertible layouts [#6293](
   - Make AutoDiff thread through global function [#6336](
   - Create Interpreter for each constant subgraph [#6195](
   - Add Dynamic reshape to a dynamic namespace and add DynamicToStatic Pass [#5826](
   - Expose relay BindParamsByName to Python [#4751](
   - Implement pass manager tracing API [#4782](
   - Move Ops in relay.op.contrib.* [#4942](
   - Conditions updated to cover better user scenarios [#4951](
   - [External codegen] Add test cases for fused ops with manual annotation ([#4741](
   - Multiple output support, reshape, split ops added [#6296](
   ## Operator Coverage
   - Allow empty tensor for reshape, tile and strided_slice [#4618](
   - Fix meaning of conv2d_transpose output_padding parameter"; [#4708](
   - Remove cpp upsampling and resize op [#4769](
   - upsample operator 'NCHWinic' format support. [#4791](
   - Injective schedule improvement [#4786](
   - Enable vectorization on fp16 type [#4867](
   - Support for Int8 schedules - CUDA/x86 [#5031](
   - New PR to re-add tan to TVM [#5025](
   - Register topi schedule for Relay fast_exp and fast_tanh [#5131](
   - Move Dilation2d from nn to image namespace [#5110](
   - Use Thrust sort for argsort and topk [#5097](
   - Conv2d and Dense ops support on Tensor Core [#5099](
   - Setting workload correctly for Depthwise Spatial conv ARM. [#5182](
   - Adding a few missing math intrin [#5011](
   - Missing vectorize for depthwise conv2d. [#5196](
   - [TOPI] Using x86 schedules for ARM conv2d ([#5334](
   - [TOPI-ARM] Do not alter layout if layout is NHWC ([#5350](
   - [TOPI] Setting workload correctly for Depthwise Spatial conv ARM. ([#5182](
   - [Relay][OP] Add fast_erf implementation ([#5241](
   - [Topi] Tensorcore support for Conv3D ([#5284](
   - [intrin] a few more math functions ([#5468](
   - [Intrinsic] Add log1p, ldexp, atan2, hypot, nextafter, copysign ([#5312](
   - [relay][topi] Add operation relay.nn.dilate() which calls topi.nn.dilate() ([#5331](
   - [Topi x86] Missing vectorize for depthwise conv2d. ([#5196](
   - [TOPI x86] Adding unroll_kw config option for depthwise conv2d. (#5197)
   - [Topi] Breakdown []( into smaller files ([#5253](
   - ReduceLogSumExp Operator support [#5453](
   - Math ops added [#5502](
   - Enable blocking format in x86 conv2d and fold scale axis [#5357](
   - Add operation gather to relay. [#5716](
   - Add storage_order ignore in pooling layer. [#5781](
   - Fix bifrost spatial packing conv2d auto tune [#5684](
   - Fix reshape usage in ARM schedule [#5732](
   - Block sparse dense on cuda [#5746](
   - Improve CUDA softmax scheduling [#5600](
   - block sparse dense on cuda [#5746](
   - pass-by-value -> pass-by-const-reference [#5783](
   - Using MKL blas for quantized dense [#6115](
   - topi -> tvm/topi [#6186](
   - Use auto-tuner to improve conv2d_gemm performance [#6117](
   - Improve CUDA conv2d_transpose_nchw [#4762](
   - Add CUDA conv2d for NHWC layout [#4737](
   - conv3d_ndhwc schedule [#4775](
   - Fast exponent [#4790](
   - Add Scatter to Topi/Relay/ONNX via hybrid script [#5619](
   - Split MKL from BLAS. [#6182](
   - Change the meaning of conv3d_transpose output_padding to match conv{1,2}d_transpose [#6065](
   - Gather op support added [#6013](
   ## Runtime and Backend
   - Cythonize NDArray.copyto ([#4549](
   - Unified Object System runtime refactor ([#4578](, [#4581](, [#4603](
   - VM profiler: sort VM stats by time ([#4601](
   - Update RPC runtime to allow remote module as arg ([#4462](
   - Refactorying system lib and dso lib into library module ([#4481](
   - Improve TSIM virtual memory mapping ([#4545](
   - make adt tag signed [#4605](
   - Improve TVMBackendPackedCFunc to allow return val [#4637](
   - EdgeTPU runtime for Coral Boards [#4698](
   - Fix memory leak when using openMP [#4811](
   - Fix memory leakage of TVMByteArray [#4856](
   - Fix TVM_DLL_EXPORT_TYPED_FUNC to work on Windows [#4955](
   - Fix memory leak when using openMP [#4811](
   - Export GraphRuntime in tvm_runtime.dll [#5002](
   - MISRA-C compliant TVM runtime [#3934](
   - Update the type_keys to reflect the code-org [#5074](
   - Fix AttrEqual for Array and StrMap, double [#5054](
   - Export GraphRuntime in tvm_runtime.dll [#5002](
   - Fix unused-value warning [#5140](
   - crt error handling [#5147](
   - Bundle deployment with static linking [#5158](
   - Implemented kDLCPUPinned (cudaMallocHost) [#4985](
   - Explicitly cast min/max operands [#5090](
   - ref_counter -> ref_counter_ [#5184](
   - Expose runtime::String to Python ([#5212](
   - [PY][FFI] Refactor runtime.String to subclass str ([#5426](
   - [RUNTIME] Auto conversion from str to runtime::String in PackedFUnc ([#5251](
   - [RUNTIME] Improved Packed FFI for optional. ([#5478](
   - [Hexagon] Add to TVM/RT sources in the right place (#5346)
   - [PY][FFI] Refactor runtime.String to subclass str (#5426)
   - Fix workspace [#5503](
   - Store nullptr PackedFunc as nullptr for better error propagation [#5540](
   - Improve PackedFunc robustness [#5517](
   - Seg fault in WorkspacePool's destructor (#5632) [#5636](
   - Resolve constexpr issue in debug mode. [#5651](
   - Add compile_shared option to linux compile utility fn [#5751](
   - Call sync in CopyFromRemote and CopyToRemote [#5512](
   - Fix the multihop cpu case [#5522](
   - Improve RPCServer AsyncIO support. [#5544](
   - Modularize the RPC infra [#5484](
   - Add compile_shared option to linux compile utility fn [#5751](
   - Overload string operators [#5806](
   - Only initialize required module [#5926](
   - if a param not in input, we should still consume it’s data [#5990](
   - init TVMPackedFunc’s name [#6044](
   - Enable auto conversion String->DLDataType [#6214](
   - Support random fill [#5913](
   - Use new to avoid exit-time de-allocation order [#6292](
   - Add parallel_for support to run a loop in parallel [#6275](
   - Solve ARM BIG.LITTLE heterogeneous multicores [#4747](
   - [RUNTIME] Quick fix PackedFunc String passing ([#5266](
   - Introduce runtime::String::CanConvertFrom [#5718](
   - Restore the StrMap behavior in JSON/SHash/SEqual [#5719](
   - Support overriding RPCWatchdog termination behavior on Android and other platforms [#6216](
   - Set NDArray::Container.shape_ in NDArray::FromDLPack ([#5301](
   - Enable x86 cpu cache flush [#5914](

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