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[22/36] CLOUDSTACK-594: Updating the xenserver java bindings used by cloudstack.
diff --git a/deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/ b/deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/
deleted file mode 100644
index d176098..0000000
--- a/deps/XenServerJava/src/com/xensource/xenapi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2769 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- * 
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 
- *   1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 
- *   2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- *      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- *      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- *      provided with the distribution.
- * 
- */
-package com.xensource.xenapi;
-import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.BadServerResponse;
-import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.VersionException;
-import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
- * A physical host
- *
- * @author Citrix Systems, Inc.
- */
-public class Host extends XenAPIObject {
-    /**
-     * The XenAPI reference to this object.
-     */
-    protected final String ref;
-    /**
-     * For internal use only.
-     */
-    Host(String ref) {
-       this.ref = ref;
-    }
-    public String toWireString() {
-       return this.ref;
-    }
-    /**
-     * If obj is a Host, compares XenAPI references for equality.
-     */
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object obj)
-    {
-        if (obj != null && obj instanceof Host)
-        {
-            Host other = (Host) obj;
-            return other.ref.equals(this.ref);
-        } else
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int hashCode()
-    {
-        return ref.hashCode();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Represents all the fields in a Host
-     */
-    public static class Record implements Types.Record {
-        public String toString() {
-            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
-            PrintWriter print = new PrintWriter(writer);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "uuid", this.uuid);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "nameLabel", this.nameLabel);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "nameDescription", this.nameDescription);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "memoryOverhead", this.memoryOverhead);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "allowedOperations", this.allowedOperations);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "currentOperations", this.currentOperations);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "APIVersionMajor", this.APIVersionMajor);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "APIVersionMinor", this.APIVersionMinor);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "APIVersionVendor", this.APIVersionVendor);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "APIVersionVendorImplementation", this.APIVersionVendorImplementation);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "enabled", this.enabled);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "softwareVersion", this.softwareVersion);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "otherConfig", this.otherConfig);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "capabilities", this.capabilities);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "cpuConfiguration", this.cpuConfiguration);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "schedPolicy", this.schedPolicy);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "supportedBootloaders", this.supportedBootloaders);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "residentVMs", this.residentVMs);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "logging", this.logging);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "PIFs", this.PIFs);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "suspendImageSr", this.suspendImageSr);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "crashDumpSr", this.crashDumpSr);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "crashdumps", this.crashdumps);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "patches", this.patches);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "PBDs", this.PBDs);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "hostCPUs", this.hostCPUs);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "cpuInfo", this.cpuInfo);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "hostname", this.hostname);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "address", this.address);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "metrics", this.metrics);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "licenseParams", this.licenseParams);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "haStatefiles", this.haStatefiles);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "haNetworkPeers", this.haNetworkPeers);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "blobs", this.blobs);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "tags", this.tags);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "externalAuthType", this.externalAuthType);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "externalAuthServiceName", this.externalAuthServiceName);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "externalAuthConfiguration", this.externalAuthConfiguration);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "edition", this.edition);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "licenseServer", this.licenseServer);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "biosStrings", this.biosStrings);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "powerOnMode", this.powerOnMode);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "powerOnConfig", this.powerOnConfig);
-            print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "localCacheSr", this.localCacheSr);
-            return writer.toString();
-        }
-        /**
-         * Convert a host.Record to a Map
-         */
-        public Map<String,Object> toMap() {
-            Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
-            map.put("uuid", this.uuid == null ? "" : this.uuid);
-            map.put("name_label", this.nameLabel == null ? "" : this.nameLabel);
-            map.put("name_description", this.nameDescription == null ? "" : this.nameDescription);
-            map.put("memory_overhead", this.memoryOverhead == null ? 0 : this.memoryOverhead);
-            map.put("allowed_operations", this.allowedOperations == null ? new LinkedHashSet<Types.HostAllowedOperations>() : this.allowedOperations);
-            map.put("current_operations", this.currentOperations == null ? new HashMap<String, Types.HostAllowedOperations>() : this.currentOperations);
-            map.put("API_version_major", this.APIVersionMajor == null ? 0 : this.APIVersionMajor);
-            map.put("API_version_minor", this.APIVersionMinor == null ? 0 : this.APIVersionMinor);
-            map.put("API_version_vendor", this.APIVersionVendor == null ? "" : this.APIVersionVendor);
-            map.put("API_version_vendor_implementation", this.APIVersionVendorImplementation == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.APIVersionVendorImplementation);
-            map.put("enabled", this.enabled == null ? false : this.enabled);
-            map.put("software_version", this.softwareVersion == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.softwareVersion);
-            map.put("other_config", this.otherConfig == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.otherConfig);
-            map.put("capabilities", this.capabilities == null ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : this.capabilities);
-            map.put("cpu_configuration", this.cpuConfiguration == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.cpuConfiguration);
-            map.put("sched_policy", this.schedPolicy == null ? "" : this.schedPolicy);
-            map.put("supported_bootloaders", this.supportedBootloaders == null ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : this.supportedBootloaders);
-            map.put("resident_VMs", this.residentVMs == null ? new LinkedHashSet<VM>() : this.residentVMs);
-            map.put("logging", this.logging == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.logging);
-            map.put("PIFs", this.PIFs == null ? new LinkedHashSet<PIF>() : this.PIFs);
-            map.put("suspend_image_sr", this.suspendImageSr == null ? new SR("OpaqueRef:NULL") : this.suspendImageSr);
-            map.put("crash_dump_sr", this.crashDumpSr == null ? new SR("OpaqueRef:NULL") : this.crashDumpSr);
-            map.put("crashdumps", this.crashdumps == null ? new LinkedHashSet<HostCrashdump>() : this.crashdumps);
-            map.put("patches", this.patches == null ? new LinkedHashSet<HostPatch>() : this.patches);
-            map.put("PBDs", this.PBDs == null ? new LinkedHashSet<PBD>() : this.PBDs);
-            map.put("host_CPUs", this.hostCPUs == null ? new LinkedHashSet<HostCpu>() : this.hostCPUs);
-            map.put("cpu_info", this.cpuInfo == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.cpuInfo);
-            map.put("hostname", this.hostname == null ? "" : this.hostname);
-            map.put("address", this.address == null ? "" : this.address);
-            map.put("metrics", this.metrics == null ? new HostMetrics("OpaqueRef:NULL") : this.metrics);
-            map.put("license_params", this.licenseParams == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.licenseParams);
-            map.put("ha_statefiles", this.haStatefiles == null ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : this.haStatefiles);
-            map.put("ha_network_peers", this.haNetworkPeers == null ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : this.haNetworkPeers);
-            map.put("blobs", this.blobs == null ? new HashMap<String, Blob>() : this.blobs);
-            map.put("tags", this.tags == null ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : this.tags);
-            map.put("external_auth_type", this.externalAuthType == null ? "" : this.externalAuthType);
-            map.put("external_auth_service_name", this.externalAuthServiceName == null ? "" : this.externalAuthServiceName);
-            map.put("external_auth_configuration", this.externalAuthConfiguration == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.externalAuthConfiguration);
-            map.put("edition", this.edition == null ? "" : this.edition);
-            map.put("license_server", this.licenseServer == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.licenseServer);
-            map.put("bios_strings", this.biosStrings == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.biosStrings);
-            map.put("power_on_mode", this.powerOnMode == null ? "" : this.powerOnMode);
-            map.put("power_on_config", this.powerOnConfig == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.powerOnConfig);
-            map.put("local_cache_sr", this.localCacheSr == null ? new SR("OpaqueRef:NULL") : this.localCacheSr);
-            return map;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Unique identifier/object reference
-         */
-        public String uuid;
-        /**
-         * a human-readable name
-         */
-        public String nameLabel;
-        /**
-         * a notes field containg human-readable description
-         */
-        public String nameDescription;
-        /**
-         * Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).
-         */
-        public Long memoryOverhead;
-        /**
-         * list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
-         */
-        public Set<Types.HostAllowedOperations> allowedOperations;
-        /**
-         * links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
-         */
-        public Map<String, Types.HostAllowedOperations> currentOperations;
-        /**
-         * major version number
-         */
-        public Long APIVersionMajor;
-        /**
-         * minor version number
-         */
-        public Long APIVersionMinor;
-        /**
-         * identification of vendor
-         */
-        public String APIVersionVendor;
-        /**
-         * details of vendor implementation
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> APIVersionVendorImplementation;
-        /**
-         * True if the host is currently enabled
-         */
-        public Boolean enabled;
-        /**
-         * version strings
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> softwareVersion;
-        /**
-         * additional configuration
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> otherConfig;
-        /**
-         * Xen capabilities
-         */
-        public Set<String> capabilities;
-        /**
-         * The CPU configuration on this host.  May contain keys such as "nr_nodes", "sockets_per_node", "cores_per_socket", or "threads_per_core"
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> cpuConfiguration;
-        /**
-         * Scheduler policy currently in force on this host
-         */
-        public String schedPolicy;
-        /**
-         * a list of the bootloaders installed on the machine
-         */
-        public Set<String> supportedBootloaders;
-        /**
-         * list of VMs currently resident on host
-         */
-        public Set<VM> residentVMs;
-        /**
-         * logging configuration
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> logging;
-        /**
-         * physical network interfaces
-         */
-        public Set<PIF> PIFs;
-        /**
-         * The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
-         */
-        public SR suspendImageSr;
-        /**
-         * The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
-         */
-        public SR crashDumpSr;
-        /**
-         * Set of host crash dumps
-         */
-        public Set<HostCrashdump> crashdumps;
-        /**
-         * Set of host patches
-         */
-        public Set<HostPatch> patches;
-        /**
-         * physical blockdevices
-         */
-        public Set<PBD> PBDs;
-        /**
-         * The physical CPUs on this host
-         */
-        public Set<HostCpu> hostCPUs;
-        /**
-         * Details about the physical CPUs on this host
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> cpuInfo;
-        /**
-         * The hostname of this host
-         */
-        public String hostname;
-        /**
-         * The address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool
-         */
-        public String address;
-        /**
-         * metrics associated with this host
-         */
-        public HostMetrics metrics;
-        /**
-         * State of the current license
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> licenseParams;
-        /**
-         * The set of statefiles accessible from this host
-         */
-        public Set<String> haStatefiles;
-        /**
-         * The set of hosts visible via the network from this host
-         */
-        public Set<String> haNetworkPeers;
-        /**
-         * Binary blobs associated with this host
-         */
-        public Map<String, Blob> blobs;
-        /**
-         * user-specified tags for categorization purposes
-         */
-        public Set<String> tags;
-        /**
-         * type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
-         */
-        public String externalAuthType;
-        /**
-         * name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
-         */
-        public String externalAuthServiceName;
-        /**
-         * configuration specific to external authentication service
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> externalAuthConfiguration;
-        /**
-         * XenServer edition
-         */
-        public String edition;
-        /**
-         * Contact information of the license server
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> licenseServer;
-        /**
-         * BIOS strings
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> biosStrings;
-        /**
-         * The power on mode
-         */
-        public String powerOnMode;
-        /**
-         * The power on config
-         */
-        public Map<String, String> powerOnConfig;
-        /**
-         * The SR that is used as a local cache
-         */
-        public SR localCacheSr;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get a record containing the current state of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return all fields from the object
-     */
-    public Host.Record getRecord(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_record";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toHostRecord(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get a reference to the host instance with the specified UUID.
-     *
-     * @param uuid UUID of object to return
-     * @return reference to the object
-     */
-    public static Host getByUuid(Connection c, String uuid) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_by_uuid";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(uuid)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toHost(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get all the host instances with the given label.
-     *
-     * @param label label of object to return
-     * @return references to objects with matching names
-     */
-    public static Set<Host> getByNameLabel(Connection c, String label) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_by_name_label";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(label)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfHost(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the uuid field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getUuid(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_uuid";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the name/label field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getNameLabel(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_name_label";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the name/description field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getNameDescription(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_name_description";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the memory/overhead field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Long getMemoryOverhead(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_memory_overhead";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toLong(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the allowed_operations field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<Types.HostAllowedOperations> getAllowedOperations(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_allowed_operations";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfHostAllowedOperations(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the current_operations field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, Types.HostAllowedOperations> getCurrentOperations(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_current_operations";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringHostAllowedOperations(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the API_version/major field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Long getAPIVersionMajor(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_API_version_major";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toLong(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the API_version/minor field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Long getAPIVersionMinor(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_API_version_minor";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toLong(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the API_version/vendor field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getAPIVersionVendor(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_API_version_vendor";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the API_version/vendor_implementation field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getAPIVersionVendorImplementation(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_API_version_vendor_implementation";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the enabled field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Boolean getEnabled(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_enabled";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toBoolean(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the software_version field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getSoftwareVersion(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_software_version";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the other_config field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getOtherConfig(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_other_config";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the capabilities field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<String> getCapabilities(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_capabilities";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the cpu_configuration field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getCpuConfiguration(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_cpu_configuration";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the sched_policy field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getSchedPolicy(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_sched_policy";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the supported_bootloaders field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<String> getSupportedBootloaders(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_supported_bootloaders";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the resident_VMs field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<VM> getResidentVMs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_resident_VMs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfVM(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the logging field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getLogging(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_logging";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the PIFs field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<PIF> getPIFs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_PIFs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfPIF(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public SR getSuspendImageSr(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_suspend_image_sr";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSR(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public SR getCrashDumpSr(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_crash_dump_sr";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSR(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the crashdumps field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<HostCrashdump> getCrashdumps(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_crashdumps";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfHostCrashdump(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the patches field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<HostPatch> getPatches(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_patches";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfHostPatch(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the PBDs field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<PBD> getPBDs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_PBDs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfPBD(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host_CPUs field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<HostCpu> getHostCPUs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_host_CPUs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfHostCpu(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the cpu_info field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getCpuInfo(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_cpu_info";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the hostname field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getHostname(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_hostname";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the address field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getAddress(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_address";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the metrics field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public HostMetrics getMetrics(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_metrics";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toHostMetrics(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the license_params field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getLicenseParams(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_license_params";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the ha_statefiles field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<String> getHaStatefiles(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_ha_statefiles";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the ha_network_peers field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<String> getHaNetworkPeers(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_ha_network_peers";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the blobs field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, Blob> getBlobs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_blobs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringBlob(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the tags field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Set<String> getTags(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_tags";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the external_auth_type field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getExternalAuthType(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_external_auth_type";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the external_auth_service_name field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getExternalAuthServiceName(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_external_auth_service_name";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the external_auth_configuration field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getExternalAuthConfiguration(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_external_auth_configuration";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the edition field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getEdition(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_edition";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the license_server field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getLicenseServer(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_license_server";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the bios_strings field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getBiosStrings(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_bios_strings";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the power_on_mode field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public String getPowerOnMode(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_power_on_mode";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the power_on_config field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public Map<String, String> getPowerOnConfig(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_power_on_config";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfStringString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the local_cache_sr field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @return value of the field
-     */
-    public SR getLocalCacheSr(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_local_cache_sr";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSR(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the name/label field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param label New value to set
-     */
-    public void setNameLabel(Connection c, String label) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_name_label";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(label)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the name/description field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param description New value to set
-     */
-    public void setNameDescription(Connection c, String description) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_name_description";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(description)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the other_config field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param otherConfig New value to set
-     */
-    public void setOtherConfig(Connection c, Map<String, String> otherConfig) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_other_config";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(otherConfig)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to add
-     * @param value Value to add
-     */
-    public void addToOtherConfig(Connection c, String key, String value) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.add_to_other_config";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host.  If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to remove
-     */
-    public void removeFromOtherConfig(Connection c, String key) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.remove_from_other_config";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the logging field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param logging New value to set
-     */
-    public void setLogging(Connection c, Map<String, String> logging) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_logging";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(logging)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add the given key-value pair to the logging field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to add
-     * @param value Value to add
-     */
-    public void addToLogging(Connection c, String key, String value) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.add_to_logging";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the logging field of the given host.  If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to remove
-     */
-    public void removeFromLogging(Connection c, String key) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.remove_from_logging";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param suspendImageSr New value to set
-     */
-    public void setSuspendImageSr(Connection c, SR suspendImageSr) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_suspend_image_sr";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(suspendImageSr)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param crashDumpSr New value to set
-     */
-    public void setCrashDumpSr(Connection c, SR crashDumpSr) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_crash_dump_sr";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(crashDumpSr)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the hostname field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param hostname New value to set
-     */
-    public void setHostname(Connection c, String hostname) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_hostname";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(hostname)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the address field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param address New value to set
-     */
-    public void setAddress(Connection c, String address) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_address";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(address)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the tags field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param tags New value to set
-     */
-    public void setTags(Connection c, Set<String> tags) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_tags";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(tags)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add the given value to the tags field of the given host.  If the value is already in that Set, then do nothing.
-     *
-     * @param value New value to add
-     */
-    public void addTags(Connection c, String value) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.add_tags";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove the given value from the tags field of the given host.  If the value is not in that Set, then do nothing.
-     *
-     * @param value Value to remove
-     */
-    public void removeTags(Connection c, String value) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.remove_tags";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the license_server field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param licenseServer New value to set
-     */
-    public void setLicenseServer(Connection c, Map<String, String> licenseServer) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.set_license_server";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(licenseServer)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add the given key-value pair to the license_server field of the given host.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to add
-     * @param value Value to add
-     */
-    public void addToLicenseServer(Connection c, String key, String value) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.add_to_license_server";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the license_server field of the given host.  If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
-     *
-     * @param key Key to remove
-     */
-    public void removeFromLicenseServer(Connection c, String key) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.remove_from_license_server";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task disableAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.
-     *
-     */
-    public void disable(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.disable";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task enableAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.
-     *
-     */
-    public void enable(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.enable";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task shutdownAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
-     *
-     */
-    public void shutdown(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.shutdown";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task rebootAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
-     *
-     */
-    public void reboot(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.reboot";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host xen dmesg.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task dmesgAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host xen dmesg.
-     *
-     * @return dmesg string
-     */
-    public String dmesg(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.dmesg";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task dmesgClearAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.
-     *
-     * @return dmesg string
-     */
-    public String dmesgClear(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.dmesg_clear";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host's log file
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task getLogAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the host's log file
-     *
-     * @return The contents of the host's primary log file
-     */
-    public String getLog(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_log";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen
-     *
-     * @param keys The keys to send
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task sendDebugKeysAsync(Connection c, String keys) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(keys)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen
-     *
-     * @param keys The keys to send
-     */
-    public void sendDebugKeys(Connection c, String keys) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.send_debug_keys";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(keys)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to Citrix support
-     *
-     * @param url The URL to upload to
-     * @param options Extra configuration operations
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task bugreportUploadAsync(Connection c, String url, Map<String, String> options) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(url), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(options)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to Citrix support
-     *
-     * @param url The URL to upload to
-     * @param options Extra configuration operations
-     */
-    public void bugreportUpload(Connection c, String url, Map<String, String> options) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.bugreport_upload";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(url), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(options)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * List all supported methods
-     *
-     * @return The name of every supported method.
-     */
-    public static Set<String> listMethods(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.list_methods";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Apply a new license to a host
-     *
-     * @param contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task licenseApplyAsync(Connection c, String contents) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException,
-       Types.LicenseProcessingError {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(contents)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Apply a new license to a host
-     *
-     * @param contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded
-     */
-    public void licenseApply(Connection c, String contents) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException,
-       Types.LicenseProcessingError {
-        String method_call = "host.license_apply";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(contents)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Destroy specified host record in database
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task destroyAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Destroy specified host record in database
-     *
-     */
-    public void destroy(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.destroy";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task powerOnAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).
-     *
-     */
-    public void powerOn(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.power_on";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * This call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.
-     *
-     */
-    public static void emergencyHaDisable(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.emergency_ha_disable";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 
-     *
-     * @return A set of data sources
-     */
-    public Set<DataSource.Record> getDataSources(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_data_sources";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfDataSourceRecord(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Start recording the specified data source
-     *
-     * @param dataSource The data source to record
-     */
-    public void recordDataSource(Connection c, String dataSource) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.record_data_source";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(dataSource)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Query the latest value of the specified data source
-     *
-     * @param dataSource The data source to query
-     * @return The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds
-     */
-    public Double queryDataSource(Connection c, String dataSource) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.query_data_source";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(dataSource)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toDouble(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
-     *
-     * @param dataSource The data source whose archives are to be forgotten
-     */
-    public void forgetDataSourceArchives(Connection c, String dataSource) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.forget_data_source_archives";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(dataSource)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check this host can be evacuated.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task assertCanEvacuateAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check this host can be evacuated.
-     *
-     */
-    public void assertCanEvacuate(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.assert_can_evacuate";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task getVmsWhichPreventEvacuationAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes
-     *
-     * @return VMs which block evacuation together with reasons
-     */
-    public Map<VM, Set<String>> getVmsWhichPreventEvacuation(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toMapOfVMSetOfString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host's memory control system
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task getUncooperativeResidentVMsAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host's memory control system
-     *
-     * @return VMs which are not co-operating
-     */
-    public Set<VM> getUncooperativeResidentVMs(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_uncooperative_resident_VMs";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toSetOfVM(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task evacuateAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.
-     *
-     */
-    public void evacuate(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.evacuate";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Re-configure syslog logging
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task syslogReconfigureAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Re-configure syslog logging
-     *
-     */
-    public void syslogReconfigure(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.syslog_reconfigure";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reconfigure the management network interface
-     *
-     * @param pif reference to a PIF object corresponding to the management interface
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public static Task managementReconfigureAsync(Connection c, PIF pif) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(pif)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reconfigure the management network interface
-     *
-     * @param pif reference to a PIF object corresponding to the management interface
-     */
-    public static void managementReconfigure(Connection c, PIF pif) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.management_reconfigure";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(pif)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reconfigure the management network interface. Should only be used if Host.management_reconfigure is impossible because the network configuration is broken.
-     *
-     * @param iface name of the interface to use as a management interface
-     */
-    public static void localManagementReconfigure(Connection c, String iface) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.local_management_reconfigure";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(iface)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disable the management network interface
-     *
-     */
-    public static void managementDisable(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.management_disable";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 
-     *
-     * @return An XML fragment containing the system status capabilities.
-     */
-    public String getSystemStatusCapabilities(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.get_system_status_capabilities";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-            return Types.toString(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
-     *
-     * @return Task
-     */
-    public Task restartAgentAsync(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        Object result = response.get("Value");
-        return Types.toTask(result);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
-     *
-     */
-    public void restartAgent(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.restart_agent";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Shuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
-     *
-     */
-    public static void shutdownAgent(Connection c) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException {
-        String method_call = "host.shutdown_agent";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the host name to the specified string.  Both the API and lower-level system hostname are changed immediately.
-     *
-     * @param hostname The new host name
-     */
-    public void setHostnameLive(Connection c, String hostname) throws
-       BadServerResponse,
-       XenAPIException,
-       XmlRpcException,
-       Types.HostNameInvalid {
-        String method_call = "host.set_hostname_live";
-        String session = c.getSessionReference();
-        Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(hostname)};
-        Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params);
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Computes the amount of free