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Posted to by GlorifiedCalculator <> on 2021/04/11 12:18:06 UTC

Re: Apache helpwanted website

I agree with this analysis. Personally I like the "good first issue" label on github. From what I have seen the labels like that and "hacktoberfest" get more follow through and generate a good amount of interest.


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-------- Original Message --------
On Mar 19, 2021, 8:18 AM, Christopher wrote:

> Hi Fluo Devs,
> was a website that was created in order to help
> drive new users to projects. Fluo had previously created some tasks
> there. However, I don't think it's been a successful experiment. It
> tends to drive traffic to the mailing list expressing interest, but
> very little follow-up on actual issues or PRs to complete the tasks.
> Also, the helpwanted website isn't very friendly to work with, and the
> "I'm interested in this task" just generates an automated message that
> does not even have a description, title, or even a URL for the task.
> So, it can be very hard to cross-reference with the actual open issue
> in the issue tracker.
> So, I scoured the helpwanted listings for all of Fluo's listings (the
> site only had 47 total listings open, and only 1 still open for Fluo)
> and closed the task for Fluo. Until the helpwanted website is improved
> in significant ways, I don't think we should use it for any new tasks.