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Posted to by on 2017/02/16 18:00:09 UTC

[01/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9 [Forced Update!]

Repository: couchdb-couch
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines 129a8e38d -> f3cf0a938 (forced update)

Add a test helper for creating fake db records



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 623612946029a7ed6c059e3c45de584395dd94a0
Parents: e4b4b57
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Wed Feb 1 15:15:09 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:07 2017 -0600

 src/test_util.erl | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/test_util.erl b/src/test_util.erl
index 3c4d170..b5bb232 100644
--- a/src/test_util.erl
+++ b/src/test_util.erl
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 -export([source_file/1, build_file/1]).
@@ -229,6 +231,16 @@ stop(#test_context{mocked = Mocked, started = Apps}) ->
+fake_db(Fields) ->
+    Indexes = lists:zip(
+			record_info(fields, db),
+			lists:seq(2, record_info(size, db))
+		),
+	lists:foldl(fun({FieldName, Value}, Acc) ->
+		Idx = couch_util:get_value(FieldName, Indexes),
+		setelement(Idx, Acc, Value)
+	end, #db{}, Fields).
 now_us() ->
     {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = now(),
     (MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs) * 1000000 + MicroSecs.

[03/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Remove public access to the db record

This completes the removal of public access to the db record from the
couch application. The large majority of which is removing direct access
to the, #db.main_pid, and #db.update_seq fields.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 98279181a5f30630006d8f06793071beb44ef463
Parents: 6236129
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Wed Feb 1 15:15:09 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:24 2017 -0600

 include/couch_db.hrl                     | 27 -------------
 src/couch_auth_cache.erl                 | 17 +++++---
 src/couch_changes.erl                    | 56 ++++++++++++++-------------
 src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl          |  4 +-
 src/couch_db.erl                         | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_db_int.hrl                     | 38 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_db_plugin.erl                  |  6 ++-
 src/couch_db_updater.erl                 |  1 +
 src/couch_httpd_db.erl                   | 12 +++---
 src/couch_users_db.erl                   |  8 ++--
 src/couch_util.erl                       | 15 +++++--
 test/couch_auth_cache_tests.erl          |  2 +-
 test/couch_changes_tests.erl             |  2 +-
 test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl           | 13 ++++---
 test/couch_server_tests.erl              | 11 ++++--
 test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl |  2 +-
 test/couchdb_views_tests.erl             | 21 +++++-----
 17 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/couch_db.hrl b/include/couch_db.hrl
index e7cd85d..5abb316 100644
--- a/include/couch_db.hrl
+++ b/include/couch_db.hrl
@@ -128,33 +128,6 @@
--record(db, {
-    main_pid = nil,
-    compactor_pid = nil,
-    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
-    fd,
-    fd_monitor,
-    header = couch_db_header:new(),
-    committed_update_seq,
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    local_tree,
-    update_seq,
-    name,
-    filepath,
-    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
-    security = [],
-    security_ptr = nil,
-    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
-    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
-    revs_limit = 1000,
-    fsync_options = [],
-    options = [],
-    compression,
-    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
-    after_doc_read = nil    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
 -record(view_fold_helper_funs, {
diff --git a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
index 9b00a9d..54a6794 100644
--- a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
+++ b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
@@ -289,8 +289,9 @@ reinit_cache(#state{db_mon_ref = Ref, closed = Closed} = State) ->
     true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db_name, AuthDbName}),
     AuthDb = open_auth_db(),
     true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db, AuthDb}),
+    DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(AuthDb),
     NewState#state{closed = [Ref|Closed],
-                   db_mon_ref = erlang:monitor(process, AuthDb#db.main_pid)}.
+                   db_mon_ref = erlang:monitor(process, DbPid)}.
 add_cache_entry(_, _, _, #state{max_cache_size = 0} = State) ->
@@ -331,13 +332,15 @@ refresh_entries(AuthDb) ->
     nil ->
     AuthDb2 ->
-        case AuthDb2#db.update_seq > AuthDb#db.update_seq of
+        AuthDbSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb),
+        AuthDb2Seq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb2),
+        case AuthDb2Seq > AuthDbSeq of
         true ->
             {ok, _, _} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(
-                AuthDb#db.update_seq,
+                AuthDbSeq,
                 fun(DocInfo, _, _) -> refresh_entry(AuthDb2, DocInfo) end,
-                AuthDb#db.update_seq,
+                AuthDbSeq,
             true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db, AuthDb2});
@@ -395,7 +398,9 @@ cache_needs_refresh() ->
             nil ->
             AuthDb2 ->
-                AuthDb2#db.update_seq > AuthDb#db.update_seq
+                AuthDbSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb),
+                AuthDb2Seq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb2),
+                AuthDb2Seq > AuthDbSeq
@@ -416,7 +421,7 @@ exec_if_auth_db(Fun) ->
 exec_if_auth_db(Fun, DefRes) ->
     case ets:lookup(?STATE, auth_db) of
-    [{auth_db, #db{} = AuthDb}] ->
+    [{auth_db, AuthDb}] ->
     _ ->
diff --git a/src/couch_changes.erl b/src/couch_changes.erl
index 52ff39d..ea7f65c 100644
--- a/src/couch_changes.erl
+++ b/src/couch_changes.erl
@@ -78,9 +78,10 @@ handle_changes(Args1, Req, Db0, Type) ->
         _ ->
             {false, undefined, undefined}
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db0),
     {StartListenerFun, View} = if UseViewChanges ->
         {ok, {_, View0, _}, _, _} = couch_mrview_util:get_view(
-      , DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
+                DbName, DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
         case View0#mrview.seq_btree of
             #btree{} ->
@@ -89,14 +90,14 @@ handle_changes(Args1, Req, Db0, Type) ->
         SNFun = fun() ->
-                 ?MODULE, handle_view_event, {self(), DDocName}, [{dbname,}]
+                 ?MODULE, handle_view_event, {self(), DDocName}, [{dbname, DbName}]
         {SNFun, View0};
     true ->
         SNFun = fun() ->
-                 ?MODULE, handle_db_event, self(), [{dbname,}]
+                 ?MODULE, handle_db_event, self(), [{dbname, DbName}]
         {SNFun, undefined}
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ handle_changes(Args1, Req, Db0, Type) ->
         View2 = if UseViewChanges ->
             {ok, {_, View1, _}, _, _} = couch_mrview_util:get_view(
-          , DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
+                    DbName, DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
         true ->
@@ -219,11 +220,11 @@ configure_filter("_view", Style, Req, Db) ->
             catch _:_ ->
-            case Db#db.id_tree of
-                undefined ->
+            case couch_db:is_clustered(Db) of
+                true ->
                     DIR = fabric_util:doc_id_and_rev(DDoc),
                     {fetch, FilterType, Style, DIR, VName};
-                _ ->
+                false ->
                     {FilterType, Style, DDoc, VName}
         [] ->
@@ -242,11 +243,11 @@ configure_filter(FilterName, Style, Req, Db) ->
         [DName, FName] ->
             {ok, DDoc} = open_ddoc(Db, <<"_design/", DName/binary>>),
             check_member_exists(DDoc, [<<"filters">>, FName]),
-            case Db#db.id_tree of
-                undefined ->
+            case couch_db:is_clustered(Db) of
+                true ->
                     DIR = fabric_util:doc_id_and_rev(DDoc),
                     {fetch, custom, Style, Req, DIR, FName};
-                _ ->
+                false->
                     {custom, Style, Req, DDoc, FName}
@@ -395,15 +396,19 @@ check_fields(_Fields) ->
     throw({bad_request, "Selector error: fields must be JSON array"}).
-open_ddoc(#db{name=DbName, id_tree=undefined}, DDocId) ->
-    case ddoc_cache:open_doc(mem3:dbname(DbName), DDocId) of
-        {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
-        Else -> throw(Else)
-    end;
 open_ddoc(Db, DDocId) ->
-    case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DDocId, [ejson_body]) of
-        {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
-        Else -> throw(Else)
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    case couch_db:is_clustered(Db) of
+        true ->
+            case ddoc_cache:open_doc(mem3:dbname(DbName), DDocId) of
+                {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
+                Else -> throw(Else)
+            end;
+        false ->
+            case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DDocId, [ejson_body]) of
+                {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
+                Else -> throw(Else)
+            end
@@ -566,7 +571,7 @@ can_optimize(_, _) ->
 send_changes_doc_ids(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {doc_ids, _Style, DocIds}) ->
-    Lookups = couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, DocIds),
+    Lookups = couch_db:get_full_doc_infos(Db, DocIds),
     FullInfos = lists:foldl(fun
         ({ok, FDI}, Acc) -> [FDI | Acc];
         (not_found, Acc) -> Acc
@@ -575,11 +580,9 @@ send_changes_doc_ids(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {doc_ids, _Style, DocIds}) ->
 send_changes_design_docs(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {design_docs, _Style}) ->
-    FoldFun = fun(FullDocInfo, _, Acc) ->
-        {ok, [FullDocInfo | Acc]}
-    end,
+    FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
     KeyOpts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}],
-    {ok, _, FullInfos} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
+    {ok, FullInfos} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
     send_lookup_changes(FullInfos, StartSeq, Dir, Db, Fun, Acc0).
@@ -640,8 +643,8 @@ keep_sending_changes(Args, Acc0, FirstRound) ->
     true ->
         case wait_updated(Timeout, TimeoutFun, UserAcc2) of
         {updated, UserAcc4} ->
-            DbOptions1 = [{user_ctx, Db#db.user_ctx} | DbOptions],
-            case couch_db:open(, DbOptions1) of
+            DbOptions1 = [{user_ctx, couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db)} | DbOptions],
+            case couch_db:open(couch_db:name(Db), DbOptions1) of
             {ok, Db2} ->
@@ -665,7 +668,8 @@ keep_sending_changes(Args, Acc0, FirstRound) ->
 maybe_refresh_view(_, undefined, undefined) ->
 maybe_refresh_view(Db, DDocName, ViewName) ->
-    {ok, {_, View, _}, _, _} = couch_mrview_util:get_view(, DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    {ok, {_, View, _}, _, _} = couch_mrview_util:get_view(DbName, DDocName, ViewName, #mrargs{}),
 end_sending_changes(Callback, UserAcc, EndSeq, ResponseType) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
index 8f95eb2..f3b646d 100644
--- a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
+++ b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ can_db_compact(#config{db_frag = Threshold} = Config, Db) ->
         {Frag, SpaceRequired} = frag(DbInfo),
         couch_log:debug("Fragmentation for database `~s` is ~p%, estimated"
                         " space for compaction is ~p bytes.",
-                        [, Frag, SpaceRequired]),
+                        [couch_db:name(Db), Frag, SpaceRequired]),
         case check_frag(Threshold, Frag) of
         false ->
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ can_db_compact(#config{db_frag = Threshold} = Config, Db) ->
                 couch_log:warning("Compaction daemon - skipping database `~s` "
                     "compaction: the estimated necessary disk space is about ~p"
                     " bytes but the currently available disk space is ~p bytes.",
-                    [, SpaceRequired, Free]),
+                    [couch_db:name(Db), SpaceRequired, Free]),
diff --git a/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch_db.erl
index 5d06278..8cf647d 100644
--- a/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
+    clustered_db/2,
+    clustered_db/3,
@@ -32,21 +35,28 @@
+    get_after_doc_read_fun/1,
+    get_before_doc_update_fun/1,
+    get_compactor_pid/1,
+    get_filepath/1,
+    get_user_ctx/1,
+    is_db/1,
+    is_clustered/1,
@@ -80,6 +90,8 @@
+    fold_docs/4,
+    fold_local_docs/4,
@@ -113,6 +125,7 @@
     "^[a-z][a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-\\/]*" % use the stock CouchDB regex
@@ -187,6 +200,12 @@ reopen(#db{main_pid = Pid, fd = Fd, fd_monitor = OldRef, user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
         {ok, NewDb#db{user_ctx = UserCtx, fd_monitor = NewRef}}
+clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx) ->
+    clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx, []).
+clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx, SecProps) ->
+    {ok, #db{name = DbName, user_ctx = UserCtx, security = SecProps}}.
 incref(#db{fd = Fd} = Db) ->
     Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
     {ok, Db#db{fd_monitor = Ref}}.
@@ -195,9 +214,19 @@ decref(#db{fd_monitor = Monitor}) ->
     erlang:demonitor(Monitor, [flush]),
+is_db(#db{}) ->
+    true;
+is_db(_) ->
+    false.
 is_system_db(#db{options = Options}) ->
     lists:member(sys_db, Options).
+is_clustered(#db{main_pid = nil}) ->
+    true;
+is_clustered(#db{}) ->
+    false.
 ensure_full_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, instance_start_time=StartTime}) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, full_commit, infinity),
     {ok, StartTime}.
@@ -378,12 +407,21 @@ increment_update_seq(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
 purge_docs(#db{main_pid=Pid}, IdsRevs) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, {purge_docs, IdsRevs}).
+get_after_doc_read_fun(#db{after_doc_read = Fun}) ->
+    Fun.
+get_before_doc_update_fun(#db{before_doc_update = Fun}) ->
+    Fun.
 get_committed_update_seq(#db{committed_update_seq=Seq}) ->
+get_user_ctx(#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
+    UserCtx.
 get_purge_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
@@ -410,12 +448,18 @@ get_epochs(#db{}=Db) ->
+get_filepath(#db{filepath = FilePath}) ->
+    FilePath.
 get_instance_start_time(#db{instance_start_time = IST}) ->
 get_compacted_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
+get_compactor_pid(#db{compactor_pid = Pid}) ->
+    Pid.
 get_db_info(Db) ->
@@ -1365,6 +1409,17 @@ enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, InFun, Acc, Options) ->
             [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1} | Options]),
     {ok, enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(LastReduction), AccOut}.
+fold_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Opts) ->
+    Wrapper = fun(FDI, _, Acc) -> InFun(FDI, Acc) end,
+    {ok, _, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.id_tree, Wrapper, InAcc, Opts),
+    {ok, AccOut}.
+fold_local_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Opts) ->
+    Wrapper = fun(FDI, _, Acc) -> InFun(FDI, Acc) end,
+    {ok, _, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.local_tree, Wrapper, InAcc, Opts),
+    {ok, AccOut}.
 enum_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Options0) ->
     {NS, Options} = extract_namespace(Options0),
     enum_docs(Db, NS, InFun, InAcc, Options).
diff --git a/src/couch_db_int.hrl b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc739b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-record(db, {
+    main_pid = nil,
+    compactor_pid = nil,
+    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
+    fd,
+    fd_monitor,
+    header = couch_db_header:new(),
+    committed_update_seq,
+    id_tree,
+    seq_tree,
+    local_tree,
+    update_seq,
+    name,
+    filepath,
+    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
+    security = [],
+    security_ptr = nil,
+    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
+    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
+    revs_limit = 1000,
+    fsync_options = [],
+    options = [],
+    compression,
+    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
+    after_doc_read = nil    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/couch_db_plugin.erl b/src/couch_db_plugin.erl
index 774e9e0..740b812 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_plugin.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_plugin.erl
@@ -32,13 +32,15 @@
 validate_dbname(DbName, Normalized, Default) ->
     maybe_handle(validate_dbname, [DbName, Normalized], Default).
-before_doc_update(#db{before_doc_update = Fun} = Db, Doc0) ->
+before_doc_update(Db, Doc0) ->
+    Fun = couch_db:get_before_doc_update_fun(Db),
     case with_pipe(before_doc_update, [Doc0, Db]) of
         [Doc1, _Db] when is_function(Fun) -> Fun(Doc1, Db);
         [Doc1, _Db] -> Doc1
-after_doc_read(#db{after_doc_read = Fun} = Db, Doc0) ->
+after_doc_read(Db, Doc0) ->
+    Fun = couch_db:get_after_doc_read_fun(Db),
     case with_pipe(after_doc_read, [Doc0, Db]) of
         [Doc1, _Db] when is_function(Fun) -> Fun(Doc1, Db);
         [Doc1, _Db] -> Doc1
diff --git a/src/couch_db_updater.erl b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
index 7872635..1970b78 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_updater.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 -record(comp_header, {
diff --git a/src/couch_httpd_db.erl b/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
index 3793a06..fe42dfe 100644
--- a/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ handle_changes_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db, ChangesArgs, ChangesFun) ->
 handle_changes_req(#httpd{}=Req, _Db, _ChangesArgs, _ChangesFun) ->
     couch_httpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,HEAD,POST").
-handle_changes_req1(Req, #db{name=DbName}=Db, ChangesArgs, ChangesFun) ->
+handle_changes_req1(Req, Db, ChangesArgs, ChangesFun) ->
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
     AuthDbName = ?l2b(config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "authentication_db")),
     case AuthDbName of
     DbName ->
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ db_req(#httpd{method='POST',path_parts=[_,<<"_ensure_full_commit">>]}=Req, Db) -
         RequiredSeq > CommittedSeq ->
         true ->
-            {ok, Db#db.instance_start_time}
+            {ok, couch_db:get_instance_start_time(Db)}
     send_json(Req, 201, {[
@@ -733,7 +734,8 @@ update_doc_result_to_json(DocId, Error) ->
 update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, #doc{deleted=false}=Doc) ->
-    Loc = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode( ++ "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode(DocId)),
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    Loc = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode(DbName) ++ "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode(DocId)),
     update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc, [{"Location", Loc}]);
 update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc) ->
     update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc, []).
@@ -1033,7 +1035,7 @@ db_attachment_req(#httpd{method=Method,mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Db, DocId, FileN
     _ ->
         [{"Location", absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++
-            couch_util:url_encode( ++ "/" ++
+            couch_util:url_encode(couch_db:name(Db)) ++ "/" ++
             couch_util:url_encode(DocId) ++ "/" ++
@@ -1145,7 +1147,7 @@ parse_changes_query(Req, Db) ->
         {"descending", "true"} ->
         {"since", "now"} ->
-            UpdateSeq = couch_util:with_db(, fun(WDb) ->
+            UpdateSeq = couch_util:with_db(couch_db:name(Db), fun(WDb) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_users_db.erl b/src/couch_users_db.erl
index 6f7b9af..c7b41f1 100644
--- a/src/couch_users_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_users_db.erl
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 %   -> 404 // Not Found
 % Else
 %   -> save_doc
-before_doc_update(Doc, #db{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Db) ->
-    #user_ctx{name=Name} = UserCtx,
+before_doc_update(Doc, Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{name=Name} = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
     DocName = get_doc_name(Doc),
     case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
     ok ->
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ after_doc_read(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, Db) ->
         <<"Only administrators can view design docs in the users database.">>})
-after_doc_read(Doc, #db{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Db) ->
-    #user_ctx{name=Name} = UserCtx,
+after_doc_read(Doc, Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{name=Name} = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
     DocName = get_doc_name(Doc),
     case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
     ok ->
diff --git a/src/couch_util.erl b/src/couch_util.erl
index 6001ae2..d688c12 100644
--- a/src/couch_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch_util.erl
@@ -198,7 +198,9 @@ json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
 json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [], Acc) ->
     {[{Key, NewValue}|Acc]}.
-json_user_ctx(#db{name=ShardName, user_ctx=Ctx}) ->
+json_user_ctx(Db) ->
+    ShardName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    Ctx = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
     {[{<<"db">>, mem3:dbname(ShardName)},
@@ -455,9 +457,7 @@ encode_doc_id(Id) ->
-with_db(Db, Fun) when is_record(Db, db) ->
-    Fun(Db);
-with_db(DbName, Fun) ->
+with_db(DbName, Fun)  when is_binary(DbName) ->
     case couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
         {ok, Db} ->
@@ -467,6 +467,13 @@ with_db(DbName, Fun) ->
         Else ->
+    end;
+with_db(Db, Fun) ->
+    case couch_db:is_db(Db) of
+        true ->
+            Fun(Db);
+        false ->
+            erlang:error({invalid_db, Db})
 rfc1123_date() ->
diff --git a/test/couch_auth_cache_tests.erl b/test/couch_auth_cache_tests.erl
index 76179de..08aecd1 100644
--- a/test/couch_auth_cache_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_auth_cache_tests.erl
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ hash_password(Password) ->
 shutdown_db(DbName) ->
     {ok, AuthDb} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
     ok = couch_db:close(AuthDb),
-    couch_util:shutdown_sync(AuthDb#db.main_pid),
+    couch_util:shutdown_sync(couch_db:get_pid(AuthDb)),
     ok = timer:sleep(1000).
 get_doc_rev(DbName, UserName) ->
diff --git a/test/couch_changes_tests.erl b/test/couch_changes_tests.erl
index 3c0e5f6..494d90f 100644
--- a/test/couch_changes_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_changes_tests.erl
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ should_filter_by_user_ctx({DbName, _}) ->
             ChArgs = #changes_args{filter = "app/valid"},
             UserCtx = #user_ctx{name = <<"doc3">>, roles = []},
-            DbRec = #db{name = DbName, user_ctx = UserCtx},
+            {ok, DbRec} = couch_db:clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx),
             Req = {json_req, {[{
                 <<"userCtx">>, couch_util:json_user_ctx(DbRec)
diff --git a/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl b/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
index ea9b230..94dd3df 100644
--- a/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ data_providers() -> [].
 data_subscriptions() -> [].
 processes() -> [].
 notify(_, _, _) -> ok.
+fake_db() -> element(2, couch_db:clustered_db(fake, totes_fake)).
 setup() ->
@@ -133,33 +134,33 @@ validate_dbname_pass() ->
 before_doc_update_match() ->
         {true, [before_doc_update, doc]},
-        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(#db{}, {true, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(fake_db(), {true, [doc]})).
 before_doc_update_no_match() ->
         {false, [doc]},
-        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(#db{}, {false, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(fake_db(), {false, [doc]})).
 before_doc_update_throw() ->
-        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(#db{}, {fail, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:before_doc_update(fake_db(), {fail, [doc]})).
 after_doc_read_match() ->
         {true, [after_doc_read, doc]},
-        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(#db{}, {true, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(fake_db(), {true, [doc]})).
 after_doc_read_no_match() ->
         {false, [doc]},
-        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(#db{}, {false, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(fake_db(), {false, [doc]})).
 after_doc_read_throw() ->
-        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(#db{}, {fail, [doc]})).
+        couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(fake_db(), {fail, [doc]})).
 validate_docid_match() ->
diff --git a/test/couch_server_tests.erl b/test/couch_server_tests.erl
index c8f8381..4fd7ff2 100644
--- a/test/couch_server_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_server_tests.erl
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ setup(_) ->
 teardown(Db) ->
-    (catch couch_db:close(Db)),
-    (catch file:delete(Db#db.filepath)).
+    (catch couch_db:close(Db)).
 teardown(rename, Db) ->
     config:set("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", "false", false),
@@ -61,7 +60,9 @@ make_test_case(Mod, Funs) ->
         {foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{Mod, Fun} || Fun <- Funs]}
-should_rename_on_delete(_, #db{filepath = Origin, name = DbName}) ->
+should_rename_on_delete(_, Db) ->
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    Origin = couch_db:get_filepath(Db),
         ?assertMatch(ok, couch_server:delete(DbName, [])),
@@ -74,7 +75,9 @@ should_rename_on_delete(_, #db{filepath = Origin, name = DbName}) ->
-should_delete(_, #db{filepath = Origin, name = DbName}) ->
+should_delete(_, Db) ->
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    Origin = couch_db:get_filepath(Db),
         ?assertMatch(ok, couch_server:delete(DbName, [])),
diff --git a/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl b/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
index 20879a7..6d423d9 100644
--- a/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ update(DbName) ->
     lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
         Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[{<<"_id">>, couch_uuids:new()}]}),
         {ok, _} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, [Doc]),
-        query_view(
+        query_view(couch_db:name(Db))
     end, lists:seq(1, 200)),
diff --git a/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl b/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
index 7b04e85..69277e6 100644
--- a/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ couchdb_1283() ->
         {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(MDb1, DDoc, []),
         ok = populate_db(MDb1, 100, 100),
-        query_view(, "foo", "foo"),
+        query_view(couch_db:name(MDb1), "foo", "foo"),
         ok = couch_db:close(MDb1),
         {ok, Db1} = couch_db:create(?tempdb(), [?ADMIN_CTX]),
@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ couchdb_1283() ->
         {ok, Db3} = couch_db:create(?tempdb(), [?ADMIN_CTX]),
         ok = couch_db:close(Db3),
-        Writer1 = spawn_writer(,
-        Writer2 = spawn_writer(,
+        Writer1 = spawn_writer(couch_db:name(Db1)),
+        Writer2 = spawn_writer(couch_db:name(Db2)),
@@ -361,16 +361,16 @@ couchdb_1283() ->
         %% Below we do exactly the same as couch_mrview:compact holds inside
         %% because we need have access to compaction Pid, not a Ref.
-        %% {ok, MonRef} = couch_mrview:compact(, <<"_design/foo">>,
+        %% {ok, MonRef} = couch_mrview:compact(MDb1, <<"_design/foo">>,
         %%                                     [monitor]),
         {ok, Pid} = couch_index_server:get_index(
-            couch_mrview_index,, <<"_design/foo">>),
+            couch_mrview_index, couch_db:name(MDb1), <<"_design/foo">>),
         {ok, CPid} = gen_server:call(Pid, compact),
         %% By suspending compaction process we ensure that compaction won't get
         %% finished too early to make get_writer_status assertion fail.
         MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, CPid),
-        Writer3 = spawn_writer(,
+        Writer3 = spawn_writer(couch_db:name(Db3)),
         ?assertEqual({error, all_dbs_active}, get_writer_status(Writer3)),
@@ -528,7 +528,8 @@ view_cleanup(DbName) ->
 count_users(DbName) ->
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
-    {monitored_by, Monitors} = erlang:process_info(Db#db.main_pid, monitored_by),
+    DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(Db),
+    {monitored_by, Monitors} = erlang:process_info(DbPid, monitored_by),
     CouchFiles = [P || P <- Monitors, couch_file:process_info(P) =/= undefined],
     ok = couch_db:close(Db),
     length(lists:usort(Monitors) -- [self() | CouchFiles]).
@@ -554,7 +555,8 @@ restore_backup_db_file(DbName) ->
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
     ok = couch_db:close(Db),
-    exit(Db#db.main_pid, shutdown),
+    DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(Db),
+    exit(DbPid, shutdown),
     DbFile = filename:join([DbDir, ?b2l(DbName) ++ ".couch"]),
     ok = file:delete(DbFile),
@@ -575,7 +577,8 @@ wait_db_compact_done(_DbName, 0) ->
 wait_db_compact_done(DbName, N) ->
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
     ok = couch_db:close(Db),
-    case is_pid(Db#db.compactor_pid) of
+    CompactorPid = couch_db:get_compactor_pid(Db),
+    case is_pid(CompactorPid) of
     false ->
     true ->

[02/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Allow for mixed db record definitions

This change is to account for differences in the #db record when a
cluster is operating in a mixed version state (i.e., when running a
rolling reboot to upgrade).

There are only a few operations that are valid on #db records that are
shared between nodes so rather than attempt to map the entire API
between the old and new records we're limiting to just the required API



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 25c9729e520c83e4b7882bc0bb9d1e1b83b31c7c
Parents: 9827918
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 3 09:44:29 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:24 2017 -0600

 src/couch_db.erl     | 18 ++++++++++++----
 src/couch_db_int.hrl | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch_db.erl
index 8cf647d..e2bc2c3 100644
--- a/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -225,7 +225,9 @@ is_system_db(#db{options = Options}) ->
 is_clustered(#db{main_pid = nil}) ->
 is_clustered(#db{}) ->
-    false.
+    false;
+is_clustered(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
+    ?PSE_DB_MAIN_PID(Db) == undefined.
 ensure_full_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, instance_start_time=StartTime}) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, full_commit, infinity),
@@ -238,6 +240,8 @@ ensure_full_commit(Db, RequiredSeq) ->
 close(#db{fd_monitor=Ref}) ->
     erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
+    ok;
+close(?NEW_PSE_DB) ->
 is_idle(#db{compactor_pid=nil, waiting_delayed_commit=nil} = Db) ->
@@ -420,7 +424,9 @@ get_update_seq(#db{update_seq=Seq})->
 get_user_ctx(#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
-    UserCtx.
+    UserCtx;
+get_user_ctx(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
+    ?PSE_DB_USER_CTX(Db).
 get_purge_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
@@ -638,7 +644,9 @@ get_members(#db{security=SecProps}) ->
         couch_util:get_value(<<"readers">>, SecProps, {[]})).
 get_security(#db{security=SecProps}) ->
-    {SecProps}.
+    {SecProps};
+get_security(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
+    {?PSE_DB_SECURITY(Db)}.
 set_security(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, {NewSecProps}) when is_list(NewSecProps) ->
@@ -687,7 +695,9 @@ set_revs_limit(_Db, _Limit) ->
 name(#db{name=Name}) ->
-    Name.
+    Name;
+name(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
+    ?PSE_DB_NAME(Db).
 compression(#db{compression=Compression}) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_db_int.hrl b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
index fc739b7..0bbb5e0 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_int.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
@@ -35,4 +35,57 @@
     before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
     after_doc_read = nil    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
\ No newline at end of file
+-record(new_pse_db, {
+    name,
+    filepath,
+    engine = {couch_bt_engine, undefined},
+    main_pid = nil,
+    compactor_pid = nil,
+    committed_update_seq,
+    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
+    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
+    security = [],
+    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
+    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
+    after_doc_read = nil,    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
+    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
+    options = [],
+    compression
+-define(NEW_PSE_DB, {
+    db,
+    _, % Name
+    _, % FilePath
+    _, % Engine
+    _, % MainPid
+    _, % CompactorPid
+    _, % CommittedUpdateSeq
+    _, % InstanceStartTime
+    _, % UserCtx
+    _, % Security
+    _, % ValidateDocFuns
+    _, % BeforeDocUpdate
+    _, % AfterDocRead
+    _, % WaitingDelayedCommit
+    _, % Options
+    _  % Compression
+-define(PSE_DB_NAME(Db), element(2, Db)).
+-define(PSE_DB_MAIN_PID(Db), element(5, Db)).
+-define(PSE_DB_USER_CTX(Db), element(9, Db)).
+-define(PSE_DB_SECURITY(Db), element(10, Db)).

[10/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Add couch_db_engine module

This is the primary API for pluggable storage engines. This module
serves as both a behavior and a call dispatch module for handling the
engine state updates.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 1c33e23c5b2316cf1bd7b7c9afea6e7a72dcd2a8
Parents: 9ac4304
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 5 11:49:34 2016 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 src/couch_db_engine.erl | 873 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 873 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/couch_db_engine.erl b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff86b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-type filepath() :: iolist().
+-type docid() :: binary().
+-type rev() :: {non_neg_integer(), binary()}.
+-type revs() :: [rev()].
+-type json() :: any().
+-type doc_pair() :: {
+        #full_doc_info{} | not_found,
+        #full_doc_info{} | not_found
+    }.
+-type doc_pairs() :: [doc_pair()].
+-type db_open_options() :: [
+        create
+    ].
+-type delete_options() :: [
+        {context, delete | compaction}
+    ].
+-type purge_info() :: [{docid(), revs()}].
+-type epochs() :: [{Node::atom(), UpdateSeq::non_neg_integer()}].
+-type size_info() :: [{Name::atom(), Size::non_neg_integer()}].
+-type write_stream_option() :: compressed. % Need to enumerate
+-type write_stream_options() :: [write_stream_option()].
+-type doc_fold_options() :: [
+        {start_key, Key::any()} |
+        {end_key, Key::any()} |
+        {end_key_gt, Key::any()} |
+        {dir, fwd | rev} |
+        include_reductions |
+        include_deleted
+    ].
+-type changes_fold_options() :: [
+        % Need to enumerate these
+    ].
+-type db_handle() :: any().
+-type doc_fold_fun() :: fun((#full_doc_info{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+-type local_doc_fold_fun() :: fun((#doc{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+-type changes_fold_fun() :: fun((#doc_info{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+% This is called by couch_server to determine which
+% engine should be used for the given database. DbPath
+% is calculated based on the DbName and the configured
+% extension for a given engine. The first engine to
+% return true is the engine that will be used for the
+% database.
+-callback exists(DbPath::filepath()) -> boolean.
+% This is called by couch_server to delete a database. It
+% is called from inside the couch_server process which
+% means that the storage engine does not have to guarantee
+% its own consistency checks when executing in this
+% context. Although since this is exected in the context
+% of couch_server it should return relatively quickly.
+-callback delete(RootDir::filepath(), DbPath::filepath(), Async::boolean()) ->
+        ok.
+% This function can be called from multiple contexts. It
+% will either be called just before a call to delte/3 above
+% or when a compaction is cancelled which executes in the
+% context of a couch_db_updater process. It is intended to
+% remove any temporary files used during compaction that
+% may be used to recover from a failed compaction swap.
+-callback delete_compaction_files(
+            RootDir::filepath(),
+            DbPath::filepath(),
+            DelOpts::delete_options()) ->
+        ok.
+% This is called fromt he couch_db_updater:init/1 context. As
+% such this means that it is guaranteed to only have one process
+% executing for a given DbPath argument (ie, opening a given
+% database is guaranteed to only happen in a single process).
+% However, multiple process may be trying to open different
+% databases concurrently so if a database requires a shared
+% resource that will require concurrency control at the storage
+% engine layer.
+% The returned DbHandle should be a term that can be freely
+% copied between processes and accessed concurrently. However
+% its guaranteed that the handle will only ever be mutated
+% in a single threaded context (ie, within the couch_db_updater
+% process).
+-callback init(DbPath::filepath(), db_open_options()) ->
+    {ok, DbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:terminate/2
+% and as such has the same properties for init/2. It's guaranteed
+% to be consistent for a given database but may be called by many
+% databases concurrently.
+-callback terminate(Reason::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Ignored::any().
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:handle_message/3
+% for any message that is unknown. It can be used to handle messages
+% from asynchronous processes like the engine's compactor if it has one.
+-callback handle_call(Msg::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+        {reply, Resp::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()} |
+        {stop, Reason::any(), Resp::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:handle_info/2
+% and has the same properties as handle_message/3.
+-callback handle_info(Msg::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+    {noreply, NewDbHandle::db_handle()} |
+    {noreply, NewDbHandle::db_handle(), Timeout::timeout()} |
+    {stop, Reason::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% These functions are called by any process opening or closing
+% a database. As such they need to be able to handle being
+% called concurrently. For example, the legacy engine uses these
+% to add monitors to the main engine process.
+-callback incref(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+-callback decref(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> ok.
+-callback monitored_by(DbHande::db_handle()) -> [pid()].
+% All of the get_* functions may be called from many
+% processes concurrently.
+% The database should make a note of the update sequence when it
+% was last compacted. If the database doesn't need compacting it
+% can just hard code a return value of 0.
+-callback get_compacted_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+            CompactedSeq::non_neg_integer().
+% The number of documents in the database which have all leaf
+% revisions marked as deleted.
+-callback get_del_doc_count(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+            DelDocCount::non_neg_integer().
+% This number is reported in the database info properties and
+% as such can be any JSON value.
+-callback get_disk_version(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Version::json().
+% The number of documents in the database that have one or more
+% leave revisions not marked as deleted.
+-callback get_doc_count(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> DocCount::non_neg_integer().
+% The epochs track which node owned the database starting at
+% a given update sequence. Each time a database is opened it
+% should look at the epochs. If the most recent entry is not
+% for the current node it should add an entry that will be
+% written the next time a write is performed. An entry is
+% simple a {node(), CurrentUpdateSeq} tuple.
+-callback get_epochs(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Epochs::epochs().
+% Get the last purge request performed.
+-callback get_last_purged(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> LastPurged::purge_info().
+% Get the current purge sequence. This should be incremented
+% for every purge operation.
+-callback get_purge_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> PurgeSeq::non_neg_integer().
+% Get the revision limit. This should just return the last
+% value that was passed to set_revs_limit/2.
+-callback get_revs_limit(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> RevsLimit::pos_integer().
+% Get the current security properties. This should just return
+% the last value that was passed to set_security/2.
+-callback get_security(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> SecProps::any().
+% This information is displayed in the database info poperties. It
+% should just be a list of {Name::atom(), Size::non_neg_integer()}
+% tuples that will can then be combined across shards. Currently,
+% various modules expect there to at least be values for:
+%   file     - Number of bytes on disk
+%   active   - Theoretical minimum number of bytes to store this db on disk
+%              which is used to guide decisions on compaction
+%   external - Number of bytes that would be required to represent the
+%              contents outside of the database (for billing and customer
+%              information)
+-callback get_size_info(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> SizeInfo::size_info().
+% The current update sequence of the database. The update
+% sequence should be incrememnted for every revision added to
+% the database.
+-callback get_update_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> UpdateSeq::non_neg_integer().
+% Whenever a database is created it should generate a
+% persistent UUID for identification in case the shard should
+% ever need to be moved between nodes in a cluster.
+-callback get_uuid(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> UUID::binary().
+% These functions are only called by couch_db_updater and
+% as such are guaranteed to be single threaded calls. The
+% database should simply store these values somewhere so
+% they can be returned by the corresponding get_* calls.
+-callback set_revs_limit(DbHandle::db_handle(), RevsLimit::pos_integer()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+-callback set_security(DbHandle::db_handle(), SecProps::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This function will be called by many processes concurrently.
+% It should return a #full_doc_info{} record or not_found for
+% every provided DocId in the order those DocId's appear in
+% the input.
+% Traditionally this function will only return documents that
+% were present in the database when the DbHandle was retrieved
+% from couch_server. It is currently unknown what would break
+% if a storage engine deviated from that property.
+-callback open_docs(DbHandle::db_handle(), DocIds::[docid()]) ->
+        [#full_doc_info{} | not_found].
+% This function will be called by many processes concurrently.
+% It should return a #doc{} record or not_found for every
+% provided DocId in the order they appear in the input.
+% The same caveats around database snapshots from open_docs
+% apply to this function (although this function is called
+% rather less frequently so it may not be as big of an
+% issue).
+-callback open_local_docs(DbHandle::db_handle(), DocIds::[docid()]) ->
+        [#doc{} | not_found].
+% This function well be called from many contexts concurrently.
+% The provided RawDoc is a #doc{} record that has its body
+% value set to the body value returned from write_doc_body/2.
+% This API exists so that storage engines can store document
+% bodies externally from the #full_doc_info{} record (which
+% is the traditional approach and is recommended).
+-callback read_doc_body(DbHandle::db_handle(), RawDoc::doc()) ->
+        {ok, Doc::doc()}.
+% This function is called concurrently by any client process
+% that is writing a document. It should accept a #doc{}
+% record and return a #doc{} record with a mutated body it
+% wishes to have written to disk by write_doc_body/2.
+% This API exists so that storage engines can compress
+% document bodies in parallel by client processes rather
+% than forcing all compression to occur single threaded
+% in the context of the couch_db_updater process.
+-callback serialize_doc(DbHandle::db_handle(), Doc::doc()) ->
+        doc().
+% This function is called in the context of a couch_db_updater
+% which means its single threaded for the given DbHandle.
+% The returned #doc{} record should have its Body set to a value
+% that will be stored in the #full_doc_info{} record's revision
+% tree leaves which is passed to read_doc_body/2 above when
+% a client wishes to read a document.
+% The BytesWritten return value is used to determine the number
+% of active bytes in the database which can is used to make
+% a determination of when to compact this database.
+-callback write_doc_body(DbHandle::db_handle(), Doc::doc()) ->
+        {ok, FlushedDoc::doc(), BytesWritten::non_neg_integer()}.
+% This function is called from the context of couch_db_updater
+% and as such is guaranteed single threaded for the given
+% DbHandle.
+% This is probably the most complicated function in the entire
+% API due to a few subtle behavior requirements required by
+% CouchDB's storage model.
+% The Pairs argument is a list of pairs (2-tuples) of
+% #full_doc_info{} records. The first element of the pair is
+% the #full_doc_info{} that exists on disk. The second element
+% is the new version that should be written to disk. There are
+% three basic cases that should be followed:
+%     1. {not_found, #full_doc_info{}} - A new document was created
+%     2. {#full_doc_info{}, #full_doc_info{}} - A document was updated
+%     3. {#full_doc_info{}, not_found} - A document was purged completely
+% Number one and two are fairly straight forward as long as proper
+% accounting for moving entries in the udpate sequence are accounted
+% for. However, case 3 you'll notice is "purged completely" which
+% means it needs to be removed from the database including the
+% update sequence. Also, for engines that are not using append
+% only storage like the legacy engine, case 2 can be the result of
+% a purge so special care will be needed to see which revisions
+% should be removed.
+% The LocalDocs variable is applied separately. Its important to
+% note for new storage engine authors that these documents are
+% separate because they should *not* be included as part of the
+% changes index for the database.
+% The PurgedDocIdRevs is the list of Ids and Revisions that were
+% purged during this update. While its not guaranteed by the API,
+% currently there will never be purge changes comingled with
+% standard updates.
+% Traditionally an invocation of write_doc_infos should be all
+% or nothing in so much that if an error occurs (or the VM dies)
+% then the database doesn't retain any of the changes. However
+% as long as a storage engine maintains consistency this should
+% not be an issue as it has never been a guarantee and the
+% batches are non-deterministic (from the point of view of the
+% client).
+-callback write_doc_infos(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    Pairs::doc_pairs(),
+    LocalDocs::[#doc{}],
+    PurgedDocIdRevs::[{docid(), revs()}]) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This function is called in the context of couch_db_udpater and
+% as such is single threaded for any given DbHandle.
+% This call is made periodically to ensure that the database has
+% stored all updates on stable storage. (ie, here is where you fsync).
+-callback commit_data(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHande::db_handle()}.
+% This function is called by multiple processes concurrently.
+% This function along with open_read_stream are part of the
+% attachments API. For the time being I'm leaving these mostly
+% undocumented. There are implementations of this in both the
+% legacy btree engine as well as the alternative engine
+% implementations for the curious, however this is a part of the
+% API for which I'd like feed back.
+% Currently an engine can elect to not implement these API's
+% by throwing the atom not_supported.
+-callback open_write_stream(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    Options::write_stream_options()) ->
+        {ok, pid()}.
+% See the documentation for open_write_stream
+-callback open_read_stream(DbHandle::db_handle(), StreamDiskInfo::any()) ->
+        {ok, {Module::atom(), ReadStreamState::any()}}.
+% See the documentation for open_write_stream
+-callback is_active_stream(DbHandle::db_handle(), ReadStreamState::any()) ->
+        boolean().
+% This funciton is called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to fold over the documents in
+% the database sorted by the raw byte collation order of
+% the document id. For each document id, the supplied user
+% function should be invoked with the first argument set
+% to the #full_doc_info{} record and the second argument
+% set to the current user supplied accumulator. The return
+% value of the user function is a 2-tuple of {Go, NewUserAcc}.
+% The NewUserAcc value should then replace the current
+% user accumulator. If Go is the atom ok, iteration over
+% documents should continue. If Go is the atom stop, then
+% iteration should halt and the return value should be
+% {ok, NewUserAcc}.
+% Possible options to this function include:
+%     1. start_key - Start iteration at the provided key or
+%        or just after if the key doesn't exist
+%     2. end_key - Stop iteration prior to visiting the provided
+%        key
+%     3. end_key_gt - Stop iteration just after the provided key
+%     4. dir - The atom fwd or rev. This is to be able to iterate
+%        over documents in reverse order. The logic for comparing
+%        start_key, end_key, and end_key_gt are then reversed (ie,
+%        when rev, start_key should be greater than end_key if the
+%        user wishes to see results)
+%     5. include_reductions - This is a hack for _all_docs since
+%        it currently relies on reductiosn to count an offset. This
+%        is a terrible hack that will need to be addressed by the
+%        API in the future. If this option is present the supplied
+%        user function expects three arguments, where the first
+%        argument is a #full_doc_info{} record, the second argument
+%        is the current list of reductions to the left of the current
+%        document, and the third argument is the current user
+%        accumulator. The return value from the user function is
+%        unaffected. However the final return value of the function
+%        should include the final total reductions as the second
+%        element of a 3-tuple. Like I said, this is a hack.
+%     6. include_deleted - By default deleted documents are not
+%        included in fold_docs calls. However in some special
+%        cases we do want to see them (as of now, just in couch_changes
+%        during the design document changes optimization)
+% Historically, if a process calls this function repeatedly it
+% would see the same results returned even if there were concurrent
+% updates happening. However there doesn't seem to be any instance of
+% that actually happening so a storage engine that includes new results
+% between invocations shouldn't have any issues.
+-callback fold_docs(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    UserFold::doc_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    doc_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This should behave exactly the same as fold_docs/4 except that it
+% should only return local documents and the first argument to the
+% user function is a #doc{} record, not a #full_doc_info{}.
+-callback fold_local_docs(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    UserFold::local_doc_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    doc_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to fold over the documents (not local
+% documents) in order of their most recent update. Each document
+% in the database should have exactly one entry in this sequence.
+% If a document is updated during a call to this funciton it should
+% not be included twice as that will probably lead to Very Bad Things.
+% This should behave similarly to fold_docs/4 in that the supplied
+% user function should be invoked with a #full_doc_info{} record
+% as the first arugment and the current user accumulator as the
+% second argument. The same semantics for the return value from the
+% user function should be handled as in fold_docs/4.
+% The StartSeq parameter indicates where the fold should start
+% *after*. As in, if a change with a value of StartSeq exists in the
+% database it should not be included in the fold.
+% Currently the only option I know to be passed is {dir, rev} when
+% an external client tries to read the changes feed in reverse.
+-callback fold_changes(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    StartSeq::non_neg_integer(),
+    UserFold::changes_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    changes_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to count the number of documents changed
+% since they given UpdateSeq (ie, not including the possible change
+% at exactly UpdateSeq). It is currently only used internally to
+% provide a status update in a replication's _active_tasks entry
+% to indicate how many documents are left to be processed.
+% This is a fairly difficult thing to support in engine's that don't
+% behave exactly like a tree with efficient support for counting rows
+% between keys. As such returning 0 or even just the difference between
+% the current update sequence is possibly the best some storage engines
+% can provide. This may lead to some confusion when interpreting the
+% _active_tasks entry if the storage engine isn't accounted for by the
+% client.
+-callback count_changes_since(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    UpdateSeq::non_neg_integer()) ->
+        TotalChanges::non_neg_integer().
+% This function is called in the context of couch_db_updater and as
+% such is guaranteed to be single threaded for the given DbHandle.
+% If a storage engine requires compaction this is a trigger to start
+% it off. However a storage engine can do whatever it wants here. As
+% this is fairly engine specific there's not a lot guidance that is
+% generally applicable.
+% When compaction is finished the compactor should use
+% gen_server:cast/2 to send a {compact_done, CompactEngine, CompactInfo}
+% message to the Parent pid provided. Currently CompactEngine
+% must be the same engine that started the compaction and CompactInfo
+% is an arbitrary term that's passed to finish_compaction/4.
+-callback start_compaction(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    DbName::binary(),
+    Options::db_open_options(),
+    Parent::pid()) ->
+        CompactorPid::pid().
+% This function is called in the context of couch_db_udpater and as
+% such is guarnateed to be single threaded for the given DbHandle.
+% Same as for start_compaction, this will be extremely specific to
+% any given storage engine.
+% The split in the API here is so that if the storage engine needs
+% to update the DbHandle state of the couch_db_updater it can as
+% finish_compaction/4 is called in the context of the couch_db_updater.
+-callback finish_compaction(
+    OldDbHandle::db_handle(),
+    DbName::binary(),
+    Options::db_open_options(),
+    CompactInfo::any()) ->
+        {ok, CompactedDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+    exists/2,
+    delete/4,
+    delete_compaction_files/4,
+    init/3,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_info/2,
+    incref/1,
+    decref/1,
+    monitored_by/1,
+    get_engine/1,
+    get_compacted_seq/1,
+    get_del_doc_count/1,
+    get_disk_version/1,
+    get_doc_count/1,
+    get_epochs/1,
+    get_last_purged/1,
+    get_purge_seq/1,
+    get_revs_limit/1,
+    get_security/1,
+    get_size_info/1,
+    get_update_seq/1,
+    get_uuid/1,
+    set_revs_limit/2,
+    set_security/2,
+    open_docs/2,
+    open_local_docs/2,
+    read_doc_body/2,
+    serialize_doc/2,
+    write_doc_body/2,
+    write_doc_infos/4,
+    commit_data/1,
+    open_write_stream/2,
+    open_read_stream/2,
+    is_active_stream/2,
+    fold_docs/4,
+    fold_local_docs/4,
+    fold_changes/5,
+    count_changes_since/2,
+    start_compaction/1,
+    finish_compaction/2
+exists(Engine, DbPath) ->
+    Engine:exists(DbPath).
+delete(Engine, RootDir, DbPath, DelOpts) when is_list(DelOpts) ->
+    Engine:delete(RootDir, DbPath, DelOpts).
+delete_compaction_files(Engine, RootDir, DbPath, DelOpts)
+        when is_list(DelOpts) ->
+    Engine:delete_compaction_files(RootDir, DbPath, DelOpts).
+init(Engine, DbPath, Options) ->
+    case Engine:init(DbPath, Options) of
+         {ok, EngineState} ->
+             {ok, {Engine, EngineState}};
+         Error ->
+             throw(Error)
+    end.
+terminate(Reason, #db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:terminate(Reason, EngineState).
+handle_call(Msg, _From, #db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{
+        engine = {Engine, EngineState}
+    } = Db,
+    case Engine:handle_call(Msg, EngineState) of
+        {reply, Resp, NewState} ->
+            {reply, Resp, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}};
+        {stop, Reason, Resp, NewState} ->
+            {stop, Reason, Resp, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}}
+    end.
+handle_info(Msg, #db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{
+        name = Name,
+        engine = {Engine, EngineState}
+    } = Db,
+    case Engine:handle_info(Msg, EngineState) of
+        {noreply, NewState} ->
+            {noreply, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}};
+        {noreply, NewState, Timeout} ->
+            {noreply, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}, Timeout};
+        {stop, Reason, NewState} ->
+            couch_log:error("DB ~s shutting down: ~p", [Name, Msg]),
+            {stop, Reason, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}}
+    end.
+incref(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    {ok, NewState} = Engine:incref(EngineState),
+    {ok, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewState}}}.
+decref(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:decref(EngineState).
+monitored_by(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:monitored_by(EngineState).
+get_engine(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, _}} = Db,
+    Engine.
+get_compacted_seq(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_compacted_seq(EngineState).
+get_del_doc_count(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_del_doc_count(EngineState).
+get_disk_version(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_disk_version(EngineState).
+get_doc_count(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_doc_count(EngineState).
+get_epochs(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_epochs(EngineState).
+get_last_purged(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_last_purged(EngineState).
+get_purge_seq(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_purge_seq(EngineState).
+get_revs_limit(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_revs_limit(EngineState).
+get_security(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_security(EngineState).
+get_size_info(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_size_info(EngineState).
+get_update_seq(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_update_seq(EngineState).
+get_uuid(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:get_uuid(EngineState).
+set_revs_limit(#db{} = Db, RevsLimit) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    {ok, NewSt} = Engine:set_revs_limit(EngineState, RevsLimit),
+    {ok, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewSt}}}.
+set_security(#db{} = Db, SecProps) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    {ok, NewSt} = Engine:set_security(EngineState, SecProps),
+    {ok, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewSt}}}.
+open_docs(#db{} = Db, DocIds) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:open_docs(EngineState, DocIds).
+open_local_docs(#db{} = Db, DocIds) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:open_local_docs(EngineState, DocIds).
+read_doc_body(#db{} = Db, RawDoc) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:read_doc_body(EngineState, RawDoc).
+serialize_doc(#db{} = Db, #doc{} = Doc) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:serialize_doc(EngineState, Doc).
+write_doc_body(#db{} = Db, #doc{} = Doc) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:write_doc_body(EngineState, Doc).
+write_doc_infos(#db{} = Db, DocUpdates, LocalDocs, PurgedDocIdRevs) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    {ok, NewSt} = Engine:write_doc_infos(
+            EngineState, DocUpdates, LocalDocs, PurgedDocIdRevs),
+    {ok, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewSt}}}.
+commit_data(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    {ok, NewSt} = Engine:commit_data(EngineState),
+    {ok, Db#db{engine = {Engine, NewSt}}}.
+open_write_stream(#db{} = Db, Options) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:open_write_stream(EngineState, Options).
+open_read_stream(#db{} = Db, StreamDiskInfo) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:open_read_stream(EngineState, StreamDiskInfo).
+is_active_stream(#db{} = Db, ReadStreamState) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:is_active_stream(EngineState, ReadStreamState).
+fold_docs(#db{} = Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:fold_docs(EngineState, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_local_docs(#db{} = Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:fold_local_docs(EngineState, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_changes(#db{} = Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:fold_changes(EngineState, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+count_changes_since(#db{} = Db, StartSeq) ->
+    #db{engine = {Engine, EngineState}} = Db,
+    Engine:count_changes_since(EngineState, StartSeq).
+start_compaction(#db{} = Db) ->
+    #db{
+        engine = {Engine, EngineState},
+        name = DbName,
+        options = Options
+    } = Db,
+    {ok, NewEngineState, Pid} = Engine:start_compaction(
+            EngineState, DbName, Options, self()),
+    {ok, Db#db{
+        engine = {Engine, NewEngineState},
+        compactor_pid = Pid
+    }}.
+finish_compaction(Db, CompactInfo) ->
+    #db{
+        engine = {Engine, St},
+        name = DbName,
+        options = Options
+    } = Db,
+    NewDb = case Engine:finish_compaction(St, DbName, Options, CompactInfo) of
+        {ok, NewState, undefined} ->
+            couch_event:notify(DbName, compacted),
+            Db#db{
+                engine = {Engine, NewState},
+                compactor_pid = nil
+            };
+        {ok, NewState, CompactorPid} when is_pid(CompactorPid) ->
+            Db#db{
+                engine = {Engine, NewState},
+                compactor_pid = CompactorPid
+            }
+    end,
+    ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, NewDb}, infinity),
+    {ok, NewDb}.

[04/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Ensure deterministic revisions for attachments

This re-fixes a corner case when recreating a document with an
attachment in a single multipart request. Since we don't detect that we
need a new revision until after the document has been serialized we need
to be able to deserialize the body so that we can generate the same
revisions regardless of the contents of the database. If we don't do
this then we end up including information from the position of the
attachment on disk in the revision calculation which can introduce
branches in the revision tree.

I've left this as a separate commit from the pluggable storage engine
work so that its called out clearly for us to revisit.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: f3cf0a938140fa3b1f14ed7f0cf69cfbf67be363
Parents: 1ce58cc
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Wed Feb 8 07:25:37 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 src/couch_bt_engine.erl  | 10 +++++++++-
 src/couch_db.erl         | 12 +-----------
 src/couch_db_updater.erl | 12 +++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine.erl b/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
index 7c0fdbc..ebf312c 100644
--- a/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
@@ -324,7 +324,15 @@ serialize_doc(#st{} = St, #doc{} = Doc) ->
     SummaryBin = ?term_to_bin({Body, Atts}),
     Md5 = couch_crypto:hash(md5, SummaryBin),
     Data = couch_file:assemble_file_chunk(SummaryBin, Md5),
-    Doc#doc{body = Data}.
+    % TODO: This is a terrible hack to get around the issues
+    %       in COUCHDB-3255. We'll need to come back and figure
+    %       out a better approach to handling the case when we
+    %       need to generate a new revision id after the doc
+    %       has been serialized.
+    Doc#doc{
+        body = Data,
+        meta = [{comp_body, Body} | Doc#doc.meta]
+    }.
 write_doc_body(St, #doc{} = Doc) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch_db.erl
index df31dfc..6c5cfdf 100644
--- a/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, [Bucket|RestBuckets], [OldInfo|RestOldI
-new_revid(#doc{body=Body0, revs={OldStart,OldRevs}, atts=Atts, deleted=Deleted}) ->
+new_revid(#doc{body=Body, revs={OldStart,OldRevs}, atts=Atts, deleted=Deleted}) ->
     DigestedAtts = lists:foldl(fun(Att, Acc) ->
         [N, T, M] = couch_att:fetch([name, type, md5], Att),
         case M == <<>> of
@@ -943,16 +943,6 @@ new_revid(#doc{body=Body0, revs={OldStart,OldRevs}, atts=Atts, deleted=Deleted})
             false -> [{N, T, M} | Acc]
     end, [], Atts),
-    Body = case Body0 of
-        {summary, [_Len, _Md5, BodyAtts], _SizeInfo, _AttsFd} ->
-            {CompBody, _CompAtts} = binary_to_term(BodyAtts),
-            couch_compress:decompress(CompBody);
-        {summary, [_Len, BodyAtts], _SizeInfo, _AttsFd} ->
-            {CompBody, _CompAtts} = binary_to_term(BodyAtts),
-            couch_compress:decompress(CompBody);
-        Else ->
-            Else
-    end,
     case DigestedAtts of
         Atts2 when length(Atts) =/= length(Atts2) ->
             % We must have old style non-md5 attachments
diff --git a/src/couch_db_updater.erl b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
index 37e77cd..03d0f34 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_updater.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
@@ -520,7 +520,17 @@ merge_rev_tree(OldInfo, NewDoc, Client, Limit, false)
             % Update the new doc based on revisions in OldInfo
             #doc_info{revs=[WinningRev | _]} = couch_doc:to_doc_info(OldInfo),
             #rev_info{rev={OldPos, OldRev}} = WinningRev,
-            NewRevId = couch_db:new_revid(NewDoc#doc{revs={OldPos, [OldRev]}}),
+            Body = case couch_util:get_value(comp_body, NewDoc#doc.meta) of
+                CompBody when is_binary(CompBody) ->
+                    couch_compress:decompress(CompBody);
+                _ ->
+                    NewDoc#doc.body
+            end,
+            RevIdDoc = NewDoc#doc{
+                revs = {OldPos, [OldRev]},
+                body = Body
+            },
+            NewRevId = couch_db:new_revid(RevIdDoc),
             NewDoc2 = NewDoc#doc{revs={OldPos + 1, [NewRevId, OldRev]}},
             % Merge our modified new doc into the tree

[09/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Add storage engine test suite

This allows other storage engine implementations to reuse the same exact
test suite without having to resort to shenanigans like keeping vendored
copies up to date.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 1ce58ccf9ee2b19f9046070bafc534b9bcfa53cc
Parents: 18f1cd7
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 5 12:21:39 2016 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 .gitignore                            |   5 +
 src/test_engine_attachments.erl       |  85 ++++
 src/test_engine_compaction.erl        | 181 +++++++++
 src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl      | 190 +++++++++
 src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl         | 390 +++++++++++++++++++
 src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl     |  70 ++++
 src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl |  81 ++++
 src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl        | 158 ++++++++
 src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl   | 317 +++++++++++++++
 src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl      | 112 ++++++
 src/test_engine_util.erl              | 602 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl        |  20 +
 12 files changed, 2211 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 30aa173..73fb0b6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -11,5 +11,10 @@ priv/*.dll
diff --git a/src/test_engine_attachments.erl b/src/test_engine_attachments.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19322d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_attachments.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_write_attachment() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    AttBin = crypto:rand_bytes(32768),
+    [Att0] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St1, [
+            {<<"ohai.txt">>, AttBin}
+        ]),
+    {stream, Stream} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att0),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Engine:is_active_stream(St1, Stream)),
+    Actions = [{create, {<<"first">>, [], [Att0]}}],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"first">>]),
+    #rev_info{
+        rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body_sp = DocPtr
+    } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = <<"foo">>,
+        revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body = DocPtr
+    },
+    Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
+    Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.atts)
+    end,
+    StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> Engine:open_read_stream(St4, Sp) end,
+    [Att1] = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, T) || T <- Atts1],
+    ReadBin = couch_att:to_binary(Att1),
+    ?assertEqual(AttBin, ReadBin).
+% N.B. This test may be overly specific for some theoretical
+% storage engines that don't re-initialize their
+% attachments streams when restarting (for instance if
+% we ever have something that stores attachemnts in
+% an external object store)
+cet_inactive_stream() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    AttBin = crypto:rand_bytes(32768),
+    [Att0] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St1, [
+            {<<"ohai.txt">>, AttBin}
+        ]),
+    {stream, Stream} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att0),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Engine:is_active_stream(St1, Stream)),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St1),
+    {ok, St2} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:is_active_stream(St2, Stream)).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_compaction.erl b/src/test_engine_compaction.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b178bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_compaction.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_compact_empty() ->
+    {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St1),
+    {ok, St2, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St1, Path),
+    {ok, St3, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St2, DbName, [], Term),
+    Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St3),
+    Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
+    ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cet_compact_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    Actions = [{create, {<<"foo">>, []}}],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
+    {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
+    {ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
+    Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
+    Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
+    ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cet_compact_local_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    Actions = [{create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
+    {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
+    {ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
+    Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
+    Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
+    ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cet_compact_with_everything() ->
+    {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    % Add a whole bunch of docs
+    DocActions = lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+        {create, {docid(Seq), [{<<"int">>, Seq}]}}
+    end, lists:seq(1, 1000)),
+    LocalActions = lists:map(fun(I) ->
+        {create, {local_docid(I), [{<<"int">>, I}]}}
+    end, lists:seq(1, 25)),
+    Actions1 = DocActions ++ LocalActions,
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:set_security(St2, [{<<"readers">>, <<"ohai">>}]),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:set_revs_limit(St3, 500),
+    Actions2 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
+        {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"hooray">>, <<"purple">>}]}},
+        {conflict, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"booo">>, false}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St5} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St4, Actions2),
+    [FooFDI, BarFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St5, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
+    FooRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FooFDI),
+    BarRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(BarFDI),
+    Actions3 = [
+        {batch, [
+            {purge, {<<"foo">>, FooRev#rev_info.rev}},
+            {purge, {<<"bar">>, BarRev#rev_info.rev}}
+        ]}
+    ],
+    {ok, St6} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St5, Actions3),
+    PurgedIdRevs = [
+        {<<"bar">>, [BarRev#rev_info.rev]},
+        {<<"foo">>, [FooRev#rev_info.rev]}
+    ],
+    ?assertEqual(PurgedIdRevs, lists:sort(Engine:get_last_purged(St6))),
+    [Att0, Att1, Att2, Att3, Att4] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St6, [
+            {<<"ohai.txt">>, crypto:rand_bytes(2048)},
+            {<<"">>, crypto:rand_bytes(32768)},
+            {<<"a.erl">>, crypto:rand_bytes(29)},
+            {<<"a.hrl">>, crypto:rand_bytes(5000)},
+            {<<"">>, crypto:rand_bytes(400)}
+        ]),
+    Actions4 = [
+        {create, {<<"small_att">>, [], [Att0]}},
+        {create, {<<"large_att">>, [], [Att1]}},
+        {create, {<<"multi_att">>, [], [Att2, Att3, Att4]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St7} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St6, Actions4),
+    {ok, St8} = Engine:commit_data(St7),
+    Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St8),
+    Config = [
+        {"database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "1024"},
+        {"database_compaction", "checkpoint_after", "2048"}
+    ],
+    {ok, St9, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:with_config(Config, fun() ->
+        test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St8, Path)
+    end),
+    {ok, St10, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St9, DbName, [], Term),
+    Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St10),
+    Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
+    ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cet_recompact_updates() ->
+    {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
+        {create, {<<"bar">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
+    Actions2 = [
+        {update, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"updated">>, true}]}},
+        {create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
+    Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
+    {ok, St5, NewPid} = Engine:finish_compaction(St4, DbName, [], Term),
+    ?assertEqual(true, is_pid(NewPid)),
+    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
+    NewTerm = receive
+        {'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
+            Term0;
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
+            erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
+        after 10000 ->
+            erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
+    end,
+    {ok, St6, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St5, DbName, [], NewTerm),
+    Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St6),
+    Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
+    ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+docid(I) ->
+    Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+    iolist_to_binary(Str).
+local_docid(I) ->
+    Str = io_lib:format("_local/~4..0b", [I]),
+    iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl b/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e97fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(NUM_DOCS, 100).
+cet_empty_changes() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:count_changes_since(St, 0)),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_single_change() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = [{create, {<<"a">>, []}}],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 1}]},
+            Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_two_changes() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+        {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_two_changes_batch() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {batch, [
+            {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+            {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
+        ]}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    {ok, Changes1} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes1)),
+    {ok, Engine, St3} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions2 = [
+        {batch, [
+            {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+            {create, {<<"a">>, []}}
+        ]}
+    ],
+    {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St4, 0)),
+    {ok, Changes2} = Engine:fold_changes(St4, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 1}, {<<"a">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes2)).
+cet_update_one() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+        {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 2}]},
+            Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_update_first_of_two() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+        {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+        {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"a">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_update_second_of_two() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+        {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+        {update, {<<"b">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+    {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_check_mutation_ordering() ->
+    Actions = shuffle(lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+        {create, {docid(Seq), []}}
+    end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS))),
+    DocIdOrder = [DocId || {_, {DocId, _}} <- Actions],
+    DocSeqs = lists:zip(DocIdOrder, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    % First lets see that we can get the correct
+    % suffix/prefix starting at every update sequence
+    lists:foreach(fun(Seq) ->
+        {ok, Suffix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+        ?assertEqual(lists:nthtail(Seq, DocSeqs), lists:reverse(Suffix)),
+        {ok, Prefix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+                {dir, rev}
+            ]),
+        ?assertEqual(lists:sublist(DocSeqs, Seq + 1), Prefix)
+    end, lists:seq(0, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+    ok = do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St2, ?NUM_DOCS + 1, DocSeqs, []).
+do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, _Seq, [], FinalDocSeqs) ->
+    {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual(FinalDocSeqs, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+    ok;
+do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, Seq, [{DocId, _OldSeq} | Rest], DocSeqAcc) ->
+    Actions = [{update, {DocId, []}}],
+    {ok, NewSt} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St, Actions),
+    NewAcc = DocSeqAcc ++ [{DocId, Seq}],
+    Expected = Rest ++ NewAcc,
+    {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(NewSt, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+    do_mutation_ordering(Engine, NewSt, Seq + 1, Rest, NewAcc).
+shuffle(List) ->
+    random:seed(os:timestamp()),
+    Paired = [{random:uniform(), I} || I <- List],
+    Sorted = lists:sort(Paired),
+    [I || {_, I} <- Sorted].
+remove_random(List) ->
+    Pos = random:uniform(length(List)),
+    remove_random(Pos, List).
+remove_random(1, [Item | Rest]) ->
+    {Item, Rest};
+remove_random(N, [Skip | Rest]) when N > 1 ->
+    {Item, Tail} = remove_random(N - 1, Rest),
+    {Item, [Skip | Tail]}.
+fold_fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, [{Id, Seq} | Acc]}.
+docid(I) ->
+    Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+    iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl b/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d7f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(NUM_DOCS, 100).
+cet_fold_all() ->
+    fold_all(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_all_local() ->
+    fold_all(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cet_fold_start_key() ->
+    fold_start_key(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_start_key_local() ->
+    fold_start_key(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cet_fold_end_key() ->
+    fold_end_key(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_end_key_local() ->
+    fold_end_key(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cet_fold_end_key_gt() ->
+    fold_end_key_gt(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_end_key_gt_local() ->
+    fold_end_key_gt(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cet_fold_range() ->
+    fold_range(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_range_local() ->
+    fold_range(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cet_fold_stop() ->
+    fold_stop(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cet_fold_stop_local() ->
+    fold_stop(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+% This is a loose test but we have to have this until
+% I figure out what to do about the total_rows/offset
+% meta data included in _all_docs
+cet_fold_include_reductions() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(fun docid/1),
+    FoldFun = fun(_, _, nil) -> {ok, nil} end,
+    {ok, Count, nil} = Engine:fold_docs(St, FoldFun, nil, [include_reductions]),
+    ?assert(is_integer(Count)),
+    ?assert(Count >= 0).
+fold_all(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    DocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+    ?assertEqual(?NUM_DOCS, length(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIds, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [{dir, rev}]),
+    ?assertEqual(?NUM_DOCS, length(DocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIds, DocIdAccRev).
+fold_start_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
+    StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
+    AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, StartKeyNum)],
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, <<255>>}
+        ])),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, <<"">>}
+        ])),
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, <<"">>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, <<255>>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, AllDocIdAccRev),
+    {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, StartKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, StartKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsRev), length(DocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
+fold_end_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    EndKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
+    EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key, <<"">>}
+        ])),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key, <<255>>}
+        ])),
+    AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key, <<255>>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key, <<"">>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, AllDocIdAccRev),
+    DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, EndKeyNum)],
+    {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key, EndKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(EndKeyNum, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key, EndKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsRev), length(DocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
+fold_end_key_gt(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    EndKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
+    EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key_gt, <<"">>}
+        ])),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key_gt, <<255>>}
+        ])),
+    AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key_gt, <<255>>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key_gt, <<"">>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, AllDocIdAccRev),
+    DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, EndKeyNum - 1)],
+    {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {end_key_gt, EndKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(EndKeyNum + 1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {end_key_gt, EndKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsRev), length(DocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
+fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
+    EndKeyNum = StartKeyNum * 3,
+    StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
+    EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, <<"">>},
+            {end_key, <<"">>}
+        ])),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, <<"">>},
+            {end_key, <<255>>}
+        ])),
+    AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, <<"">>},
+            {end_key, <<255>>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, <<255>>},
+            {end_key_gt, <<"">>}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(AllDocIds, AllDocIdAccRev),
+    DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, EndKeyNum)],
+    {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {start_key, StartKey},
+            {end_key, EndKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
+    DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, EndKeyNum)],
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, StartKey},
+            {end_key, EndKey}
+        ])),
+    {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, EndKey},
+            {end_key, StartKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(DocIdsRev), length(DocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
+fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+    StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
+    StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {start_key, <<255>>}
+        ])),
+    ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, <<"">>}
+        ])),
+    SuffixDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(?NUM_DOCS - 3, ?NUM_DOCS)],
+    {ok, SuffixDocIdAcc} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {start_key, DocIdFun(?NUM_DOCS - 3)}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(SuffixDocIds), length(SuffixDocIdAcc)),
+    ?assertEqual(SuffixDocIds, lists:reverse(SuffixDocIdAcc)),
+    PrefixDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, 3)],
+    {ok, PrefixDocIdAcc} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, DocIdFun(3)}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(3, length(PrefixDocIdAcc)),
+    ?assertEqual(PrefixDocIds, PrefixDocIdAcc),
+    FiveDocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I)
+            || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, StartKeyNum + 5)],
+    {ok, FiveDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {start_key, StartKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(FiveDocIdsFwd), length(FiveDocIdAccFwd)),
+    ?assertEqual(FiveDocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(FiveDocIdAccFwd)),
+    FiveDocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I)
+            || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum - 5, StartKeyNum)],
+    {ok, FiveDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+            {dir, rev},
+            {start_key, StartKey}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(length(FiveDocIdsRev), length(FiveDocIdAccRev)),
+    ?assertEqual(FiveDocIdsRev, FiveDocIdAccRev).
+init_st(DocIdFun) ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions = lists:map(fun(Id) ->
+        {create, {DocIdFun(Id), [{<<"int">>, Id}]}}
+    end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, Engine, St2}.
+fold_fun(Doc, Acc) ->
+    Id = case Doc of
+        #doc{id = Id0} -> Id0;
+        #full_doc_info{id = Id0} -> Id0
+    end,
+    {ok, [Id | Acc]}.
+fold_fun_stop(Doc, Acc) ->
+    Id = case Doc of
+        #doc{id = Id0} -> Id0;
+        #full_doc_info{id = Id0} -> Id0
+    end,
+    case length(Acc) of
+        N when N =< 4 ->
+            {ok, [Id | Acc]};
+        _ ->
+            {stop, [Id | Acc]}
+    end.
+docid(I) ->
+    Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+    iolist_to_binary(Str).
+local_docid(I) ->
+    Str = io_lib:format("_local/~4..0b", [I]),
+    iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl b/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d2a447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_default_props() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+            create,
+            {default_security_object, dso}
+        ]),
+    Node = node(),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(true, is_list(Engine:get_size_info(St))),
+    ?assertEqual(true, is_integer(Engine:get_disk_version(St))),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(dso, Engine:get_security(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(1000, Engine:get_revs_limit(St)),
+    ?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, Engine:get_uuid(St)),
+    ?assertEqual([{Node, 0}], Engine:get_epochs(St)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_compacted_seq(St)).
+cet_set_security() ->
+    check_prop_set(get_security, set_security, dso, [{<<"readers">>, []}]).
+cet_set_revs_limit() ->
+    check_prop_set(get_revs_limit, set_revs_limit, 1000, 50).
+check_prop_set(GetFun, SetFun, Default, Value) ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    {ok, St0} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+            create,
+            {default_security_object, dso}
+        ]),
+    ?assertEqual(Default, Engine:GetFun(St0)),
+    {ok, St1} = Engine:SetFun(St0, Value),
+    ?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St1)),
+    {ok, St2} = Engine:commit_data(St1),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St2),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St3)).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl b/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b099d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_open_non_existent() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    ?assertThrow({not_found, no_db_file}, Engine:init(DbPath, [])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
+cet_open_create() ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
+cet_open_when_exists() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])),
+    ?assertThrow({error, eexist}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])).
+cet_terminate() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
+cet_rapid_recycle() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    {ok, St0} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St0),
+    lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
+        {ok, St1} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+        Engine:terminate(normal, St1)
+    end, lists:seq(1, 100)).
+cet_delete() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    RootDir = test_engine_util:rootdir(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
+    ?assertEqual(ok, Engine:delete(RootDir, DbPath, [async])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl b/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5bf249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_purge_simple() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
+    PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+    Actions2 = [
+        {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
+cet_purge_conflicts() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {conflict, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
+    [FDI1] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
+    PrevRev1 = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI1),
+    Rev1 = PrevRev1#rev_info.rev,
+    Actions2 = [
+        {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev1}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(4, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev1]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)),
+    [FDI2] = Engine:open_docs(St3, [<<"foo">>]),
+    PrevRev2 = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI2),
+    Rev2 = PrevRev2#rev_info.rev,
+    Actions3 = [
+        {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev2}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions3),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(5, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_purge_seq(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev2]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St4)).
+cet_add_delete_purge() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {delete, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
+    PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+    Actions2 = [
+        {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
+cet_add_two_purge_one() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Actions1 = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {create, {<<"bar">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
+    PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+    Actions2 = [
+        {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl b/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4307702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+cet_read_empty_docs() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_docs(St, [<<"foo">>])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+        [not_found, not_found],
+        Engine:open_docs(St, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>])
+    ).
+cet_read_empty_local_docs() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_local_docs(St, [<<"_local/foo">>])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+        [not_found, not_found],
+        Engine:open_local_docs(St, [<<"_local/a">>, <<"_local/b">>])
+    ).
+cet_write_one_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
+    #rev_info{
+        rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body_sp = DocPtr
+    } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = <<"foo">>,
+        revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body = DocPtr
+    },
+    Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
+    Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+    end,
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"vsn">>, 1}], Body1).
+cet_write_two_docs() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"stuff">>, true}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    Resps = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
+    ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
+cet_write_three_doc_batch() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {batch, [
+            {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+            {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"stuff">>, true}]}},
+            {create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
+        ]}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    Resps = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>]),
+    ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
+cet_update_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {update, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
+    #rev_info{
+        rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body_sp = DocPtr
+    } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = <<"foo">>,
+        revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body = DocPtr
+    },
+    Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
+    Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+    end,
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"vsn">>, 2}], Body1).
+cet_delete_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
+        {delete, {<<"foo">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
+    #rev_info{
+        rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body_sp = DocPtr
+    } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = <<"foo">>,
+        revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body = DocPtr
+    },
+    Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
+    Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+    end,
+    ?assertEqual([], Body1).
+cet_write_local_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"yay">>, false}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    [#doc{} = Doc] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"yay">>, false}], Doc#doc.body).
+cet_write_mixed_batch() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {batch, [
+            {create, {<<"bar">>, []}},
+            {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"yay">>, false}]}}
+        ]}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [#full_doc_info{}] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"bar">>]),
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"bar">>]),
+    [#doc{}] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]).
+cet_update_local_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}},
+        {update, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"stuff">>, null}]}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    [#doc{} = Doc] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    ?assertEqual([{<<"stuff">>, null}], Doc#doc.body).
+cet_delete_local_doc() ->
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
+    Actions = [
+        {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}},
+        {delete, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}
+    ],
+    {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+    {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
+    Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+    {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
+    ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+    ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>])).
diff --git a/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl b/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e60276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(NUM_CLIENTS, 1000).
+cet_empty_monitors() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Pids = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    ?assert(is_list(Pids)),
+    ?assertEqual([], Pids -- [self(), whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker)]).
+cet_test_system_db() ->
+    Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
+    DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create, sys_db]),
+    Pids = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    ?assertEqual(1, length(Pids)).
+cet_incref_decref() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    {Pid, _} = Client = start_client(Engine, St),
+    wait_client(Client),
+    Pids1 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    ?assert(lists:member(Pid, Pids1)),
+    close_client(Client),
+    Pids2 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    ?assert(not lists:member(Pid, Pids2)).
+cet_incref_decref_many() ->
+    {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+    Clients = lists:map(fun(_) ->
+        start_client(Engine, St)
+    end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_CLIENTS)),
+    lists:foreach(fun(C) -> wait_client(C) end, Clients),
+    Pids1 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    % +2 for db pid and process tracker
+    ?assertEqual(?NUM_CLIENTS + 2, length(Pids1)),
+    lists:foreach(fun(C) -> close_client(C) end, Clients),
+    Pids2 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+    ?assertEqual(2, length(Pids2)).
+start_client(Engine, St1) ->
+    spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+        {ok, St2} = Engine:incref(St1),
+        receive
+            {waiting, Pid} ->
+                Pid ! go
+        after 1000 ->
+            erlang:error(timeout)
+        end,
+        receive
+            close ->
+                ok
+        after 1000 ->
+            erlang:error(timeout)
+        end,
+        Engine:decref(St2)
+    end).
+wait_client({Pid, _Ref}) ->
+    Pid ! {waiting, self()},
+    receive
+        go -> ok
+    after 1000 ->
+        erlang:error(timeout)
+    end.
+close_client({Pid, Ref}) ->
+    Pid ! close,
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} ->
+            ok
+    after 1000 ->
+        erlang:error(timeout)
+    end.
diff --git a/src/test_engine_util.erl b/src/test_engine_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33048d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test_engine_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(TEST_MODULES, [
+    test_engine_open_close_delete,
+    test_engine_get_set_props,
+    test_engine_read_write_docs,
+    test_engine_attachments,
+    test_engine_fold_docs,
+    test_engine_fold_changes,
+    test_engine_purge_docs,
+    test_engine_compaction,
+    test_engine_ref_counting
+create_tests(EngineApp) ->
+    create_tests(EngineApp, EngineApp).
+create_tests(EngineApp, EngineModule) ->
+    application:set_env(couch, test_engine, {EngineApp, EngineModule}),
+    Tests = lists:map(fun(TestMod) ->
+        {atom_to_list(TestMod), gather(TestMod)}
+    end, ?TEST_MODULES),
+    Setup = fun() ->
+        Ctx = test_util:start_couch(),
+        config:set("log", "include_sasl", "false", false),
+        Ctx
+    end,
+    {
+        setup,
+        Setup,
+        fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
+        fun(_) -> Tests end
+    }.
+gather(Module) ->
+    Exports = Module:module_info(exports),
+    Tests = lists:foldl(fun({Fun, Arity}, Acc) ->
+        case {atom_to_list(Fun), Arity} of
+            {[$c, $e, $t, $_ | _], 0} ->
+                TestFun = make_test_fun(Module, Fun),
+                [{spawn, TestFun} | Acc];
+            _ ->
+                Acc
+        end
+    end, [], Exports),
+    lists:reverse(Tests).
+make_test_fun(Module, Fun) ->
+    Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s:~s", [Module, Fun])),
+    Wrapper = fun() ->
+        process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+        Module:Fun()
+    end,
+    {Name, Wrapper}.
+rootdir() ->
+    config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", ".").
+dbpath() ->
+    binary_to_list(filename:join(rootdir(), couch_uuids:random())).
+get_engine() ->
+    case application:get_env(couch, test_engine) of
+        {ok, {_, Engine}} ->
+            Engine;
+        _ ->
+            couch_bt_engine
+    end.
+init_engine() ->
+    init_engine(default).
+init_engine(default) ->
+    Engine = get_engine(),
+    DbPath = dbpath(),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+            create,
+            {default_security_object, []}
+        ]),
+    {ok, Engine, St};
+init_engine(dbpath) ->
+    Engine = get_engine(),
+    DbPath = dbpath(),
+    {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+            create,
+            {default_security_object, []}
+        ]),
+    {ok, Engine, DbPath, St}.
+apply_actions(_Engine, St, []) ->
+    {ok, St};
+apply_actions(Engine, St, [Action | Rest]) ->
+    NewSt = apply_action(Engine, St, Action),
+    apply_actions(Engine, NewSt, Rest).
+apply_action(Engine, St, {batch, BatchActions}) ->
+    apply_batch(Engine, St, BatchActions);
+apply_action(Engine, St, Action) ->
+    apply_batch(Engine, St, [Action]).
+apply_batch(Engine, St, Actions) ->
+    UpdateSeq = Engine:get_update_seq(St) + 1,
+    AccIn = {UpdateSeq, [], [], []},
+    AccOut = lists:foldl(fun(Action, Acc) ->
+        {SeqAcc, DocAcc, LDocAcc, PurgeAcc} = Acc,
+        case Action of
+            {_, {<<"_local/", _/binary>>, _}} ->
+                LDoc = gen_local_write(Engine, St, Action),
+                {SeqAcc, DocAcc, [LDoc | LDocAcc], PurgeAcc};
+            _ ->
+                case gen_write(Engine, St, Action, SeqAcc) of
+                    {_OldFDI, _NewFDI} = Pair ->
+                        {SeqAcc + 1, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, PurgeAcc};
+                    {Pair, NewSeqAcc, NewPurgeInfo} ->
+                        NewPurgeAcc = [NewPurgeInfo | PurgeAcc],
+                        {NewSeqAcc, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, NewPurgeAcc}
+                end
+        end
+    end, AccIn, Actions),
+    {_, Docs0, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs} = AccOut,
+    Docs = lists:reverse(Docs0),
+    {ok, NewSt} = Engine:write_doc_infos(St, Docs, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs),
+    NewSt.
+gen_local_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}) ->
+    PrevRev = case Engine:open_local_docs(St, [DocId]) of
+        [not_found] ->
+            0;
+        [#doc{revs = {0, []}}] ->
+            0;
+        [#doc{revs = {0, [RevStr | _]}}] ->
+            list_to_integer(binary_to_list(RevStr))
+    end,
+    {RevId, Deleted} = case Action of
+        Action when Action == create; Action == update ->
+            {list_to_binary(integer_to_list(PrevRev + 1)), false};
+        delete ->
+            {<<"0">>, true}
+    end,
+    #doc{
+        id = DocId,
+        revs = {0, [RevId]},
+        body = Body,
+        deleted = Deleted
+    }.
+gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+    gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, []}}, UpdateSeq);
+gen_write(Engine, St, {create, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+    [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+    Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
+    Rev = crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts})),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = DocId,
+        revs = {0, [Rev]},
+        deleted = false,
+        body = Body,
+        atts = Atts
+    },
+    Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
+    {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
+    Sizes = #size_info{
+        active = Len,
+        external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
+    },
+    Leaf = #leaf{
+        deleted = false,
+        ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
+        seq = UpdateSeq,
+        sizes = Sizes,
+        atts = Atts
+    },
+    {not_found, #full_doc_info{
+        id = DocId,
+        deleted = false,
+        update_seq = UpdateSeq,
+        rev_tree = [{0, {Rev, Leaf, []}}],
+        sizes = Sizes
+    }};
+gen_write(Engine, St, {purge, {DocId, PrevRevs0, _}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+    [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+    PrevRevs = if is_list(PrevRevs0) -> PrevRevs0; true -> [PrevRevs0] end,
+    #full_doc_info{
+        rev_tree = PrevTree
+    } = PrevFDI,
+    {NewTree, RemRevs} = couch_key_tree:remove_leafs(PrevTree, PrevRevs),
+    RemovedAll = lists:sort(RemRevs) == lists:sort(PrevRevs),
+    if RemovedAll -> ok; true ->
+        % If we didn't purge all the requested revisions
+        % then its a bug in the test.
+        erlang:error({invalid_purge_test_revs, PrevRevs})
+    end,
+    case NewTree of
+        [] ->
+            % We've completely purged the document
+            {{PrevFDI, not_found}, UpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}};
+        _ ->
+            % We have to relabel the update_seq of all
+            % leaves. See couch_db_updater for details.
+            {NewNewTree, NewUpdateSeq} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
+                (_RevId, Leaf, leaf, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+                    {Leaf#leaf{seq = InnerSeqAcc}, InnerSeqAcc + 1};
+                (_RevId, Value, _Type, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+                    {Value, InnerSeqAcc}
+            end, UpdateSeq, NewTree),
+            NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
+                update_seq = NewUpdateSeq - 1,
+                rev_tree = NewNewTree
+            },
+            {{PrevFDI, NewFDI}, NewUpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}}
+    end;
+gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+    [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+    Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = DocId,
+        rev_tree = PrevRevTree
+    } = PrevFDI,
+    #rev_info{
+        rev = PrevRev
+    } = prev_rev(PrevFDI),
+    {RevPos, PrevRevId} = PrevRev,
+    Rev = gen_revision(Action, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts),
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = DocId,
+        revs = {RevPos + 1, [Rev, PrevRevId]},
+        deleted = false,
+        body = Body,
+        atts = Atts
+    },
+    Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
+    {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
+    Deleted = case Action of
+        update -> false;
+        conflict -> false;
+        delete -> true
+    end,
+    Sizes = #size_info{
+        active = Len,
+        external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
+    },
+    Leaf = #leaf{
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
+        seq = UpdateSeq,
+        sizes = Sizes,
+        atts = Atts
+    },
+    Path = gen_path(Action, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf),
+    RevsLimit = Engine:get_revs_limit(St),
+    NodeType = case Action of
+        conflict -> new_branch;
+        _ -> new_leaf
+    end,
+    {NewTree, NodeType} = couch_key_tree:merge(PrevRevTree, Path, RevsLimit),
+    NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
+        deleted = couch_doc:is_deleted(NewTree),
+        update_seq = UpdateSeq,
+        rev_tree = NewTree,
+        sizes = Sizes
+    },
+    {PrevFDI, NewFDI}.
+gen_revision(conflict, DocId, _PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+    crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts}));
+gen_revision(delete, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+    gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts);
+gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+    crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts})).
+gen_path(conflict, _RevPos, _PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+    {0, {Rev, Leaf, []}};
+gen_path(delete, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+    gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf);
+gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+    {RevPos, {PrevRevId, ?REV_MISSING, [{Rev, Leaf, []}]}}.
+make_doc_summary(Engine, St, DocData) ->
+    {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+        exit({result, Engine:serialize_doc(St, DocData)})
+    end),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {result, Summary}} ->
+            Summary;
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Error} ->
+            erlang:error({make_doc_summary_error, Error})
+    after 1000 ->
+        erlang:error(make_doc_summary_timeout)
+    end.
+prep_atts(_Engine, _St, []) ->
+    [];
+prep_atts(Engine, St, [{FileName, Data} | Rest]) ->
+    {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+        {ok, Stream} = Engine:open_write_stream(St, []),
+        exit(write_att(Stream, FileName, Data, Data))
+    end),
+    Att = receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Resp} ->
+            Resp
+        after 5000 ->
+            erlang:error(attachment_write_timeout)
+    end,
+    [Att | prep_atts(Engine, St, Rest)].
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, <<>>) ->
+    {StreamEngine, Len, Len, Md5, Md5} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+    couch_util:check_md5(Md5, crypto:hash(md5, OrigData)),
+    Len = size(OrigData),
+    couch_att:new([
+        {name, FileName},
+        {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
+        {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
+        {att_len, Len},
+        {disk_len, Len},
+        {md5, Md5},
+        {encoding, identity}
+    ]);
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Data) ->
+    {Chunk, Rest} = case size(Data) > 4096 of
+        true ->
+            <<Head:4096/binary, Tail/binary>> = Data,
+            {Head, Tail};
+        false ->
+            {Data, <<>>}
+    end,
+    ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Chunk),
+    write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Rest).
+prev_rev(#full_doc_info{} = FDI) ->
+    #doc_info{
+        revs = [#rev_info{} = PrevRev | _]
+    } = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
+    PrevRev.
+db_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+    [
+        {props, db_props_as_term(Engine, St)},
+        {docs, db_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
+        {local_docs, db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
+        {changes, db_changes_as_term(Engine, St)}
+    ].
+db_props_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+    Props = [
+        get_doc_count,
+        get_del_doc_count,
+        get_disk_version,
+        get_update_seq,
+        get_purge_seq,
+        get_last_purged,
+        get_security,
+        get_revs_limit,
+        get_uuid,
+        get_epochs
+    ],
+    lists:map(fun(Fun) ->
+        {Fun, Engine:Fun(St)}
+    end, Props).
+db_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+    {ok, FDIs} = Engine:fold_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
+    lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+        fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
+    end, FDIs)).
+db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(Doc, Acc) -> {ok, [Doc | Acc]} end,
+    {ok, LDocs} = Engine:fold_local_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
+    lists:reverse(LDocs).
+db_changes_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+    {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, FoldFun, [], []),
+    lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+        fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
+    end, Changes)).
+fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = DocId,
+        rev_tree = OldTree
+    } = FDI,
+    {NewRevTree, _} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun(Rev, Node, Type, Acc) ->
+        tree_to_term(Rev, Node, Type, Acc, DocId)
+    end, {Engine, St}, OldTree),
+    FDI#full_doc_info{
+        rev_tree = NewRevTree,
+        % Blank out sizes because we allow storage
+        % engines to handle this with their own
+        % definition until further notice.
+        sizes = #size_info{
+            active = -1,
+            external = -1
+        }
+    }.
+tree_to_term(_Rev, _Leaf, branch, Acc, _DocId) ->
+    {?REV_MISSING, Acc};
+tree_to_term({Pos, RevId}, #leaf{} = Leaf, leaf, {Engine, St}, DocId) ->
+    #leaf{
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        ptr = Ptr
+    } = Leaf,
+    Doc0 = #doc{
+        id = DocId,
+        revs = {Pos, [RevId]},
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        body = Ptr
+    },
+    Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St, Doc0),
+    Body = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+    end,
+    Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.atts)
+    end,
+    StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> Engine:open_read_stream(St, Sp) end,
+    Atts2 = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Att) || Att <- Atts1],
+    Atts = [att_to_term(Att) || Att <- Atts2],
+    NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
+        ptr = Body,
+        sizes = #size_info{active = -1, external = -1},
+        atts = Atts
+    },
+    {NewLeaf, {Engine, St}}.
+att_to_term(Att) ->
+    Bin = couch_att:to_binary(Att),
+    couch_att:store(data, Bin, Att).
+term_diff(T1, T2) when is_tuple(T1), is_tuple(T2) ->
+    tuple_diff(tuple_to_list(T1), tuple_to_list(T2));
+term_diff(L1, L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
+    list_diff(L1, L2);
+term_diff(V1, V2) when V1 == V2 ->
+    nodiff;
+term_diff(V1, V2) ->
+    {V1, V2}.
+tuple_diff([], []) ->
+    nodiff;
+tuple_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+    {longer, T1};
+tuple_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+    {shorter, T2};
+tuple_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+    case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+        nodiff ->
+            tuple_diff(R1, R2);
+        Else ->
+            {T1, Else}
+    end.
+list_diff([], []) ->
+    nodiff;
+list_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+    {longer, T1};
+list_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+    {shorter, T2};
+list_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+    case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+        nodiff ->
+            list_diff(R1, R2);
+        Else ->
+            {T1, Else}
+    end.
+compact(Engine, St1, DbPath) ->
+    DbName = filename:basename(DbPath),
+    {ok, St2, Pid} = Engine:start_compaction(St1, DbName, [], self()),
+    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    % Ideally I'd assert that Pid is linked to us
+    % at this point but its technically possible
+    % that it could have finished compacting by
+    % the time we check... Quite the quandry.
+    Term = receive
+        {'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
+            Term0;
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
+            erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
+        after 10000 ->
+            erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
+    end,
+    {ok, St2, DbName, Pid, Term}.
+with_config(Config, Fun) ->
+    OldConfig = apply_config(Config),
+    try
+        Fun()
+    after
+        apply_config(OldConfig)
+    end.
+apply_config([]) ->
+    [];
+apply_config([{Section, Key, Value} | Rest]) ->
+    Orig = config:get(Section, Key),
+    case Value of
+        undefined -> config:delete(Section, Key);
+        _ -> config:set(Section, Key, Value)
+    end,
+    [{Section, Key, Orig} | apply_config(Rest)].
diff --git a/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl b/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df200df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    test_engine_util:create_tests(couch, couch_bt_engine).

[07/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
diff --git a/src/couch_db_updater.erl b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
index 1970b78..37e77cd 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_updater.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_updater.erl
@@ -14,74 +14,37 @@
--export([btree_by_id_split/1, btree_by_id_join/2, btree_by_id_reduce/2]).
--export([btree_by_seq_split/1, btree_by_seq_join/2, btree_by_seq_reduce/2]).
+-export([make_doc_summary/2, add_sizes/3, upgrade_sizes/1]).
--record(comp_header, {
-    db_header,
-    meta_state
--record(merge_st, {
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    curr,
-    rem_seqs,
-    infos
-init({DbName, Filepath, Fd, Options}) ->
+init({Engine, DbName, FilePath, Options0}) ->
     erlang:put(io_priority, {db_update, DbName}),
-    case lists:member(create, Options) of
-    true ->
-        % create a new header and writes it to the file
-        Header =  couch_db_header:new(),
-        ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header),
-        % delete any old compaction files that might be hanging around
-        RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
-        couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath ++ ".compact"),
-        couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath ++ ""),
-        couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath ++ ".compact.meta");
-    false ->
-        case couch_file:read_header(Fd) of
-        {ok, Header} ->
-            ok;
-        no_valid_header ->
-            % create a new header and writes it to the file
-            Header =  couch_db_header:new(),
-            ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header),
-            % delete any old compaction files that might be hanging around
-            file:delete(Filepath ++ ".compact"),
-            file:delete(Filepath ++ ""),
-            file:delete(Filepath ++ ".compact.meta")
-        end
-    end,
-    Db = init_db(DbName, Filepath, Fd, Header, Options),
-    case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
-        false ->
-            couch_stats_process_tracker:track([couchdb, open_databases]);
-        true ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    % we don't load validation funs here because the fabric query is liable to
-    % race conditions.  Instead see couch_db:validate_doc_update, which loads
-    % them lazily
-    {ok, Db#db{main_pid = self()}}.
+    DefaultSecObj = default_security_object(DbName),
+    Options = [{default_security_object, DefaultSecObj} | Options0],
+    try
+        {ok, EngineState} = couch_db_engine:init(Engine, FilePath, Options),
+        Db = init_db(DbName, FilePath, EngineState, Options),
+        maybe_track_db(Db),
+        % we don't load validation funs here because the fabric query is liable to
+        % race conditions.  Instead see couch_db:validate_doc_update, which loads
+        % them lazily
+        NewDb = Db#db{main_pid = self()},
+        proc_lib:init_ack({ok, NewDb}),
+        gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], NewDb)
+    catch
+        throw:InitError ->
+            proc_lib:init_ack(InitError)
+    end.
-terminate(_Reason, Db) ->
-    % If the reason we died is because our fd disappeared
-    % then we don't need to try closing it again.
-    if Db#db.fd_monitor == closed -> ok; true ->
-        ok = couch_file:close(Db#db.fd)
-    end,
+terminate(Reason, Db) ->
-    couch_util:shutdown_sync(Db#db.fd),
+    couch_db_engine:terminate(Reason, Db),
 handle_call(get_db, _From, Db) ->
@@ -105,28 +68,21 @@ handle_call(cancel_compact, _From, #db{compactor_pid = nil} = Db) ->
 handle_call(cancel_compact, _From, #db{compactor_pid = Pid} = Db) ->
     exit(Pid, kill),
-    RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
-    ok = couch_file:delete(RootDir, Db#db.filepath ++ ".compact"),
+    couch_server:delete_compaction_files(,
     Db2 = Db#db{compactor_pid = nil},
     ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
     {reply, ok, Db2};
-handle_call(increment_update_seq, _From, Db) ->
-    Db2 = commit_data(Db#db{update_seq=Db#db.update_seq+1}),
-    ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
-    couch_event:notify(, updated),
-    {reply, {ok, Db2#db.update_seq}, Db2};
-handle_call({set_security, NewSec}, _From, #db{compression = Comp} = Db) ->
-    {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(
-        Db#db.fd, NewSec, [{compression, Comp}]),
-    Db2 = commit_data(Db#db{security=NewSec, security_ptr=Ptr,
-            update_seq=Db#db.update_seq+1}),
-    ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
-    {reply, ok, Db2};
+handle_call({set_security, NewSec}, _From, #db{} = Db) ->
+    {ok, NewDb} = couch_db_engine:set_security(Db, NewSec),
+    NewSecDb = NewDb#db{
+        security = NewSec
+    },
+    ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, NewSecDb}, infinity),
+    {reply, ok, NewSecDb};
 handle_call({set_revs_limit, Limit}, _From, Db) ->
-    Db2 = commit_data(Db#db{revs_limit=Limit,
-            update_seq=Db#db.update_seq+1}),
+    {ok, Db2} = couch_db_engine:set_revs_limit(Db, Limit),
     ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
     {reply, ok, Db2};
@@ -134,73 +90,78 @@ handle_call({purge_docs, _IdRevs}, _From,
         #db{compactor_pid=Pid}=Db) when Pid /= nil ->
     {reply, {error, purge_during_compaction}, Db};
 handle_call({purge_docs, IdRevs}, _From, Db) ->
-    #db{
-        fd = Fd,
-        id_tree = DocInfoByIdBTree,
-        seq_tree = DocInfoBySeqBTree,
-        update_seq = LastSeq,
-        header = Header,
-        compression = Comp
-        } = Db,
-    DocLookups = couch_btree:lookup(DocInfoByIdBTree,
-            [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- IdRevs]),
-    NewDocInfos = lists:zipwith(
-        fun({_Id, Revs}, {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree}=FullDocInfo}) ->
+    DocIds = [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- IdRevs],
+    OldDocInfos = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, DocIds),
+    NewDocInfos = lists:flatmap(fun
+        ({{Id, Revs}, #full_doc_info{id = Id, rev_tree = Tree} = FDI}) ->
             case couch_key_tree:remove_leafs(Tree, Revs) of
-            {_, []=_RemovedRevs} -> % no change
-                nil;
-            {NewTree, RemovedRevs} ->
-                {FullDocInfo#full_doc_info{rev_tree=NewTree},RemovedRevs}
+                {_, [] = _RemovedRevs} -> % no change
+                    [];
+                {NewTree, RemovedRevs} ->
+                    NewFDI = FDI#full_doc_info{rev_tree = NewTree},
+                    [{FDI, NewFDI, RemovedRevs}]
-        (_, not_found) ->
-            nil
+        ({_, not_found}) ->
+            []
+    end, lists:zip(IdRevs, OldDocInfos)),
+    InitUpdateSeq = couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db),
+    InitAcc = {InitUpdateSeq, [], []},
+    FinalAcc = lists:foldl(fun({_, #full_doc_info{} = OldFDI, RemRevs}, Acc) ->
+        #full_doc_info{
+            id = Id,
+            rev_tree = OldTree
+        } = OldFDI,
+        {SeqAcc0, FDIAcc, IdRevsAcc} = Acc,
+        {NewFDIAcc, NewSeqAcc} = case OldTree of
+            [] ->
+                % If we purged every #leaf{} in the doc record
+                % then we're removing it completely from the
+                % database.
+                FDIAcc;
+            _ ->
+                % Its possible to purge the #leaf{} that contains
+                % the update_seq where this doc sits in the update_seq
+                % sequence. Rather than do a bunch of complicated checks
+                % we just re-label every #leaf{} and reinsert it into
+                % the update_seq sequence.
+                {NewTree, SeqAcc1} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
+                    (_RevId, Leaf, leaf, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+                        {Leaf#leaf{seq = InnerSeqAcc + 1}, InnerSeqAcc + 1};
+                    (_RevId, Value, _Type, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+                        {Value, InnerSeqAcc}
+                end, SeqAcc0, OldTree),
+                NewFDI = OldFDI#full_doc_info{
+                    update_seq = SeqAcc1,
+                    rev_tree = NewTree
+                },
+                {[NewFDI | FDIAcc], SeqAcc1}
-        IdRevs, DocLookups),
-    SeqsToRemove = [Seq
-            || {#full_doc_info{update_seq=Seq},_} <- NewDocInfos],
-    FullDocInfoToUpdate = [FullInfo
-            || {#full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree}=FullInfo,_}
-            <- NewDocInfos, Tree /= []],
-    IdRevsPurged = [{Id, Revs}
-            || {#full_doc_info{id=Id}, Revs} <- NewDocInfos],
-    {DocInfoToUpdate, NewSeq} = lists:mapfoldl(
-        fun(#full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree}=FullInfo, SeqAcc) ->
-            Tree2 = couch_key_tree:map_leafs(
-                fun(_RevId, Leaf) ->
-                    Leaf#leaf{seq=SeqAcc+1}
-                end, Tree),
-            {FullInfo#full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree2}, SeqAcc + 1}
-        end, LastSeq, FullDocInfoToUpdate),
-    IdsToRemove = [Id || {#full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=[]},_}
-            <- NewDocInfos],
-    {ok, DocInfoBySeqBTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(DocInfoBySeqBTree,
-            DocInfoToUpdate, SeqsToRemove),
-    {ok, DocInfoByIdBTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(DocInfoByIdBTree,
-            FullDocInfoToUpdate, IdsToRemove),
-    {ok, Pointer, _} = couch_file:append_term(
-            Fd, IdRevsPurged, [{compression, Comp}]),
-    NewHeader = couch_db_header:set(Header, [
-        {purge_seq, couch_db_header:purge_seq(Header) + 1},
-        {purged_docs, Pointer}
-    ]),
-    Db2 = commit_data(
-        Db#db{
-            id_tree = DocInfoByIdBTree2,
-            seq_tree = DocInfoBySeqBTree2,
-            update_seq = NewSeq + 1,
-            header=NewHeader}),
+        NewIdRevsAcc = [{Id, RemRevs} | IdRevsAcc],
+        {NewSeqAcc, NewFDIAcc, NewIdRevsAcc}
+    end, InitAcc, NewDocInfos),
+    {_FinalSeq, FDIs, PurgedIdRevs} = FinalAcc,
+    % We need to only use the list of #full_doc_info{} records
+    % that we have actually changed due to a purge.
+    PreviousFDIs = [PrevFDI || {PrevFDI, _, _} <- NewDocInfos],
+    Pairs = pair_purge_info(PreviousFDIs, FDIs),
+    {ok, Db2} = couch_db_engine:write_doc_infos(Db, Pairs, [], PurgedIdRevs),
     ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
     couch_event:notify(, updated),
-    {reply, {ok, couch_db_header:purge_seq(NewHeader), IdRevsPurged}, Db2}.
+    PurgeSeq = couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db2),
+    {reply, {ok, PurgeSeq, PurgedIdRevs}, Db2};
+handle_call(Msg, From, Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:handle_call(Msg, From, Db).
 handle_cast({load_validation_funs, ValidationFuns}, Db) ->
@@ -209,65 +170,29 @@ handle_cast({load_validation_funs, ValidationFuns}, Db) ->
     {noreply, Db2};
 handle_cast(start_compact, Db) ->
     case Db#db.compactor_pid of
-    nil ->
-        couch_log:info("Starting compaction for db \"~s\"", []),
-        Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> start_copy_compact(Db) end),
-        Db2 = Db#db{compactor_pid=Pid},
-        ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
-        {noreply, Db2};
-    _ ->
-        % compact currently running, this is a no-op
-        {noreply, Db}
-    end;
-handle_cast({compact_done, CompactFilepath}, #db{filepath=Filepath}=Db) ->
-    {ok, NewFd} = couch_file:open(CompactFilepath),
-    {ok, NewHeader0} = couch_file:read_header(NewFd),
-    NewHeader = couch_db_header:set(NewHeader0, [
-        {compacted_seq, Db#db.update_seq}
-    ]),
-    #db{update_seq=NewSeq} = NewDb =
-        init_db(, Filepath, NewFd, NewHeader, Db#db.options),
-    unlink(NewFd),
-    case Db#db.update_seq == NewSeq of
-    true ->
-        % suck up all the local docs into memory and write them to the new db
-        {ok, _, LocalDocs} = couch_btree:foldl(Db#db.local_tree,
-                fun(Value, _Offset, Acc) -> {ok, [Value | Acc]} end, []),
-        {ok, NewLocalBtree} = couch_btree:add(NewDb#db.local_tree, LocalDocs),
-        NewDb2 = commit_data(NewDb#db{
-            local_tree = NewLocalBtree,
-            main_pid = self(),
-            filepath = Filepath,
-            instance_start_time = Db#db.instance_start_time,
-            revs_limit = Db#db.revs_limit
-        }),
-        couch_log:debug("CouchDB swapping files ~s and ~s.",
-                        [Filepath, CompactFilepath]),
-        ok = file:rename(CompactFilepath, Filepath ++ ".compact"),
-        RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
-        couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath),
-        ok = file:rename(Filepath ++ ".compact", Filepath),
-        % Delete the old meta compaction file after promoting
-        % the compaction file.
-        couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath ++ ".compact.meta"),
-        close_db(Db),
-        NewDb3 = refresh_validate_doc_funs(NewDb2),
-        ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, NewDb3}, infinity),
-        couch_event:notify(, compacted),
-        couch_log:info("Compaction for db \"~s\" completed.", []),
-        {noreply, NewDb3#db{compactor_pid=nil}};
-    false ->
-        couch_log:info("Compaction file still behind main file "
-                       "(update seq=~p. compact update seq=~p). Retrying.",
-                       [Db#db.update_seq, NewSeq]),
-        close_db(NewDb),
-        Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> start_copy_compact(Db) end),
-        Db2 = Db#db{compactor_pid=Pid},
-        ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
-        {noreply, Db2}
+        nil ->
+            % For now we only support compacting to the same
+            % storage engine. After the first round of patches
+            % we'll add a field that sets the target engine
+            % type to compact to with a new copy compactor.
+            UpdateSeq = couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db),
+            Args = [, UpdateSeq],
+            couch_log:info("Starting compaction for db \"~s\" at ~p", Args),
+            {ok, Db2} = couch_db_engine:start_compaction(Db),
+            ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
+            {noreply, Db2};
+        _ ->
+            % compact currently running, this is a no-op
+            {noreply, Db}
+handle_cast({compact_done, CompactEngine, CompactInfo}, #db{} = OldDb) ->
+    {ok, NewDb} = case couch_db_engine:get_engine(OldDb) of
+        CompactEngine ->
+            couch_db_engine:finish_compaction(OldDb, CompactInfo);
+        _ ->
+            finish_engine_swap(OldDb, CompactEngine, CompactInfo)
+    end,
+    {noreply, NewDb};
 handle_cast(Msg, #db{name = Name} = Db) ->
     couch_log:error("Database `~s` updater received unexpected cast: ~p",
@@ -291,9 +216,9 @@ handle_info({update_docs, Client, GroupedDocs, NonRepDocs, MergeConflicts,
                 FullCommit2) of
     {ok, Db2, UpdatedDDocIds} ->
         ok = gen_server:call(couch_server, {db_updated, Db2}, infinity),
-        if Db2#db.update_seq /= Db#db.update_seq ->
-            couch_event:notify(, updated);
-        true -> ok
+        case {couch_db:get_update_seq(Db), couch_db:get_update_seq(Db2)} of
+            {Seq, Seq} -> ok;
+            _ -> couch_event:notify(, updated)
         if NonRepDocs2 /= [] ->
             couch_event:notify(, local_updated);
@@ -336,9 +261,8 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, normal}, Db) ->
     {noreply, Db};
 handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, Db) ->
     {stop, Reason, Db};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason}, #db{fd_monitor=Ref, name=Name} = Db) ->
-    couch_log:error("DB ~s shutting down - Fd ~p", [Name, Reason]),
-    {stop, normal, Db#db{fd=undefined, fd_monitor=closed}}.
+handle_info(Msg, Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:handle_info(Msg, Db).
 code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
     {ok, State}.
@@ -389,235 +313,32 @@ collect_updates(GroupedDocsAcc, ClientsAcc, MergeConflicts, FullCommit) ->
         {GroupedDocsAcc, ClientsAcc, FullCommit}
-rev_tree(DiskTree) ->
-    couch_key_tree:map(fun
-        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq}) ->
-            #leaf{
-                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
-                ptr = Ptr,
-                seq = Seq
-            };
-        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq, Size}) ->
-            #leaf{
-                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
-                ptr = Ptr,
-                seq = Seq,
-                sizes = upgrade_sizes(Size)
-            };
-        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq, Sizes, Atts}) ->
-            #leaf{
-                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
-                ptr = Ptr,
-                seq = Seq,
-                sizes = upgrade_sizes(Sizes),
-                atts = Atts
-            };
-        (_RevId, ?REV_MISSING) ->
-            ?REV_MISSING
-    end, DiskTree).
-disk_tree(RevTree) ->
-    couch_key_tree:map(fun
-        (_RevId, ?REV_MISSING) ->
-            ?REV_MISSING;
-        (_RevId, #leaf{} = Leaf) ->
-            #leaf{
-                deleted = Del,
-                ptr = Ptr,
-                seq = Seq,
-                sizes = Sizes,
-                atts = Atts
-            } = Leaf,
-            {?b2i(Del), Ptr, Seq, split_sizes(Sizes), Atts}
-    end, RevTree).
-upgrade_sizes(#size_info{}=SI) ->
-    SI;
-upgrade_sizes({D, E}) ->
-    #size_info{active=D, external=E};
-upgrade_sizes(S) when is_integer(S) ->
-    #size_info{active=S, external=0}.
-split_sizes(#size_info{}=SI) ->
-    {, SI#size_info.external}.
-join_sizes({Active, External}) when is_integer(Active), is_integer(External) ->
-    #size_info{active=Active, external=External}.
-btree_by_seq_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
-    #full_doc_info{
-        id = Id,
-        update_seq = Seq,
-        deleted = Del,
-        sizes = SizeInfo,
-        rev_tree = Tree
-    } = Info,
-    {Seq, {Id, ?b2i(Del), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
-btree_by_seq_join(Seq, {Id, Del, DiskTree}) when is_integer(Del) ->
-    btree_by_seq_join(Seq, {Id, Del, {0, 0}, DiskTree});
-btree_by_seq_join(Seq, {Id, Del, Sizes, DiskTree}) when is_integer(Del) ->
-    #full_doc_info{
-        id = Id,
-        update_seq = Seq,
-        deleted = ?i2b(Del),
-        sizes = join_sizes(Sizes),
-        rev_tree = rev_tree(DiskTree)
-    };
-btree_by_seq_join(KeySeq, {Id, RevInfos, DeletedRevInfos}) ->
-    % Older versions stored #doc_info records in the seq_tree.
-    % Compact to upgrade.
-    #doc_info{
-        id = Id,
-        high_seq=KeySeq,
-        revs =
-            [#rev_info{rev=Rev,seq=Seq,deleted=false,body_sp = Bp} ||
-                {Rev, Seq, Bp} <- RevInfos] ++
-            [#rev_info{rev=Rev,seq=Seq,deleted=true,body_sp = Bp} ||
-                {Rev, Seq, Bp} <- DeletedRevInfos]}.
-btree_by_id_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
-    #full_doc_info{
-        id = Id,
-        update_seq = Seq,
-        deleted = Deleted,
-        sizes = SizeInfo,
-        rev_tree = Tree
-    } = Info,
-    {Id, {Seq, ?b2i(Deleted), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
-% Handle old formats before data_size was added
-btree_by_id_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, DiskTree}) ->
-    btree_by_id_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, #size_info{}, DiskTree});
-btree_by_id_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, Sizes, DiskTree}) ->
-    #full_doc_info{
-        id = Id,
-        update_seq = HighSeq,
-        deleted = ?i2b(Deleted),
-        sizes = upgrade_sizes(Sizes),
-        rev_tree = rev_tree(DiskTree)
-    }.
-btree_by_id_reduce(reduce, FullDocInfos) ->
-    lists:foldl(
-        fun(Info, {NotDeleted, Deleted, Sizes}) ->
-            Sizes2 = reduce_sizes(Sizes, Info#full_doc_info.sizes),
-            case Info#full_doc_info.deleted of
-            true ->
-                {NotDeleted, Deleted + 1, Sizes2};
-            false ->
-                {NotDeleted + 1, Deleted, Sizes2}
-            end
-        end,
-        {0, 0, #size_info{}}, FullDocInfos);
-btree_by_id_reduce(rereduce, Reds) ->
-    lists:foldl(
-        fun({NotDeleted, Deleted}, {AccNotDeleted, AccDeleted, _AccSizes}) ->
-            % pre 1.2 format, will be upgraded on compaction
-            {AccNotDeleted + NotDeleted, AccDeleted + Deleted, nil};
-        ({NotDeleted, Deleted, Sizes}, {AccNotDeleted, AccDeleted, AccSizes}) ->
-            AccSizes2 = reduce_sizes(AccSizes, Sizes),
-            {AccNotDeleted + NotDeleted, AccDeleted + Deleted, AccSizes2}
-        end,
-        {0, 0, #size_info{}}, Reds).
-reduce_sizes(nil, _) ->
-    nil;
-reduce_sizes(_, nil) ->
-    nil;
-reduce_sizes(#size_info{}=S1, #size_info{}=S2) ->
-    #size_info{
-        active = +,
-        external = S1#size_info.external + S2#size_info.external
-    };
-reduce_sizes(S1, S2) ->
-    reduce_sizes(upgrade_sizes(S1), upgrade_sizes(S2)).
-btree_by_seq_reduce(reduce, DocInfos) ->
-    % count the number of documents
-    length(DocInfos);
-btree_by_seq_reduce(rereduce, Reds) ->
-    lists:sum(Reds).
-init_db(DbName, Filepath, Fd, Header0, Options) ->
-    Header = couch_db_header:upgrade(Header0),
-    {ok, FsyncOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(
-            config:get("couchdb", "fsync_options",
-                    "[before_header, after_header, on_file_open]")),
-    case lists:member(on_file_open, FsyncOptions) of
-    true -> ok = couch_file:sync(Fd);
-    _ -> ok
-    end,
-    Compression = couch_compress:get_compression_method(),
-    IdTreeState = couch_db_header:id_tree_state(Header),
-    SeqTreeState = couch_db_header:seq_tree_state(Header),
-    LocalTreeState = couch_db_header:local_tree_state(Header),
-    {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(IdTreeState, Fd,
-        [{split, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_split/1},
-        {join, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_join/2},
-        {reduce, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_reduce/2},
-        {compression, Compression}]),
-    {ok, SeqBtree} = couch_btree:open(SeqTreeState, Fd,
-            [{split, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_seq_split/1},
-            {join, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_seq_join/2},
-            {reduce, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_seq_reduce/2},
-            {compression, Compression}]),
-    {ok, LocalDocsBtree} = couch_btree:open(LocalTreeState, Fd,
-        [{compression, Compression}]),
-    case couch_db_header:security_ptr(Header) of
-    nil ->
-        Security = default_security_object(DbName),
-        SecurityPtr = nil;
-    SecurityPtr ->
-        {ok, Security} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, SecurityPtr)
-    end,
+init_db(DbName, FilePath, EngineState, Options) ->
     % convert start time tuple to microsecs and store as a binary string
     {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = os:timestamp(),
     StartTime = ?l2b(io_lib:format("~p",
             [(MegaSecs*1000000*1000000) + (Secs*1000000) + MicroSecs])),
-    ok = couch_file:set_db_pid(Fd, self()),
-    Db = #db{
-        fd=Fd,
-        fd_monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
-        header=Header,
-        id_tree = IdBtree,
-        seq_tree = SeqBtree,
-        local_tree = LocalDocsBtree,
-        committed_update_seq = couch_db_header:update_seq(Header),
-        update_seq = couch_db_header:update_seq(Header),
+    BDU = couch_util:get_value(before_doc_update, Options, nil),
+    ADR = couch_util:get_value(after_doc_read, Options, nil),
+    CleanedOpts = [Opt || Opt <- Options, Opt /= create],
+    InitDb = #db{
         name = DbName,
-        filepath = Filepath,
-        security = Security,
-        security_ptr = SecurityPtr,
+        filepath = FilePath,
+        engine = EngineState,
         instance_start_time = StartTime,
-        revs_limit = couch_db_header:revs_limit(Header),
-        fsync_options = FsyncOptions,
-        options = Options,
-        compression = Compression,
-        before_doc_update = couch_util:get_value(before_doc_update, Options, nil),
-        after_doc_read = couch_util:get_value(after_doc_read, Options, nil)
+        options = CleanedOpts,
+        before_doc_update = BDU,
+        after_doc_read = ADR
-    % If we just created a new UUID while upgrading a
-    % database then we want to flush that to disk or
-    % we risk sending out the uuid and having the db
-    % crash which would result in it generating a new
-    % uuid each time it was reopened.
-    case Header /= Header0 of
-        true ->
-            sync_header(Db, Header);
-        false ->
-            Db
-    end.
-close_db(#db{fd_monitor = Ref}) ->
-    erlang:demonitor(Ref).
+    InitDb#db{
+        committed_update_seq = couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(InitDb),
+        security = couch_db_engine:get_security(InitDb)
+    }.
 refresh_validate_doc_funs(#db{name = <<"shards/", _/binary>> = Name} = Db) ->
@@ -641,50 +362,36 @@ refresh_validate_doc_funs(Db0) ->
 flush_trees(_Db, [], AccFlushedTrees) ->
     {ok, lists:reverse(AccFlushedTrees)};
-flush_trees(#db{fd = Fd} = Db,
+flush_trees(#db{} = Db,
         [InfoUnflushed | RestUnflushed], AccFlushed) ->
     #full_doc_info{update_seq=UpdateSeq, rev_tree=Unflushed} = InfoUnflushed,
     {Flushed, FinalAcc} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(
         fun(_Rev, Value, Type, SizesAcc) ->
             case Value of
-            #doc{deleted = IsDeleted, body = {summary, _, _, _} = DocSummary} ->
-                {summary, Summary, AttSizeInfo, AttsFd} = DocSummary,
-                % this node value is actually an unwritten document summary,
-                % write to disk.
-                % make sure the Fd in the written bins is the same Fd we are
-                % and convert bins, removing the FD.
-                % All bins should have been written to disk already.
-                case {AttsFd, Fd} of
-                {nil, _} ->
-                    ok;
-                {SameFd, SameFd} ->
-                    ok;
-                _ ->
-                    % Fd where the attachments were written to is not the same
-                    % as our Fd. This can happen when a database is being
-                    % switched out during a compaction.
-                    couch_log:debug("File where the attachments are written has"
-                                    " changed. Possibly retrying.", []),
-                    throw(retry)
-                end,
-                ExternalSize = ?term_size(Summary),
-                {ok, NewSummaryPointer, SummarySize} =
-                    couch_file:append_raw_chunk(Fd, Summary),
-                Leaf = #leaf{
-                    deleted = IsDeleted,
-                    ptr = NewSummaryPointer,
-                    seq = UpdateSeq,
-                    sizes = #size_info{
-                        active = SummarySize,
-                        external = ExternalSize
+                % This node is a document summary that needs to be
+                % flushed to disk.
+                #doc{} = Doc ->
+                    check_doc_atts(Db, Doc),
+                    ExternalSize = ?term_size(Doc#doc.body),
+                    {size_info, AttSizeInfo} =
+                            lists:keyfind(size_info, 1, Doc#doc.meta),
+                    {ok, NewDoc, WrittenSize} =
+                            couch_db_engine:write_doc_body(Db, Doc),
+                    Leaf = #leaf{
+                        deleted = Doc#doc.deleted,
+                        ptr = NewDoc#doc.body,
+                        seq = UpdateSeq,
+                        sizes = #size_info{
+                            active = WrittenSize,
+                            external = ExternalSize
+                        },
+                        atts = AttSizeInfo
-                    atts = AttSizeInfo
-                },
-                {Leaf, add_sizes(Type, Leaf, SizesAcc)};
-            #leaf{} ->
-                {Value, add_sizes(Type, Value, SizesAcc)};
-            _ ->
-                {Value, SizesAcc}
+                    {Leaf, add_sizes(Type, Leaf, SizesAcc)};
+                #leaf{} ->
+                    {Value, add_sizes(Type, Value, SizesAcc)};
+                _ ->
+                    {Value, SizesAcc}
         end, {0, 0, []}, Unflushed),
     {FinalAS, FinalES, FinalAtts} = FinalAcc,
@@ -698,6 +405,29 @@ flush_trees(#db{fd = Fd} = Db,
     flush_trees(Db, RestUnflushed, [NewInfo | AccFlushed]).
+check_doc_atts(Db, Doc) ->
+    {atts_stream, Stream} = lists:keyfind(atts_stream, 1, Doc#doc.meta),
+    % Make sure that the attachments were written to the currently
+    % active attachment stream. If compaction swaps during a write
+    % request we may have to rewrite our attachment bodies.
+    if Stream == nil -> ok; true ->
+        case couch_db:is_active_stream(Db, Stream) of
+            true ->
+                ok;
+            false ->
+                % Stream where the attachments were written to is
+                % no longer the current attachment stream. This
+                % can happen when a database is switched at
+                % compaction time.
+                couch_log:debug("Stream where the attachments were"
+                                " written has changed."
+                                " Possibly retrying.", []),
+                throw(retry)
+        end
+    end.
 add_sizes(Type, #leaf{sizes=Sizes, atts=AttSizes}, Acc) ->
     % Maybe upgrade from disk_size only
@@ -710,6 +440,15 @@ add_sizes(Type, #leaf{sizes=Sizes, atts=AttSizes}, Acc) ->
     NewAttsAcc = lists:umerge(AttSizes, AttsAcc),
     {NewASAcc, NewESAcc, NewAttsAcc}.
+upgrade_sizes(#size_info{}=SI) ->
+    SI;
+upgrade_sizes({D, E}) ->
+    #size_info{active=D, external=E};
+upgrade_sizes(S) when is_integer(S) ->
+    #size_info{active=S, external=0}.
 send_result(Client, Doc, NewResult) ->
     % used to send a result to the client
     catch(Client ! {result, self(), {doc_tag(Doc), NewResult}}).
@@ -836,58 +575,40 @@ merge_rev_tree(OldInfo, NewDoc, _Client, Limit, true) ->
     {NewTree, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(OldTree, NewTree0, Limit),
     OldInfo#full_doc_info{rev_tree = NewTree}.
-stem_full_doc_infos(#db{revs_limit=Limit}, DocInfos) ->
-    [Info#full_doc_info{rev_tree=couch_key_tree:stem(Tree, Limit)} ||
-            #full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree}=Info <- DocInfos].
+update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, LocalDocs, MergeConflicts, FullCommit) ->
+    UpdateSeq = couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db),
+    RevsLimit = couch_db_engine:get_revs_limit(Db),
-update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, NonRepDocs, MergeConflicts, FullCommit) ->
-    #db{
-        id_tree = DocInfoByIdBTree,
-        seq_tree = DocInfoBySeqBTree,
-        update_seq = LastSeq,
-        revs_limit = RevsLimit
-        } = Db,
     Ids = [Id || [{_Client, #doc{id=Id}}|_] <- DocsList],
     % lookup up the old documents, if they exist.
-    OldDocLookups = couch_btree:lookup(DocInfoByIdBTree, Ids),
-    OldDocInfos = lists:zipwith(
-        fun(_Id, {ok, FullDocInfo}) ->
-            FullDocInfo;
+    OldDocLookups = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, Ids),
+    OldDocInfos = lists:zipwith(fun
+        (_Id, #full_doc_info{} = FDI) ->
+            FDI;
         (Id, not_found) ->
-        end,
-        Ids, OldDocLookups),
+    end, Ids, OldDocLookups),
     % Merge the new docs into the revision trees.
-    {ok, NewFullDocInfos, RemoveSeqs, NewSeq} = merge_rev_trees(RevsLimit,
-            MergeConflicts, DocsList, OldDocInfos, [], [], LastSeq),
-    % All documents are now ready to write.
-    {ok, Db2}  = update_local_docs(Db, NonRepDocs),
+    {ok, NewFullDocInfos, RemSeqs, _} = merge_rev_trees(RevsLimit,
+            MergeConflicts, DocsList, OldDocInfos, [], [], UpdateSeq),
     % Write out the document summaries (the bodies are stored in the nodes of
     % the trees, the attachments are already written to disk)
-    {ok, IndexFullDocInfos} = flush_trees(Db2, NewFullDocInfos, []),
+    {ok, IndexFDIs} = flush_trees(Db, NewFullDocInfos, []),
+    Pairs = pair_write_info(OldDocLookups, IndexFDIs),
+    LocalDocs2 = update_local_doc_revs(LocalDocs),
-    % and the indexes
-    {ok, DocInfoByIdBTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(DocInfoByIdBTree, IndexFullDocInfos, []),
-    {ok, DocInfoBySeqBTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(DocInfoBySeqBTree, IndexFullDocInfos, RemoveSeqs),
+    {ok, Db1} = couch_db_engine:write_doc_infos(Db, Pairs, LocalDocs2, []),
-    WriteCount = length(IndexFullDocInfos),
+    WriteCount = length(IndexFDIs),
     couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, document_inserts],
-         WriteCount - length(RemoveSeqs)),
+         WriteCount - length(RemSeqs)),
     couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, document_writes], WriteCount),
         [couchdb, local_document_writes],
-        length(NonRepDocs)
+        length(LocalDocs2)
-    Db3 = Db2#db{
-        id_tree = DocInfoByIdBTree2,
-        seq_tree = DocInfoBySeqBTree2,
-        update_seq = NewSeq},
     % Check if we just updated any design documents, and update the validation
     % funs if we did.
     UpdatedDDocIds = lists:flatmap(fun
@@ -895,549 +616,97 @@ update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, NonRepDocs, MergeConflicts, FullCommit) ->
         (_) -> []
     end, Ids),
-    Db4 = case length(UpdatedDDocIds) > 0 of
+    Db2 = case length(UpdatedDDocIds) > 0 of
         true ->
-            couch_event:notify(, ddoc_updated),
-            ddoc_cache:evict(, UpdatedDDocIds),
-            refresh_validate_doc_funs(Db3);
+            couch_event:notify(, ddoc_updated),
+            ddoc_cache:evict(, UpdatedDDocIds),
+            refresh_validate_doc_funs(Db1);
         false ->
-            Db3
+            Db1
-    {ok, commit_data(Db4, not FullCommit), UpdatedDDocIds}.
-update_local_docs(Db, []) ->
-    {ok, Db};
-update_local_docs(#db{local_tree=Btree}=Db, Docs) ->
-    BtreeEntries = lists:map(
-        fun({Client, NewDoc}) ->
-            #doc{
-                id = Id,
-                deleted = Delete,
-                revs = {0, PrevRevs},
-                body = Body
-            } = NewDoc,
-            case PrevRevs of
-            [RevStr|_] ->
+    {ok, commit_data(Db2, not FullCommit), UpdatedDDocIds}.
+update_local_doc_revs(Docs) ->
+    lists:map(fun({Client, NewDoc}) ->
+        #doc{
+            deleted = Delete,
+            revs = {0, PrevRevs}
+        } = NewDoc,
+        case PrevRevs of
+            [RevStr | _] ->
                 PrevRev = list_to_integer(?b2l(RevStr));
             [] ->
                 PrevRev = 0
-            end,
-            case Delete of
-                false ->
-                    send_result(Client, NewDoc, {ok,
-                        {0, ?l2b(integer_to_list(PrevRev + 1))}}),
-                    {update, {Id, {PrevRev + 1, Body}}};
-                true  ->
-                    send_result(Client, NewDoc,
-                        {ok, {0, <<"0">>}}),
-                    {remove, Id}
-            end
-        end, Docs),
-    BtreeIdsRemove = [Id || {remove, Id} <- BtreeEntries],
-    BtreeIdsUpdate = [{Key, Val} || {update, {Key, Val}} <- BtreeEntries],
-    {ok, Btree2} =
-        couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, BtreeIdsUpdate, BtreeIdsRemove),
-    {ok, Db#db{local_tree = Btree2}}.
+        end,
+        NewRev = case Delete of
+            false ->
+                ?l2b(integer_to_list(PrevRev + 1));
+            true  ->
+                <<"0">>
+        end,
+        send_result(Client, NewDoc, {ok, {0, NewRev}}),
+        NewDoc#doc{
+            revs = {0, [NewRev]}
+        }
+    end, Docs).
-db_to_header(Db, Header) ->
-    couch_db_header:set(Header, [
-        {update_seq, Db#db.update_seq},
-        {seq_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(Db#db.seq_tree)},
-        {id_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(Db#db.id_tree)},
-        {local_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(Db#db.local_tree)},
-        {security_ptr, Db#db.security_ptr},
-        {revs_limit, Db#db.revs_limit}
-    ]).
 commit_data(Db) ->
     commit_data(Db, false).
-commit_data(#db{waiting_delayed_commit=nil} = Db, true) ->
-    TRef = erlang:send_after(1000,self(),delayed_commit),
-    Db#db{waiting_delayed_commit=TRef};
+commit_data(#db{waiting_delayed_commit = nil} = Db, true) ->
+    TRef = erlang:send_after(1000, self(), delayed_commit),
+    Db#db{waiting_delayed_commit = TRef};
 commit_data(Db, true) ->
 commit_data(Db, _) ->
-        header = OldHeader,
         waiting_delayed_commit = Timer
     } = Db,
     if is_reference(Timer) -> erlang:cancel_timer(Timer); true -> ok end,
-    case db_to_header(Db, OldHeader) of
-        OldHeader -> Db#db{waiting_delayed_commit=nil};
-        NewHeader -> sync_header(Db, NewHeader)
-    end.
-sync_header(Db, NewHeader) ->
-    #db{
-        fd = Fd,
-        filepath = FilePath,
-        fsync_options = FsyncOptions,
-        waiting_delayed_commit = Timer
-    } = Db,
-    if is_reference(Timer) -> erlang:cancel_timer(Timer); true -> ok end,
-    Before = lists:member(before_header, FsyncOptions),
-    After = lists:member(after_header, FsyncOptions),
-    if Before -> couch_file:sync(FilePath); true -> ok end,
-    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, NewHeader),
-    if After -> couch_file:sync(FilePath); true -> ok end,
-    Db#db{
-        header=NewHeader,
-        committed_update_seq=Db#db.update_seq,
-        waiting_delayed_commit=nil
+    {ok, Db1} = couch_db_engine:commit_data(Db),
+    Db1#db{
+        waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
+        committed_update_seq = couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db)
-copy_doc_attachments(#db{fd = SrcFd} = SrcDb, SrcSp, DestFd) ->
-    {ok, {BodyData, BinInfos0}} = couch_db:read_doc(SrcDb, SrcSp),
-    BinInfos = case BinInfos0 of
-    _ when is_binary(BinInfos0) ->
-        couch_compress:decompress(BinInfos0);
-    _ when is_list(BinInfos0) ->
-        % pre 1.2 file format
-        BinInfos0
-    end,
-    % copy the bin values
-    NewBinInfos = lists:map(
-        fun({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5}) ->
-            % 010 UPGRADE CODE
-            {NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, ActualMd5, _IdentityMd5} =
-                couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
-            check_md5(ExpectedMd5, ActualMd5),
-            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, identity};
-        ({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, DiskLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, Enc1}) ->
-            {NewBinSp, AttLen, _, ActualMd5, _IdentityMd5} =
-                couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
-            check_md5(ExpectedMd5, ActualMd5),
-            Enc = case Enc1 of
-            true ->
-                % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
-                gzip;
-            false ->
-                % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
-                identity;
-            _ ->
-                Enc1
-            end,
-            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, DiskLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, Enc}
-        end, BinInfos),
-    {BodyData, NewBinInfos}.
-merge_lookups(Infos, []) ->
-    Infos;
-merge_lookups([], _) ->
-    [];
-merge_lookups([#doc_info{}=DI | RestInfos], [{ok, FDI} | RestLookups]) ->
-    % Assert we've matched our lookups
-    if == -> ok; true ->
-        erlang:error({mismatched_doc_infos,})
-    end,
-    [FDI | merge_lookups(RestInfos, RestLookups)];
-merge_lookups([FDI | RestInfos], Lookups) ->
-    [FDI | merge_lookups(RestInfos, Lookups)].
-check_md5(Md5, Md5) -> ok;
-check_md5(_, _) -> throw(md5_mismatch).
-copy_docs(Db, #db{fd = DestFd} = NewDb, MixedInfos, Retry) ->
-    DocInfoIds = [Id || #doc_info{id=Id} <- MixedInfos],
-    LookupResults = couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, DocInfoIds),
-    % COUCHDB-968, make sure we prune duplicates during compaction
-    NewInfos0 = lists:usort(fun(#full_doc_info{id=A}, #full_doc_info{id=B}) ->
-        A =< B
-    end, merge_lookups(MixedInfos, LookupResults)),
-    NewInfos1 = lists:map(fun(Info) ->
-        {NewRevTree, FinalAcc} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
-            (_Rev, #leaf{ptr=Sp}=Leaf, leaf, SizesAcc) ->
-                {Body, AttInfos} = copy_doc_attachments(Db, Sp, DestFd),
-                SummaryChunk = make_doc_summary(NewDb, {Body, AttInfos}),
-                ExternalSize = ?term_size(SummaryChunk),
-                {ok, Pos, SummarySize} = couch_file:append_raw_chunk(
-                    DestFd, SummaryChunk),
-                AttSizes = [{element(3,A), element(4,A)} || A <- AttInfos],
-                NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
-                    ptr = Pos,
-                    sizes = #size_info{
-                        active = SummarySize,
-                        external = ExternalSize
-                    },
-                    atts = AttSizes
-                },
-                {NewLeaf, add_sizes(leaf, NewLeaf, SizesAcc)};
-            (_Rev, _Leaf, branch, SizesAcc) ->
-                {?REV_MISSING, SizesAcc}
-        end, {0, 0, []}, Info#full_doc_info.rev_tree),
-        {FinalAS, FinalES, FinalAtts} = FinalAcc,
-        TotalAttSize = lists:foldl(fun({_, S}, A) -> S + A end, 0, FinalAtts),
-        NewActiveSize = FinalAS + TotalAttSize,
-        NewExternalSize = FinalES + TotalAttSize,
-        Info#full_doc_info{
-            rev_tree = NewRevTree,
-            sizes = #size_info{
-                active = NewActiveSize,
-                external = NewExternalSize
-            }
-        }
-    end, NewInfos0),
-    NewInfos = stem_full_doc_infos(Db, NewInfos1),
-    RemoveSeqs =
-    case Retry of
-    nil ->
-        [];
-    OldDocIdTree ->
-        % Compaction is being rerun to catch up to writes during the
-        % first pass. This means we may have docs that already exist
-        % in the seq_tree in the .data file. Here we lookup any old
-        % update_seqs so that they can be removed.
-        Ids = [Id || #full_doc_info{id=Id} <- NewInfos],
-        Existing = couch_btree:lookup(OldDocIdTree, Ids),
-        [Seq || {ok, #full_doc_info{update_seq=Seq}} <- Existing]
-    end,
-    {ok, SeqTree} = couch_btree:add_remove(
-            NewDb#db.seq_tree, NewInfos, RemoveSeqs),
-    FDIKVs = lists:map(fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}=FDI) ->
-        {{Id, Seq}, FDI}
-    end, NewInfos),
-    {ok, IdEms} = couch_emsort:add(NewDb#db.id_tree, FDIKVs),
-    update_compact_task(length(NewInfos)),
-    NewDb#db{id_tree=IdEms, seq_tree=SeqTree}.
-copy_compact(Db, NewDb0, Retry) ->
-    Compression = couch_compress:get_compression_method(),
-    NewDb = NewDb0#db{compression=Compression},
-    TotalChanges = couch_db:count_changes_since(Db, NewDb#db.update_seq),
-    BufferSize = list_to_integer(
-        config:get("database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "524288")),
-    CheckpointAfter = couch_util:to_integer(
-        config:get("database_compaction", "checkpoint_after",
-            BufferSize * 10)),
-    EnumBySeqFun =
-    fun(DocInfo, _Offset,
-            {AccNewDb, AccUncopied, AccUncopiedSize, AccCopiedSize}) ->
-        Seq = case DocInfo of
-            #full_doc_info{} -> DocInfo#full_doc_info.update_seq;
-            #doc_info{} -> DocInfo#doc_info.high_seq
-        end,
-        AccUncopiedSize2 = AccUncopiedSize + ?term_size(DocInfo),
-        if AccUncopiedSize2 >= BufferSize ->
-            NewDb2 = copy_docs(
-                Db, AccNewDb, lists:reverse([DocInfo | AccUncopied]), Retry),
-            AccCopiedSize2 = AccCopiedSize + AccUncopiedSize2,
-            if AccCopiedSize2 >= CheckpointAfter ->
-                CommNewDb2 = commit_compaction_data(NewDb2#db{update_seq=Seq}),
-                {ok, {CommNewDb2, [], 0, 0}};
-            true ->
-                {ok, {NewDb2#db{update_seq = Seq}, [], 0, AccCopiedSize2}}
-            end;
+maybe_track_db(#db{options = Options}) ->
+    case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
         true ->
-            {ok, {AccNewDb, [DocInfo | AccUncopied], AccUncopiedSize2,
-                AccCopiedSize}}
-        end
-    end,
-    TaskProps0 = [
-        {type, database_compaction},
-        {database,},
-        {progress, 0},
-        {changes_done, 0},
-        {total_changes, TotalChanges}
-    ],
-    case (Retry =/= nil) and couch_task_status:is_task_added() of
-    true ->
-        couch_task_status:update([
-            {retry, true},
-            {progress, 0},
-            {changes_done, 0},
-            {total_changes, TotalChanges}
-        ]);
-    false ->
-        couch_task_status:add_task(TaskProps0),
-        couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(500)
-    end,
-    {ok, _, {NewDb2, Uncopied, _, _}} =
-        couch_btree:foldl(Db#db.seq_tree, EnumBySeqFun,
-            {NewDb, [], 0, 0},
-            [{start_key, NewDb#db.update_seq + 1}]),
-    NewDb3 = copy_docs(Db, NewDb2, lists:reverse(Uncopied), Retry),
-    % copy misc header values
-    if /= ->
-        {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(
-            NewDb3#db.fd,,
-            [{compression, NewDb3#db.compression}]),
-        NewDb4 = NewDb3#db{, security_ptr=Ptr};
-    true ->
-        NewDb4 = NewDb3
-    end,
-    commit_compaction_data(NewDb4#db{update_seq=Db#db.update_seq}).
-start_copy_compact(#db{}=Db) ->
-    erlang:put(io_priority, {db_compact,}),
-    #db{name=Name, filepath=Filepath, options=Options, header=Header} = Db,
-    couch_log:debug("Compaction process spawned for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
-    {ok, NewDb, DName, DFd, MFd, Retry} =
-        open_compaction_files(Name, Header, Filepath, Options),
-    erlang:monitor(process, MFd),
-    % This is a bit worrisome. init_db/4 will monitor the data fd
-    % but it doesn't know about the meta fd. For now I'll maintain
-    % that the data fd is the old normal fd and meta fd is special
-    % and hope everything works out for the best.
-    unlink(DFd),
-    NewDb1 = copy_purge_info(Db, NewDb),
-    NewDb2 = copy_compact(Db, NewDb1, Retry),
-    NewDb3 = sort_meta_data(NewDb2),
-    NewDb4 = commit_compaction_data(NewDb3),
-    NewDb5 = copy_meta_data(NewDb4),
-    NewDb6 = sync_header(NewDb5, db_to_header(NewDb5, NewDb5#db.header)),
-    close_db(NewDb6),
-    ok = couch_file:close(MFd),
-    gen_server:cast(Db#db.main_pid, {compact_done, DName}).
-open_compaction_files(DbName, SrcHdr, DbFilePath, Options) ->
-    DataFile = DbFilePath ++ "",
-    MetaFile = DbFilePath ++ ".compact.meta",
-    {ok, DataFd, DataHdr} = open_compaction_file(DataFile),
-    {ok, MetaFd, MetaHdr} = open_compaction_file(MetaFile),
-    DataHdrIsDbHdr = couch_db_header:is_header(DataHdr),
-    case {DataHdr, MetaHdr} of
-        {#comp_header{}=A, #comp_header{}=A} ->
-            DbHeader = A#comp_header.db_header,
-            Db0 = init_db(DbName, DataFile, DataFd, DbHeader, Options),
-            Db1 = bind_emsort(Db0, MetaFd, A#comp_header.meta_state),
-            {ok, Db1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, Db0#db.id_tree};
-        _ when DataHdrIsDbHdr ->
-            ok = reset_compaction_file(MetaFd, couch_db_header:from(SrcHdr)),
-            Db0 = init_db(DbName, DataFile, DataFd, DataHdr, Options),
-            Db1 = bind_emsort(Db0, MetaFd, nil),
-            {ok, Db1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, Db0#db.id_tree};
-        _ ->
-            Header = couch_db_header:from(SrcHdr),
-            ok = reset_compaction_file(DataFd, Header),
-            ok = reset_compaction_file(MetaFd, Header),
-            Db0 = init_db(DbName, DataFile, DataFd, Header, Options),
-            Db1 = bind_emsort(Db0, MetaFd, nil),
-            {ok, Db1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, nil}
-    end.
-open_compaction_file(FilePath) ->
-    case couch_file:open(FilePath, [nologifmissing]) of
-        {ok, Fd} ->
-            case couch_file:read_header(Fd) of
-                {ok, Header} -> {ok, Fd, Header};
-                no_valid_header -> {ok, Fd, nil}
-            end;
-        {error, enoent} ->
-            {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(FilePath, [create]),
-            {ok, Fd, nil}
+            ok;
+        false ->
+            couch_stats_process_tracker:track([couchdb, open_databases])
-reset_compaction_file(Fd, Header) ->
-    ok = couch_file:truncate(Fd, 0),
-    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header).
-copy_purge_info(OldDb, NewDb) ->
-    OldHdr = OldDb#db.header,
-    NewHdr = NewDb#db.header,
-    OldPurgeSeq = couch_db_header:purge_seq(OldHdr),
-    if OldPurgeSeq > 0 ->
-        {ok, PurgedIdsRevs} = couch_db:get_last_purged(OldDb),
-        Opts = [{compression, NewDb#db.compression}],
-        {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(NewDb#db.fd, PurgedIdsRevs, Opts),
-        NewNewHdr = couch_db_header:set(NewHdr, [
-            {purge_seq, OldPurgeSeq},
-            {purged_docs, Ptr}
-        ]),
-        NewDb#db{header = NewNewHdr};
-    true ->
-        NewDb
-    end.
+finish_engine_swap(_OldDb, _NewEngine, _CompactFilePath) ->
+    erlang:error(explode).
-commit_compaction_data(#db{}=Db) ->
-    % Compaction needs to write headers to both the data file
-    % and the meta file so if we need to restart we can pick
-    % back up from where we left off.
-    commit_compaction_data(Db, couch_emsort:get_fd(Db#db.id_tree)),
-    commit_compaction_data(Db, Db#db.fd).
-commit_compaction_data(#db{header=OldHeader}=Db0, Fd) ->
-    % Mostly copied from commit_data/2 but I have to
-    % replace the logic to commit and fsync to a specific
-    % fd instead of the Filepath stuff that commit_data/2
-    % does.
-    DataState = couch_db_header:id_tree_state(OldHeader),
-    MetaFd = couch_emsort:get_fd(Db0#db.id_tree),
-    MetaState = couch_emsort:get_state(Db0#db.id_tree),
-    Db1 = bind_id_tree(Db0, Db0#db.fd, DataState),
-    Header = db_to_header(Db1, OldHeader),
-    CompHeader = #comp_header{
-        db_header = Header,
-        meta_state = MetaState
-    },
-    ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
-    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, CompHeader),
-    Db2 = Db1#db{
-        waiting_delayed_commit=nil,
-        header=Header,
-        committed_update_seq=Db1#db.update_seq
-    },
-    bind_emsort(Db2, MetaFd, MetaState).
-bind_emsort(Db, Fd, nil) ->
-    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:open(Fd),
-    Db#db{id_tree=Ems};
-bind_emsort(Db, Fd, State) ->
-    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:open(Fd, [{root, State}]),
-    Db#db{id_tree=Ems}.
-bind_id_tree(Db, Fd, State) ->
-    {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(State, Fd, [
-        {split, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_split/1},
-        {join, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_join/2},
-        {reduce, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_reduce/2}
-    ]),
-    Db#db{id_tree=IdBtree}.
-sort_meta_data(Db0) ->
-    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:merge(Db0#db.id_tree),
-    Db0#db{id_tree=Ems}.
-copy_meta_data(#db{fd=Fd, header=Header}=Db) ->
-    Src = Db#db.id_tree,
-    DstState = couch_db_header:id_tree_state(Header),
-    {ok, IdTree0} = couch_btree:open(DstState, Fd, [
-        {split, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_split/1},
-        {join, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_join/2},
-        {reduce, fun ?MODULE:btree_by_id_reduce/2}
-    ]),
-    {ok, Iter} = couch_emsort:iter(Src),
-    Acc0 = #merge_st{
-        id_tree=IdTree0,
-        seq_tree=Db#db.seq_tree,
-        rem_seqs=[],
-        infos=[]
-    },
-    Acc = merge_docids(Iter, Acc0),
-    {ok, IdTree} = couch_btree:add(Acc#merge_st.id_tree, Acc#merge_st.infos),
-    {ok, SeqTree} = couch_btree:add_remove(
-        Acc#merge_st.seq_tree, [], Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs
-    ),
-    Db#db{id_tree=IdTree, seq_tree=SeqTree}.
-merge_docids(Iter, #merge_st{infos=Infos}=Acc) when length(Infos) > 1000 ->
-    #merge_st{
-        id_tree=IdTree0,
-        seq_tree=SeqTree0,
-        rem_seqs=RemSeqs
-    } = Acc,
-    {ok, IdTree1} = couch_btree:add(IdTree0, Infos),
-    {ok, SeqTree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(SeqTree0, [], RemSeqs),
-    Acc1 = Acc#merge_st{
-        id_tree=IdTree1,
-        seq_tree=SeqTree1,
-        rem_seqs=[],
-        infos=[]
-    },
-    merge_docids(Iter, Acc1);
-merge_docids(Iter, #merge_st{curr=Curr}=Acc) ->
-    case next_info(Iter, Curr, []) of
-        {NextIter, NewCurr, FDI, Seqs} ->
-            Acc1 = Acc#merge_st{
-                infos = [FDI | Acc#merge_st.infos],
-                rem_seqs = Seqs ++ Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs,
-                curr = NewCurr
-            },
-            merge_docids(NextIter, Acc1);
-        {finished, FDI, Seqs} ->
-            Acc#merge_st{
-                infos = [FDI | Acc#merge_st.infos],
-                rem_seqs = Seqs ++ Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs,
-                curr = undefined
-            };
-        empty ->
-            Acc
-    end.
+make_doc_summary(Db, DocParts) ->
+    couch_db_engine:make_doc_summary(Db, DocParts).
-next_info(Iter, undefined, []) ->
-    case couch_emsort:next(Iter) of
-        {ok, {{Id, Seq}, FDI}, NextIter} ->
-            next_info(NextIter, {Id, Seq, FDI}, []);
-        finished ->
-            empty
-    end;
-next_info(Iter, {Id, Seq, FDI}, Seqs) ->
-    case couch_emsort:next(Iter) of
-        {ok, {{Id, NSeq}, NFDI}, NextIter} ->
-            next_info(NextIter, {Id, NSeq, NFDI}, [Seq | Seqs]);
-        {ok, {{NId, NSeq}, NFDI}, NextIter} ->
-            {NextIter, {NId, NSeq, NFDI}, FDI, Seqs};
-        finished ->
-            {finished, FDI, Seqs}
-    end.
+pair_write_info(Old, New) ->
+    lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+        case lists:keyfind(,, Old) of
+            #full_doc_info{} = OldFDI -> {OldFDI, FDI};
+            false -> {not_found, FDI}
+        end
+    end, New).
-update_compact_task(NumChanges) ->
-    [Changes, Total] = couch_task_status:get([changes_done, total_changes]),
-    Changes2 = Changes + NumChanges,
-    Progress = case Total of
-    0 ->
-        0;
-    _ ->
-        (Changes2 * 100) div Total
-    end,
-    couch_task_status:update([{changes_done, Changes2}, {progress, Progress}]).
+pair_purge_info(Old, New) ->
+    lists:map(fun(OldFDI) ->
+        case lists:keyfind(,, New) of
+            #full_doc_info{} = NewFDI -> {OldFDI, NewFDI};
+            false -> {OldFDI, not_found}
+        end
+    end, Old).
-make_doc_summary(#db{compression = Comp}, {Body0, Atts0}) ->
-    Body = case couch_compress:is_compressed(Body0, Comp) of
-    true ->
-        Body0;
-    false ->
-        % pre 1.2 database file format
-        couch_compress:compress(Body0, Comp)
-    end,
-    Atts = case couch_compress:is_compressed(Atts0, Comp) of
-    true ->
-        Atts0;
-    false ->
-        couch_compress:compress(Atts0, Comp)
-    end,
-    SummaryBin = ?term_to_bin({Body, Atts}),
-    couch_file:assemble_file_chunk(SummaryBin, couch_crypto:hash(md5, SummaryBin)).
 default_security_object(<<"shards/", _/binary>>) ->
     case config:get("couchdb", "default_security", "everyone") of
diff --git a/src/couch_httpd_db.erl b/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
index fe42dfe..4cf6857 100644
--- a/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_httpd_db.erl
@@ -217,7 +217,13 @@ handle_design_info_req(#httpd{
 create_db_req(#httpd{user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, DbName) ->
     ok = couch_httpd:verify_is_server_admin(Req),
-    case couch_server:create(DbName, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}]) of
+    Engine = case couch_httpd:qs_value(Req, "engine") of
+        EngineStr when is_list(EngineStr) ->
+            [{engine, iolist_to_binary(EngineStr)}];
+        _ ->
+            []
+    end,
+    case couch_server:create(DbName, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}] ++ Engine) of
     {ok, Db} ->
         DbUrl = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode(DbName)),
diff --git a/src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl b/src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl
index eb75a94..3fc4d9a 100644
--- a/src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl
+++ b/src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
     handle_task_status_req/1, handle_file_req/2]).
@@ -310,14 +308,3 @@ handle_approved_config_req(#httpd{method='DELETE',path_parts=[_,Section,Key]}=Re
         send_json(Req, 200, list_to_binary(OldValue))
-% httpd db handlers
-increment_update_seq_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
-    couch_httpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
-    {ok, NewSeq} = couch_db:increment_update_seq(Db),
-    send_json(Req, {[{ok, true},
-        {update_seq, NewSeq}
-    ]});
-increment_update_seq_req(Req, _Db) ->
-    send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
diff --git a/src/couch_server.erl b/src/couch_server.erl
index f365718..2c77e98 100644
--- a/src/couch_server.erl
+++ b/src/couch_server.erl
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 % config_listener api
 -export([handle_config_change/5, handle_config_terminate/3]).
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
     root_dir = [],
+    engines = [],
@@ -118,6 +121,35 @@ create(DbName, Options0) ->
 delete(DbName, Options) ->
     gen_server:call(couch_server, {delete, DbName, Options}, infinity).
+exists(DbName) ->
+    RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    Engines = get_configured_engines(),
+    Possible = lists:foldl(fun({Extension, Engine}, Acc) ->
+        Path = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension),
+        case couch_db_engine:exists(Engine, Path) of
+            true ->
+                [{Engine, Path} | Acc];
+            false ->
+                Acc
+        end
+    end, [], Engines),
+    Possible /= [].
+delete_compaction_files(DbName) ->
+    delete_compaction_files(DbName, []).
+delete_compaction_files(DbName, DelOpts) when is_list(DbName) ->
+    RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    lists:foreach(fun({Ext, Engine}) ->
+        FPath = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Ext),
+        couch_db_engine:delete_compaction_files(Engine, RootDir, FPath, DelOpts)
+    end, get_configured_engines()),
+    ok;
+delete_compaction_files(DbName, DelOpts) when is_binary(DbName) ->
+    delete_compaction_files(?b2l(DbName), DelOpts).
 maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options) when is_binary(DbName) ->
     maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(?b2l(DbName), Options);
 maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options) ->
@@ -165,9 +197,6 @@ is_admin(User, ClearPwd) ->
 has_admins() ->
     config:get("admins") /= [].
-get_full_filename(Server, DbName) ->
-    filename:join([Server#server.root_dir, "./" ++ DbName ++ ".couch"]).
 hash_admin_passwords() ->
@@ -185,6 +214,7 @@ init([]) ->
     % will restart us and then we will pick up the new settings.
     RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    Engines = get_configured_engines(),
     MaxDbsOpen = list_to_integer(
             config:get("couchdb", "max_dbs_open", integer_to_list(?MAX_DBS_OPEN))),
     UpdateLruOnRead =
@@ -196,6 +226,7 @@ init([]) ->
     ets:new(couch_dbs_pid_to_name, [set, protected, named_table]),
     process_flag(trap_exit, true),
     {ok, #server{root_dir=RootDir,
+                engines = Engines,
@@ -220,6 +251,8 @@ handle_config_change("couchdb", "max_dbs_open", Max, _, _) when is_list(Max) ->
     {ok, gen_server:call(couch_server,{set_max_dbs_open,list_to_integer(Max)})};
 handle_config_change("couchdb", "max_dbs_open", _, _, _) ->
     {ok, gen_server:call(couch_server,{set_max_dbs_open,?MAX_DBS_OPEN})};
+handle_config_change("couchdb_engines", _, _, _, _) ->
+    {ok, gen_server:call(couch_server,reload_engines)};
 handle_config_change("admins", _, _, Persist, _) ->
     % spawn here so couch event manager doesn't deadlock
     {ok, spawn(fun() -> hash_admin_passwords(Persist) end)};
@@ -254,11 +287,15 @@ all_databases() ->
 all_databases(Fun, Acc0) ->
     {ok, #server{root_dir=Root}} = gen_server:call(couch_server, get_server),
     NormRoot = couch_util:normpath(Root),
-    FinalAcc = try
-    filelib:fold_files(Root,
+    Extensions = get_engine_extensions(),
+    ExtRegExp = "(" ++ string:join(Extensions, "|") ++ ")",
+    RegExp =
         "^[a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-]*" % stock CouchDB name regex
         "(\\.[0-9]{10,})?"         % optional shard timestamp
-        "\\.couch$",               % filename extension
+        "\\." ++ ExtRegExp ++ "$", % filename extension
+    FinalAcc = try
+    couch_util:fold_files(Root,
+        RegExp,
             fun(Filename, AccIn) ->
                 NormFilename = couch_util:normpath(Filename),
@@ -266,7 +303,8 @@ all_databases(Fun, Acc0) ->
                 [$/ | RelativeFilename] -> ok;
                 RelativeFilename -> ok
-                case Fun(couch_util:drop_dot_couch_ext(?l2b(RelativeFilename)), AccIn) of
+                Ext = filename:extension(RelativeFilename),
+                case Fun(?l2b(filename:rootname(RelativeFilename, Ext)), AccIn) of
                 {ok, NewAcc} -> NewAcc;
                 {stop, NewAcc} -> throw({stop, Fun, NewAcc})
@@ -293,11 +331,11 @@ maybe_close_lru_db(#server{lru=Lru}=Server) ->
         {error, all_dbs_active}
-open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
+open_async(Server, From, DbName, {Module, Filepath}, Options) ->
     Parent = self(),
     T0 = os:timestamp(),
     Opener = spawn_link(fun() ->
-        Res = couch_db:start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options),
+        Res = couch_db:start_link(Module, DbName, Filepath, Options),
         case {Res, lists:member(create, Options)} of
             {{ok, _Db}, true} ->
                 couch_event:notify(DbName, created);
@@ -334,6 +372,8 @@ handle_call({set_update_lru_on_read, UpdateOnRead}, _From, Server) ->
     {reply, ok, Server#server{update_lru_on_read=UpdateOnRead}};
 handle_call({set_max_dbs_open, Max}, _From, Server) ->
     {reply, ok, Server#server{max_dbs_open=Max}};
+handle_call(reload_engines, _From, Server) ->
+    {reply, ok, Server#server{engines = get_configured_engines()}};
 handle_call(get_server, _From, Server) ->
     {reply, {ok, Server}, Server};
 handle_call({open_result, T0, DbName, {ok, Db}}, {FromPid, _Tag}, Server) ->
@@ -351,7 +391,7 @@ handle_call({open_result, T0, DbName, {ok, Db}}, {FromPid, _Tag}, Server) ->
             [gen_server:reply(Waiter, {ok, Db}) || Waiter <- Waiters],
             % Cancel the creation request if it exists.
             case ReqType of
-                {create, DbName, _Filepath, _Options, CrFrom} ->
+                {create, DbName, _Engine, _Options, CrFrom} ->
                     gen_server:reply(CrFrom, file_exists);
                 _ ->
@@ -386,8 +426,8 @@ handle_call({open_result, _T0, DbName, Error}, {FromPid, _Tag}, Server) ->
             true = ets:delete(couch_dbs, DbName),
             true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_pid_to_name, FromPid),
             NewServer = case ReqType of
-                {create, DbName, Filepath, Options, CrFrom} ->
-                    open_async(Server, CrFrom, DbName, Filepath, Options);
+                {create, DbName, Engine, Options, CrFrom} ->
+                    open_async(Server, CrFrom, DbName, Engine, Options);
                 _ ->
@@ -401,8 +441,8 @@ handle_call({open, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
         ok ->
             case make_room(Server, Options) of
             {ok, Server2} ->
-                Filepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
-                {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Filepath, Options)};
+                Engine = get_engine(Server, DbNameList),
+                {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Engine, Options)};
             CloseError ->
                 {reply, CloseError, Server}
@@ -421,14 +461,14 @@ handle_call({open, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
 handle_call({create, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
     DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
-    Filepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
+    Engine = get_engine(Server, DbNameList, Options),
     case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
     ok ->
         case ets:lookup(couch_dbs, DbName) of
         [] ->
             case make_room(Server, Options) of
             {ok, Server2} ->
-                {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Filepath,
+                {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Engine,
                         [create | Options])};
             CloseError ->
                 {reply, CloseError, Server}
@@ -438,7 +478,7 @@ handle_call({create, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
             % the middle of trying to open it. We allow one creator
             % to wait while we figure out if it'll succeed.
             CrOptions = [create | Options],
-            Req = {create, DbName, Filepath, CrOptions, From},
+            Req = {create, DbName, Engine, CrOptions, From},
             true = ets:insert(couch_dbs, Entry#entry{req_type = Req}),
             {noreply, Server};
         [_AlreadyRunningDb] ->
@@ -451,7 +491,6 @@ handle_call({delete, DbName, Options}, _From, Server) ->
     DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
     case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
     ok ->
-        FullFilepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
         Server2 =
         case ets:lookup(couch_dbs, DbName) of
         [] -> Server;
@@ -468,18 +507,16 @@ handle_call({delete, DbName, Options}, _From, Server) ->
             db_closed(Server, Entry#entry.db_options)
-        %% Delete any leftover compaction files. If we don't do this a
-        %% subsequent request for this DB will try to open them to use
-        %% as a recovery.
-        lists:foreach(fun(Ext) ->
-            couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath ++ Ext)
-        end, [".compact", "", ".compact.meta"]),
-        couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath ++ ".compact"),
         couch_db_plugin:on_delete(DbName, Options),
         DelOpt = [{context, delete} | Options],
-        case couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath, DelOpt) of
+        % Make sure and remove all compaction data
+        delete_compaction_files(DbNameList, DelOpt),
+        {Engine, FilePath} = get_engine(Server, DbNameList),
+        RootDir = Server#server.root_dir,
+        case couch_db_engine:delete(Engine, RootDir, FilePath, DelOpt) of
         ok ->
             couch_event:notify(DbName, deleted),
             {reply, ok, Server2};
@@ -558,6 +595,106 @@ db_closed(Server, Options) ->
         true -> Server
+get_configured_engines() ->
+    ConfigEntries = config:get("couchdb_engines"),
+    Engines = lists:flatmap(fun({Extension, ModuleStr}) ->
+        try
+            [{Extension, list_to_atom(ModuleStr)}]
+        catch _T:_R ->
+            []
+        end
+    end, ConfigEntries),
+    case Engines of
+        [] ->
+            [{"couch", couch_bt_engine}];
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
+get_engine(Server, DbName, Options) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    case couch_util:get_value(engine, Options) of
+        Ext when is_binary(Ext) ->
+            ExtStr = binary_to_list(Ext),
+            case couch_util:get_value(ExtStr, Engines) of
+                Engine when is_atom(Engine) ->
+                    Path = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, ExtStr),
+                    {Engine, Path};
+                _ ->
+                    get_engine(Server, DbName)
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            get_engine(Server, DbName)
+    end.
+get_engine(Server, DbName) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    Possible = lists:foldl(fun({Extension, Engine}, Acc) ->
+        Path = make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension),
+        case couch_db_engine:exists(Engine, Path) of
+            true ->
+                [{Engine, Path} | Acc];
+            false ->
+                Acc
+        end
+    end, [], Engines),
+    case Possible of
+        [] ->
+            get_default_engine(Server, DbName);
+        [Engine] ->
+            Engine;
+        _ ->
+            erlang:error(engine_conflict)
+    end.
+get_default_engine(Server, DbName) ->
+    #server{
+        root_dir = RootDir,
+        engines = Engines
+    } = Server,
+    Default = {couch_bt_engine, make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, "couch")},
+    case config:get("couchdb", "default_engine") of
+        Extension when is_list(Extension) ->
+            case lists:keyfind(Extension, 1, Engines) of
+                {Extension, Module} ->
+                    {Module, make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension)};
+                false ->
+                    Default
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            Default
+    end.
+make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension) when is_binary(RootDir) ->
+    make_filepath(binary_to_list(RootDir), DbName, Extension);
+make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension) when is_binary(DbName) ->
+    make_filepath(RootDir, binary_to_list(DbName), Extension);
+make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension) when is_binary(Extension) ->
+    make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, binary_to_list(Extension));
+make_filepath(RootDir, DbName, Extension) ->
+    filename:join([RootDir, "./" ++ DbName ++ "." ++ Extension]).
+get_engine_extensions() ->
+    case config:get("couchdb_engines") of
+        [] ->
+            ["couch"];
+        Entries ->
+            [Ext || {Ext, _Mod} <- Entries]
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_stream.erl b/src/couch_stream.erl
index 913977f..1980246 100644
--- a/src/couch_stream.erl
+++ b/src/couch_stream.erl
@@ -14,21 +14,40 @@
-% public API
--export([open/1, open/2, close/1]).
--export([foldl/4, foldl/5, foldl_decode/6, range_foldl/6]).
--export([copy_to_new_stream/3, write/2]).
-% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2]).
+    open/1,
+    open/2,
+    close/1,
+    copy/2,
+    write/2,
+    to_disk_term/1,
+    foldl/3,
+    foldl/4,
+    foldl_decode/5,
+    range_foldl/5
+    init/1,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_cast/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    code_change/3
 -define(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 4096).
-    {fd = 0,
+-record(stream, {
+    engine,
     buffer_list = [],
@@ -42,114 +61,94 @@
     identity_len = 0,
-    }).
-%%% Interface functions %%%
+open({_StreamEngine, _StreamEngineState} = Engine) ->
+    open(Engine, []).
-open(Fd) ->
-    open(Fd, []).
-open(Fd, Options) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(couch_stream, {Fd, self(), erlang:get(io_priority), Options}, []).
+open({_StreamEngine, _StreamEngineState} = Engine, Options) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, {Engine, self(), erlang:get(io_priority), Options}, []).
 close(Pid) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, close, infinity).
-copy_to_new_stream(Fd, PosList, DestFd) ->
-    {ok, Dest} = open(DestFd),
-    foldl(Fd, PosList,
-        fun(Bin, _) ->
-            ok = write(Dest, Bin)
-        end, ok),
-    close(Dest).
-foldl(_Fd, [], _Fun, Acc) ->
-    Acc;
-foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    foldl(Fd, Rest, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
-foldl(Fd, PosList, <<>>, Fun, Acc) ->
-    foldl(Fd, PosList, Fun, Acc);
-foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, Fun, Acc) ->
-    foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, couch_crypto:hash_init(md5), Fun, Acc).
-foldl_decode(Fd, PosList, Md5, Enc, Fun, Acc) ->
+copy(Src, Dst) ->
+    foldl(Src, fun(Bin, _) ->
+        ok = write(Dst, Bin)
+    end, ok).
+write(_Pid, <<>>) ->
+    ok;
+write(Pid, Bin) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {write, Bin}, infinity).
+to_disk_term({Engine, EngineState}) ->
+    Engine:to_disk_term(EngineState).
+foldl({Engine, EngineState}, Fun, Acc) ->
+    Engine:foldl(EngineState, Fun, Acc).
+foldl(Engine, <<>>, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Engine, Fun, Acc);
+foldl(Engine, Md5, UserFun, UserAcc) ->
+    InitAcc = {couch_crypto:hash_init(md5), UserFun, UserAcc},
+    {Md5Acc, _, OutAcc} = foldl(Engine, fun foldl_md5/2, InitAcc),
+    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, Md5Acc),
+    OutAcc.
+foldl_decode(Engine, Md5, Enc, UserFun, UserAcc1) ->
     {DecDataFun, DecEndFun} = case Enc of
-    gzip ->
-        ungzip_init();
-    identity ->
-        identity_enc_dec_funs()
+        gzip -> ungzip_init();
+        identity -> identity_enc_dec_funs()
-    Result = foldl_decode(
-        DecDataFun, Fd, PosList, Md5, couch_crypto:hash_init(md5), Fun, Acc
-    ),
+    InitAcc = {DecDataFun, UserFun, UserAcc1},
+    {_, _, UserAcc2} = foldl(Engine, Md5, fun foldl_decode/2, InitAcc),
-    Result.
+    UserAcc2.
+range_foldl(Engine, From, To, UserFun, UserAcc) when To >= From ->
+    NewEngine = do_seek(Engine, From),
+    InitAcc = {To - From, UserFun, UserAcc},
+    try
+        {_, _, UserAcc2} = foldl(NewEngine, fun foldl_length/2, InitAcc),
+        UserAcc2
+    catch
+        throw:{finished, UserAcc3} ->
+            UserAcc3
+    end.
-foldl(_Fd, [], Md5, Md5Acc, _Fun, Acc) ->
-    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, Md5Acc),
-    Acc;
-foldl(Fd, [{Pos, _Size}], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) -> % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
-    foldl(Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
-foldl(Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5Acc, Bin)),
-    Fun(Bin, Acc);
-foldl(Fd, [{Pos, _Size}|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
-foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    foldl(Fd, Rest, Md5, couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5Acc, Bin), Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
-range_foldl(Fd, PosList, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
-    range_foldl(Fd, PosList, From, To, 0, Fun, Acc).
-range_foldl(_Fd, _PosList, _From, To, Off, _Fun, Acc) when Off >= To ->
-    Acc;
-range_foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) when is_integer(Pos) -> % old-style attachment
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    range_foldl(Fd, [{Pos, iolist_size(Bin)}] ++ Rest, From, To, Off, Fun, Acc);
-range_foldl(Fd, [{_Pos, Size}|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) when From > Off + Size ->
-    range_foldl(Fd, Rest, From, To, Off + Size, Fun, Acc);
-range_foldl(Fd, [{Pos, Size}|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    Bin1 = if
-        From =< Off andalso To >= Off + Size -> Bin; %% the whole block is covered
-        true ->
-            PrefixLen = clip(From - Off, 0, Size),
-            PostfixLen = clip(Off + Size - To, 0, Size),
-            MatchLen = Size - PrefixLen - PostfixLen,
-            <<_Prefix:PrefixLen/binary,Match:MatchLen/binary,_Postfix:PostfixLen/binary>> = iolist_to_binary(Bin),
-            Match
-    end,
-    range_foldl(Fd, Rest, From, To, Off + Size, Fun, Fun(Bin1, Acc)).
-clip(Value, Lo, Hi) ->
-    if
-        Value < Lo -> Lo;
-        Value > Hi -> Hi;
-        true -> Value
+foldl_md5(Bin, {Md5Acc, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    NewMd5Acc = couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5Acc, Bin),
+    {NewMd5Acc, UserFun, UserFun(Bin, UserAcc)}.
+foldl_decode(EncBin, {DecFun, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    case DecFun(EncBin) of
+        <<>> -> {DecFun, UserFun, UserAcc};
+        Dec -> {DecFun, UserFun, UserFun(Dec, UserAcc)}
-foldl_decode(_DecFun, _Fd, [], Md5, Md5Acc, _Fun, Acc) ->
-    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, Md5Acc),
-    Acc;
-foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [{Pos, _Size}], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
-foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, EncBin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5Acc, EncBin)),
-    Bin = DecFun(EncBin),
-    Fun(Bin, Acc);
-foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [{Pos, _Size}|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
-foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, EncBin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    Bin = DecFun(EncBin),
-    Md5Acc2 = couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5Acc, EncBin),
-    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, Rest, Md5, Md5Acc2, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+foldl_length(Bin, {Length, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    BinSize = size(Bin),
+    case BinSize =< Length of
+        true ->
+            {Length - BinSize, UserFun, UserFun(Bin, UserAcc)};
+        false ->
+            <<Trunc:BinSize/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
+            throw({finished, UserFun(Trunc, UserAcc)})
+    end.
 gzip_init(Options) ->
     case couch_util:get_value(compression_level, Options, 0) of
@@ -192,23 +191,16 @@ identity_enc_dec_funs() ->
         fun() -> [] end
-write(_Pid, <<>>) ->
-    ok;
-write(Pid, Bin) ->
-    gen_server:call(Pid, {write, Bin}, infinity).
-init({Fd, OpenerPid, OpenerPriority, Options}) ->
+init({Engine, OpenerPid, OpenerPriority, Options}) ->
     erlang:put(io_priority, OpenerPriority),
     {EncodingFun, EndEncodingFun} =
     case couch_util:get_value(encoding, Options, identity) of
-    identity ->
-        identity_enc_dec_funs();
-    gzip ->
-        gzip_init(Options)
+        identity -> identity_enc_dec_funs();
+        gzip -> gzip_init(Options)
     {ok, #stream{
-            fd=Fd,
+            engine=Engine,
             opener_monitor=erlang:monitor(process, OpenerPid),
@@ -225,9 +217,8 @@ terminate(_Reason, _Stream) ->
 handle_call({write, Bin}, _From, Stream) ->
     BinSize = iolist_size(Bin),
-        fd = Fd,
+        engine = Engine,
         written_len = WrittenLen,
-        written_pointers = Written,
         buffer_len = BufferLen,
         buffer_list = Buffer,
         max_buffer = Max,
@@ -242,19 +233,18 @@ handle_call({write, Bin}, _From, Stream) ->
         [] ->
             % case where the encoder did some internal buffering
             % (zlib does it for example)
+            NewEngine = Engine,
             WrittenLen2 = WrittenLen,
-            Md5_2 = Md5,
-            Written2 = Written;
+            Md5_2 = Md5;
         WriteBin2 ->
-            {ok, Pos, _} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin2),
+            NewEngine = do_write(Engine, WriteBin2),
             WrittenLen2 = WrittenLen + iolist_size(WriteBin2),
-            Md5_2 = couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5, WriteBin2),
-            Written2 = [{Pos, iolist_size(WriteBin2)}|Written]
+            Md5_2 = couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5, WriteBin2)
         {reply, ok, Stream#stream{
+                        engine = NewEngine,
-                        written_pointers=Written2,
@@ -268,10 +258,9 @@ handle_call({write, Bin}, _From, Stream) ->
 handle_call(close, _From, Stream) ->
-        fd = Fd,
+        engine = Engine,
         opener_monitor = MonRef,
         written_len = WrittenLen,
-        written_pointers = Written,
         buffer_list = Buffer,
         md5 = Md5,
         identity_md5 = IdenMd5,
@@ -285,12 +274,11 @@ handle_call(close, _From, Stream) ->
     Md5Final = couch_crypto:hash_final(md5, couch_crypto:hash_update(md5, Md5, WriteBin2)),
     Result = case WriteBin2 of
     [] ->
-        {lists:reverse(Written), WrittenLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final};
+        {do_finalize(Engine), WrittenLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final};
     _ ->
-        {ok, Pos, _} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin2),
-        StreamInfo = lists:reverse(Written, [{Pos, iolist_size(WriteBin2)}]),
+        NewEngine = do_write(Engine, WriteBin2),
         StreamLen = WrittenLen + iolist_size(WriteBin2),
-        {StreamInfo, StreamLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final}
+        {do_finalize(NewEngine), StreamLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final}
     {stop, normal, Result, Stream}.
@@ -305,3 +293,17 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _}, #stream{opener_monitor=Ref} = State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
     {noreply, State}.
+do_seek({Engine, EngineState}, Offset) ->
+    {ok, NewState} = Engine:seek(EngineState, Offset),
+    {Engine, NewState}.
+do_write({Engine, EngineState}, Data) ->
+    {ok, NewState} = Engine:write(EngineState, Data),
+    {Engine, NewState}.
+do_finalize({Engine, EngineState}) ->
+    {ok, NewState} = Engine:finalize(EngineState),
+    {Engine, NewState}.
diff --git a/src/couch_util.erl b/src/couch_util.erl
index d688c12..dc2ef64 100644
--- a/src/couch_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch_util.erl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
--export([priv_dir/0, normpath/1]).
+-export([priv_dir/0, normpath/1, fold_files/5]).
 -export([should_flush/0, should_flush/1, to_existing_atom/1]).
 -export([rand32/0, implode/2, collate/2, collate/3]).
 -export([abs_pathname/1,abs_pathname/2, trim/1, drop_dot_couch_ext/1]).
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 -export([callback_exists/3, validate_callback_exists/3]).
@@ -62,6 +63,37 @@ normparts(["." | RestParts], Acc) ->
 normparts([Part | RestParts], Acc) ->
     normparts(RestParts, [Part | Acc]).
+fold_files(Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Re} = re:compile(RegExp, [unicode]),
+    fold_files1(Dir, Re, Recursive, Fun, Acc).
+fold_files1(Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc) ->
+    case file:list_dir(Dir) of
+        {ok, Files} ->
+            fold_files2(Files, Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc);
+        {error, _} ->
+            Acc
+    end.
+fold_files2([], _Dir, _RegExp, _Recursive, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+fold_files2([File | Rest], Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc0) ->
+    FullName = filename:join(Dir, File),
+    case (catch re:run(File, RegExp, [{capture, none}])) of
+        match ->
+            Acc1 = Fun(FullName, Acc0),
+            fold_files2(Rest, Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc1);
+        _ ->
+            case Recursive andalso filelib:is_dir(FullName) of
+                true ->
+                    Acc1 = fold_files1(FullName, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc0),
+                    fold_files2(Rest, Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc1);
+                false ->
+                    fold_files2(Rest, Dir, RegExp, Recursive, Fun, Acc0)
+            end
+    end.
 % works like list_to_existing_atom, except can be list or binary and it
 % gives you the original value instead of an error if no existing atom.
 to_existing_atom(V) when is_list(V) ->
@@ -578,6 +610,12 @@ validate_callback_exists(Module, Function, Arity) ->
             {undefined_callback, CallbackStr, {Module, Function, Arity}}})
+check_md5(_NewSig, <<>>) -> ok;
+check_md5(Sig, Sig) -> ok;
+check_md5(_, _) -> throw(md5_mismatch).
 ensure_loaded(Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
     case code:ensure_loaded(Module) of
     {module, Module} ->
diff --git a/src/test_util.erl b/src/test_util.erl
index b5bb232..6bf7b46 100644
--- a/src/test_util.erl
+++ b/src/test_util.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 -export([start/1, start/2, start/3, stop/1]).
 -record(test_context, {mocked = [], started = [], module}).
diff --git a/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl b/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
index 94dd3df..52533fe 100644
--- a/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ data_providers() -> [].
 data_subscriptions() -> [].
 processes() -> [].
 notify(_, _, _) -> ok.
-fake_db() -> element(2, couch_db:clustered_db(fake, totes_fake)).
+fake_db() -> test_util:fake_db([]).
 setup() ->

[05/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Fix couch_auth_cache reinitialization logic

The couch_auth_cache process was attempting to track its various
monitors and then based on its monitor history decide if a 'DOWN'
message meant it should reinitialize or exit. With the new pluggable
storage engine work there was a subtle change to monitors which ended up
causing couch_auth_cache to receive a monitor from the file descriptor
before it received the monitor from the database's main pid. This
reordering was enough for couch_auth_cache to exit which ended up
causing errors in the test suite with race conditions when the test
tried to open an auth db before couch_auth_cache had restarted and
created the database.

However, if we step back and think harder, we'll never get a monitor
message we didn't ask for so rather than attempt to track specific
monitors we just reinitialize the cache everytime we see a 'DOWN'
message. On the downside this means that we're clearing the cache
multiple times per database exit, however normal operations won't have
this issue since that database never changes and clearing the cache
twice in the test suite is a non issue.


Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 9ac4304c4177bda480d4822cfd766ffa2fe8788f
Parents: 25c9729
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Tue Feb 7 07:25:47 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 src/couch_auth_cache.erl | 18 ++++--------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
index 54a6794..6895992 100644
--- a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
+++ b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@
     max_cache_size = 0,
     cache_size = 0,
     db_notifier = nil,
-    db_mon_ref = nil,
-    closed = [],
     event_listener = nil
@@ -236,15 +234,8 @@ handle_info(restart_event_listener, State) ->
     {noreply, State#state{event_listener=NewListener}};
 handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, _, _, shutdown}, State) ->
     {stop, shutdown, State};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _Reason}, #state{db_mon_ref = Ref} = State) ->
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _}, State) ->
     {noreply, reinit_cache(State)};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason}, #state{closed = Closed} = State) ->
-    case lists:delete(Ref, Closed) of
-        Closed ->
-            {stop, Reason, State};
-        NewClosed ->
-            {noreply, reinit_cache(State#state{closed = NewClosed})}
-    end;
 handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
     ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
     {noreply, State}.
@@ -283,15 +274,14 @@ clear_cache(State) ->
     State#state{cache_size = 0}.
-reinit_cache(#state{db_mon_ref = Ref, closed = Closed} = State) ->
+reinit_cache(#state{} = State) ->
     NewState = clear_cache(State),
     AuthDbName = ?l2b(config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "authentication_db")),
     true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db_name, AuthDbName}),
     AuthDb = open_auth_db(),
     true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db, AuthDb}),
-    DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(AuthDb),
-    NewState#state{closed = [Ref|Closed],
-                   db_mon_ref = erlang:monitor(process, DbPid)}.
+    couch_db:monitor(AuthDb),
+    NewState.
 add_cache_entry(_, _, _, #state{max_cache_size = 0} = State) ->

[06/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
diff --git a/test/couch_stream_tests.erl b/test/couch_stream_tests.erl
index 3d7bf09..901b4fd 100644
--- a/test/couch_stream_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couch_stream_tests.erl
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
+-define(ENGINE, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {Fd, []}}).
 setup() ->
     {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(?tempfile(), [create, overwrite]),
-    {ok, Stream} = couch_stream:open(Fd),
+    {ok, Stream} = couch_stream:open(?ENGINE, []),
     {Fd, Stream}.
 teardown({Fd, _}) ->
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ should_write_empty_binary({_, Stream}) ->
 should_return_file_pointers_on_close({_, Stream}) ->
     couch_stream:write(Stream, <<"foodfoob">>),
-    {Ptrs, _, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+    {NewEngine, _, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+    {ok, Ptrs} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(NewEngine),
     ?_assertEqual([{0, 8}], Ptrs).
 should_return_stream_size_on_close({_, Stream}) ->
@@ -69,41 +71,43 @@ should_return_stream_size_on_close({_, Stream}) ->
     {_, Length, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
     ?_assertEqual(8, Length).
-should_return_valid_pointers({Fd, Stream}) ->
+should_return_valid_pointers({_Fd, Stream}) ->
     couch_stream:write(Stream, <<"foodfoob">>),
-    {Ptrs, _, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
-    ?_assertEqual(<<"foodfoob">>, read_all(Fd, Ptrs)).
+    {NewEngine, _, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+    ?_assertEqual(<<"foodfoob">>, read_all(NewEngine)).
 should_recall_last_pointer_position({Fd, Stream}) ->
     couch_stream:write(Stream, <<"foodfoob">>),
     {_, _, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
     {ok, ExpPtr} = couch_file:bytes(Fd),
-    {ok, Stream2} = couch_stream:open(Fd),
+    {ok, Stream2} = couch_stream:open(?ENGINE),
     ZeroBits = <<0:(8 * 10)>>,
     OneBits = <<1:(8 * 10)>>,
     ok = couch_stream:write(Stream2, OneBits),
     ok = couch_stream:write(Stream2, ZeroBits),
-    {Ptrs, 20, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream2),
+    {NewEngine, 20, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream2),
+    {ok, Ptrs} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(NewEngine),
     [{ExpPtr, 20}] = Ptrs,
     AllBits = iolist_to_binary([OneBits, ZeroBits]),
-    ?_assertEqual(AllBits, read_all(Fd, Ptrs)).
+    ?_assertEqual(AllBits, read_all(NewEngine)).
 should_stream_more_with_4K_chunk_size({Fd, _}) ->
-    {ok, Stream} = couch_stream:open(Fd, [{buffer_size, 4096}]),
+    {ok, Stream} = couch_stream:open(?ENGINE, [{buffer_size, 4096}]),
         fun(_, Acc) ->
             Data = <<"a1b2c">>,
             couch_stream:write(Stream, Data),
             [Data | Acc]
         end, [], lists:seq(1, 1024)),
-    ?_assertMatch({[{0, 4100}, {4106, 1020}], 5120, _, _, _},
-                  couch_stream:close(Stream)).
+    {NewEngine, Length, _, _, _} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+    {ok, Ptrs} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(NewEngine),
+    ?_assertMatch({[{0, 4100}, {4106, 1020}], 5120}, {Ptrs, Length}).
 should_stop_on_normal_exit_of_stream_opener({Fd, _}) ->
     RunnerPid = self(),
     OpenerPid = spawn(
         fun() ->
-            {ok, StreamPid} = couch_stream:open(Fd),
+            {ok, StreamPid} = couch_stream:open(?ENGINE),
             RunnerPid ! {pid, StreamPid}
     StreamPid = receive
@@ -115,6 +119,6 @@ should_stop_on_normal_exit_of_stream_opener({Fd, _}) ->
-read_all(Fd, PosList) ->
-    Data = couch_stream:foldl(Fd, PosList, fun(Bin, Acc) -> [Bin, Acc] end, []),
+read_all(Engine) ->
+    Data = couch_stream:foldl(Engine, fun(Bin, Acc) -> [Bin, Acc] end, []),
diff --git a/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl b/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
index 6d423d9..28a157c 100644
--- a/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ spawn_compaction_monitor(DbName) ->
-                [{compact_done, '_'}, '_'],
+                [{compact_done, '_', '_'}, '_'],
diff --git a/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl b/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
index 69277e6..48e5716 100644
--- a/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
+++ b/test/couchdb_views_tests.erl
@@ -545,23 +545,27 @@ has_doc(DocId1, Rows) ->
     lists:any(fun({R}) -> lists:member({<<"id">>, DocId}, R) end, Rows).
 backup_db_file(DbName) ->
-    DbDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir"),
-    DbFile = filename:join([DbDir, ?b2l(DbName) ++ ".couch"]),
-    {ok, _} = file:copy(DbFile, DbFile ++ ".backup"),
-    ok.
+    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
+    try
+        SrcPath = couch_db:get_filepath(Db),
+        Src = if
+            is_list(SrcPath) -> SrcPath;
+            true -> binary_to_list(SrcPath)
+        end,
+        ok = copy_tree(Src, Src ++ ".backup")
+    after
+        couch_db:close(Db)
+    end.
 restore_backup_db_file(DbName) ->
-    DbDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir"),
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
+    Src = couch_db:get_filepath(Db),
     ok = couch_db:close(Db),
     DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(Db),
     exit(DbPid, shutdown),
-    DbFile = filename:join([DbDir, ?b2l(DbName) ++ ".couch"]),
-    ok = file:delete(DbFile),
-    ok = file:rename(DbFile ++ ".backup", DbFile),
-    ok.
+    exit(couch_db:get_pid(Db), shutdown),
+    ok = copy_tree(Src ++ ".backup", Src).
 compact_db(DbName) ->
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
@@ -709,3 +713,22 @@ wait_indexer(IndexerPid) ->
+copy_tree(Src, Dst) ->
+    case filelib:is_dir(Src) of
+        true ->
+            {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Src),
+            copy_tree(Files, Src, Dst);
+        false ->
+            ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dst),
+            {ok, _} = file:copy(Src, Dst),
+            ok
+    end.
+copy_tree([], _Src, _Dst) ->
+    ok;
+copy_tree([File | Rest], Src, Dst) ->
+    FullSrc = filename:join(Src, File),
+    FullDst = filename:join(Dst, File),
+    ok = copy_tree(FullSrc, FullDst),
+    copy_tree(Rest, Src, Dst).

[08/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Implement pluggable storage engines

This change moves the main work of storage engines to run through the
new couch_db_engine behavior. This allows us to replace the storage
engine with different implementations that can be tailored to specific
work loads and environments.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 18f1cd70f16745a48cf1075d793b1070b031db21
Parents: 05debf2
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 5 12:04:20 2016 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 src/couch_att.erl                        |  130 ++-
 src/couch_auth_cache.erl                 |    9 +-
 src/couch_changes.erl                    |   21 +-
 src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl          |   32 +-
 src/couch_db.erl                         |  672 ++++++-------
 src/couch_db_engine.erl                  |    3 -
 src/couch_db_int.hrl                     |   66 +-
 src/couch_db_updater.erl                 | 1271 ++++++-------------------
 src/couch_httpd_db.erl                   |    8 +-
 src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl        |   13 -
 src/couch_server.erl                     |  191 +++-
 src/couch_stream.erl                     |  256 ++---
 src/couch_util.erl                       |   40 +-
 src/test_util.erl                        |    2 +
 test/couch_db_plugin_tests.erl           |    2 +-
 test/couch_stream_tests.erl              |   32 +-
 test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl |    2 +-
 test/couchdb_views_tests.erl             |   43 +-
 18 files changed, 1082 insertions(+), 1711 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/couch_att.erl b/src/couch_att.erl
index 9d38cfa..e6ed7df 100644
--- a/src/couch_att.erl
+++ b/src/couch_att.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
-    transform/3
+    transform/3,
+    copy/2
@@ -233,6 +234,14 @@ transform(Field, Fun, Att) ->
     store(Field, NewValue, Att).
+copy(Att, DstStream) ->
+    [{stream, SrcStream}, AttLen, OldMd5] = fetch([data, att_len, md5], Att),
+    ok = couch_stream:copy(SrcStream, DstStream),
+    {NewStream, AttLen, _, NewMd5, _} = couch_stream:close(DstStream),
+    couch_util:check_md5(OldMd5, NewMd5),
+    store(data, {stream, NewStream}, Att).
 is_stub(Att) ->
     stub == fetch(data, Att).
@@ -292,11 +301,12 @@ size_info(Atts) ->
 %% as safe as possible, avoiding the need for complicated disk versioning
 %% schemes.
 to_disk_term(#att{} = Att) ->
-    {_, StreamIndex} = fetch(data, Att),
+    {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
+    {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
         fetch(name, Att),
         fetch(type, Att),
-        StreamIndex,
+        Sp,
         fetch(att_len, Att),
         fetch(disk_len, Att),
         fetch(revpos, Att),
@@ -309,9 +319,13 @@ to_disk_term(Att) ->
             (data, {Props, Values}) ->
                 case lists:keytake(data, 1, Props) of
-                    {value, {_, {_Fd, Sp}}, Other} -> {Other, [Sp | Values]};
-                    {value, {_, Value}, Other} -> {Other, [Value | Values]};
-                    false -> {Props, [undefined |Values ]}
+                    {value, {_, {stream, StreamEngine}}, Other} ->
+                        {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
+                        {Other, [Sp | Values]};
+                    {value, {_, Value}, Other} ->
+                        {Other, [Value | Values]};
+                    false ->
+                        {Props, [undefined |Values ]}
             (Key, {Props, Values}) ->
                 case lists:keytake(Key, 1, Props) of
@@ -332,9 +346,11 @@ to_disk_term(Att) ->
 %% compression to remove these sorts of common bits (block level compression
 %% with something like a shared dictionary that is checkpointed every now and
 %% then).
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Base, Extended}) when is_tuple(Base), is_list(Extended) ->
-    store(Extended, from_disk_term(Fd, Base));
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Base, Extended})
+        when is_tuple(Base), is_list(Extended) ->
+    store(Extended, from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Base));
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -342,10 +358,11 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
-        data={Fd,Sp},
+        data={stream, Stream},
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -353,9 +370,10 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
-        data={Fd,Sp}
+        data={stream, Stream}
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -363,7 +381,7 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
         md5= <<>>,
-        data={Fd,Sp}
+        data={stream, Stream}
@@ -477,32 +495,18 @@ to_json(Att, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncoding) ->
     {Name, {Props ++ DigestProp ++ DataProps ++ EncodingProps ++ HeadersProp}}.
-flush(Fd, Att) ->
-    flush_data(Fd, fetch(data, Att), Att).
+flush(Db, Att) ->
+    flush_data(Db, fetch(data, Att), Att).
-flush_data(Fd, {Fd0, _}, Att) when Fd0 == Fd ->
-    % already written to our file, nothing to write
-    Att;
-flush_data(Fd, {OtherFd, StreamPointer}, Att) ->
-    [InMd5, InDiskLen] = fetch([md5, disk_len], Att),
-    {NewStreamData, Len, _IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
-        couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(OtherFd, StreamPointer, Fd),
-    couch_db:check_md5(IdentityMd5, InMd5),
-    store([
-        {data, {Fd, NewStreamData}},
-        {md5, Md5},
-        {att_len, Len},
-        {disk_len, InDiskLen}
-    ], Att);
-flush_data(Fd, Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
-    couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+flush_data(Db, Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
+    couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
         couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Data)
-flush_data(Fd, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+flush_data(Db, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
     case fetch(att_len, Att) of
         undefined ->
-            couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+            couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
                 % Fun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
                 % once for each chunk of the attachment,
@@ -523,11 +527,11 @@ flush_data(Fd, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
                     end, ok)
         AttLen ->
-            couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+            couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
                 write_streamed_attachment(OutputStream, Fun, AttLen)
-flush_data(Fd, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
+flush_data(Db, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
     ParserRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parser),
     Fun = fun() ->
         Parser ! {get_bytes, Ref, self()},
@@ -541,9 +545,23 @@ flush_data(Fd, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
-        flush_data(Fd, Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
+        flush_data(Db, Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
         erlang:demonitor(ParserRef, [flush])
+    end;
+flush_data(Db, {stream, StreamEngine}, Att) ->
+    case couch_db:is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine) of
+        true ->
+            % Already written
+            Att;
+        false ->
+            NewAtt = couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+                couch_stream:copy(StreamEngine, OutputStream)
+            end),
+            InMd5 = fetch(md5, Att),
+            OutMd5 = fetch(md5, NewAtt),
+            couch_util:check_md5(OutMd5, InMd5),
+            NewAtt
@@ -572,9 +590,9 @@ foldl(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
 foldl(Bin, _Att, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     Fun(Bin, Acc);
-foldl({Fd, Sp}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
+foldl({stream, StreamEngine}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
     Md5 = fetch(md5, Att),
-    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc);
+    couch_stream:foldl(StreamEngine, Md5, Fun, Acc);
 foldl(DataFun, Att, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->
     Len = fetch(att_len, Att),
     fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc);
@@ -599,14 +617,15 @@ foldl({follows, Parser, Ref}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
 range_foldl(Att, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {Fd, Sp} = fetch(data, Att),
-    couch_stream:range_foldl(Fd, Sp, From, To, Fun, Acc).
+    {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
+    couch_stream:range_foldl(StreamEngine, From, To, Fun, Acc).
 foldl_decode(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
     case fetch([data, encoding], Att) of
-        [{Fd, Sp}, Enc] ->
-            couch_stream:foldl_decode(Fd, Sp, fetch(md5, Att), Enc, Fun, Acc);
+        [{stream, StreamEngine}, Enc] ->
+            couch_stream:foldl_decode(
+                    StreamEngine, fetch(md5, Att), Enc, Fun, Acc);
         [Fun2, identity] ->
             fold_streamed_data(Fun2, fetch(att_len, Att), Fun, Acc)
@@ -620,7 +639,7 @@ to_binary(Bin, _Att) when is_binary(Bin) ->
 to_binary(Iolist, _Att) when is_list(Iolist) ->
-to_binary({_Fd,_Sp}, Att) ->
+to_binary({stream, _StreamEngine}, Att) ->
         lists:reverse(foldl(Att, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, []))
@@ -680,9 +699,25 @@ upgrade_encoding(false) -> identity;
 upgrade_encoding(Encoding) -> Encoding.
+open_stream(StreamSrc, Data) ->
+    case couch_db:is_db(StreamSrc) of
+        true ->
+            couch_db:open_read_stream(StreamSrc, Data);
+        false ->
+            case is_function(StreamSrc, 1) of
+                true ->
+                    StreamSrc(Data);
+                false ->
+                    erlang:error({invalid_stream_source, StreamSrc})
+            end
+    end.
+% Eww...
 %% Test utilities
@@ -737,7 +772,7 @@ attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
         {disk_len, 0},
         {md5, <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>},
         {revpos, 4},
-        {data, {fake_fd, fake_sp}},
+        {data, {stream, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {fake_fd, fake_sp}}}},
         {encoding, identity}
     BaseDiskTerm = {
@@ -751,11 +786,12 @@ attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
     Headers = [{<<"X-Foo">>, <<"bar">>}],
     ExtendedAttachment = store(headers, Headers, BaseAttachment),
     ExtendedDiskTerm = {BaseDiskTerm, [{headers, Headers}]},
+    FakeDb = test_util:fake_db([{engine, {couch_bt_engine, #st{fd=fake_fd}}}]),
     {"Disk term tests", [
         ?_assertEqual(BaseDiskTerm, to_disk_term(BaseAttachment)),
-        ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(fake_fd, BaseDiskTerm)),
+        ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, BaseDiskTerm)),
         ?_assertEqual(ExtendedDiskTerm, to_disk_term(ExtendedAttachment)),
-        ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(fake_fd, ExtendedDiskTerm))
+        ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, ExtendedDiskTerm))
diff --git a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
index 6895992..7f1e064 100644
--- a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
+++ b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
@@ -326,13 +326,8 @@ refresh_entries(AuthDb) ->
         AuthDb2Seq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb2),
         case AuthDb2Seq > AuthDbSeq of
         true ->
-            {ok, _, _} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(
-                AuthDb2,
-                AuthDbSeq,
-                fun(DocInfo, _, _) -> refresh_entry(AuthDb2, DocInfo) end,
-                AuthDbSeq,
-                []
-            ),
+            Fun = fun(DocInfo, _) -> refresh_entry(AuthDb2, DocInfo) end,
+            {ok, _} = couch_db:fold_changes(AuthDb2, AuthDbSeq, Fun, nil),
             true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db, AuthDb2});
         false ->
diff --git a/src/couch_changes.erl b/src/couch_changes.erl
index ea7f65c..7dfefed 100644
--- a/src/couch_changes.erl
+++ b/src/couch_changes.erl
@@ -536,7 +536,8 @@ send_changes(Acc, Dir, FirstRound) ->
                 {#mrview{}, {fast_view, _, _, _}} ->
                     couch_mrview:view_changes_since(View, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc);
                 {undefined, _} ->
-                    couch_db:changes_since(Db, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc);
+                    Opts = [{dir, Dir}],
+                    couch_db:fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, Acc, Opts);
                 {#mrview{}, _} ->
                     ViewEnumFun = fun view_changes_enumerator/2,
                     {Go, Acc0} = couch_mrview:view_changes_since(View, StartSeq, ViewEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc),
@@ -571,18 +572,22 @@ can_optimize(_, _) ->
 send_changes_doc_ids(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {doc_ids, _Style, DocIds}) ->
-    Lookups = couch_db:get_full_doc_infos(Db, DocIds),
+    Results = couch_db:get_full_doc_infos(Db, DocIds),
     FullInfos = lists:foldl(fun
-        ({ok, FDI}, Acc) -> [FDI | Acc];
+        (#full_doc_info{}=FDI, Acc) -> [FDI | Acc];
         (not_found, Acc) -> Acc
-    end, [], Lookups),
+    end, [], Results),
     send_lookup_changes(FullInfos, StartSeq, Dir, Db, Fun, Acc0).
 send_changes_design_docs(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {design_docs, _Style}) ->
     FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
-    KeyOpts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}],
-    {ok, FullInfos} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
+    Opts = [
+        include_deleted,
+        {start_key, <<"_design/">>},
+        {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}
+    ],
+    {ok, FullInfos} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], Opts),
     send_lookup_changes(FullInfos, StartSeq, Dir, Db, Fun, Acc0).
@@ -757,6 +762,8 @@ changes_enumerator(Value0, Acc) ->
     Results = [Result || Result <- Results0, Result /= null],
     Seq = case Value of
+        #full_doc_info{} ->
+            Value#full_doc_info.update_seq;
         #doc_info{} ->
         {{Seq0, _}, _} ->
@@ -816,6 +823,8 @@ view_changes_row(Results, KVs, Acc) ->
     ] ++ maybe_get_changes_doc({Id, Rev}, Acc)}.
+changes_row(Results, #full_doc_info{} = FDI, Acc) ->
+    changes_row(Results, couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI), Acc);
 changes_row(Results, DocInfo, Acc) ->
         id = Id, high_seq = Seq, revs = [#rev_info{deleted = Del} | _]
diff --git a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
index f3b646d..da7481c 100644
--- a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
+++ b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
@@ -236,17 +236,18 @@ maybe_compact_views(DbName, [DDocName | Rest], Config) ->
 db_ddoc_names(Db) ->
-    {ok, _, DDocNames} = couch_db:enum_docs(
-        Db,
-        fun(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", _/binary>>, deleted = true}, _, Acc) ->
-            {ok, Acc};
-        (#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", Id/binary>>}, _, Acc) ->
-            {ok, [Id | Acc]};
-        (_, _, Acc) ->
-            {stop, Acc}
-        end, [], [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}]),
+    FoldFun = fun ddoc_name/2,
+    Opts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}],
+    {ok, DDocNames} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], Opts),
+ddoc_name(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", _/binary>>, deleted = true}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc};
+ddoc_name(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", Id/binary>>}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, [Id | Acc]};
+ddoc_name(_, Acc) ->
+    {stop, Acc}.
 maybe_compact_view(DbName, GroupId, Config) ->
     DDocId = <<"_design/", GroupId/binary>>,
@@ -391,21 +392,22 @@ check_frag(Threshold, Frag) ->
 frag(Props) ->
-    FileSize = couch_util:get_value(disk_size, Props),
+    {Sizes} = couch_util:get_value(sizes, Props),
+    FileSize = couch_util:get_value(file, Sizes),
     MinFileSize = list_to_integer(
         config:get("compaction_daemon", "min_file_size", "131072")),
     case FileSize < MinFileSize of
     true ->
         {0, FileSize};
     false ->
-        case couch_util:get_value(data_size, Props) of
-        null ->
-            {100, FileSize};
+        case couch_util:get_value(active, Sizes) of
         0 ->
             {0, FileSize};
-        DataSize ->
+        DataSize when is_integer(DataSize), DataSize > 0 ->
             Frag = round(((FileSize - DataSize) / FileSize * 100)),
-            {Frag, space_required(DataSize)}
+            {Frag, space_required(DataSize)};
+        _ ->
+            {100, FileSize}
diff --git a/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch_db.erl
index e2bc2c3..df31dfc 100644
--- a/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -16,12 +16,10 @@
+    incref/1,
-    incref/1,
-    decref/1,
@@ -34,13 +32,13 @@
-    compression/1,
+    get_del_doc_count/1,
@@ -58,7 +56,6 @@
-    increment_update_seq/1,
@@ -67,6 +64,7 @@
+    reload_validation_funs/1,
@@ -89,16 +87,16 @@
+    open_write_stream/2,
+    open_read_stream/2,
+    is_active_stream/2,
+    fold_docs/3,
-    enum_docs/4,
-    enum_docs_reduce_to_count/1,
-    enum_docs_since/5,
-    enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count/1,
-    changes_since/4,
-    changes_since/5,
+    fold_design_docs/4,
+    fold_changes/4,
+    fold_changes/5,
@@ -113,14 +111,13 @@
-    check_md5/2,
-    start_link/3
+    start_link/4
@@ -132,38 +129,9 @@
     "(\\.[0-9]{10,})?$" % but allow an optional shard timestamp at the end
-start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
-    case open_db_file(Filepath, Options) of
-    {ok, Fd} ->
-        {ok, UpdaterPid} = gen_server:start_link(couch_db_updater, {DbName,
-            Filepath, Fd, Options}, []),
-        unlink(Fd),
-        gen_server:call(UpdaterPid, get_db);
-    Else ->
-        Else
-    end.
-open_db_file(Filepath, Options) ->
-    case couch_file:open(Filepath, Options) of
-    {ok, Fd} ->
-        {ok, Fd};
-    {error, enoent} ->
-        % couldn't find file. is there a compact version? This can happen if
-        % crashed during the file switch.
-        case couch_file:open(Filepath ++ ".compact", [nologifmissing]) of
-        {ok, Fd} ->
-            couch_log:info("Found ~s~s compaction file, using as primary"
-                           " storage.", [Filepath, ".compact"]),
-            ok = file:rename(Filepath ++ ".compact", Filepath),
-            ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
-            {ok, Fd};
-        {error, enoent} ->
-            {not_found, no_db_file}
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        Error
-    end.
+start_link(Engine, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
+    Arg = {Engine, DbName, Filepath, Options},
+    proc_lib:start_link(couch_db_updater, init, [Arg]).
 create(DbName, Options) ->
     couch_server:create(DbName, Options).
@@ -189,16 +157,20 @@ open(DbName, Options) ->
         Else -> Else
-reopen(#db{main_pid = Pid, fd = Fd, fd_monitor = OldRef, user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
-    {ok, #db{fd = NewFd} = NewDb} = gen_server:call(Pid, get_db, infinity),
-    case NewFd =:= Fd of
-    true ->
-        {ok, NewDb#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}};
-    false ->
-        erlang:demonitor(OldRef, [flush]),
-        NewRef = erlang:monitor(process, NewFd),
-        {ok, NewDb#db{user_ctx = UserCtx, fd_monitor = NewRef}}
-    end.
+reopen(#db{} = Db) ->
+    % We could have just swapped out the storage engine
+    % for this database during a compaction so we just
+    % reimplement this as a close/open pair now.
+    close(Db),
+    open(, [{user_ctx, Db#db.user_ctx} | Db#db.options]).
+% You shouldn't call this. Its part of the ref counting between
+% couch_server and couch_db instances.
+incref(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:incref(Db).
 clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx) ->
     clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx, []).
@@ -206,14 +178,6 @@ clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx) ->
 clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx, SecProps) ->
     {ok, #db{name = DbName, user_ctx = UserCtx, security = SecProps}}.
-incref(#db{fd = Fd} = Db) ->
-    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
-    {ok, Db#db{fd_monitor = Ref}}.
-decref(#db{fd_monitor = Monitor}) ->
-    erlang:demonitor(Monitor, [flush]),
-    ok.
 is_db(#db{}) ->
 is_db(_) ->
@@ -226,8 +190,8 @@ is_clustered(#db{main_pid = nil}) ->
 is_clustered(#db{}) ->
-is_clustered(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
-    ?PSE_DB_MAIN_PID(Db) == undefined.
+is_clustered(?OLD_DB_REC = Db) ->
+    ?OLD_DB_MAIN_PID(Db) == undefined.
 ensure_full_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, instance_start_time=StartTime}) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, full_commit, infinity),
@@ -238,10 +202,9 @@ ensure_full_commit(Db, RequiredSeq) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, {full_commit, RequiredSeq}, infinity),
     {ok, StartTime}.
-close(#db{fd_monitor=Ref}) ->
-    erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
-    ok;
-close(?NEW_PSE_DB) ->
+close(#db{} = Db) ->
+    ok = couch_db_engine:decref(Db);
+close(?OLD_DB_REC) ->
 is_idle(#db{compactor_pid=nil, waiting_delayed_commit=nil} = Db) ->
@@ -250,20 +213,31 @@ is_idle(_Db) ->
 monitored_by(Db) ->
-    case erlang:process_info(Db#db.fd, monitored_by) of
-    undefined ->
-        [];
-    {monitored_by, Pids} ->
-        PidTracker = whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker),
-        Pids -- [Db#db.main_pid, PidTracker]
+    case couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db) of
+        Pids when is_list(Pids) ->
+            PidTracker = whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker),
+            Pids -- [Db#db.main_pid, PidTracker];
+        undefined ->
+            []
 monitor(#db{main_pid=MainPid}) ->
     erlang:monitor(process, MainPid).
-start_compact(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
-    gen_server:call(Pid, start_compact).
+start_compact(#db{} = Db) ->
+    start_compact(Db, []).
+start_compact(#db{} = Db, Opts) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(notify, 1, Opts) of
+        {notify, Pid, Term} ->
+            % We fake a gen_server call here which sends the
+            % response back to the specified pid.
+            Db#db.main_pid ! {'$gen_call', {Pid, Term}, start_compact},
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            gen_server:call(Db#db.main_pid, start_compact)
+    end.
 cancel_compact(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, cancel_compact).
@@ -363,7 +337,8 @@ get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevsList) ->
 find_missing([], []) ->
-find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [{ok, FullInfo} | RestLookupInfo]) ->
+find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [FullInfo | RestLookupInfo])
+        when is_record(FullInfo, full_doc_info) ->
     case couch_key_tree:find_missing(FullInfo#full_doc_info.rev_tree, Revs) of
     [] ->
         find_missing(RestIdRevs, RestLookupInfo);
@@ -391,8 +366,8 @@ find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [not_found | RestLookupInfo]) ->
 get_doc_info(Db, Id) ->
     case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of
-    {ok, DocInfo} ->
-        {ok, couch_doc:to_doc_info(DocInfo)};
+    #full_doc_info{} = FDI ->
+        {ok, couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI)};
     Else ->
@@ -403,10 +378,7 @@ get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) ->
 get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids) ->
-    couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, Ids).
-increment_update_seq(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
-    gen_server:call(Pid, increment_update_seq).
+    couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, Ids).
 purge_docs(#db{main_pid=Pid}, IdsRevs) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, {purge_docs, IdsRevs}).
@@ -420,37 +392,34 @@ get_before_doc_update_fun(#db{before_doc_update = Fun}) ->
 get_committed_update_seq(#db{committed_update_seq=Seq}) ->
-    Seq.
+get_update_seq(#db{} = Db)->
+    couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db).
 get_user_ctx(#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
-get_user_ctx(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
-    ?PSE_DB_USER_CTX(Db).
+get_user_ctx(?OLD_DB_REC = Db) ->
+    ?OLD_DB_USER_CTX(Db).
 get_purge_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:purge_seq(Db#db.header).
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db)}.
 get_last_purged(#db{}=Db) ->
-    case couch_db_header:purged_docs(Db#db.header) of
-        nil ->
-            {ok, []};
-        Pointer ->
-            couch_file:pread_term(Db#db.fd, Pointer)
-    end.
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db)}.
 get_pid(#db{main_pid = Pid}) ->
+get_del_doc_count(Db) ->
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db)}.
 get_doc_count(Db) ->
-    {ok, {Count, _, _}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(Db#db.id_tree),
-    {ok, Count}.
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db)}.
 get_uuid(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:uuid(Db#db.header).
+    couch_db_engine:get_uuid(Db).
 get_epochs(#db{}=Db) ->
-    Epochs = couch_db_header:epochs(Db#db.header),
+    Epochs = couch_db_engine:get_epochs(Db),
@@ -461,34 +430,22 @@ get_instance_start_time(#db{instance_start_time = IST}) ->
 get_compacted_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:compacted_seq(Db#db.header).
+    couch_db_engine:get_compacted_seq(Db).
 get_compactor_pid(#db{compactor_pid = Pid}) ->
 get_db_info(Db) ->
-    #db{fd=Fd,
-        header=Header,
-        compactor_pid=Compactor,
-        update_seq=SeqNum,
-        name=Name,
-        instance_start_time=StartTime,
-        committed_update_seq=CommittedUpdateSeq,
-        id_tree = IdBtree
+    #db{
+        name = Name,
+        compactor_pid = Compactor,
+        instance_start_time = StartTime,
+        committed_update_seq = CommittedUpdateSeq
     } = Db,
-    {ok, FileSize} = couch_file:bytes(Fd),
-    {ok, DbReduction} = couch_btree:full_reduce(IdBtree),
-    SizeInfo0 = element(3, DbReduction),
-    SizeInfo = case SizeInfo0 of
-        SI when is_record(SI, size_info) ->
-            SI;
-        {AS, ES} ->
-            #size_info{active=AS, external=ES};
-        AS ->
-            #size_info{active=AS}
-    end,
-    ActiveSize = active_size(Db, SizeInfo),
-    DiskVersion = couch_db_header:disk_version(Header),
+    {ok, DocCount} = get_doc_count(Db),
+    {ok, DelDocCount} = get_del_doc_count(Db),
+    SizeInfo = couch_db_engine:get_size_info(Db),
+    DiskVersion = couch_db_engine:get_disk_version(Db),
     Uuid = case get_uuid(Db) of
         undefined -> null;
         Uuid0 -> Uuid0
@@ -499,63 +456,31 @@ get_db_info(Db) ->
     InfoList = [
         {db_name, Name},
-        {doc_count, element(1, DbReduction)},
-        {doc_del_count, element(2, DbReduction)},
-        {update_seq, SeqNum},
-        {purge_seq, couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db)},
-        {compact_running, Compactor/=nil},
-        {disk_size, FileSize}, % legacy
-        {other, {[{data_size, SizeInfo#size_info.external}]}}, % legacy
-        {data_size, ActiveSize}, % legacy
-        {sizes, {[
-            {file, FileSize},
-            {active, ActiveSize},
-            {external, SizeInfo#size_info.external}
-        ]}},
+        {engine, couch_db_engine:get_engine(Db)},
+        {doc_count, DocCount},
+        {doc_del_count, DelDocCount},
+        {update_seq, get_update_seq(Db)},
+        {purge_seq, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db)},
+        {compact_running, Compactor /= nil},
+        {sizes, {SizeInfo}},
         {instance_start_time, StartTime},
         {disk_format_version, DiskVersion},
         {committed_update_seq, CommittedUpdateSeq},
         {compacted_seq, CompactedSeq},
         {uuid, Uuid}
-        ],
+    ],
     {ok, InfoList}.
-active_size(#db{}=Db, Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
-    active_size(Db, #size_info{active=Size});
-active_size(#db{}=Db, #size_info{}=SI) ->
-    Trees = [
-        Db#db.id_tree,
-        Db#db.seq_tree,
-        Db#db.local_tree
-    ],
-    lists:foldl(fun(T, Acc) ->
-        case couch_btree:size(T) of
-            _ when Acc == null ->
-                null;
-            undefined ->
-                null;
-            Size ->
-                Acc + Size
-        end
-    end,, Trees).
 get_design_docs(#db{name = <<"shards/", _:18/binary, DbName/binary>>}) ->
     {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(fabric:design_docs(DbName)) end),
     receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Response} ->
-get_design_docs(#db{id_tree = IdBtree}) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], fun
-        (#full_doc_info{deleted = true}, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {ok, Acc};
-        (#full_doc_info{id= <<"_design/",_/binary>>}=FullDocInfo, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {ok, [FullDocInfo | Acc]};
-        (_, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {stop, Acc}
-    end),
-    KeyOpts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}],
-    {ok, _, Docs} = couch_btree:fold(IdBtree, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
-    {ok, Docs}.
+get_design_docs(#db{} = Db) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+    {ok, Docs} = fold_design_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], []),
+    {ok, lists:reverse(Docs)}.
 check_is_admin(#db{user_ctx=UserCtx}=Db) ->
@@ -645,8 +570,8 @@ get_members(#db{security=SecProps}) ->
 get_security(#db{security=SecProps}) ->
-get_security(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
-    {?PSE_DB_SECURITY(Db)}.
+get_security(?OLD_DB_REC = Db) ->
+    {?OLD_DB_SECURITY(Db)}.
 set_security(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, {NewSecProps}) when is_list(NewSecProps) ->
@@ -685,8 +610,8 @@ validate_names_and_roles({Props}) when is_list(Props) ->
-get_revs_limit(#db{revs_limit=Limit}) ->
-    Limit.
+get_revs_limit(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:get_revs_limit(Db).
 set_revs_limit(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, Limit) when Limit > 0 ->
@@ -694,13 +619,11 @@ set_revs_limit(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, Limit) when Limit > 0 ->
 set_revs_limit(_Db, _Limit) ->
 name(#db{name=Name}) ->
-name(?NEW_PSE_DB = Db) ->
-    ?PSE_DB_NAME(Db).
-compression(#db{compression=Compression}) ->
-    Compression.
+name(?OLD_DB_REC = Db) ->
+    ?OLD_DB_NAME(Db).
 update_doc(Db, Doc, Options) ->
     update_doc(Db, Doc, Options, interactive_edit).
@@ -831,6 +754,9 @@ load_validation_funs(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db) ->
     gen_server:cast(Pid, {load_validation_funs, Funs}),
+reload_validation_funs(#db{} = Db) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Db#db.main_pid, {load_validation_funs, undefined}).
 prep_and_validate_update(Db, #doc{id=Id,revs={RevStart, Revs}}=Doc,
         OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict, AllowConflict) ->
     case Revs of
@@ -897,7 +823,7 @@ prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets], [not_found|RestLookups],
     prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups, AllowConflict,
             [PreppedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3);
 prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets],
-        [{ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo}|RestLookups],
+        [#full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo|RestLookups],
         AllowConflict, AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
     Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(OldRevTree),
     LeafRevsDict = dict:from_list([
@@ -948,13 +874,14 @@ prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, [Bucket|RestBuckets], [OldInfo|RestOldI
             {[], AccErrors}, Bucket),
         prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestOldInfo, [ValidatedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3);
-    {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldTree}} ->
+    #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldTree} ->
+        RevsLimit = get_revs_limit(Db),
         OldLeafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs_full(OldTree),
         OldLeafsLU = [{Start, RevId} || {Start, [{RevId, _}|_]} <- OldLeafs],
         NewRevTree = lists:foldl(
             fun(NewDoc, AccTree) ->
                 {NewTree, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree,
-                    couch_doc:to_path(NewDoc), Db#db.revs_limit),
+                    couch_doc:to_path(NewDoc), RevsLimit),
             OldTree, Bucket),
@@ -1090,7 +1017,7 @@ update_docs(Db, Docs0, Options, replicated_changes) ->
         DocErrors = [],
         DocBuckets3 = DocBuckets
-    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(check_dup_atts(Doc), Db#db.fd)
+    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(Db, check_dup_atts(Doc))
             || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets3],
     {ok, []} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets4, [], [merge_conflicts | Options]),
     {ok, DocErrors};
@@ -1144,8 +1071,8 @@ update_docs(Db, Docs0, Options, interactive_edit) ->
         Options2 = if AllOrNothing -> [merge_conflicts];
                 true -> [] end ++ Options,
         DocBuckets3 = [[
-                doc_flush_atts(set_new_att_revpos(
-                        check_dup_atts(Doc)), Db#db.fd)
+                doc_flush_atts(Db, set_new_att_revpos(
+                        check_dup_atts(Doc)))
                 || Doc <- B] || B <- DocBuckets2],
         {DocBuckets4, IdRevs} = new_revs(DocBuckets3, [], []),
@@ -1229,7 +1156,7 @@ write_and_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets1,
             % compaction. Retry by reopening the db and writing to the current file
             {ok, Db2} = open(, [{user_ctx, Ctx}]),
             DocBuckets2 = [
-                [doc_flush_atts(Doc, Db2#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] ||
+                [doc_flush_atts(Db2, Doc) || Doc <- Bucket] ||
                 Bucket <- DocBuckets1
             % We only retry once
@@ -1248,18 +1175,24 @@ write_and_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets1,
 prepare_doc_summaries(Db, BucketList) ->
-        fun(#doc{body = Body, atts = Atts} = Doc) ->
+        fun(#doc{atts = Atts} = Doc0) ->
             DiskAtts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts],
             {ok, SizeInfo} = couch_att:size_info(Atts),
-            AttsFd = case Atts of
-            [Att | _] ->
-                {Fd, _} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att),
-                Fd;
-            [] ->
-                nil
+            AttsStream = case Atts of
+                [Att | _] ->
+                    {stream, StreamEngine} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att),
+                    StreamEngine;
+                [] ->
+                    nil
-            SummaryChunk = couch_db_updater:make_doc_summary(Db, {Body, DiskAtts}),
-            Doc#doc{body = {summary, SummaryChunk, SizeInfo, AttsFd}}
+            Doc1 = Doc0#doc{
+                atts = DiskAtts,
+                meta = [
+                    {size_info, SizeInfo},
+                    {atts_stream, AttsStream}
+                ] ++ Doc0#doc.meta
+            },
+            couch_db_engine:serialize_doc(Db, Doc1)
         Bucket) || Bucket <- BucketList].
@@ -1284,12 +1217,8 @@ set_new_att_revpos(#doc{revs={RevPos,_Revs},atts=Atts0}=Doc) ->
     Doc#doc{atts = Atts}.
-doc_flush_atts(Doc, Fd) ->
-    Doc#doc{atts=[couch_att:flush(Fd, Att) || Att <- Doc#doc.atts]}.
-check_md5(_NewSig, <<>>) -> ok;
-check_md5(Sig, Sig) -> ok;
-check_md5(_, _) -> throw(md5_mismatch).
+doc_flush_atts(Db, Doc) ->
+    Doc#doc{atts=[couch_att:flush(Db, Att) || Att <- Doc#doc.atts]}.
 compressible_att_type(MimeType) when is_binary(MimeType) ->
@@ -1319,21 +1248,24 @@ compressible_att_type(MimeType) ->
 % is present in the request, but there is no Content-MD5
 % trailer, we're free to ignore this inconsistency and
 % pretend that no Content-MD5 exists.
-with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
+with_stream(Db, Att, Fun) ->
     [InMd5, Type, Enc] = couch_att:fetch([md5, type, encoding], Att),
     BufferSize = list_to_integer(
         config:get("couchdb", "attachment_stream_buffer_size", "4096")),
-    {ok, OutputStream} = case (Enc =:= identity) andalso
-        compressible_att_type(Type) of
-    true ->
-        CompLevel = list_to_integer(
-            config:get("attachments", "compression_level", "0")
-        ),
-        couch_stream:open(Fd, [{buffer_size, BufferSize},
-            {encoding, gzip}, {compression_level, CompLevel}]);
-    _ ->
-        couch_stream:open(Fd, [{buffer_size, BufferSize}])
+    Options = case (Enc =:= identity) andalso compressible_att_type(Type) of
+        true ->
+            CompLevel = list_to_integer(
+                config:get("attachments", "compression_level", "0")
+            ),
+            [
+                {buffer_size, BufferSize},
+                {encoding, gzip},
+                {compression_level, CompLevel}
+            ];
+        _ ->
+            [{buffer_size, BufferSize}]
+    {ok, OutputStream} = open_write_stream(Db, Options),
     ReqMd5 = case Fun(OutputStream) of
         {md5, FooterMd5} ->
             case InMd5 of
@@ -1343,9 +1275,9 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
         _ ->
-    {StreamInfo, Len, IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
+    {StreamEngine, Len, IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
-    check_md5(IdentityMd5, ReqMd5),
+    couch_util:check_md5(IdentityMd5, ReqMd5),
     {AttLen, DiskLen, NewEnc} = case Enc of
     identity ->
         case {Md5, IdentityMd5} of
@@ -1367,7 +1299,7 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
-        {data, {Fd,StreamInfo}},
+        {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
         {att_len, AttLen},
         {disk_len, DiskLen},
         {md5, Md5},
@@ -1375,83 +1307,16 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
     ], Att).
-enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->
-    couch_btree:final_reduce(
-            fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_seq_reduce/2, Reds).
+open_write_stream(Db, Options) ->
+    couch_db_engine:open_write_stream(Db, Options).
-enum_docs_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->
-    FinalRed = couch_btree:final_reduce(
-            fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_id_reduce/2, Reds),
-    element(1, FinalRed).
-changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Acc) ->
-    changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, [], Acc).
+open_read_stream(Db, AttState) ->
+    couch_db_engine:open_read_stream(Db, AttState).
-changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc) when is_record(Db, db) ->
-    changes_since(Db#db.seq_tree, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc);
-changes_since(SeqTree, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc) ->
-    Wrapper = fun(FullDocInfo, _Offset, Acc2) ->
-        DocInfo = case FullDocInfo of
-            #full_doc_info{} ->
-                couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo);
-            #doc_info{} ->
-                FullDocInfo
-        end,
-        Fun(DocInfo, Acc2)
-    end,
-    {ok, _LastReduction, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(SeqTree,
-        Wrapper, Acc, [{start_key, StartSeq + 1}] ++ Options),
-    {ok, AccOut}.
-count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq) ->
-    BTree = Db#db.seq_tree,
-    {ok, Changes} =
-    couch_btree:fold_reduce(BTree,
-        fun(_SeqStart, PartialReds, 0) ->
-            {ok, couch_btree:final_reduce(BTree, PartialReds)}
-        end,
-        0, [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1}]),
-    Changes.
-enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, InFun, Acc, Options) ->
-    {ok, LastReduction, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.seq_tree, InFun, Acc,
-            [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1} | Options]),
-    {ok, enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(LastReduction), AccOut}.
-fold_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Opts) ->
-    Wrapper = fun(FDI, _, Acc) -> InFun(FDI, Acc) end,
-    {ok, _, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.id_tree, Wrapper, InAcc, Opts),
-    {ok, AccOut}.
-fold_local_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Opts) ->
-    Wrapper = fun(FDI, _, Acc) -> InFun(FDI, Acc) end,
-    {ok, _, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.local_tree, Wrapper, InAcc, Opts),
-    {ok, AccOut}.
-enum_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Options0) ->
-    {NS, Options} = extract_namespace(Options0),
-    enum_docs(Db, NS, InFun, InAcc, Options).
-enum_docs(Db, undefined, InFun, InAcc, Options) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], InFun),
-    {ok, LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, enum_docs_reduce_to_count(LastReduce), OutAcc};
-enum_docs(Db, <<"_local">>, InFun, InAcc, Options) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], InFun),
-    {ok, _LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.local_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, 0, OutAcc};
-enum_docs(Db, NS, InFun, InAcc, Options0) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([
-        fun skip_deleted/4,
-        stop_on_leaving_namespace(NS)], InFun),
-    Options = set_namespace_range(Options0, NS),
-    {ok, LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, enum_docs_reduce_to_count(LastReduce), OutAcc}.
+is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine) ->
+    couch_db_engine:is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine).
 calculate_start_seq(_Db, _Node, Seq) when is_integer(Seq) ->
@@ -1525,22 +1390,43 @@ start_seq([], OrigNode, Seq) ->
     erlang:error({epoch_mismatch, OrigNode, Seq}).
-extract_namespace(Options0) ->
-    case proplists:split(Options0, [namespace]) of
-        {[[{namespace, NS}]], Options} ->
-            {NS, Options};
-        {_, Options} ->
-            {undefined, Options}
-    end.
+fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc) ->
+    fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, []).
+fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_local_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    couch_db_engine:fold_local_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_design_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options1) ->
+    Options2 = set_design_doc_keys(Options1),
+    couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options2).
+fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc) ->
+    fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, []).
+fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Opts) ->
+    couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Opts).
+count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq) ->
+    couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq).
 %%% Internal function %%%
 open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
     Ids = [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- IdRevs],
     LookupResults = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids),
         fun({Id, Revs}, Lookup) ->
             case Lookup of
-            {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree}} ->
+            #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree} ->
                 {FoundRevs, MissingRevs} =
                 case Revs of
                 all ->
@@ -1574,9 +1460,8 @@ open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
         IdRevs, LookupResults).
 open_doc_int(Db, <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> = Id, Options) ->
-    case couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.local_tree, [Id]) of
-    [{ok, {_, {Rev, BodyData}}}] ->
-        Doc = #doc{id=Id, revs={0, [?l2b(integer_to_list(Rev))]}, body=BodyData},
+    case couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [Id]) of
+    [#doc{} = Doc] ->
         apply_open_options({ok, Doc}, Options);
     [not_found] ->
         {not_found, missing}
@@ -1595,7 +1480,7 @@ open_doc_int(Db, #full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=RevTree}=FullDocInfo, Options) ->
         {ok, Doc#doc{meta=doc_meta_info(DocInfo, RevTree, Options)}}, Options);
 open_doc_int(Db, Id, Options) ->
     case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of
-    {ok, FullDocInfo} ->
+    #full_doc_info{} = FullDocInfo ->
         open_doc_int(Db, FullDocInfo, Options);
     not_found ->
         {not_found, missing}
@@ -1641,8 +1526,8 @@ doc_meta_info(#doc_info{high_seq=Seq,revs=[#rev_info{rev=Rev}|RestInfo]}, RevTre
     true -> [{local_seq, Seq}]
-read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, Pos) ->
-    couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pos).
+read_doc(#db{} = Db, Ptr) ->
+    couch_db_engine:read_doc(Db, Ptr).
 make_doc(_Db, Id, Deleted, nil = _Bp, RevisionPath) ->
@@ -1653,34 +1538,32 @@ make_doc(_Db, Id, Deleted, nil = _Bp, RevisionPath) ->
         atts = [],
         deleted = Deleted
-make_doc(#db{fd=Fd, revs_limit=RevsLimit}=Db, Id, Deleted, Bp, {Pos, Revs}) ->
-    {BodyData, Atts0} = case Bp of
-        nil ->
-            {[], []};
-        _ ->
-            case read_doc(Db, Bp) of
-                {ok, {BodyData0, Atts1}} when is_binary(Atts1) ->
-                    {BodyData0, couch_compress:decompress(Atts1)};
-                {ok, {BodyData0, Atts1}} when is_list(Atts1) ->
-                    % pre 1.2 format
-                    {BodyData0, Atts1}
-            end
-    end,
-    Atts = [couch_att:from_disk_term(Fd, T) || T <- Atts0],
-    Doc = #doc{
+make_doc(#db{} = Db, Id, Deleted, Bp, {Pos, Revs}) ->
+    RevsLimit = get_revs_limit(Db),
+    Doc0 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db, #doc{
         id = Id,
         revs = {Pos, lists:sublist(Revs, 1, RevsLimit)},
-        body = BodyData,
-        atts = Atts,
+        body = Bp,
         deleted = Deleted
-    },
-    after_doc_read(Db, Doc).
+    }),
+    Doc1 = case Doc0#doc.atts of
+        BinAtts when is_binary(BinAtts) ->
+            Doc0#doc{
+                atts = couch_compress:decompress(BinAtts)
+            };
+        ListAtts when is_list(ListAtts) ->
+            Doc0
+    end,
+    after_doc_read(Db, Doc1#doc{
+        atts = [couch_att:from_disk_term(Db, T) || T <- Doc1#doc.atts]
+    }).
 after_doc_read(#db{} = Db, Doc) ->
     DocWithBody = couch_doc:with_ejson_body(Doc),
     couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(Db, DocWithBody).
 increment_stat(#db{options = Options}, Stat) ->
     case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
     true ->
@@ -1689,71 +1572,6 @@ increment_stat(#db{options = Options}, Stat) ->
-skip_deleted(traverse, LK, {Undeleted, _, _} = Reds, Acc) when Undeleted == 0 ->
-    {skip, LK, Reds, Acc};
-skip_deleted(Case, A, B, C) ->
-    {Case, A, B, C}.
-stop_on_leaving_namespace(NS) ->
-    fun
-        (visit, #full_doc_info{id = Key} = FullInfo, Reds, Acc) ->
-            case has_prefix(Key, NS) of
-                true ->
-                    {visit, FullInfo, Reds, Acc};
-                false ->
-                    {stop, FullInfo, Reds, Acc}
-            end;
-        (Case, KV, Reds, Acc) ->
-            {Case, KV, Reds, Acc}
-    end.
-has_prefix(Bin, Prefix) ->
-    S = byte_size(Prefix),
-    case Bin of
-        <<Prefix:S/binary, "/", _/binary>> ->
-            true;
-        _Else ->
-            false
-    end.
-pipe(Filters, Final) ->
-    Wrap =
-        fun
-            (visit, KV, Reds, Acc) ->
-                Final(KV, Reds, Acc);
-            (skip, _KV, _Reds, Acc) ->
-                {skip, Acc};
-            (stop, _KV, _Reds, Acc) ->
-                {stop, Acc};
-            (traverse, _, _, Acc) ->
-                {ok, Acc}
-        end,
-    do_pipe(Filters, Wrap).
-do_pipe([], Fun) -> Fun;
-do_pipe([Filter|Rest], F0) ->
-    F1 = fun(C0, KV0, Reds0, Acc0) ->
-        {C, KV, Reds, Acc} = Filter(C0, KV0, Reds0, Acc0),
-        F0(C, KV, Reds, Acc)
-    end,
-    do_pipe(Rest, F1).
-set_namespace_range(Options, undefined) -> Options;
-set_namespace_range(Options, NS) ->
-    %% FIXME depending on order we might need to swap keys
-    SK = select_gt(
-           proplists:get_value(start_key, Options, <<"">>),
-           <<NS/binary, "/">>),
-    EK = select_lt(
-           proplists:get_value(end_key, Options, <<NS/binary, "0">>),
-           <<NS/binary, "0">>),
-    [{start_key, SK}, {end_key_gt, EK}].
-select_gt(V1, V2) when V1 < V2 -> V2;
-select_gt(V1, _V2) -> V1.
-select_lt(V1, V2) when V1 > V2 -> V2;
-select_lt(V1, _V2) -> V1.
 -spec normalize_dbname(list() | binary()) -> binary().
@@ -1793,6 +1611,70 @@ is_systemdb(DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
 is_systemdb(DbName) when is_binary(DbName) ->
     lists:member(dbname_suffix(DbName), ?SYSTEM_DATABASES).
+set_design_doc_keys(Options1) ->
+    Dir = case lists:keyfind(dir, 1, Options1) of
+        {dir, D0} -> D0;
+        _ -> fwd
+    end,
+    Options2 = set_design_doc_start_key(Options1, Dir),
+    set_design_doc_end_key(Options2, Dir).
+-define(FIRST_DDOC_KEY, <<"_design/">>).
+-define(LAST_DDOC_KEY, <<"_design0">>).
+set_design_doc_start_key(Options, fwd) ->
+    Key1 = couch_util:get_value(start_key, Options, ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY),
+    Key2 = case Key1 < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+        true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+        false -> Key1
+    end,
+    lists:keystore(start_key, 1, Options, {start_key, Key2});
+set_design_doc_start_key(Options, rev) ->
+    Key1 = couch_util:get_value(start_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+    Key2 = case Key1 > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+        true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+        false -> Key1
+    end,
+    lists:keystore(start_key, 1, Options, {start_key, Key2}).
+set_design_doc_end_key(Options, fwd) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(end_key_gt, Options) of
+        undefined ->
+            Key1 = couch_util:get_value(end_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+            Key2 = case Key1 > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> Key1
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key, 1, Options, {end_key, Key2});
+        EKeyGT ->
+            Key2 = case EKeyGT > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> EKeyGT
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key_gt, 1, Options, {end_key_gt, Key2})
+    end;
+set_design_doc_end_key(Options, rev) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(end_key_gt, Options) of
+        undefined ->
+            Key1 = couch_util:get_value(end_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+            Key2 = case Key1 < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> Key1
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key, 1, Options, {end_key, Key2});
+        EKeyGT ->
+            Key2 = case EKeyGT < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> EKeyGT
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key_gt, 1, Options, {end_key_gt, Key2})
+    end.
@@ -1863,19 +1745,19 @@ should_fail_validate_dbname(DbName) ->
-calculate_start_seq_test() ->
-    %% uuid mismatch is always a rewind.
-    Hdr1 = couch_db_header:new(),
-    Hdr2 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr1, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}, {uuid, <<"uuid1">>}]),
-    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr2}, node1, {1, <<"uuid2">>})),
-    %% uuid matches and seq is owned by node.
-    Hdr3 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}]),
-    ?assertEqual(2, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr3}, node1, {2, <<"uuid1">>})),
-    %% uuids match but seq is not owned by node.
-    Hdr4 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node2, 2}, {node1, 1}]}]),
-    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr4}, node1, {3, <<"uuid1">>})),
-    %% return integer if we didn't get a vector.
-    ?assertEqual(4, calculate_start_seq(#db{}, foo, 4)).
+%calculate_start_seq_test() ->
+%    %% uuid mismatch is always a rewind.
+%    Hdr1 = couch_db_header:new(),
+%    Hdr2 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr1, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}, {uuid, <<"uuid1">>}]),
+%    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr2}, node1, {1, <<"uuid2">>})),
+%    %% uuid matches and seq is owned by node.
+%    Hdr3 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}]),
+%    ?assertEqual(2, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr3}, node1, {2, <<"uuid1">>})),
+%    %% uuids match but seq is not owned by node.
+%    Hdr4 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node2, 2}, {node1, 1}]}]),
+%    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr4}, node1, {3, <<"uuid1">>})),
+%    %% return integer if we didn't get a vector.
+%    ?assertEqual(4, calculate_start_seq(#db{}, foo, 4)).
 is_owner_test() ->
     ?assertNot(is_owner(foo, 1, [])),
diff --git a/src/couch_db_engine.erl b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
index ff86b88..4d14a2f 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_engine.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
@@ -559,9 +559,6 @@
         {ok, CompactedDbHandle::db_handle()}.
diff --git a/src/couch_db_int.hrl b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
index 0bbb5e0..2b41b73 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_int.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_db_int.hrl
@@ -10,35 +10,8 @@
 % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 % the License.
--record(db, {
-    main_pid = nil,
-    compactor_pid = nil,
-    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
-    fd,
-    fd_monitor,
-    header = couch_db_header:new(),
-    committed_update_seq,
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    local_tree,
-    update_seq,
-    name,
-    filepath,
-    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
-    security = [],
-    security_ptr = nil,
-    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
-    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
-    revs_limit = 1000,
-    fsync_options = [],
-    options = [],
-    compression,
-    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
-    after_doc_read = nil    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
--record(new_pse_db, {
+-record(db, {
@@ -65,27 +38,36 @@
--define(NEW_PSE_DB, {
+-define(OLD_DB_REC, {
-    _, % Name
-    _, % FilePath
-    _, % Engine
     _, % MainPid
     _, % CompactorPid
-    _, % CommittedUpdateSeq
     _, % InstanceStartTime
-    _, % UserCtx
-    _, % Security
+    _, % Fd
+    _, % FdMonitor
+    _, % Header
+    _, % CommittedUpdateSeq
+    _, % IdTree
+    _, % SeqTree
+    _, % LocalTree
+    _, % UpdateSeq
+    _, % Name
+    _, % FilePath
     _, % ValidateDocFuns
-    _, % BeforeDocUpdate
-    _, % AfterDocRead
+    _, % Security
+    _, % SecurityPtr
+    _, % UserCtx
     _, % WaitingDelayedCommit
+    _, % RevsLimit
+    _, % FsyncOptions
     _, % Options
-    _  % Compression
+    _, % Compression
+    _, % BeforeDocUpdate
+    _  % AfterDocRead
--define(PSE_DB_NAME(Db), element(2, Db)).
--define(PSE_DB_MAIN_PID(Db), element(5, Db)).
--define(PSE_DB_USER_CTX(Db), element(9, Db)).
--define(PSE_DB_SECURITY(Db), element(10, Db)).
+-define(OLD_DB_NAME(Db), element(2, Db)).
+-define(OLD_DB_MAIN_PID(Db), element(13, Db)).
+-define(OLD_DB_USER_CTX(Db), element(18, Db)).
+-define(OLD_DB_SECURITY(Db), element(16, Db)).

[11/11] couch commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to f3cf0a9

Posted by
Add legacy storage engine implementation

This is the legacy storage engine code. I've kept it as part of the core
couch application because we'll always need to have at least one
storage engine available.



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 05debf2c1d7128655e9a0928473c2289f0e994cb
Parents: 1c33e23
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 5 11:51:31 2016 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Thu Feb 16 11:56:25 2017 -0600

 src/couch_bt_engine.erl           | 945 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_bt_engine.hrl           |  24 +
 src/couch_bt_engine_compactor.erl | 489 +++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_bt_engine_header.erl    | 434 +++++++++++++++
 src/couch_bt_engine_stream.erl    |  70 +++
 src/couch_epochs.erl              |  95 ++++
 6 files changed, 2057 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine.erl b/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c0fdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    exists/1,
+    delete/3,
+    delete_compaction_files/3,
+    init/2,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    incref/1,
+    decref/1,
+    monitored_by/1,
+    get_compacted_seq/1,
+    get_del_doc_count/1,
+    get_disk_version/1,
+    get_doc_count/1,
+    get_epochs/1,
+    get_last_purged/1,
+    get_purge_seq/1,
+    get_revs_limit/1,
+    get_security/1,
+    get_size_info/1,
+    get_update_seq/1,
+    get_uuid/1,
+    set_revs_limit/2,
+    set_security/2,
+    open_docs/2,
+    open_local_docs/2,
+    read_doc_body/2,
+    serialize_doc/2,
+    write_doc_body/2,
+    write_doc_infos/4,
+    commit_data/1,
+    open_write_stream/2,
+    open_read_stream/2,
+    is_active_stream/2,
+    fold_docs/4,
+    fold_local_docs/4,
+    fold_changes/5,
+    count_changes_since/2,
+    start_compaction/4,
+    finish_compaction/4
+    init_state/4
+    id_tree_split/1,
+    id_tree_join/2,
+    id_tree_reduce/2,
+    seq_tree_split/1,
+    seq_tree_join/2,
+    seq_tree_reduce/2,
+    local_tree_split/1,
+    local_tree_join/2
+% Used by the compactor
+    set_update_seq/2,
+    copy_security/2
+exists(FilePath) ->
+    case filelib:is_file(FilePath) of
+        true ->
+            true;
+        false ->
+            filelib:is_file(FilePath ++ ".compact")
+    end.
+delete(RootDir, FilePath, Async) ->
+    %% Delete any leftover compaction files. If we don't do this a
+    %% subsequent request for this DB will try to open them to use
+    %% as a recovery.
+    delete_compaction_files(RootDir, FilePath, [{context, delete}]),
+    % Delete the actual database file
+    couch_file:delete(RootDir, FilePath, Async).
+delete_compaction_files(RootDir, FilePath, DelOpts) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun(Ext) ->
+        couch_file:delete(RootDir, FilePath ++ Ext, DelOpts)
+    end, [".compact", "", ".compact.meta"]).
+init(FilePath, Options) ->
+    {ok, Fd} = open_db_file(FilePath, Options),
+    Header = case lists:member(create, Options) of
+        true ->
+            delete_compaction_files(FilePath),
+            Header0 = couch_bt_engine_header:new(),
+            ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header0),
+            Header0;
+        false ->
+            case couch_file:read_header(Fd) of
+                {ok, Header0} ->
+                    Header0;
+                no_valid_header ->
+                    delete_compaction_files(FilePath),
+                    Header0 =  couch_bt_engine_header:new(),
+                    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header0),
+                    Header0
+            end
+    end,
+    {ok, init_state(FilePath, Fd, Header, Options)}.
+terminate(_Reason, St) ->
+    % If the reason we died is because our fd disappeared
+    % then we don't need to try closing it again.
+    Ref = St#st.fd_monitor,
+    if Ref == closed -> ok; true ->
+        ok = couch_file:close(St#st.fd),
+        receive
+            {'DOWN', Ref, _,  _, _} ->
+                ok
+            after 500 ->
+                ok
+        end
+    end,
+    couch_util:shutdown_sync(St#st.fd),
+    ok.
+handle_call(Msg, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_call, Msg}, {invalid_call, Msg}, St}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _}, #st{fd_monitor=Ref} = St) ->
+    {stop, normal, St#st{fd=undefined, fd_monitor=closed}}.
+incref(St) ->
+    {ok, St#st{fd_monitor = erlang:monitor(process, St#st.fd)}}.
+decref(St) ->
+    true = erlang:demonitor(St#st.fd_monitor, [flush]),
+    ok.
+monitored_by(St) ->
+    case erlang:process_info(St#st.fd, monitored_by) of
+        {monitored_by, Pids} ->
+            Pids;
+        _ ->
+            []
+    end.
+get_compacted_seq(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, compacted_seq).
+get_del_doc_count(#st{} = St) ->
+    {ok, {_, DelCount, _}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(St#st.id_tree),
+    DelCount.
+get_disk_version(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, disk_version).
+get_doc_count(#st{} = St) ->
+    {ok, {Count, _, _}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(St#st.id_tree),
+    Count.
+get_epochs(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, epochs).
+get_last_purged(#st{header = Header} = St) ->
+    case couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, purged_docs) of
+        nil ->
+            [];
+        Pointer ->
+            {ok, PurgeInfo} = couch_file:pread_term(St#st.fd, Pointer),
+            PurgeInfo
+    end.
+get_purge_seq(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, purge_seq).
+get_revs_limit(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, revs_limit).
+get_size_info(#st{} = St) ->
+    {ok, FileSize} = couch_file:bytes(St#st.fd),
+    {ok, DbReduction} = couch_btree:full_reduce(St#st.id_tree),
+    SizeInfo0 = element(3, DbReduction),
+    SizeInfo = case SizeInfo0 of
+        SI when is_record(SI, size_info) ->
+            SI;
+        {AS, ES} ->
+            #size_info{active=AS, external=ES};
+        AS ->
+            #size_info{active=AS}
+    end,
+    ActiveSize = active_size(St, SizeInfo),
+    ExternalSize = SizeInfo#size_info.external,
+    [
+        {active, ActiveSize},
+        {external, ExternalSize},
+        {file, FileSize}
+    ].
+get_security(#st{header = Header} = St) ->
+    case couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, security_ptr) of
+        undefined ->
+            [];
+        Pointer ->
+            {ok, SecProps} = couch_file:pread_term(St#st.fd, Pointer),
+            SecProps
+    end.
+get_update_seq(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, update_seq).
+get_uuid(#st{header = Header}) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, uuid).
+set_revs_limit(#st{header = Header} = St, RevsLimit) ->
+    NewSt = St#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {revs_limit, RevsLimit}
+        ]),
+        needs_commit = true
+    },
+    {ok, increment_update_seq(NewSt)}.
+set_security(#st{header = Header} = St, NewSecurity) ->
+    Options = [{compression, St#st.compression}],
+    {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(St#st.fd, NewSecurity, Options),
+    NewSt = St#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {security_ptr, Ptr}
+        ]),
+        needs_commit = true
+    },
+    {ok, increment_update_seq(NewSt)}.
+open_docs(#st{} = St, DocIds) ->
+    Results = couch_btree:lookup(St#st.id_tree, DocIds),
+    lists:map(fun
+        ({ok, FDI}) -> FDI;
+        (not_found) -> not_found
+    end, Results).
+open_local_docs(#st{} = St, DocIds) ->
+    Results = couch_btree:lookup(St#st.local_tree, DocIds),
+    lists:map(fun
+        ({ok, #doc{} = Doc}) -> Doc;
+        (not_found) -> not_found
+    end, Results).
+read_doc_body(#st{} = St, #doc{} = Doc) ->
+    {ok, {Body, Atts}} = couch_file:pread_term(St#st.fd, Doc#doc.body),
+    Doc#doc{
+        body = Body,
+        atts = Atts
+    }.
+serialize_doc(#st{} = St, #doc{} = Doc) ->
+    Compress = fun(Term) ->
+        case couch_compress:is_compressed(Term, St#st.compression) of
+            true -> Term;
+            false -> couch_compress:compress(Term, St#st.compression)
+        end
+    end,
+    Body = Compress(Doc#doc.body),
+    Atts = Compress(Doc#doc.atts),
+    SummaryBin = ?term_to_bin({Body, Atts}),
+    Md5 = couch_crypto:hash(md5, SummaryBin),
+    Data = couch_file:assemble_file_chunk(SummaryBin, Md5),
+    Doc#doc{body = Data}.
+write_doc_body(St, #doc{} = Doc) ->
+    #st{
+        fd = Fd
+    } = St,
+    {ok, Ptr, Written} = couch_file:append_raw_chunk(Fd, Doc#doc.body),
+    {ok, Doc#doc{body = Ptr}, Written}.
+write_doc_infos(#st{} = St, Pairs, LocalDocs, PurgedIdRevs) ->
+    #st{
+        id_tree = IdTree,
+        seq_tree = SeqTree,
+        local_tree = LocalTree
+    } = St,
+    FinalAcc = lists:foldl(fun({OldFDI, NewFDI}, Acc) ->
+        {AddAcc, RemIdsAcc, RemSeqsAcc} = Acc,
+        case {OldFDI, NewFDI} of
+            {not_found, #full_doc_info{}} ->
+                {[NewFDI | AddAcc], RemIdsAcc, RemSeqsAcc};
+            {#full_doc_info{id = Id}, #full_doc_info{id = Id}} ->
+                NewAddAcc = [NewFDI | AddAcc],
+                NewRemSeqsAcc = [OldFDI#full_doc_info.update_seq | RemSeqsAcc],
+                {NewAddAcc, RemIdsAcc, NewRemSeqsAcc};
+            {#full_doc_info{id = Id}, not_found} ->
+                NewRemIdsAcc = [Id | RemIdsAcc],
+                NewRemSeqsAcc = [OldFDI#full_doc_info.update_seq | RemSeqsAcc],
+                {AddAcc, NewRemIdsAcc, NewRemSeqsAcc}
+        end
+    end, {[], [], []}, Pairs),
+    {Add, RemIds, RemSeqs} = FinalAcc,
+    {ok, IdTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(IdTree, Add, RemIds),
+    {ok, SeqTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(SeqTree, Add, RemSeqs),
+    {AddLDocs, RemLDocIds} = lists:foldl(fun(Doc, {AddAcc, RemAcc}) ->
+        case Doc#doc.deleted of
+            true ->
+                {AddAcc, [ | RemAcc]};
+            false ->
+                {[Doc | AddAcc], RemAcc}
+        end
+    end, {[], []}, LocalDocs),
+    {ok, LocalTree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(LocalTree, AddLDocs, RemLDocIds),
+    NewUpdateSeq = lists:foldl(fun(#full_doc_info{update_seq=Seq}, Acc) ->
+        erlang:max(Seq, Acc)
+    end, get_update_seq(St), Add),
+    NewHeader = case PurgedIdRevs of
+        [] ->
+            couch_bt_engine_header:set(St#st.header, [
+                {update_seq, NewUpdateSeq}
+            ]);
+        _ ->
+            {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(St#st.fd, PurgedIdRevs),
+            OldPurgeSeq = couch_bt_engine_header:get(St#st.header, purge_seq),
+            % We bump NewUpdateSeq because we have to ensure that
+            % indexers see that they need to process the new purge
+            % information.
+            couch_bt_engine_header:set(St#st.header, [
+                {update_seq, NewUpdateSeq + 1},
+                {purge_seq, OldPurgeSeq + 1},
+                {purged_docs, Ptr}
+            ])
+    end,
+    {ok, St#st{
+        header = NewHeader,
+        id_tree = IdTree2,
+        seq_tree = SeqTree2,
+        local_tree = LocalTree2,
+        needs_commit = true
+    }}.
+commit_data(St) ->
+    #st{
+        fd = Fd,
+        fsync_options = FsyncOptions,
+        header = OldHeader,
+        needs_commit = NeedsCommit
+    } = St,
+    NewHeader = update_header(St, OldHeader),
+    case NewHeader /= OldHeader orelse NeedsCommit of
+        true ->
+            Before = lists:member(before_header, FsyncOptions),
+            After = lists:member(after_header, FsyncOptions),
+            if Before -> couch_file:sync(Fd); true -> ok end,
+            ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, NewHeader),
+            if After -> couch_file:sync(Fd); true -> ok end,
+            {ok, St#st{
+                header = NewHeader,
+                needs_commit = false
+            }};
+        false ->
+            {ok, St}
+    end.
+open_write_stream(#st{} = St, Options) ->
+    couch_stream:open({couch_bt_engine_stream, {St#st.fd, []}}, Options).
+open_read_stream(#st{} = St, StreamSt) ->
+    {ok, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {St#st.fd, StreamSt}}}.
+is_active_stream(#st{} = St, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {Fd, _}}) ->
+    St#st.fd == Fd;
+is_active_stream(_, _) ->
+    false.
+fold_docs(St, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    fold_docs_int(St#st.id_tree, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_local_docs(St, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    fold_docs_int(St#st.local_tree, UserFun, UserAcc, Options).
+fold_changes(St, SinceSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    Fun = fun drop_reductions/4,
+    InAcc = {UserFun, UserAcc},
+    Opts = [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1}] ++ Options,
+    {ok, _, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(St#st.seq_tree, Fun, InAcc, Opts),
+    {_, FinalUserAcc} = OutAcc,
+    {ok, FinalUserAcc}.
+count_changes_since(St, SinceSeq) ->
+    BTree = St#st.seq_tree,
+    FoldFun = fun(_SeqStart, PartialReds, 0) ->
+        {ok, couch_btree:final_reduce(BTree, PartialReds)}
+    end,
+    Opts = [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1}],
+    {ok, Changes} = couch_btree:fold_reduce(BTree, FoldFun, 0, Opts),
+    Changes.
+start_compaction(St, DbName, Options, Parent) ->
+    Args = [St, DbName, Options, Parent],
+    Pid = spawn_link(couch_bt_engine_compactor, start, Args),
+    {ok, St, Pid}.
+finish_compaction(OldState, DbName, Options, CompactFilePath) ->
+    {ok, NewState1} = ?MODULE:init(CompactFilePath, Options),
+    OldSeq = get_update_seq(OldState),
+    NewSeq = get_update_seq(NewState1),
+    case OldSeq == NewSeq of
+        true ->
+            finish_compaction_int(OldState, NewState1);
+        false ->
+            couch_log:info("Compaction file still behind main file "
+                           "(update seq=~p. compact update seq=~p). Retrying.",
+                           [OldSeq, NewSeq]),
+            ok = decref(NewState1),
+            start_compaction(OldState, DbName, Options, self())
+    end.
+id_tree_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        update_seq = Seq,
+        deleted = Deleted,
+        sizes = SizeInfo,
+        rev_tree = Tree
+    } = Info,
+    {Id, {Seq, ?b2i(Deleted), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
+id_tree_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, DiskTree}) ->
+    % Handle old formats before data_size was added
+    id_tree_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, #size_info{}, DiskTree});
+id_tree_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, Sizes, DiskTree}) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        update_seq = HighSeq,
+        deleted = ?i2b(Deleted),
+        sizes = couch_db_updater:upgrade_sizes(Sizes),
+        rev_tree = rev_tree(DiskTree)
+    }.
+id_tree_reduce(reduce, FullDocInfos) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun(Info, {NotDeleted, Deleted, Sizes}) ->
+        Sizes2 = reduce_sizes(Sizes, Info#full_doc_info.sizes),
+        case Info#full_doc_info.deleted of
+        true ->
+            {NotDeleted, Deleted + 1, Sizes2};
+        false ->
+            {NotDeleted + 1, Deleted, Sizes2}
+        end
+    end, {0, 0, #size_info{}}, FullDocInfos);
+id_tree_reduce(rereduce, Reds) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun
+        ({NotDeleted, Deleted}, {AccNotDeleted, AccDeleted, _AccSizes}) ->
+            % pre 1.2 format, will be upgraded on compaction
+            {AccNotDeleted + NotDeleted, AccDeleted + Deleted, nil};
+        ({NotDeleted, Deleted, Sizes}, {AccNotDeleted, AccDeleted, AccSizes}) ->
+            AccSizes2 = reduce_sizes(AccSizes, Sizes),
+            {AccNotDeleted + NotDeleted, AccDeleted + Deleted, AccSizes2}
+    end, {0, 0, #size_info{}}, Reds).
+seq_tree_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        update_seq = Seq,
+        deleted = Del,
+        sizes = SizeInfo,
+        rev_tree = Tree
+    } = Info,
+    {Seq, {Id, ?b2i(Del), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
+seq_tree_join(Seq, {Id, Del, DiskTree}) when is_integer(Del) ->
+    seq_tree_join(Seq, {Id, Del, {0, 0}, DiskTree});
+seq_tree_join(Seq, {Id, Del, Sizes, DiskTree}) when is_integer(Del) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        update_seq = Seq,
+        deleted = ?i2b(Del),
+        sizes = join_sizes(Sizes),
+        rev_tree = rev_tree(DiskTree)
+    };
+seq_tree_join(KeySeq, {Id, RevInfos, DeletedRevInfos}) ->
+    % Older versions stored #doc_info records in the seq_tree.
+    % Compact to upgrade.
+    Revs = lists:map(fun({Rev, Seq, Bp}) ->
+        #rev_info{rev = Rev, seq = Seq, deleted = false, body_sp = Bp}
+    end, RevInfos),
+    DeletedRevs = lists:map(fun({Rev, Seq, Bp}) ->
+        #rev_info{rev = Rev, seq = Seq, deleted = true, body_sp = Bp}
+    end, DeletedRevInfos),
+    #doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        high_seq = KeySeq,
+        revs = Revs ++ DeletedRevs
+    }.
+seq_tree_reduce(reduce, DocInfos) ->
+    % count the number of documents
+    length(DocInfos);
+seq_tree_reduce(rereduce, Reds) ->
+    lists:sum(Reds).
+local_tree_split(#doc{} = Doc) ->
+    #doc{
+        id = Id,
+        revs = {0, [Rev]},
+        body = BodyData
+    } = Doc,
+    {Id, {Rev, BodyData}}.
+local_tree_join(Id, {Rev, BodyData}) when is_binary(Rev) ->
+    #doc{
+        id = Id,
+        revs = {0, [Rev]},
+        body = BodyData
+    };
+local_tree_join(Id, {Rev, BodyData}) when is_integer(Rev) ->
+    #doc{
+        id = Id,
+        revs = {0, [list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Rev))]},
+        body = BodyData
+    }.
+set_update_seq(#st{header = Header} = St, UpdateSeq) ->
+    {ok, St#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {update_seq, UpdateSeq}
+        ]),
+        needs_commit = true
+    }}.
+copy_security(#st{header = Header} = St, SecProps) ->
+    Options = [{compression, St#st.compression}],
+    {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(St#st.fd, SecProps, Options),
+    {ok, St#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {security_ptr, Ptr}
+        ]),
+        needs_commit = true
+    }}.
+open_db_file(FilePath, Options) ->
+    case couch_file:open(FilePath, Options) of
+        {ok, Fd} ->
+            {ok, Fd};
+        {error, enoent} ->
+            % Couldn't find file. is there a compact version? This ca
+            % happen (rarely) if we crashed during the file switch.
+            case couch_file:open(FilePath ++ ".compact", [nologifmissing]) of
+                {ok, Fd} ->
+                    Fmt = "Recovering from compaction file: ~s~s",
+                    couch_log:info(Fmt, [FilePath, ".compact"]),
+                    ok = file:rename(FilePath ++ ".compact", FilePath),
+                    ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
+                    {ok, Fd};
+                {error, enoent} ->
+                    throw({not_found, no_db_file})
+            end;
+        Error ->
+            throw(Error)
+    end.
+init_state(FilePath, Fd, Header0, Options) ->
+    DefaultFSync = "[before_header, after_header, on_file_open]",
+    FsyncStr = config:get("couchdb", "fsync_options", DefaultFSync),
+    {ok, FsyncOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(FsyncStr),
+    case lists:member(on_file_open, FsyncOptions) of
+        true -> ok = couch_file:sync(Fd);
+        _ -> ok
+    end,
+    Compression = couch_compress:get_compression_method(),
+    Header1 = couch_bt_engine_header:upgrade(Header0),
+    Header = set_default_security_object(Fd, Header1, Compression, Options),
+    IdTreeState = couch_bt_engine_header:id_tree_state(Header),
+    {ok, IdTree} = couch_btree:open(IdTreeState, Fd, [
+            {split, fun ?MODULE:id_tree_split/1},
+            {join, fun ?MODULE:id_tree_join/2},
+            {reduce, fun ?MODULE:id_tree_reduce/2},
+            {compression, Compression}
+        ]),
+    SeqTreeState = couch_bt_engine_header:seq_tree_state(Header),
+    {ok, SeqTree} = couch_btree:open(SeqTreeState, Fd, [
+            {split, fun ?MODULE:seq_tree_split/1},
+            {join, fun ?MODULE:seq_tree_join/2},
+            {reduce, fun ?MODULE:seq_tree_reduce/2},
+            {compression, Compression}
+        ]),
+    LocalTreeState = couch_bt_engine_header:local_tree_state(Header),
+    {ok, LocalTree} = couch_btree:open(LocalTreeState, Fd, [
+            {split, fun ?MODULE:local_tree_split/1},
+            {join, fun ?MODULE:local_tree_join/2},
+            {compression, Compression}
+        ]),
+    ok = couch_file:set_db_pid(Fd, self()),
+    St = #st{
+        filepath = FilePath,
+        fd = Fd,
+        fd_monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
+        fsync_options = FsyncOptions,
+        header = Header,
+        needs_commit = false,
+        id_tree = IdTree,
+        seq_tree = SeqTree,
+        local_tree = LocalTree,
+        compression = Compression
+    },
+    % If this is a new database we've just created a
+    % new UUID and default security object which need
+    % to be written to disk.
+    case Header /= Header0 of
+        true ->
+            {ok, NewSt} = commit_data(St),
+            NewSt;
+        false ->
+            St
+    end.
+update_header(St, Header) ->
+    couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+        {seq_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(St#st.seq_tree)},
+        {id_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(St#st.id_tree)},
+        {local_tree_state, couch_btree:get_state(St#st.local_tree)}
+    ]).
+increment_update_seq(#st{header = Header} = St) ->
+    UpdateSeq = couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, update_seq),
+    St#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {update_seq, UpdateSeq + 1}
+        ])
+    }.
+set_default_security_object(Fd, Header, Compression, Options) ->
+    case couch_bt_engine_header:get(Header, security_ptr) of
+        Pointer when is_integer(Pointer) ->
+            Header;
+        _ ->
+            Default = couch_util:get_value(default_security_object, Options),
+            AppendOpts = [{compression, Compression}],
+            {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, Default, AppendOpts),
+            couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, security_ptr, Ptr)
+    end.
+delete_compaction_files(FilePath) ->
+    RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    DelOpts = [{context, delete}],
+    delete_compaction_files(RootDir, FilePath, DelOpts).
+rev_tree(DiskTree) ->
+    couch_key_tree:map(fun
+        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq}) ->
+            #leaf{
+                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
+                ptr = Ptr,
+                seq = Seq
+            };
+        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq, Size}) ->
+            #leaf{
+                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
+                ptr = Ptr,
+                seq = Seq,
+                sizes = couch_db_updater:upgrade_sizes(Size)
+            };
+        (_RevId, {Del, Ptr, Seq, Sizes, Atts}) ->
+            #leaf{
+                deleted = ?i2b(Del),
+                ptr = Ptr,
+                seq = Seq,
+                sizes = couch_db_updater:upgrade_sizes(Sizes),
+                atts = Atts
+            };
+        (_RevId, ?REV_MISSING) ->
+            ?REV_MISSING
+    end, DiskTree).
+disk_tree(RevTree) ->
+    couch_key_tree:map(fun
+        (_RevId, ?REV_MISSING) ->
+            ?REV_MISSING;
+        (_RevId, #leaf{} = Leaf) ->
+            #leaf{
+                deleted = Del,
+                ptr = Ptr,
+                seq = Seq,
+                sizes = Sizes,
+                atts = Atts
+            } = Leaf,
+            {?b2i(Del), Ptr, Seq, split_sizes(Sizes), Atts}
+    end, RevTree).
+split_sizes(#size_info{}=SI) ->
+    {, SI#size_info.external}.
+join_sizes({Active, External}) when is_integer(Active), is_integer(External) ->
+    #size_info{active=Active, external=External}.
+reduce_sizes(nil, _) ->
+    nil;
+reduce_sizes(_, nil) ->
+    nil;
+reduce_sizes(#size_info{}=S1, #size_info{}=S2) ->
+    #size_info{
+        active = +,
+        external = S1#size_info.external + S2#size_info.external
+    };
+reduce_sizes(S1, S2) ->
+    US1 = couch_db_updater:upgrade_sizes(S1),
+    US2 = couch_db_updater:upgrade_sizes(S2),
+    reduce_sizes(US1, US2).
+active_size(#st{} = St, Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
+    active_size(St, #size_info{active=Size});
+active_size(#st{} = St, #size_info{} = SI) ->
+    Trees = [
+        St#st.id_tree,
+        St#st.seq_tree,
+        St#st.local_tree
+    ],
+    lists:foldl(fun(T, Acc) ->
+        case couch_btree:size(T) of
+            _ when Acc == null ->
+                null;
+            undefined ->
+                null;
+            Size ->
+                Acc + Size
+        end
+    end,, Trees).
+fold_docs_int(Tree, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    Fun = case lists:member(include_deleted, Options) of
+        true -> fun include_deleted/4;
+        false -> fun skip_deleted/4
+    end,
+    RedFun = case lists:member(include_reductions, Options) of
+        true -> fun include_reductions/4;
+        false -> fun drop_reductions/4
+    end,
+    InAcc = {RedFun, {UserFun, UserAcc}},
+    {ok, Reds, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(Tree, Fun, InAcc, Options),
+    {_, {_, FinalUserAcc}} = OutAcc,
+    case lists:member(include_reductions, Options) of
+        true ->
+            {ok, fold_docs_reduce_to_count(Reds), FinalUserAcc};
+        false ->
+            {ok, FinalUserAcc}
+    end.
+include_deleted(Case, Entry, Reds, {UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(Case, Entry, Reds, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {UserFun, NewUserAcc}}.
+% First element of the reductions is the total
+% number of undeleted documents.
+skip_deleted(traverse, _Entry, {0, _, _} = _Reds, Acc) ->
+    {skip, Acc};
+skip_deleted(visit, #full_doc_info{deleted = true}, _, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc};
+skip_deleted(Case, Entry, Reds, {UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(Case, Entry, Reds, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {UserFun, NewUserAcc}}.
+include_reductions(visit, FDI, Reds, {UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(FDI, Reds, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {UserFun, NewUserAcc}};
+include_reductions(_, _, _, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc}.
+drop_reductions(visit, FDI, _Reds, {UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(FDI, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {UserFun, NewUserAcc}};
+drop_reductions(_, _, _, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc}.
+fold_docs_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->
+    RedFun = fun id_tree_reduce/2,
+    FinalRed = couch_btree:final_reduce(RedFun, Reds),
+    element(1, FinalRed).
+finish_compaction_int(#st{} = OldSt, #st{} = NewSt1) ->
+    #st{
+        filepath = FilePath,
+        local_tree = OldLocal
+    } = OldSt,
+    #st{
+        filepath = CompactDataPath,
+        header = Header,
+        local_tree = NewLocal1
+    } = NewSt1,
+    % suck up all the local docs into memory and write them to the new db
+    LoadFun = fun(Value, _Offset, Acc) ->
+        {ok, [Value | Acc]}
+    end,
+    {ok, _, LocalDocs} = couch_btree:foldl(OldLocal, LoadFun, []),
+    {ok, NewLocal2} = couch_btree:add(NewLocal1, LocalDocs),
+    {ok, NewSt2} = commit_data(NewSt1#st{
+        header = couch_bt_engine_header:set(Header, [
+            {compacted_seq, get_update_seq(OldSt)},
+            {revs_limit, get_revs_limit(OldSt)}
+        ]),
+        local_tree = NewLocal2
+    }),
+    % Rename our * file to *.compact so that if we
+    % die between deleting the old file and renaming *.compact
+    % we can recover correctly.
+    ok = file:rename(CompactDataPath, FilePath ++ ".compact"),
+    % Remove the uncompacted database file
+    RootDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    couch_file:delete(RootDir, FilePath),
+    % Move our compacted file into its final location
+    ok = file:rename(FilePath ++ ".compact", FilePath),
+    % Delete the old meta compaction file after promoting
+    % the compaction file.
+    couch_file:delete(RootDir, FilePath ++ ".compact.meta"),
+    % We're finished with our old state
+    decref(OldSt),
+    % And return our finished new state
+    {ok, NewSt2#st{
+        filepath = FilePath
+    }, undefined}.
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine.hrl b/src/couch_bt_engine.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f52d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-record(st, {
+    filepath,
+    fd,
+    fd_monitor,
+    fsync_options,
+    header,
+    needs_commit,
+    id_tree,
+    seq_tree,
+    local_tree,
+    compression
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine_compactor.erl b/src/couch_bt_engine_compactor.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3b5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine_compactor.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    start/4
+-record(comp_header, {
+    db_header,
+    meta_state
+-record(merge_st, {
+    id_tree,
+    seq_tree,
+    curr,
+    rem_seqs,
+    infos
+start(#st{} = St, DbName, Options, Parent) ->
+    erlang:put(io_priority, {db_compact, DbName}),
+    #st{
+        filepath = FilePath,
+        header = Header
+    } = St,
+    couch_log:debug("Compaction process spawned for db \"~s\"", [DbName]),
+    {ok, NewSt, DName, DFd, MFd, Retry} =
+            open_compaction_files(Header, FilePath, Options),
+    erlang:monitor(process, MFd),
+    % This is a bit worrisome. init_db/4 will monitor the data fd
+    % but it doesn't know about the meta fd. For now I'll maintain
+    % that the data fd is the old normal fd and meta fd is special
+    % and hope everything works out for the best.
+    unlink(DFd),
+    NewSt1 = copy_purge_info(St, NewSt),
+    NewSt2 = copy_compact(DbName, St, NewSt1, Retry),
+    NewSt3 = sort_meta_data(NewSt2),
+    NewSt4 = commit_compaction_data(NewSt3),
+    NewSt5 = copy_meta_data(NewSt4),
+    {ok, NewSt6} = couch_bt_engine:commit_data(NewSt5),
+    ok = couch_bt_engine:decref(NewSt6),
+    ok = couch_file:close(MFd),
+    % Done
+    gen_server:cast(Parent, {compact_done, couch_bt_engine, DName}).
+open_compaction_files(SrcHdr, DbFilePath, Options) ->
+    DataFile = DbFilePath ++ "",
+    MetaFile = DbFilePath ++ ".compact.meta",
+    {ok, DataFd, DataHdr} = open_compaction_file(DataFile),
+    {ok, MetaFd, MetaHdr} = open_compaction_file(MetaFile),
+    DataHdrIsDbHdr = couch_bt_engine_header:is_header(DataHdr),
+    case {DataHdr, MetaHdr} of
+        {#comp_header{}=A, #comp_header{}=A} ->
+            DbHeader = A#comp_header.db_header,
+            St0 = couch_bt_engine:init_state(
+                    DataFile, DataFd, DbHeader, Options),
+            St1 = bind_emsort(St0, MetaFd, A#comp_header.meta_state),
+            {ok, St1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, St0#st.id_tree};
+        _ when DataHdrIsDbHdr ->
+            Header = couch_bt_engine_header:from(SrcHdr),
+            ok = reset_compaction_file(MetaFd, Header),
+            St0 = couch_bt_engine:init_state(
+                    DataFile, DataFd, DataHdr, Options),
+            St1 = bind_emsort(St0, MetaFd, nil),
+            {ok, St1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, St0#st.id_tree};
+        _ ->
+            Header = couch_bt_engine_header:from(SrcHdr),
+            ok = reset_compaction_file(DataFd, Header),
+            ok = reset_compaction_file(MetaFd, Header),
+            St0 = couch_bt_engine:init_state(DataFile, DataFd, Header, Options),
+            St1 = bind_emsort(St0, MetaFd, nil),
+            {ok, St1, DataFile, DataFd, MetaFd, nil}
+    end.
+copy_purge_info(OldSt, NewSt) ->
+    OldHdr = OldSt#st.header,
+    NewHdr = NewSt#st.header,
+    OldPurgeSeq = couch_bt_engine_header:purge_seq(OldHdr),
+    case OldPurgeSeq > 0 of
+        true ->
+            Purged = couch_bt_engine:get_last_purged(OldSt),
+            Opts = [{compression, NewSt#st.compression}],
+            {ok, Ptr, _} = couch_file:append_term(NewSt#st.fd, Purged, Opts),
+            NewNewHdr = couch_bt_engine_header:set(NewHdr, [
+                {purge_seq, OldPurgeSeq},
+                {purged_docs, Ptr}
+            ]),
+            NewSt#st{header = NewNewHdr};
+        false ->
+            NewSt
+    end.
+copy_compact(DbName, St, NewSt0, Retry) ->
+    Compression = couch_compress:get_compression_method(),
+    NewSt = NewSt0#st{compression = Compression},
+    NewUpdateSeq = couch_bt_engine:get_update_seq(NewSt0),
+    TotalChanges = couch_bt_engine:count_changes_since(St, NewUpdateSeq),
+    BufferSize = list_to_integer(
+        config:get("database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "524288")),
+    CheckpointAfter = couch_util:to_integer(
+        config:get("database_compaction", "checkpoint_after",
+            BufferSize * 10)),
+    EnumBySeqFun =
+    fun(DocInfo, _Offset,
+            {AccNewSt, AccUncopied, AccUncopiedSize, AccCopiedSize}) ->
+        Seq = case DocInfo of
+            #full_doc_info{} -> DocInfo#full_doc_info.update_seq;
+            #doc_info{} -> DocInfo#doc_info.high_seq
+        end,
+        AccUncopiedSize2 = AccUncopiedSize + ?term_size(DocInfo),
+        if AccUncopiedSize2 >= BufferSize ->
+            NewSt2 = copy_docs(
+                St, AccNewSt, lists:reverse([DocInfo | AccUncopied]), Retry),
+            AccCopiedSize2 = AccCopiedSize + AccUncopiedSize2,
+            if AccCopiedSize2 >= CheckpointAfter ->
+                {ok, NewSt3} = couch_bt_engine:set_update_seq(NewSt2, Seq),
+                CommNewSt3 = commit_compaction_data(NewSt3),
+                {ok, {CommNewSt3, [], 0, 0}};
+            true ->
+                {ok, NewSt3} = couch_bt_engine:set_update_seq(NewSt2, Seq),
+                {ok, {NewSt3, [], 0, AccCopiedSize2}}
+            end;
+        true ->
+            {ok, {AccNewSt, [DocInfo | AccUncopied], AccUncopiedSize2,
+                AccCopiedSize}}
+        end
+    end,
+    TaskProps0 = [
+        {type, database_compaction},
+        {database, DbName},
+        {progress, 0},
+        {changes_done, 0},
+        {total_changes, TotalChanges}
+    ],
+    case (Retry =/= nil) and couch_task_status:is_task_added() of
+    true ->
+        couch_task_status:update([
+            {retry, true},
+            {progress, 0},
+            {changes_done, 0},
+            {total_changes, TotalChanges}
+        ]);
+    false ->
+        couch_task_status:add_task(TaskProps0),
+        couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(500)
+    end,
+    {ok, _, {NewSt2, Uncopied, _, _}} =
+        couch_btree:foldl(St#st.seq_tree, EnumBySeqFun,
+            {NewSt, [], 0, 0},
+            [{start_key, NewUpdateSeq + 1}]),
+    NewSt3 = copy_docs(St, NewSt2, lists:reverse(Uncopied), Retry),
+    % Copy the security information over
+    SecProps = couch_bt_engine:get_security(St),
+    {ok, NewSt4} = couch_bt_engine:copy_security(NewSt3, SecProps),
+    FinalUpdateSeq = couch_bt_engine:get_update_seq(St),
+    {ok, NewSt5} = couch_bt_engine:set_update_seq(NewSt4, FinalUpdateSeq),
+    commit_compaction_data(NewSt5).
+copy_docs(St, #st{} = NewSt, MixedInfos, Retry) ->
+    DocInfoIds = [Id || #doc_info{id=Id} <- MixedInfos],
+    LookupResults = couch_btree:lookup(St#st.id_tree, DocInfoIds),
+    % COUCHDB-968, make sure we prune duplicates during compaction
+    NewInfos0 = lists:usort(fun(#full_doc_info{id=A}, #full_doc_info{id=B}) ->
+        A =< B
+    end, merge_lookups(MixedInfos, LookupResults)),
+    NewInfos1 = lists:map(fun(Info) ->
+        {NewRevTree, FinalAcc} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
+            ({RevPos, RevId}, #leaf{ptr=Sp}=Leaf, leaf, SizesAcc) ->
+                {Body, AttInfos} = copy_doc_attachments(St, Sp, NewSt),
+                Doc0 = #doc{
+                    id =,
+                    revs = {RevPos, [RevId]},
+                    deleted = Leaf#leaf.deleted,
+                    body = Body,
+                    atts = AttInfos
+                },
+                Doc1 = couch_bt_engine:serialize_doc(NewSt, Doc0),
+                ExternalSize = ?term_size(Doc1#doc.body),
+                {ok, Doc2, ActiveSize} =
+                        couch_bt_engine:write_doc_body(NewSt, Doc1),
+                AttSizes = [{element(3,A), element(4,A)} || A <- AttInfos],
+                NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
+                    ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
+                    sizes = #size_info{
+                        active = ActiveSize,
+                        external = ExternalSize
+                    },
+                    atts = AttSizes
+                },
+                {NewLeaf, couch_db_updater:add_sizes(leaf, NewLeaf, SizesAcc)};
+            (_Rev, _Leaf, branch, SizesAcc) ->
+                {?REV_MISSING, SizesAcc}
+        end, {0, 0, []}, Info#full_doc_info.rev_tree),
+        {FinalAS, FinalES, FinalAtts} = FinalAcc,
+        TotalAttSize = lists:foldl(fun({_, S}, A) -> S + A end, 0, FinalAtts),
+        NewActiveSize = FinalAS + TotalAttSize,
+        NewExternalSize = FinalES + TotalAttSize,
+        Info#full_doc_info{
+            rev_tree = NewRevTree,
+            sizes = #size_info{
+                active = NewActiveSize,
+                external = NewExternalSize
+            }
+        }
+    end, NewInfos0),
+    Limit = couch_bt_engine:get_revs_limit(St),
+    NewInfos = lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+        FDI#full_doc_info{
+            rev_tree = couch_key_tree:stem(FDI#full_doc_info.rev_tree, Limit)
+        }
+    end, NewInfos1),
+    RemoveSeqs =
+    case Retry of
+    nil ->
+        [];
+    OldDocIdTree ->
+        % Compaction is being rerun to catch up to writes during the
+        % first pass. This means we may have docs that already exist
+        % in the seq_tree in the .data file. Here we lookup any old
+        % update_seqs so that they can be removed.
+        Ids = [Id || #full_doc_info{id=Id} <- NewInfos],
+        Existing = couch_btree:lookup(OldDocIdTree, Ids),
+        [Seq || {ok, #full_doc_info{update_seq=Seq}} <- Existing]
+    end,
+    {ok, SeqTree} = couch_btree:add_remove(
+            NewSt#st.seq_tree, NewInfos, RemoveSeqs),
+    FDIKVs = lists:map(fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}=FDI) ->
+        {{Id, Seq}, FDI}
+    end, NewInfos),
+    {ok, IdEms} = couch_emsort:add(NewSt#st.id_tree, FDIKVs),
+    update_compact_task(length(NewInfos)),
+    NewSt#st{id_tree=IdEms, seq_tree=SeqTree}.
+copy_doc_attachments(#st{} = SrcSt, SrcSp, DstSt) ->
+    {ok, {BodyData, BinInfos0}} = couch_file:pread_term(SrcSt#st.fd, SrcSp),
+    BinInfos = case BinInfos0 of
+    _ when is_binary(BinInfos0) ->
+        couch_compress:decompress(BinInfos0);
+    _ when is_list(BinInfos0) ->
+        % pre 1.2 file format
+        BinInfos0
+    end,
+    % copy the bin values
+    NewBinInfos = lists:map(
+        fun({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5}) ->
+            % 010 UPGRADE CODE
+            {ok, SrcStream} = couch_bt_engine:open_read_stream(SrcSt, BinSp),
+            {ok, DstStream} = couch_bt_engine:open_write_stream(DstSt, []),
+            ok = couch_stream:copy(SrcStream, DstStream),
+            {NewStream, AttLen, AttLen, ActualMd5, _IdentityMd5} =
+                couch_stream:close(DstStream),
+            {ok, NewBinSp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(NewStream),
+            couch_util:check_md5(ExpectedMd5, ActualMd5),
+            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, identity};
+        ({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, DiskLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, Enc1}) ->
+            {ok, SrcStream} = couch_bt_engine:open_read_stream(SrcSt, BinSp),
+            {ok, DstStream} = couch_bt_engine:open_write_stream(DstSt, []),
+            ok = couch_stream:copy(SrcStream, DstStream),
+            {NewStream, AttLen, _, ActualMd5, _IdentityMd5} =
+                couch_stream:close(DstStream),
+            {ok, NewBinSp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(NewStream),
+            couch_util:check_md5(ExpectedMd5, ActualMd5),
+            Enc = case Enc1 of
+            true ->
+                % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
+                gzip;
+            false ->
+                % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
+                identity;
+            _ ->
+                Enc1
+            end,
+            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, DiskLen, RevPos, ExpectedMd5, Enc}
+        end, BinInfos),
+    {BodyData, NewBinInfos}.
+sort_meta_data(St0) ->
+    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:merge(St0#st.id_tree),
+    St0#st{id_tree=Ems}.
+copy_meta_data(#st{} = St) ->
+    #st{
+        fd = Fd,
+        header = Header,
+        id_tree = Src
+    } = St,
+    DstState = couch_bt_engine_header:id_tree_state(Header),
+    {ok, IdTree0} = couch_btree:open(DstState, Fd, [
+        {split, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_split/1},
+        {join, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_join/2},
+        {reduce, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_reduce/2}
+    ]),
+    {ok, Iter} = couch_emsort:iter(Src),
+    Acc0 = #merge_st{
+        id_tree=IdTree0,
+        seq_tree=St#st.seq_tree,
+        rem_seqs=[],
+        infos=[]
+    },
+    Acc = merge_docids(Iter, Acc0),
+    {ok, IdTree} = couch_btree:add(Acc#merge_st.id_tree, Acc#merge_st.infos),
+    {ok, SeqTree} = couch_btree:add_remove(
+        Acc#merge_st.seq_tree, [], Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs
+    ),
+    St#st{id_tree=IdTree, seq_tree=SeqTree}.
+open_compaction_file(FilePath) ->
+    case couch_file:open(FilePath, [nologifmissing]) of
+        {ok, Fd} ->
+            case couch_file:read_header(Fd) of
+                {ok, Header} -> {ok, Fd, Header};
+                no_valid_header -> {ok, Fd, nil}
+            end;
+        {error, enoent} ->
+            {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(FilePath, [create]),
+            {ok, Fd, nil}
+    end.
+reset_compaction_file(Fd, Header) ->
+    ok = couch_file:truncate(Fd, 0),
+    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, Header).
+commit_compaction_data(#st{}=St) ->
+    % Compaction needs to write headers to both the data file
+    % and the meta file so if we need to restart we can pick
+    % back up from where we left off.
+    commit_compaction_data(St, couch_emsort:get_fd(St#st.id_tree)),
+    commit_compaction_data(St, St#st.fd).
+commit_compaction_data(#st{header = OldHeader} = St0, Fd) ->
+    DataState = couch_bt_engine_header:id_tree_state(OldHeader),
+    MetaFd = couch_emsort:get_fd(St0#st.id_tree),
+    MetaState = couch_emsort:get_state(St0#st.id_tree),
+    St1 = bind_id_tree(St0, St0#st.fd, DataState),
+    Header = St1#st.header,
+    CompHeader = #comp_header{
+        db_header = Header,
+        meta_state = MetaState
+    },
+    ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
+    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, CompHeader),
+    St2 = St1#st{
+        header = Header
+    },
+    bind_emsort(St2, MetaFd, MetaState).
+bind_emsort(St, Fd, nil) ->
+    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:open(Fd),
+    St#st{id_tree=Ems};
+bind_emsort(St, Fd, State) ->
+    {ok, Ems} = couch_emsort:open(Fd, [{root, State}]),
+    St#st{id_tree=Ems}.
+bind_id_tree(St, Fd, State) ->
+    {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(State, Fd, [
+        {split, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_split/1},
+        {join, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_join/2},
+        {reduce, fun couch_bt_engine:id_tree_reduce/2}
+    ]),
+    St#st{id_tree=IdBtree}.
+merge_lookups(Infos, []) ->
+    Infos;
+merge_lookups([], _) ->
+    [];
+merge_lookups([#doc_info{}=DI | RestInfos], [{ok, FDI} | RestLookups]) ->
+    % Assert we've matched our lookups
+    if == -> ok; true ->
+        erlang:error({mismatched_doc_infos,})
+    end,
+    [FDI | merge_lookups(RestInfos, RestLookups)];
+merge_lookups([FDI | RestInfos], Lookups) ->
+    [FDI | merge_lookups(RestInfos, Lookups)].
+merge_docids(Iter, #merge_st{infos=Infos}=Acc) when length(Infos) > 1000 ->
+    #merge_st{
+        id_tree=IdTree0,
+        seq_tree=SeqTree0,
+        rem_seqs=RemSeqs
+    } = Acc,
+    {ok, IdTree1} = couch_btree:add(IdTree0, Infos),
+    {ok, SeqTree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(SeqTree0, [], RemSeqs),
+    Acc1 = Acc#merge_st{
+        id_tree=IdTree1,
+        seq_tree=SeqTree1,
+        rem_seqs=[],
+        infos=[]
+    },
+    merge_docids(Iter, Acc1);
+merge_docids(Iter, #merge_st{curr=Curr}=Acc) ->
+    case next_info(Iter, Curr, []) of
+        {NextIter, NewCurr, FDI, Seqs} ->
+            Acc1 = Acc#merge_st{
+                infos = [FDI | Acc#merge_st.infos],
+                rem_seqs = Seqs ++ Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs,
+                curr = NewCurr
+            },
+            merge_docids(NextIter, Acc1);
+        {finished, FDI, Seqs} ->
+            Acc#merge_st{
+                infos = [FDI | Acc#merge_st.infos],
+                rem_seqs = Seqs ++ Acc#merge_st.rem_seqs,
+                curr = undefined
+            };
+        empty ->
+            Acc
+    end.
+next_info(Iter, undefined, []) ->
+    case couch_emsort:next(Iter) of
+        {ok, {{Id, Seq}, FDI}, NextIter} ->
+            next_info(NextIter, {Id, Seq, FDI}, []);
+        finished ->
+            empty
+    end;
+next_info(Iter, {Id, Seq, FDI}, Seqs) ->
+    case couch_emsort:next(Iter) of
+        {ok, {{Id, NSeq}, NFDI}, NextIter} ->
+            next_info(NextIter, {Id, NSeq, NFDI}, [Seq | Seqs]);
+        {ok, {{NId, NSeq}, NFDI}, NextIter} ->
+            {NextIter, {NId, NSeq, NFDI}, FDI, Seqs};
+        finished ->
+            {finished, FDI, Seqs}
+    end.
+update_compact_task(NumChanges) ->
+    [Changes, Total] = couch_task_status:get([changes_done, total_changes]),
+    Changes2 = Changes + NumChanges,
+    Progress = case Total of
+    0 ->
+        0;
+    _ ->
+        (Changes2 * 100) div Total
+    end,
+    couch_task_status:update([{changes_done, Changes2}, {progress, Progress}]).
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine_header.erl b/src/couch_bt_engine_header.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d24f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine_header.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    new/0,
+    from/1,
+    is_header/1,
+    upgrade/1,
+    get/2,
+    get/3,
+    set/2,
+    set/3
+    disk_version/1,
+    update_seq/1,
+    id_tree_state/1,
+    seq_tree_state/1,
+    latest/1,
+    local_tree_state/1,
+    purge_seq/1,
+    purged_docs/1,
+    security_ptr/1,
+    revs_limit/1,
+    uuid/1,
+    epochs/1,
+    compacted_seq/1
+% This should be updated anytime a header change happens that requires more
+% than filling in new defaults.
+% As long the changes are limited to new header fields (with inline
+% defaults) added to the end of the record, then there is no need to increment
+% the disk revision number.
+% if the disk revision is incremented, then new upgrade logic will need to be
+% added to couch_db_updater:init_db.
+-record(db_header, {
+    disk_version = ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION,
+    update_seq = 0,
+    unused = 0,
+    id_tree_state = nil,
+    seq_tree_state = nil,
+    local_tree_state = nil,
+    purge_seq = 0,
+    purged_docs = nil,
+    security_ptr = nil,
+    revs_limit = 1000,
+    uuid,
+    epochs,
+    compacted_seq
+new() ->
+    #db_header{
+        uuid = couch_uuids:random(),
+        epochs = [{node(), 0}]
+    }.
+from(Header0) ->
+    Header = upgrade(Header0),
+    #db_header{
+        uuid = Header#db_header.uuid,
+        epochs = Header#db_header.epochs,
+        compacted_seq = Header#db_header.compacted_seq
+    }.
+is_header(Header) ->
+    try
+        upgrade(Header),
+        true
+    catch _:_ ->
+        false
+    end.
+upgrade(Header) ->
+    Funs = [
+        fun upgrade_tuple/1,
+        fun upgrade_disk_version/1,
+        fun upgrade_uuid/1,
+        fun upgrade_epochs/1,
+        fun upgrade_compacted_seq/1
+    ],
+    lists:foldl(fun(F, HdrAcc) ->
+        F(HdrAcc)
+    end, Header, Funs).
+get(Header, Key) ->
+    ?MODULE:get(Header, Key, undefined).
+get(Header, Key, Default) ->
+    get_field(Header, Key, Default).
+set(Header, Key, Value) ->
+    ?MODULE:set(Header, [{Key, Value}]).
+set(Header0, Fields) ->
+    % A subtlety here is that if a database was open during
+    % the release upgrade that updates to uuids and epochs then
+    % this dynamic upgrade also assigns a uuid and epoch.
+    Header = upgrade(Header0),
+    lists:foldl(fun({Field, Value}, HdrAcc) ->
+        set_field(HdrAcc, Field, Value)
+    end, Header, Fields).
+disk_version(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, disk_version).
+update_seq(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, update_seq).
+id_tree_state(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, id_tree_state).
+seq_tree_state(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, seq_tree_state).
+local_tree_state(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, local_tree_state).
+purge_seq(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, purge_seq).
+purged_docs(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, purged_docs).
+security_ptr(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, security_ptr).
+revs_limit(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, revs_limit).
+uuid(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, uuid).
+epochs(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, epochs).
+compacted_seq(Header) ->
+    get_field(Header, compacted_seq).
+get_field(Header, Field) ->
+    get_field(Header, Field, undefined).
+get_field(Header, Field, Default) ->
+    Idx = index(Field),
+    case Idx > tuple_size(Header) of
+        true -> Default;
+        false -> element(index(Field), Header)
+    end.
+set_field(Header, Field, Value) ->
+    setelement(index(Field), Header, Value).
+index(Field) ->
+    couch_util:get_value(Field, indexes()).
+indexes() ->
+    Fields = record_info(fields, db_header),
+    Indexes = lists:seq(2, record_info(size, db_header)),
+    lists:zip(Fields, Indexes).
+upgrade_tuple(Old) when is_record(Old, db_header) ->
+    Old;
+upgrade_tuple(Old) when is_tuple(Old) ->
+    NewSize = record_info(size, db_header),
+    if tuple_size(Old) < NewSize -> ok; true ->
+        erlang:error({invalid_header_size, Old})
+    end,
+    {_, New} = lists:foldl(fun(Val, {Idx, Hdr}) ->
+        {Idx+1, setelement(Idx, Hdr, Val)}
+    end, {1, #db_header{}}, tuple_to_list(Old)),
+    if is_record(New, db_header) -> ok; true ->
+        erlang:error({invalid_header_extension, {Old, New}})
+    end,
+    New.
+    "Database files from versions smaller than 0.10.0 are no longer supported").
+upgrade_disk_version(#db_header{}=Header) ->
+    case element(2, Header) of
+        1 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
+        2 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
+        3 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
+        4 -> Header#db_header{security_ptr = nil}; % [0.10 - 0.11)
+        5 -> Header; % pre 1.2
+        ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION -> Header;
+        _ ->
+            Reason = "Incorrect disk header version",
+            throw({database_disk_version_error, Reason})
+    end.
+upgrade_uuid(#db_header{}=Header) ->
+    case Header#db_header.uuid of
+        undefined ->
+            % Upgrading this old db file to a newer
+            % on disk format that includes a UUID.
+            Header#db_header{uuid=couch_uuids:random()};
+        _ ->
+            Header
+    end.
+upgrade_epochs(#db_header{}=Header) ->
+    NewEpochs = case Header#db_header.epochs of
+        undefined ->
+            % This node is taking over ownership of shard with
+            % and old version of couch file. Before epochs there
+            % was always an implicit assumption that a file was
+            % owned since eternity by the node it was on. This
+            % just codifies that assumption.
+            [{node(), 0}];
+        [{Node, _} | _] = Epochs0 when Node == node() ->
+            % Current node is the current owner of this db
+            Epochs0;
+        Epochs1 ->
+            % This node is taking over ownership of this db
+            % and marking the update sequence where it happened.
+            [{node(), Header#db_header.update_seq} | Epochs1]
+    end,
+    % Its possible for a node to open a db and claim
+    % ownership but never make a write to the db. This
+    % removes nodes that claimed ownership but never
+    % changed the database.
+    DedupedEpochs = remove_dup_epochs(NewEpochs),
+    Header#db_header{epochs=DedupedEpochs}.
+% This is slightly relying on the udpate_seq's being sorted
+% in epochs due to how we only ever push things onto the
+% front. Although if we ever had a case where the update_seq
+% is not monotonically increasing I don't know that we'd
+% want to remove dupes (by calling a sort on the input to this
+% function). So for now we don't sort but are relying on the
+% idea that epochs is always sorted.
+remove_dup_epochs([_]=Epochs) ->
+    Epochs;
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S}, {_N2, S}]) ->
+    % Seqs match, keep the most recent owner
+    [{N1, S}];
+remove_dup_epochs([_, _]=Epochs) ->
+    % Seqs don't match.
+    Epochs;
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S}, {_N2, S} | Rest]) ->
+    % Seqs match, keep the most recent owner
+    remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S} | Rest]);
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S1}, {N2, S2} | Rest]) ->
+    % Seqs don't match, recurse to check others
+    [{N1, S1} | remove_dup_epochs([{N2, S2} | Rest])].
+upgrade_compacted_seq(#db_header{}=Header) ->
+    case Header#db_header.compacted_seq of
+        undefined ->
+            Header#db_header{compacted_seq=0};
+        _ ->
+            Header
+    end.
+    true;
+latest(N) when is_integer(N), N < ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION ->
+    false;
+latest(_Else) ->
+    undefined.
+mk_header(Vsn) ->
+    {
+        db_header, % record name
+        Vsn, % disk version
+        100, % update_seq
+        0, % unused
+        foo, % id_tree_state
+        bar, % seq_tree_state
+        bam, % local_tree_state
+        1, % purge_seq
+        baz, % purged_docs
+        bang, % security_ptr
+        999 % revs_limit
+    }.
+upgrade_v3_test() ->
+    Vsn3Header = mk_header(3),
+    NewHeader = upgrade_tuple(Vsn3Header),
+    % Tuple upgrades don't change
+    ?assert(is_record(NewHeader, db_header)),
+    ?assertEqual(3, disk_version(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(100, update_seq(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(foo, id_tree_state(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(bar, seq_tree_state(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(bam, local_tree_state(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(1, purge_seq(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(baz, purged_docs(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(bang, security_ptr(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(999, revs_limit(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(undefined, uuid(NewHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual(undefined, epochs(NewHeader)),
+    % Security ptr isn't changed until upgrade_disk_version/1
+    NewNewHeader = upgrade_disk_version(NewHeader),
+    ?assert(is_record(NewNewHeader, db_header)),
+    ?assertEqual(nil, security_ptr(NewNewHeader)),
+    % Assert upgrade works on really old headers
+    NewestHeader = upgrade(Vsn3Header),
+    ?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, uuid(NewestHeader)),
+    ?assertEqual([{node(), 0}], epochs(NewestHeader)).
+upgrade_v5_test() ->
+    Vsn5Header = mk_header(5),
+    NewHeader = upgrade_disk_version(upgrade_tuple(Vsn5Header)),
+    ?assert(is_record(NewHeader, db_header)),
+    ?assertEqual(5, disk_version(NewHeader)),
+    % Security ptr isn't changed for v5 headers
+    ?assertEqual(bang, security_ptr(NewHeader)).
+upgrade_uuid_test() ->
+    Vsn5Header = mk_header(5),
+    % Upgraded headers get a new UUID
+    NewHeader = upgrade_uuid(upgrade_disk_version(upgrade_tuple(Vsn5Header))),
+    ?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, uuid(NewHeader)),
+    % Headers with a UUID don't have their UUID changed
+    NewNewHeader = upgrade_uuid(upgrade_disk_version(upgrade_tuple(NewHeader))),
+    ?assertEqual(uuid(NewHeader), uuid(NewNewHeader)),
+    % Derived empty headers maintain the same UUID
+    ResetHeader = from(NewNewHeader),
+    ?assertEqual(uuid(NewHeader), uuid(ResetHeader)).
+upgrade_epochs_test() ->
+    Vsn5Header = mk_header(5),
+    % Upgraded headers get a default epochs set
+    NewHeader = upgrade(Vsn5Header),
+    ?assertEqual([{node(), 0}], epochs(NewHeader)),
+    % Fake an old entry in epochs
+    FakeFields = [
+        {update_seq, 20},
+        {epochs, [{'someothernode@someotherhost', 0}]}
+    ],
+    NotOwnedHeader = set(NewHeader, FakeFields),
+    OwnedEpochs = [
+        {node(), 20},
+        {'someothernode@someotherhost', 0}
+    ],
+    % Upgrading a header not owned by the local node updates
+    % the epochs appropriately.
+    NowOwnedHeader = upgrade(NotOwnedHeader),
+    ?assertEqual(OwnedEpochs, epochs(NowOwnedHeader)),
+    % Headers with epochs stay the same after upgrades
+    NewNewHeader = upgrade(NowOwnedHeader),
+    ?assertEqual(OwnedEpochs, epochs(NewNewHeader)),
+    % Getting a reset header maintains the epoch data
+    ResetHeader = from(NewNewHeader),
+    ?assertEqual(OwnedEpochs, epochs(ResetHeader)).
+get_uuid_from_old_header_test() ->
+    Vsn5Header = mk_header(5),
+    ?assertEqual(undefined, uuid(Vsn5Header)).
+get_epochs_from_old_header_test() ->
+    Vsn5Header = mk_header(5),
+    ?assertEqual(undefined, epochs(Vsn5Header)).
diff --git a/src/couch_bt_engine_stream.erl b/src/couch_bt_engine_stream.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431894a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_bt_engine_stream.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    foldl/3,
+    seek/2,
+    write/2,
+    finalize/1,
+    to_disk_term/1
+foldl({_Fd, []}, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+foldl({Fd, [{Pos, _} | Rest]}, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl({Fd, [Pos | Rest]}, Fun, Acc);
+foldl({Fd, [Bin | Rest]}, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    % We're processing the first bit of data
+    % after we did a seek for a range fold.
+    foldl({Fd, Rest}, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc));
+foldl({Fd, [Pos | Rest]}, Fun, Acc) when is_integer(Pos) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_binary(Fd, Pos),
+    foldl({Fd, Rest}, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+seek({Fd, [{Pos, Length} | Rest]}, Offset) ->
+    case Length =< Offset of
+        true ->
+            seek({Fd, Rest}, Offset - Length);
+        false ->
+            seek({Fd, [Pos | Rest]}, Offset)
+    end;
+seek({Fd, [Pos | Rest]}, Offset) when is_integer(Pos) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_binary(Fd, Pos),
+    case iolist_size(Bin) =< Offset of
+        true ->
+            seek({Fd, Rest}, Offset - size(Bin));
+        false ->
+            <<_:Offset/binary, Tail/binary>> = Bin,
+            {ok, {Fd, [Tail | Rest]}}
+    end.
+write({Fd, Written}, Data) when is_pid(Fd) ->
+    {ok, Pos, _} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, Data),
+    {ok, {Fd, [{Pos, iolist_size(Data)} | Written]}}.
+finalize({Fd, Written}) ->
+    {ok, {Fd, lists:reverse(Written)}}.
+to_disk_term({_Fd, Written}) ->
+    {ok, Written}.
diff --git a/src/couch_epochs.erl b/src/couch_epochs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d7011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_epochs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    new/0,
+    update/2
+new() ->
+    [{node(), 0}].
+update(Epochs, UpdateSeq) ->
+    NewEpochs = case Epochs of
+        [{Node, _} | _] when Node == node() ->
+            % Current node is the current owner of this db
+            Epochs;
+        Epochs1 ->
+            % This node is taking over ownership of this db
+            % and marking the update sequence where it happened.
+            [{node(), UpdateSeq} | Epochs1]
+    end,
+    % Its possible for a node to open a db and claim
+    % ownership but never make a write to the db. This
+    % removes nodes that claimed ownership but never
+    % changed the database.
+    remove_dup_epochs(NewEpochs).
+% This is slightly relying on the udpate_seq's being sorted
+% in epochs due to how we only ever push things onto the
+% front. Although if we ever had a case where the update_seq
+% is not monotonically increasing I don't know that we'd
+% want to remove dupes (by calling a sort on the input to this
+% function). So for now we don't sort but are relying on the
+% idea that epochs is always sorted.
+remove_dup_epochs([_]=Epochs) ->
+    Epochs;
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S}, {_N2, S}]) ->
+    % Seqs match, keep the most recent owner
+    [{N1, S}];
+remove_dup_epochs([_, _]=Epochs) ->
+    % Seqs don't match.
+    Epochs;
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S}, {_N2, S} | Rest]) ->
+    % Seqs match, keep the most recent owner
+    remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S} | Rest]);
+remove_dup_epochs([{N1, S1}, {N2, S2} | Rest]) ->
+    % Seqs don't match, recurse to check others
+    [{N1, S1} | remove_dup_epochs([{N2, S2} | Rest])].
+upgrade_epochs_test() ->
+    % By default the local node owns epochs
+    % from update_seq 0.
+    ?assertEqual([{node(), 0}], new()),
+    % Fake epoch takeover, this should add the
+    % local node and current update seq to the
+    % epochs.
+    OldEpochs = [
+        {'someothernode@someotherhost', 0}
+    ],
+    TakeOverExpect = [
+        {node(), 20},
+        {'someothernode@someotherhost', 0}
+    ],
+    NewEpochs = update(OldEpochs, 20),
+    ?assertEqual(TakeOverExpect, NewEpochs),
+    % If we update again we don't add a new
+    % epoch record or change the update seq.
+    ?assertEqual(TakeOverExpect, update(NewEpochs, 30)).