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Posted to by Jake <> on 2000/08/24 17:25:56 UTC

Rewrite Rules and Tomcat

Hello All! 

I have a perfectly working servlet located on my server at:

This servlet basically does HTTP proxying of information, so when I call it with an extension like such:

It makes a call to another server located on our intranet. This was needed because simple proxying through Apache would not work, because said program.exe uses cookies, and we needed a way to pass the cookies unaltered through the Internet. 

This is all properly working. However, I have added an Apache rewrite rule to my conf file, which looks like such:

RewriteRule ^/program/(.*)$ /div/servlet/div.Div/program/$1 [PT]

And when I call, I get a 404 error. The strange thing, however, is that it is not an apache 404 error, it is a tomcat "Object Not Found" 404 error. Any ideas what might be causing this, or what I may be doing wrong here, or if this is even supported?

Note: This worked fine on JServ 1.1. We are just now trying to convert to tomcat.

Server is running tomcat 3.2b2, Sun-JDK 1.3.0 Beta Refresh, and Apache 1.3.12.

Jake Baillie -
Network Administrator
Marinar Communications Group