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Posted to by "P. Michael Hutchins" <> on 2005/05/12 21:41:47 UTC

Sequence of , Writing

(no allegation of lack of stupidity herein ;-)

When one specifies in a schema a sequence of element, xmlbeans makes the 
expected .add...() method..
(at least if the min- & max- -Occurs is specified)

..but for a sequence of <any>, there's no such method available.

Searching your site, I found some mumbling stating realization that 
xmlbeans doesn't ... what? support? ... <any> (, etc.).
(which original statement, I did not find)

I wasn't able to find anything on [sequence of <any>], so I ask:

What's the best way to create a(n XML instance document containing a) 
sequence of <any> elements?
(given that one is using the classes that scomp produced from the XSD)


for an XSD containing:

   <xs:complexType name="foo">
     <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="232">
       <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <xs:attribute name="priority" type="xs:string" 
use="optional">    </xs:attribute>

, once one has a foo object in his hand, how's best to ~.add()~ whatever 
... elements(?) ... one has?
(suppose I have more than one such thingy I want to put in where the xs:any is)


   -- M.

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