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+<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="versions_2_3_23" itemprop="headline">2.3.23</h1>
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+<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
+<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_164" data-menu-target="autoid_164">Changes on the FTL side</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_165" data-menu-target="autoid_165">Changes on the Java side</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_166" data-menu-target="autoid_166">Other changes</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_167" data-menu-target="autoid_167">Notes</a></li></ul> </div><p>Date of release: 2015-07-05</p>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_164">Changes on the FTL side</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p>Listing (<code class="inline-code">#list</code>) has received some
+              specialized convenience features that target typical tasks
+              people do again and again in templates.</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive child
+                  directives. There are <code class="inline-code">else</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">items</code> to deal with special cases with
+                  0-length lists, and <code class="inline-code">sep</code> for inserting
+                  separators between items. For more details, see the <a href="ref_directive_list.html"><code>list</code>
+                  directive in the Reference</a>.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><a href="ref_builtins_loop_var.html">New built-ins
+                  that act on loop variables</a>:
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?index</code>
+                  (deprecates
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>_index</code>),
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?counter</code>
+                  (1-based index),
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?has_next</code>
+                  (deprecates
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>_has_next</code>),
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?is_first</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?is_last</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?item_parity</code>
+                  (returns <code class="inline-code">&quot;odd&quot;</code> or
+                  <code class="inline-code">&quot;even&quot;</code>),
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?item_parity_cap</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">var</em>?item_cycle</code><code class="inline-code">(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>,
+                  etc.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added convenience assignment operators, which can be used
+              in assignment directives (<code class="inline-code">#assign</code>,
+              <code class="inline-code">#global</code> and <code class="inline-code">#local</code>
+              currently) only:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">++</code> and <code class="inline-code">--</code>: For
+                  example, <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign counter++&gt;</code> is
+                  equivalent to <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign counter = counter +
+                  1&gt;</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">+=</code>, <code class="inline-code">-=</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">*=</code>, <code class="inline-code">/=</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">%=</code>: For example, <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign
+                  counter += 2&gt;</code> is equivalent to
+                  <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign counter = counter +
+                  2&gt;</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added the <code class="inline-code">then</code> built-in, which can be
+              used like a ternary operator:
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">someBoolean</em>?then(<em class="code-color">whenTrue</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">whenFalse</em>)</code>. Just like with
+              the ternary operator of most other languages, only one of the
+              parameter expressions will be evaluated. <a href="ref_builtins_boolean.html#ref_builtin_then">More details...</a></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added the <code class="inline-code">switch</code> built-in, which can be
+              used like an in-line (expression) switch-case-default statement:
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">someValue</em>?switch(<em class="code-color">case1</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">result1</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">case2</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">result2</em>, ...
+              <em class="code-color">caseN</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">resultN</em>,
+              <em class="code-color">defaultResult</em>)</code>, where
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">defaultResult</em></code> can
+              be omitted (then it will be error if none of the cases matches).
+              <a href="ref_builtins_type_independent.html#ref_builtin_switch">More details...</a></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added camel case support for the identifiers that are part
+              of the template language (user defined names aren&#39;t affected).
+              For example, now
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;#noEscape&gt;${x?upperCase}&lt;/#noEscape&gt;</code>
+              or <code class="inline-code">&lt;#setting numberFormat=&quot;0.0&quot;&gt;</code> or
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;#ftl stripText=true&gt;</code> are valid.
+              However, within the same template, FreeMarker will require you
+              to use the same naming convention consistently for all
+              identifiers that are part of the template language. It&#39;s also
+              possible to enforce the same naming convention on all templates
+              from Java via
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setNamingConvention(int)</code>. It&#39;s
+              certain that camel case will be the recommended convention
+              starting from some future version, because the Java API-s users
+              call from templates use that too.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added new <a href="ref_specvar.html">special
+              variables</a>, <code class="inline-code">.current_template_name</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">.main_template_name</code>. These deprecate
+              <code class="inline-code">.template_name</code>, which was always broken when
+              it comes to macro calls. The new
+              <code class="inline-code">.current_template_name</code> always returns the
+              name of the template that contains the reference to the special
+              variable, and <code class="inline-code">.main_template_name</code> always
+              returns the name of the topmost template.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Smaller error message improvements. Like, added tip in the
+              error message for the frequent issue when
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">someMap</em>[<em class="code-color">someNumber</em>]</code>
+              complains that
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">someMap</em></code> is not a
+              sequence nor is coercible to string.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed, activated with setting
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> to 2.3.23: There&#39;s
+              a long existing parse-time rule that says that
+              <code class="inline-code">#break</code>, in the FTL source code itself, must
+              occur nested inside a breakable directive, such as
+              <code class="inline-code">#list</code> or <code class="inline-code">#switch</code>. This
+              check could be circumvented with <code class="inline-code">#macro</code> or
+              <code class="inline-code">#function</code>, like this: <code class="inline-code">&lt;#list 1..1
+              as x&gt;&lt;#macro
+              callMeLater&gt;&lt;#break&gt;&lt;/#macro&gt;&lt;/#list&gt;&lt;@callMeLater
+              /&gt;</code>. After activating this fix, this will be caught
+              as parse time error.</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_165">Changes on the Java side</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setNamingConvention(int)</code>. By
+              default FreeMarker will auto-detect the naming convention
+              (legacy VS camel case) used for the identifiers that are part of
+              the template language, for each template independently. This
+              setting lets you enforce a naming convention instead.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p><code class="inline-code">Configuration</code> (and in fact any
+              <code class="inline-code">Configurable</code>) setting names now can be
+              written with camel case as well. For example, if you are
+              configuring FreeMarker from properties file, you can have
+              <code class="inline-code">defaultEncoding=utf-8</code> instead of
+              <code class="inline-code">default_encoding=utf-8</code>. You can use the two
+              naming conventions (camel case, and tradition snake case) mixed,
+              and <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setNamingConvention(int)</code>
+              does not influence this behavior.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setTemplateUpdateDelayMilliseconds(long)</code>
+              and
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.getTemplateUpdateDelayMilliseconds()</code>.
+              This deprecates <code class="inline-code">setTemplateUpdateDelay(int)</code>,
+              which uses seconds resolution, hence going against Java
+              conventions and often leading to misunderstandings. (Also that
+              couldn&#39;t have a getter pair.)</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>The <code class="inline-code">template_update_delay</code> setting, when
+              specified as a string (as inside
+              <code class="inline-code">java.util.Properties</code>), supports time units,
+              like in <code class="inline-code">template_update_delay=500 ms</code>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added <code class="inline-code">Environment.getCurrentTemplate()</code>
+              method, which return the currently executed template (as opposed
+              to the main template).</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">WebappTemplateLoader.setAttemptFileAccess(boolean)</code>,
+              which can be used to disable the legacy trick where we try to
+              load templates through direct file access, so that template
+              updating works without restarting. Disabling URL connection
+              caches
+              (<code class="inline-code">someURLBasedTemplateLoader.setURLConnectionUsesCaches(false)</code>,
+              which is also the default since
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> 2.3.21) probably
+              solves that on modern Servlet containers.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>In the <code class="inline-code">FreemarkerServlet</code>
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplatePath</code> init-param, paths (like
+              <code class="inline-code">/templates</code>) can have a
+              <code class="inline-code">?settings(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>
+              postfix, with which you can set the JavaBean properties of the
+              resulting <code class="inline-code">TemplateLoader</code>. For example:
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;param-value&gt;/templates?settings(attemptFileAccess=false,
+              URLConnectionUsesCaches=false)&lt;/param-value&gt;</code></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">FileTemplateLoader.setEmulateCaseSensitiveFileSystem(boolean)</code>.
+              This is handy when you are developing on Windows but will deploy
+              to a platform with case sensitive file system. The default is
+              <code class="inline-code">false</code>, and <code class="inline-code">true</code> is only
+              meant for development, not for production installations. The
+              default can be overridden by setting the
+              <code class="inline-code">org.freemarker.emulateCaseSensitiveFileSystem</code>
+              system property to <code class="inline-code">true</code>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed [<a href="">424</a>]:
+              <code class="inline-code">WebappTemplateLoader</code> didn&#39;t find templates
+              that are stored in
+              <code class="inline-code">WEB-INF/lib/*.jar/META-INF/resources</code>. Files
+              under that directory are visible as
+              <code class="inline-code">ServletContext</code> resources since Servlet 3.0,
+              yet <code class="inline-code">WebappTemplateLoader</code> has usually failed
+              to see them because of some internal tricks.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: If a template "file" was
+              successfully opened for reading, but then there was an
+              <code class="inline-code">IOException</code> during reading its content, the
+              parser (JavaCC) acted like if the template "file"
+              was ended there, and the exception was suppressed. It&#39;s actually
+              a JavaCC quirk that affects many other JavaCC-based languages
+              too, but now FreeMarker has added a workaround in the
+              <code class="inline-code">Template</code> constructor, and so now an exception
+              will be thrown as expected.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed:
+              <code class="inline-code">InvalidReferenceException.FAST_INSTANCE</code> could
+              accidentally store reference to an
+              <code class="inline-code">Environment</code> instance, which hence was never
+              garbage collected.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed [<a href="">426</a>]:
+              When setting <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> to
+              2.3.22, the special variable reference
+              <code class="inline-code">.template_name</code> in templates always returns
+              the name of the main (topmost) template, due to an oversight in
+              2.3.22. Setting <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> to
+              2.3.23 restores the old, backward compatible behavior. (Note
+              that the old behavior that we emulate is itself broken, as it
+              doesn&#39;t work well with macro calls; you should use
+              <code class="inline-code">.current_template_name</code> or
+              <code class="inline-code">.main_template_name</code> instead.)</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed [<a href="">53</a>]:
+              Template parsing was abnormally slow for templates with very
+              high number AST (abstract syntax tree) nodes on the same
+              hierarchy level.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: When the template was concurrently replaced on
+              the backing store during its first loading was still ongoing,
+              the older version of the template could get into the cache with
+              the time stamp of the new version, hence it wasn&#39;t reloaded
+              after the configured update delay.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: The <code class="inline-code">log_template_exceptions</code>
+              setting (added in 2.3.22) couldn&#39;t be set through the
+              <code class="inline-code">Configurable.setSetting(String, String)</code>
+              API.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed:
+              <code class="inline-code">StringUtil.FTLStringLiteralEnc</code> has escaped
+              <code class="inline-code">$</code> (hence generating an illegal escape) and
+              haven&#39;t escaped <code class="inline-code">{</code> after <code class="inline-code">$</code>
+              and <code class="inline-code">#</code>. While this function is only used for
+              generating error messages by FreeMarker, it&#39;s a public methods
+              so anyone could use it.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bugs fixed: Various canonical form glitches (they only
+              affect error messages as far as FreeMarker is concerned).</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_166">Other changes</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p>Modernized Manual and site design with improved
+              functionality (always visible navigation tree, search inside the
+              Manual, etc.), thanks to Evangelia Dendramis. (Also now the Site
+              uses the same format and HTML generator as the Manual.)</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Many smaller Manual and site content
+              updates/improvements.</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_167">Notes</h2>
+          <p>Changes compared to 2.3.23 RC1:</p>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p><code class="inline-code">.current_name_name</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">.main_template_name</code> is now missing
+              (<code class="inline-code">null</code>) instead of <code class="inline-code">&quot;&quot;</code> if
+              the template has no name</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Some minor error message improvements</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Documentation refinements</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
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+<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2017-03-13T10:55:28Z" title="Monday, March 13, 2017 10:55:28 AM GMT">2017-03-13 10:55:28 GMT</time>, for Freemarker 2.3.26 </p>
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+<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="versions_2_3_24" itemprop="headline">2.3.24 (incubating at Apache)</h1>
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+<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
+<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_160" data-menu-target="autoid_160">Legal changes</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_161" data-menu-target="autoid_161">Changes on the FTL side</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_162" data-menu-target="autoid_162">Changes on the Java side</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_163" data-menu-target="autoid_163">Changes compared to 2.3.24 Release Candidate 1</a></li></ul> </div><p>Release date: 2016-03-28</p><p><strong>This is a stable, final
+        release.</strong> The "incubating" suffix is required
+        by the Apache Software Foundation until the project becomes a fully
+        accepted (graduated) Apache project. See disclaimer below.</p>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_160">Legal changes</h2>
+          <p>The owner of FreeMarker is now the Apache Software Foundation.
+          The license is still Apache License Version 2.0, just like earlier,
+          but the owner is different. The official full product name has
+          changed to Apache FreeMarker.</p>
+          <p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong><em> Apache
+          FreeMarker is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software
+          Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the <a href="">Apache Incubator</a>.
+          Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a
+          further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications,
+          and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent
+          with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
+          necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the
+          code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed
+          by the ASF.</em></p>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_161">Changes on the FTL side</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p>The most important new feature of this release is the
+              <a href="dgui_misc_autoescaping.html">auto-escaping and output
+              formats mechanism</a>, which deprecates escaping with the
+              <a href="ref_directive_escape.html"><code>escape</code>
+              directive</a>. These are the changes related to this new
+              mechanism (see earlier link for a guide):</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New <code class="inline-code">ftl</code> header options,
+                  <code class="inline-code">ouput_format</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">auto_esc</code> to override the
+                  <code class="inline-code">output_format</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">auto_escaping</code> settings of the template,
+                  like <code class="inline-code">&lt;#ftl
+                  output_format=&#39;HTML&#39;</code><code class="inline-code">
+                  auto_esc=false&gt;</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in: <a href="ref_builtins_string.html#ref_builtin_no_esc"><code>no_esc</code></a>.
+                  Used to prevent auto-escaping, like
+                  <code class="inline-code">${descriptionInHtml?no_esc}</code>. This doesn&#39;t
+                  work with <code class="inline-code">&lt;#escape
+                  <em class="code-color">...</em>&gt;</code>, only with the
+                  new auto-escaping mechanism.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New FTL type, "markup output". This is
+                  somewhat similar to string, but values of this type aren&#39;t
+                  auto-escaped by the new escaping mechanism, because they are
+                  known to already hold markup. (For example,
+                  <code class="inline-code">?esc</code> and <code class="inline-code">?no_esc</code>
+                  returns a value of this type, hence their results are
+                  protected from double-escaping problems.)</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in: <a href="ref_builtins_string.html#ref_builtin_esc"><code>esc</code></a>.
+                  Used for escaping with the current output format when
+                  auto-escaping is disabled.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in: <code class="inline-code">markup_string</code>. This
+                  returns the markup of a <a href="dgui_misc_autoescaping.html#dgui_misc_autoescaping_movalues">markup output
+                  value</a> as string.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in: <code class="inline-code">is_markup_output</code>,
+                  returns <code class="inline-code">true</code> if the value is of type
+                  "markup output".</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New directive: <code class="inline-code">outputformat</code>, used
+                  to change the output format for a section of a template,
+                  like <code class="inline-code">&lt;#outputformat
+                  &quot;XML&quot;&gt;<em class="code-color">...</em>&lt;/#outputformat&gt;</code></p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New directives: <code class="inline-code">noautoesc</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">autoesc</code>, used to turn auto-escaping off
+                  and on for a section of a template, like
+                  <code class="inline-code">&lt;#noautoesc&gt;<em class="code-color">...</em>&lt;/#noautoesc&gt;</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in variable,
+                  <code class="inline-code">.output_format</code>, returns the current
+                  output format at the place of invocation.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>New built-in variable, <code class="inline-code">.auto_esc</code>,
+                  returns the boolean that tells if auto-escaping is active at
+                  the place of invocation.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Block assignments, like <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign
+                  <em class="code-color">captured</em>&gt;<em class="code-color">...</em>&lt;/#assign&gt;</code>,
+                  when the current <code class="inline-code">output_format</code> is some
+                  kind of markup (like HTML), will store the captured output
+                  not with string type, but with "markup output"
+                  type. Thus
+                  <code class="inline-code">${<em class="code-color">captured</em>}</code>
+                  will not get unwanted escaping.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>The <code class="inline-code">+</code> operator (concatenation)
+                  works with the new "markup output" type as
+                  well. Like <code class="inline-code">someMarkup + somePlainText</code>
+                  will result in markup where <code class="inline-code">somePlainText</code>
+                  is escaped automatically before it&#39;s appended to the
+                  markup.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>The <code class="inline-code">has_content</code> built-in now
+                  supports "markup output" values, considering 0
+                  length markup as empty.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>You can now define custom number and date/time/datetime
+              formatters. These are defined by the programmers (and thus can
+              implement any kind of exotic formatting rules) when configuring
+              FreeMarker, and can be referred with strings starting with
+              <code class="inline-code">&quot;@&quot;</code>, like in <code class="inline-code">&lt;#setting
+              number_format=&#39;@foo&#39;&gt;</code>, or
+              <code class="inline-code">${n?string.@foo_params}</code>,
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;#setting number_format=&#39;@foo params&#39;&gt;</code>,
+              or <code class="inline-code">${n?string.@foo}</code>,
+              <code class="inline-code">${n?string.@foo_params}</code>. For backward
+              compatibility, the initial <code class="inline-code">@</code> only has this
+              special meaning if either you have any custom formats or <a href="pgui_config_incompatible_improvements.html">the
+              <code>incompatible_improvements</code> setting</a> is
+              at lest 2.3.24.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Everywhere where Java <code class="inline-code">DecimalFormat</code>
+              patterns are used (like in <code class="inline-code">?string(&#39;0.##&#39;)</code> or
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;#setting number_format=&quot;0.##&quot;&gt;</code>), now
+              it&#39;s possible to specify options like rounding mode or the
+              symbols used, with a FreeMarker-specific <a href="ref_builtins_number.html#topic.extendedJavaDecimalFormat">extension to the
+              <code>DecimalFormat</code> pattern syntax</a>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added new special variable:
+              <code class="inline-code">.incompatible_improvements</code>, which returns the
+              <a href="pgui_config_incompatible_improvements.html"><code>incompatbile_improvements</code>
+              setting</a> of the current FreeMarker configuration, as a
+              string.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p><code class="inline-code">?date</code>, <code class="inline-code">?time</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">?datetime</code> now can be called as 0 argument
+              method, like <code class="inline-code">?date()</code>, etc., which returns the
+              exact object that <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateFormat.parse</code>
+              returns, instead of the tricky multi-type object that just using
+              <code class="inline-code">?date</code> returns. Because custom
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateFormat</code> implementations may return
+              custom <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateModel</code> implementations,
+              keeping the exact class can be important in some
+              applications.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p><code class="inline-code">&lt;@</code> and <code class="inline-code">&lt;/@</code> is
+              now allowed in string literals that contain
+              <code class="inline-code">${<em class="code-color">exp</em>}</code>, and will
+              be part of the literal as is. Earlier it was a syntactical
+              error.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: With
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> set to 2.3.24
+              (<a href="pgui_datamodel_objectWrapper.html#topic.defaultObjectWrapperIcI">see how
+              here...</a>),
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">m</em>?is_sequence</code>
+              doesn&#39;t return <code class="inline-code">true</code> for Java methods wrapped
+              by <code class="inline-code">BeansWrapper</code> and its subclasses (most
+              notably <code class="inline-code">DefaultObjectWrapper</code>) anymore, as
+              they only implement the
+              <code class="inline-code">[<em class="code-color">index</em>]</code> operator,
+              but not <code class="inline-code">?size</code>, which causes
+              <code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">...</em>&gt;</code>
+              to fail, among others.</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_162">Changes on the Java side</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p><em>Attention!</em> FreeMarker
+              now requires at least Java 1.5 (aka. Java 5). 2.3.24 has only
+              required Java 1.4. (Reason: Without this, new public API-s
+              couldn&#39;t use generics, which affect negatively the majority of
+              users, while old installations that are still using 1.4 are
+              unlikely to update FreeMarker anyway.)</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p><em>Attention!</em> FreeMarker&#39;s
+              JSP support (if it&#39;s used) now requires at least JSP 2.0.
+              Earlier it only required JSP 1.1. (Reason: The
+              <code class="inline-code">jsp-api</code> dependency for JSP 1.x, which was
+              needed for building, can&#39;t be legally present in the Maven
+              Central Repository, nor be provided by</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added new configuration setting:
+              <code class="inline-code">template_configurations</code>. This allows
+              overriding the settings coming from the shared
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration</code> object for individual
+              templates, based on template name patterns. <a href="pgui_config_templateconfigurations.html">See more
+              here...</a></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Related to the <a href="dgui_misc_autoescaping.html">new
+              auto-escaping mechanism</a>:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>As FTL has now a new type, "markup
+                  output", there&#39;s also a corresponding new model
+                  interface, <code class="inline-code">TemplateMarkupOutputModel</code>.
+                  This also means that you can prevent the auto-escaping of
+                  values coming from the data-model by returning a
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateMarkupOutputModel</code> instead of a
+                  <code class="inline-code">String</code>. Like the template author can just
+                  write <code class="inline-code">${}</code>, and it will be
+                  auto-escaped or not depending on if the message is known to
+                  be markup or not.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new configuration setting:
+                  <code class="inline-code">recognize_standard_file_extensions</code>. When
+                  <code class="inline-code">true</code>, templates whose source name ends
+                  with <code class="inline-code">&quot;.ftlh&quot;</code> will get
+                  <code class="inline-code">HTML</code> <code class="inline-code">output_format</code>,
+                  and those whose name ends with <code class="inline-code">&quot;.ftlx&quot;</code>
+                  get <code class="inline-code">XML</code> <code class="inline-code">output_format</code>,
+                  in both cases with auto-escaping on. If <a href="pgui_config_incompatible_improvements.html#pgui_config_incompatible_improvements_how_to_set">the
+                  <code>incompatible_improvements</code> setting</a>
+                  is set to 2.3.24 (or higher) then this setting defaults to
+                  <code class="inline-code">true</code>. Otherwise it&#39;s default is
+                  <code class="inline-code">false</code>, but enabling it is highly
+                  recommended.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new configuration setting:
+                  <code class="inline-code">output_format</code>. This specifies the <a href="dgui_misc_autoescaping.html#dgui_misc_autoescaping_outputformat">output
+                  format</a> object to use (such as
+                  <code class="inline-code">HTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">XMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE</code>, etc.) that
+                  governs auto-escaping. The output format can be different
+                  for different templates, using the
+                  <code class="inline-code">template_configurations</code> setting (<a href="pgui_config_outputformatsautoesc.html">see here
+                  how...</a>).</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new configuration setting:
+                  <code class="inline-code">registered_custom_output_formats</code>. With
+                  this you can add new <code class="inline-code">OutputFormat</code>-s that
+                  templates can refer to by name (like in <code class="inline-code">&lt;#ftl
+                  output_format=&quot;foo&quot;&gt;</code>).</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new configuration setting:
+                  <code class="inline-code">auto_escaping_policy</code>. This decides when
+                  auto-escaping should be enabled depending on the current
+                  output format.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Changes related to the custom number and
+              date/time/datetime formating feature:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new classes for implementing custom formatters:
+                  <code class="inline-code">freemarker.core.TemplateNumberFormat</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateNumberFormatFactory</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateFormat</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateFormatFactory</code>, also the
+                  exceptions these can throw. These allow implementing any
+                  kind of formatting rule that&#39;s doable in Java (i.e., they
+                  aren&#39;t restricted to any <code class="inline-code">java.text</code>
+                  formatters). Furthermore these formatters get the
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateModel</code> instead of a the bare
+                  <code class="inline-code">java.lang.Number</code> or
+                  <code class="inline-code">java.util.Date</code>, which lets you use the
+                  extra application-specific meta information that you may
+                  pack into the <code class="inline-code">TemplateModel</code>-s, such as
+                  physical unit, preferred precision, and so on.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added <code class="inline-code">custom_number_formats</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">custom_date_formats</code> settings
+                  (<code class="inline-code">Configurable.setCustomNumberFormats(Map&lt;String,
+                  TemplateNumberFormatFactory&gt;)</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">Configurable.setCustomDateFormats(Map&lt;String,
+                  TemplateDateFormatFactory&gt;)</code>) with which you can
+                  register your own formats. These formats can be referred
+                  from everywhere where you can use a string to define a
+                  format, with a format string like <code class="inline-code">&quot;@foo&quot;</code>
+                  or <code class="inline-code">&quot;@foo params&quot;</code>, where
+                  <code class="inline-code">&quot;foo&quot;</code> is the key in the
+                  <code class="inline-code">Map&lt;String, ...&gt;</code> parameter of the
+                  earlier shown methods, and the parameters (if any) are
+                  interpreted by the
+                  <code class="inline-code">Template<em class="code-color">Xxx</em>FormatFactory</code>
+                  implementation that you provide. Like, you can issue
+                  <code class="inline-code">cfg.setNumberFormat(&quot;@foo params&quot;)</code>, or
+                  <code class="inline-code">&lt;#setting number_format=&#39;@foo
+                  params&#39;&gt;</code>, or
+                  <code class="inline-code">${n?string.@foo_params}</code>, similarly as you
+                  can issue <code class="inline-code">cfg.setNumberFormat(&quot;0.##&quot;)</code>,
+                  etc. For backward compatibility, the initial
+                  <code class="inline-code">@</code> only has this special meaning if either
+                  you have any custom formats or <a href="pgui_config_incompatible_improvements.html">the
+                  <code>incompatible_improvements</code> setting</a>
+                  is at least 2.3.24. Note that the
+                  <code class="inline-code">custom_number_formats</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">custom_date_formats</code> settings can be set
+                  per-template (via the new
+                  <code class="inline-code">template_configurations</code> settings) or
+                  per-<code class="inline-code">Environment</code> too, thus
+                  <code class="inline-code">@foo</code> can mean something different in
+                  different templates.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added new <code class="inline-code">Environment</code> methods
+                  returning <code class="inline-code">TemplateNumberFormat</code> and
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateDateFormat</code> objects. See the
+                  <code class="inline-code">getTemplateNumberFormat(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>
+                  and
+                  <code class="inline-code">getTemplateDateFormat(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>
+                  variations in the API.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added
+                  <code class="inline-code">freemarker.core.AliasTemplateNumberFormatFactory</code>
+                  and <code class="inline-code">AliasTemplateDateFormatFactory</code>, which
+                  can be used to create custom formats that are aliases to
+                  other formats. For example, instead of writing
+                  <code class="inline-code">${n?string[&quot;0.00&quot;]}</code> again and again, you
+                  can define the custom format <code class="inline-code">&quot;price&quot;</code> as
+                  the alias to the format string <code class="inline-code">&quot;0.00&quot;</code> in
+                  the configuration, and then use
+                  <code class="inline-code">${n?string.@price}</code>. Thus, you can control
+                  at a central place how prices look. Furthermore, the alias
+                  can chose a different target format string depending on the
+                  current locale; this is especially useful for dates, where
+                  conventions can significantly differ in different
+                  countries.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>It&#39;s now possible to have HTML or other markup in
+                  number and date/time/datetime formatting results, like
+                  <code class="inline-code">1.23*10&lt;sup&gt;6&lt;/sup&gt;</code>, which
+                  won&#39;t be accidentally auto-escaped, as FreeMarker knows that
+                  it&#39;s already HTML. This is done by returning a
+                  <code class="inline-code">TemplateMarkupOutputModel</code> instead of a
+                  <code class="inline-code">String</code>; see the new auto-escaping
+                  mechanism earlier. Note that no out-of-the-box format
+                  utilizes this (at the moment), but you could write such
+                  custom format.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>The internal format object caching architecture has
+                  been reworked, so that it can handle custom formats too.
+                  This reworking also fixes some bottlenecks under highly
+                  concurrent load, and some (otherwise unlikely) memory leak
+                  possibilities.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>In the <code class="inline-code">number_format</code> configuration
+              setting, when it holds a Java <code class="inline-code">DecimalFormat</code>
+              pattern (like <code class="inline-code">&quot;0.##&quot;</code>), it&#39;s now possible to
+              specify options like rounding mode or the symbols used, with a
+              FreeMarker-specific <a href="ref_builtins_number.html#topic.extendedJavaDecimalFormat">extension to the
+              pattern syntax</a>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>New <code class="inline-code">FreemarkerServlet</code> init-params (see
+              <a href="">the
+              <code>FreemarkerSerlvet</code> API documentation</a>
+              for details):</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">OverrideResponseContentType</code>:
+                  Specifies when should we override the
+                  <code class="inline-code">contentType</code> that&#39;s already set (i.e.,
+                  non-<code class="inline-code">null</code>) in the
+                  <code class="inline-code">HttpServletResponse</code>. Earlier, we have
+                  always set it, and that&#39;s still the default behavior. But
+                  now that this init-param exists, you can change that
+                  behavior, so that the <code class="inline-code">contentType</code> you
+                  have specified before forwarding to
+                  <code class="inline-code">FreemarkerServlet</code> matters.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">OverrideResponseLocale</code>: Specifies
+                  if we should override the <code class="inline-code">locale</code> that&#39;s
+                  already set (i.e., non-<code class="inline-code">null</code>) in the
+                  <code class="inline-code">HttpServletResponse</code>. Earlier, we have
+                  always set it, but now this behavior can be changed so that
+                  we only set it if it wasn&#39;t already set.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">ResponseCharacterEncoding</code>:
+                  Deprecates the old (and quirky) logic of specifying the
+                  output charset, which is putting it into the
+                  <code class="inline-code">ContentType</code> init-param after the MIME
+                  type, otherwise falling back to the template file charset.
+                  The possible values are <code class="inline-code">legacy</code> (the
+                  default for backward compatibility),
+                  <code class="inline-code">fromTemplate</code> (which is
+                  <code class="inline-code">legacy</code> without quirks, and is aware of
+                  the <code class="inline-code">outputEncoding</code> setting),
+                  <code class="inline-code">doNotSet</code> (keeps what the caller has
+                  already set in the <code class="inline-code">ServletRespone</code>) and
+                  <code class="inline-code">force</code> followed by a charset name (forces
+                  a specific output charset).</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">freemarker.cache.ByteArrayTemplateLoader</code>,
+              which is similar to <code class="inline-code">StringTemplateLoader</code>, but
+              stores the templates as <code class="inline-code">byte[]</code>-s instead of
+              as <code class="inline-code">String</code>-s.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Upgraded JavaCC (used during build to generate the FTL
+              parser) from 3.2 to 6.1.2.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added <code class="inline-code">Configurable.getSettingNames(boolean
+              camelCase)</code>, which returns the set of valid setting
+              names. This can be useful for auto-completion and such.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Fixes and improvements in the "object
+              builder" mini-language used for configuring FreeMarker
+              from <code class="inline-code">java.util.Properties</code> or other
+              string-only sources (not used in templates). This is
+              <em>not to be confused with the template language
+              syntax</em>, which has nothing to do with the
+              "object builder" syntax we are writing about here.
+              The improvements are:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Bug fixed: For nested builder expressions, the
+                  top-level result class restriction were applied
+                  accidentally.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>When resolving an expression like
+                  <code class="inline-code">com.example.Foo()</code>, if there&#39;s a builder
+                  class (<code class="inline-code">com.example.FooBuilder</code>), the
+                  non-builder class (<code class="inline-code">com.example.Foo</code>) need
+                  not exist anymore. After all,
+                  <code class="inline-code"></code> instantiates from any
+                  class it wants to anyway.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">TimeZone</code> objects can be created
+                  like <code class="inline-code">TimeZone(&quot;UTC&quot;)</code>, despite that
+                  there&#39;s no a such constructor.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added support for creating lists with <code class="inline-code">[
+                  <em class="code-color">item1</em>,
+                  <em class="code-color">item2</em>,
+                  <em class="code-color">...</em>
+                  <em class="code-color">itemN</em> ]</code> syntax.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Added support for creating maps with <code class="inline-code">{
+                  <em class="code-color">key1</em>:
+                  <em class="code-color">value1</em>,
+                  <em class="code-color">key2</em>:
+                  <em class="code-color">value2</em>,
+                  <em class="code-color">...</em>
+                  <em class="code-color">keyN</em>:
+                  <em class="code-color">valueN</em> }</code> syntax.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>A number without decimal point will now be parsed to
+                  <code class="inline-code">Integer</code>, <code class="inline-code">Long</code>, or
+                  <code class="inline-code">BigInteger</code>, depending on the size of the
+                  number. Earlier all numbers were parsed to
+                  <code class="inline-code">BigDecimal</code>-s, but that had little
+                  importance before lists and maps were added, as the number
+                  was converted to the constructor or setter parameter type
+                  anyway.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Number literals can have Java type suffixes
+                  (<code class="inline-code">f</code>, <code class="inline-code">d</code>,
+                  <code class="inline-code">l</code>), plus <code class="inline-code">bd</code> for
+                  <code class="inline-code">BigDecimal</code> and <code class="inline-code">bi</code> for
+                  <code class="inline-code">BigInteger</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Public static fields can be referred, like
+                  <code class="inline-code">com.example.MyClass.MY_CONSTANT</code> or
+                  <code class="inline-code">Configuration.AUTO_DETECT_TAG_SYNTAX</code>.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Decreased the stack usage of template execution, which can
+              have importance if you have very very deeply nested
+              templates.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader.setSticky(boolean)</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader.isSticky()</code>, with which
+              you can disable the default behavior, where once a template was
+              found in a child <code class="inline-code">TemplateLoader</code>, it will be
+              searched there first next time (typically, when the template
+              update delay is expired). With the <code class="inline-code">sticky</code>
+              property set to <code class="inline-code">false</code>, the child
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateLoader</code>-s will be always searched in
+              the order as they were added to the
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader</code>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">StringTemplateLoader.removeTemplate(String)</code>
+              method.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed, only with
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> set to 2.3.24
+              (<a href="pgui_datamodel_objectWrapper.html#topic.defaultObjectWrapperIcI">see how
+              here...</a>): Expressions inside interpolations that were
+              inside <em>string literal expressions</em> (not
+              <code class="inline-code">${<em class="code-color">...</em>}</code>-s in
+              general), like in <code class="inline-code">&lt;#assign s=&quot;Hello
+              ${name}!&quot;&gt;</code>, always used
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatibleImprovements</code> 0 (2.3.0 in effect).
+              This means that expressions inside string literals had missed
+              the <code class="inline-code">?html</code>,
+              <code class="inline-code">?iso_<em class="code-color">...</em></code>,
+              <code class="inline-code">?is_enumerable</code>, <code class="inline-code">?c</code>, etc.
+              fixes/improvements.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed [<a href="">439</a>]:
+              <code class="inline-code">FileTemplateLoader</code> with
+              <code class="inline-code">emulateCaseSensitiveFileSystem</code> set to
+              <code class="inline-code">true</code> (used for development) wasn&#39;t properly
+              synchronized, leading to random
+              <code class="inline-code">NullPointerException</code>-s or other
+              misbehavior.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: It wasn&#39;t well defined when a Java
+              <code class="inline-code">Iterator</code> counts as empty. Depending on what
+              <code class="inline-code">ObjectWrapper</code> you are using, one of these
+              fixes apply:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">DefaultObjectWrapper</code> (fix is always
+                  active): Operations on the <code class="inline-code">Iterator</code> that
+                  only check if it&#39;s empty without reading an element from it,
+                  such as <code class="inline-code">?has_content</code>, won&#39;t cause a later
+                  iteration (or further emptiness check) to fail anymore.
+                  Earlier, in certain situations, the second operation has
+                  failed saying that the iterator "can be listed only
+                  once".</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p><code class="inline-code">BeansWrapper</code> (when it&#39;s not
+                  extended by <code class="inline-code">DefaultObjectWrapper</code>), if
+                  it&#39;s <code class="inline-code">incompatibleImprovements</code> property is
+                  set to 2.3.24 (or higher): <code class="inline-code">Iterator</code>-s
+                  were always said to be non-empty when using
+                  <code class="inline-code">?has_content</code> and such (i.e., operators
+                  that check emptiness without reading any elements). Now an
+                  <code class="inline-code">Iterator</code> counts as empty exactly if it
+                  has no elements left. (Note that this bug has never affected
+                  basic functionality, like <code class="inline-code">&lt;#list
+                  ...&gt;</code>.)</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: The (rarely used) cause exception of
+              <code class="inline-code">ParseException</code>-s wasn&#39;t set</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed: When the
+              <code class="inline-code">incomaptible_improvements</code> setting of an
+              existing <code class="inline-code">Configuration</code> was changed, the
+              template cache sometimes wasn&#39;t recreated, hence old templates
+              could survive.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Bug fixed, with
+              <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> set to 2.3.24
+              (<a href="pgui_datamodel_objectWrapper.html#topic.defaultObjectWrapperIcI">see how
+              here...</a>): The <code class="inline-code">#import</code> directive meant
+              to copy the library variable into a global variable if it&#39;s
+              executed in the main namespace, but that haven&#39;t happened when
+              the imported template was already imported earlier in another
+              namespace.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Fixes in the XML processing feature
+              (<code class="inline-code">freemarker.ext.dom</code>):</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Bug fixed: XPath queries that has only contained
+                  characters that are valid in XML element names and has also
+                  contained <code class="inline-code">::</code> (which is valid in names in
+                  namespace-unware documents), like
+                  <code class="inline-code">e[&#39;following-sibling::foo&#39;]</code>, were
+                  interpreted as literal element names (giving 0 hits) rather
+                  than as XPath expressions. Note that there were no such
+                  problem with <code class="inline-code">e[&#39;following-sibling::*&#39;]</code>
+                  for example, as it&#39;s not a valid XML element name according
+                  the XML specification. This fix can actually break
+                  applications that has processed namespace unaware XML that
+                  use <code class="inline-code">::</code> as part of element or attribute
+                  names, but such an application is highly unlikely, unlike
+                  running into the fixed problem. (Unfortunately, using
+                  <code class="inline-code">incompatible_improvements</code> wasn&#39;t
+                  technically possible here.)</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Bug fixed: The <code class="inline-code">@@qname</code> of elements
+                  that belong to the XML namespace declared as the default via
+                  <code class="inline-code">&lt;#ftl ns_prefixes={&#39;D&#39;:&#39;...&#39;, ...
+                  }&gt;</code> no longer starts with <code class="inline-code">D:</code>,
+                  instead they just start with no name space prefix.</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Bug fixed: In the markup returned by the
+                  <code class="inline-code">@@markup</code> key, when there were multiple
+                  namespaces for which there was no prefix associated with via
+                  <code class="inline-code">&lt;#ftl
+                  ns_prefixes=<em class="code-color">...</em>&gt;</code>,
+                  all those namespaces were assigned to the same
+                  auto-generated <code class="inline-code">xmlns</code> prefix (usually
+                  "a"). Now they will get "a",
+                  "b", "c", etc. prefixes.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>JSP TLD loading now quotes the location of
+              <code class="inline-code">jar</code>-s (and other <code class="inline-code">zip</code>-s)
+              which can&#39;t be loaded due to zip format errors in the error
+              message.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added an overload to
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.getSupportedBuiltInNames</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.getSupportedBuiltInDirectiveNames</code>
+              that has a <code class="inline-code">namingConvention</code> parameter. This
+              is useful for tooling as since 2.3.23 we support both camel case
+              naming convention (like
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">s</em>?upperCase</code>) and
+              the legacy one (like
+              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">s</em>?upper_case</code>).
+              Furthermore the old 0 argument overload will now utilize
+              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.getNamingConvention()</code> to only
+              return the relevant names if it&#39;s not
+              <code class="inline-code">AUTO_DETECT_NAMING_CONVENTION</code>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Internal reworking to simplify the AST (the
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateElement</code> structure). The related
+              technically public API was marked as internal for a good while.
+              For those who still use that API, the visible change is that
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateElement</code>-s now almost never has a
+              <code class="inline-code">MixedContent</code> parent, instead, the parent is
+              directly whatever element the child element indeed belongs under
+              when you look at the source code (like the enclosing
+              <code class="inline-code">#list</code> for example, while earlier you often
+              had to go through a <code class="inline-code">MixedContent</code> first whose
+              parent was the <code class="inline-code">#list</code>). Note that when you
+              have moved downwards, i.e., towards the child elements, these
+              <code class="inline-code">MixedContent</code> parents weren&#39;t visible and were
+              silently skipped, so the tree traversal API was inconsistent.
+              Now it&#39;s consistent.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Due to the above change again, the return type of
+              <code class="inline-code">freemarker.core.DebugBreak.accept()</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">freemarker.core.TextBlock.accept()</code> has
+              changed from <code class="inline-code">void</code> to
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateElement[]</code>. This again is highly
+              unlikely to affect anyone, and these meant to be internal API-s
+              anyway, but as these two <code class="inline-code">accept</code> methods has
+              wider than package visibility for historical reasons, we mention
+              this change.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>The non-public AST API of
+              <code class="inline-code">freemarker.core.StringLiteral</code>-s has been
+              changed. In principle it doesn&#39;t mater as it isn&#39;t a public API,
+              but some might used these regardless to introspect templates.
+              Earlier it had an "embedded template" parameter
+              inside, now it has 0 (for purely static string literals), one or
+              more "value part"-s, which are
+              <code class="inline-code">String</code>-s and
+              <code class="inline-code">Interpolation</code>-s.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Internal code cleanup: Mostly for consistent source code
+              formatting, also many parser construction/setup cleanup</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Source code changes to conform to Apache source release
+              policy, such as adding copyright headers and getting rid of test
+              <code class="inline-code">jar</code>-s committed into the source code. Eclipse
+              project files were also removed, instead the
+              <code class="inline-code">README</code> describes how to set up the
+              project.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Build script and distribution artifact changes to conform
+              to Apache release policy, most notably it produces separate
+              source and binary releases.</p>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_163">Changes compared to 2.3.24 Release Candidate 1</h2>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader.setSticky(boolean)</code> and
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader.isSticky()</code>, with which
+              you can disable the default behavior, where once a template was
+              found in a child <code class="inline-code">TemplateLoader</code>, it will be
+              searched there first next time (typically, when the template
+              update delay is expired). With the <code class="inline-code">sticky</code>
+              property set to <code class="inline-code">false</code>, the child
+              <code class="inline-code">TemplateLoader</code>-s will be always searched in
+              the order as they were added to the
+              <code class="inline-code">MultiTemplateLoader</code>.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Added
+              <code class="inline-code">StringTemplateLoader.removeTemplate(String)</code>
+              method.</p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <p>Source code changes to conform to Apache release policy
+              and recommendations:</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>
+                  <p>No more binary test <code class="inline-code">jar</code>-s committed
+                  into the source code (instead, they are generated
+                  on-the-fly)</p>
+                </li>
+                <li>
+                  <p>Eclipse project files were removed, instead, the
+                  <code class="inline-code">README</code> describes how to set up the
+                  project.</p>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
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+Last generated:
+<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2017-03-13T10:55:28Z" title="Monday, March 13, 2017 10:55:28 AM GMT">2017-03-13 10:55:28 GMT</time>, for Freemarker 2.3.26 </p>
+<p class="copyright">
+� <span itemprop="copyrightYear">1999</span>\u20132017
+<a itemtype="" itemprop="copyrightHolder" href="">The Apache Software Foundation</a>. Apache FreeMarker, FreeMarker, Apache Incubator, Apache, the Apache FreeMarker logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. </p>