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Posted to by Martijn Dashorst <> on 2008/10/22 17:47:07 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 1.3.5

The Apache Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of the
fifth maintenance release: Apache Wicket 1.3.5. A lot of bugs have
been squashed and several improvements implemented. It is recommended
you update to Wicket 1.3.5 at your earliest convenience.

Eager people click here to download the distribution, others can read further:

We thank you for your patience and support.

- The Wicket Team

Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is a component oriented Java web application framework.
With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a
refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple
and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and
brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java
and HTML.

You can find out more about Apache Wicket on our website:

This release

This release is the fifth maintenance release for the Wicket 1.3
product. This release fixes several bugs and adds some minor
improvements. You can find out about the changes at the bottom of this

Migrating from 1.2

If you are coming from Wicket 1.2, you really want to read our
migration guide, found on the wiki:

Downloading the release

You can download the release from the official Apache mirror system,
and you can find it through the following link:

For the Maven and Ivy fans out there: update your pom's to the
following, and everything will be downloaded automatically:


Substitute the artifact ID with the projects of your liking to get the
other projects.

Please note that we don't prescribe a Logging implementation for
SLF4J. You need to specify yourself which one you prefer. Read more
about SLF4J here:

Validating the release

The release has been signed by Martijn Dashorst, your release manager
for today. The public key can be found in the KEYS file in the
download area. Download the KEYS file only from the Apache website.

Instructions on how to validate the release can be found here:

Reporting bugs

In case you do encounter a bug, we would appreciate a report in our JIRA:

The distribution

In the distribution you will find a README. The README contains
instructions on how to build from source yourself. You also find a
CHANEGELOG-1.3 which contains a list of all things that have been
fixed, added and/or removed since Wicket 1.3.0.

Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.5

** Sub-task
    * [WICKET-1805] - Allow to change charset in StringRequestTarget:
change CharSet used by the OutStream as well

** Bug
    * [WICKET-406] - form fields are reset when a file upload fails
    * [WICKET-431] - Modal window can not be closed after session timeout
    * [WICKET-622] - Component.toString() is unsafe
    * [WICKET-625] - Wicket doesn't clean up properly when
hot-deploying; hangs onto Class references.
    * [WICKET-847] - setResponsePage redirects to wrong url
    * [WICKET-861] - NumberFormatException with
UrlCompressingWebRequestProcessor in WicketTester
    * [WICKET-928] - Exception when clicking two times rapidly on the
"next" button in a wizard
    * [WICKET-1003] - Modal Window Does Not Close When Using
    * [WICKET-1104] - Modal window sticks to cursor on resize
    * [WICKET-1120] - Problem closing a ModalWindow when used through an IFrame
    * [WICKET-1161] - DiskPageStore should write the sessions index
file to disk on destroy (from WicketFilter.destroy())
    * [WICKET-1205] - Relative path calculations for inline paths in
non-bookmarkable pages are incorrect on Tomcat.
    * [WICKET-1346] - Generated HTML page contains incorrect content
when "WicketMessage: No get method defined for class"
    * [WICKET-1376] - Using AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and mounting
that page gives exception
    * [WICKET-1413] - RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath() has a bug
regarding to UTF-8 encoded page parameter.
    * [WICKET-1425] - appendToInit() method is not called in class DatePicker
    * [WICKET-1437] - Pagemap lock calculates timeout wrong
    * [WICKET-1449] - './' appended to URL causes HTTP 404 in Internet
Explorer (using root context)
    * [WICKET-1450] - Ajax Re-render does not work after
    * [WICKET-1471] - FeedbackPanel does not work properly in
clustered environment
    * [WICKET-1478] - AbortWithWebErrorCodeException in onBeforeRender
causes WicketRuntimeException
    * [WICKET-1494] - IntegerConvert cannot handle locale specific input/output
    * [WICKET-1496] - DataTable.html does not validate (HTML 4.01/XHTML-Strict)
    * [WICKET-1520] - JavaScriptStripper breaks prototype.js
    * [WICKET-1535] - ExternalLink JavaScript not working in FF 3
    * [WICKET-1577] - Int based PropertyModel throws convertion error
    * [WICKET-1582] - WicketTester executeAjaxEvent onclick generating
non-AJAX response
    * [WICKET-1634] - ClassName needs conversion from Path to dotted
notation in AutoLinkResolver
    * [WICKET-1636] - WebPage.onAfterRender compares configurationType
String using ==  operator, not equals method
    * [WICKET-1648] - AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(line 174)
throws confusing exception. It would be better redirect to 404-page in
this case.
    * [WICKET-1652] - Hard-coded quotes in xml prologue
    * [WICKET-1664] - WebPage ERROR message
    * [WICKET-1679] - Memory leak in DiskPageStore
    * [WICKET-1704] - ResourceStreamRequestTarget.configure set wrong
ContentLength for non-ascii characters
    * [WICKET-1713] - ModalWindow JavaScript does not restore
tabIndexes correctly on IE 6
    * [WICKET-1714] - PackagedTextTemplate does not load resource from
application resource stream locator
    * [WICKET-1719] - StringResourceModel may fail to format numbers
using MessageFormat
    * [WICKET-1724] - Clicking on AjaxLink (when used on a page
mounted through QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy) after session-expiry
throws a NullPointerException in IE and Safari (i.e. in
    * [WICKET-1728] - remove obsolete check from LocalizedImageResource
    * [WICKET-1730] - RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator accepts
whitespace and tab
    * [WICKET-1731] - When used in inherited markup, <wicket:link>
tries to load a class with an illegal name
    * [WICKET-1736] - Allow Access to AutoCompleteTextField AutoCompleteBehavior
    * [WICKET-1737] - wicketTester does not find HTML mark-up if
custom location is used.
    * [WICKET-1740] - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page parameters
    * [WICKET-1746] - gecko: ajax javascript reference rendering problem
    * [WICKET-1755] - In html Include component isAbsolute method
returns false for an absolute path in unix-like systems
    * [WICKET-1759] - Typo in method name:
    * [WICKET-1765] - Extending from org.apache.wicket.Page causes
    * [WICKET-1769] - AjaxPagingNavigation usare results in
AjaxPaginNavigator not found exception
    * [WICKET-1773] - DiskPageStore-FileNotFoundException
    * [WICKET-1777] - Overflow when setting Expires header in WebResource
    * [WICKET-1780] - NPE in feedback panel
    * [WICKET-1787] - AjaxSubmitLink in Internet Explorer does not
work with Wicket's automatically genreated id's
    * [WICKET-1788] - "Invalid procedure call or argument" on AJAX call with IE7
    * [WICKET-1789] - Border fails to render if its contents are not
visible by default
    * [WICKET-1793] - Problem with submit
    * [WICKET-1797] - Bug with default RadioChoice "for" attribute on
label generation.
    * [WICKET-1799] - wicket-extensions has unused reference to
    * [WICKET-1806] - JavascriptStripper ignores context when looking
for multiline comments
    * [WICKET-1816] - Wicket 1.3.4 violates servlet standard,
Glassfish spews warnings
    * [WICKET-1818] - wicket:id attribute with a value containing
spaces generates invalid markup
    * [WICKET-1820] - Embedded forms do not support multipart
    * [WICKET-1827] - AutoCompleteTextField shows completion list even
if focus is not in the text field anymore
    * [WICKET-1829] - MarkupComponentBorder skips first tag in MarkupStream
    * [WICKET-1834] - Invalid Cookie Names for persistence used
according to RFC (doesn't work in tomcat 6.x)
    * [WICKET-1839] - IAjaxIndicatorAware/WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender
with AutoCompleteTextField doesn't work
    * [WICKET-1843] - Disabling RadioGroup via authorization strategy
does not disable contained Radio buttons
    * [WICKET-1846] - Dutch text message for NumberValidator incorrect
    * [WICKET-1857] - Unfound markup information is not entirely
cached even in deployment mode

** Improvement
    * [WICKET-1502] - Slow opening of ModalWindow for complex pages
    * [WICKET-1622] - expose the IItemFactory in RefreshingView
    * [WICKET-1638] - Wickets unique IDs cause problems for automated testing
    * [WICKET-1692] - on Java 6+ DatePicker.localize should use
DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale) instead of new
DateFormatSymbols(Locale)  to support DateFormatSymbolsProviders
    * [WICKET-1748] - 304 Last Modified responses should include an
Expires header
    * [WICKET-1770] - PagingNavigation's javadoc contains malformed html snippet
    * [WICKET-1782] - Protection against CSRF (cross-site request
forgery) attacks
    * [WICKET-1795] - Make it possible for to encode unicode strings
in component
    * [WICKET-1801] - Make
AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.findIndicatorId() protected
    * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative
    * [WICKET-1810] - StringRequestTarget is bloated and needs some care
    * [WICKET-1830] - Include Component Path in Generated Markup
    * [WICKET-1840] - Defaults to ReloadingWicketFilter in maven's
archetype and quickstart
    * [WICKET-1844] - Wizard button implementations should not be final

** New Feature
    * [WICKET-1716] - make autocompleter more customizable
    * [WICKET-1720] - Add clearLocalizerCache to Application JMX bean

** Wish
    * [WICKET-399] - Make RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException with
a SignIn-type page work correctly from AjaxFallbackLink
    * [WICKET-1758] - Make DiskPageStore#getSessionFolder protected
(rather than private)

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