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Posted to by Tony Sanders <> on 1996/02/08 09:29:35 UTC

webmail CGI

Here is yet another web mailer program.   However, it is unique
(so far as I can tell) in that it gets it's configuration from the
web server in a clever way instead of having it's own config file
and it also supports validated fields (I've included "required"
and "numeric" fields).

Even if you don't find this specific program useful perhaps you
will find application for the general technique of passing "secure"
data from the server to the CGI program in a fairly portable way.

If anyone else out there is already using this technique please
send me a private note.  If it is a fairly unknown technique then
I will write it up and put it on my web page.

I noticed that Apache doesn't come with a "mailto" CGI so feel free
to ship this with Apache if you like (though it could use a bit of
polishing up).

# webmail -- Process and email forms data
# V0.1
# by Tony Sanders <>, Feb 1996

# Place webmail in a normally inaccessable CGI directory on your server.
# Apache/NCSA-style Server Config:
#     ScriptAlias /form-admin /var/www/private-cgi/webmail/ARG1/ARG2/ARG3;
# Where: ARG1 is the destination email address [debug mode if null]
#        ARG2 is a subject (w/spaces converted to +'s)
#        ARG3... is the verify data [optional]
#        Terminated by a semi-colon (;)
# In your HTML use: <FORM ACTION="/form-admin">
# Since only the explicitly provided ScriptAlias'es can access webmail
# the extra path info is securely passed into the webmail process.
# If ARG1 is empty it goes into a debug mode and the form data is
# returned to the web browser and not posted anywhere.  This can be
# used to test forms and debug the program.
# The CGI form paramater named ``email'' (if it exists) is used
# as the return email address.

$mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

use CGI;

exit 0;

sub sendmail {
    local(*MAILER, @args) = @_;
    local($pid) = open(MAILER, "|-");
    die "open of mailer pipe failed\n" unless defined($pid);
    if ($pid == 0) {
	exec $mailer, @args;
	die "exec $mailer failed\n";

# This function takes a form and it's format information and tries
# to make sure it meets the designers specifications:
#     item=[rn]/item=[rn]/...    required and/or numeric fields
sub verify {
    local($query, @formats) = @_;
    local($item, $who, $how, $value);
    local($errors) = "";
    foreach $item (@formats) {
	($who, $how) = split('=', $item, 2);
	$value = $query->param($who);
	if ($how =~ /r/) {			# required field
	    $errors .= "field `$who' is required; "
		unless $value !~ /^\s*$/;
	if ($how =~ /n/) {			# numeric field
	    $errors .= "field `$who' must be numeric; "
		unless $value =~ /[^0-9.,()+-]/;

sub error {
    local($query, $msg) = @_;
    print $query->header('text/html', '400', 'Bad Request');
    print "<TITLE>$msg</TITLE>\n";
    print "$msg\n";

# To use in test mode leave $whom undefined.
sub emailto {
    my $old;

    my $query = new CGI;

    my $junk = $query->path_info;
    $junk =~ s/;.*//;			# ignore unsecured data
    $junk =~ s/^\///;
    my($whom, $subject, @verify_data) = split("/", $junk);

    # XXX: should do full decode, but this is enough for now
    $subject =~ s/\+/ /g;

    my $admin = $ENV{'SERVER_ADMIN'} || "webmaster";

    &error($query, 'No form data') unless $query->param;
    $error = &verify($query, @verify_data);
    &error($query, $error) if $error;

    my $FROM = $query->param('email') || "SENDER_UNKNOWN";
    $FROM =~ s/[\r\n]*//;		# we just don't allow them

    if ($whom) {
        &sendmail(*MAILER, "-odb", "-oi", "-oem", "-t");
	$old = select(MAILER);
        print "From: $FROM\n";
        print "Reply-To: $FROM\n";
        print "To: $whom\n";
        print "Subject: FORM: $subject\n";
        print "Errors-To: $admin\n";
        # print "Precedence: bulk\n";
        print "\n";
    } else {
        print $query->header('text/html');
	print "<TITLE>Form debug results</TITLE>\n";
	print "<PRE>\n";

    print "Form: $subject\n";
    print "Referer: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\n" if $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
    print "User-Agent: $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\n" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
    print "Remote: ";
    print "$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}@" if $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
    print "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} [$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}]\n";
    print "----------------\n";
    foreach $junk ($query->param) {
	# XXX: make printable???
	$_ = $query->param($junk);
	s/[\r\n]+/\n\t/g;   # indent data after newline
	print $junk, " = ", $_, "\n";
    print "----------------\n";

    if ($whom) {

	&error($query, 'failed sending mail') if ($? >> 8);

	# If you store the document you should return a URL: header
	print $query->header('text/html');
	print "<TITLE>Form \"$subject\" sent</TITLE>\n";
	print "Form data sent to $whom\n";
    } else {
	print "</PRE>\n";