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[15/27] cordova-plugins git commit: CB-12489 - Delete root plugins and update root README in cordova-plugins for plugins in branches
diff --git a/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.fileupload.js b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.fileupload.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0803592..0000000
--- a/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.fileupload.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1426 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery File Upload Plugin 5.40.1
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010, Sebastian Tschan
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the MIT license:
- *
- */
-/* jshint nomen:false */
-/* global define, window, document, location, Blob, FormData */
-(function (factory) {
-    'use strict';
-    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-        // Register as an anonymous AMD module:
-        define([
-            'jquery',
-            'jquery.ui.widget'
-        ], factory);
-    } else {
-        // Browser globals:
-        factory(window.jQuery);
-    }
-}(function ($) {
-    'use strict';
-    // Detect file input support, based on
-    //
-    $.support.fileInput = !(new RegExp(
-        // Handle devices which give false positives for the feature detection:
-        '(Android (1\\.[0156]|2\\.[01]))' +
-            '|(Windows Phone (OS 7|8\\.0))|(XBLWP)|(ZuneWP)|(WPDesktop)' +
-            '|(w(eb)?OSBrowser)|(webOS)' +
-            '|(Kindle/(1\\.0|2\\.[05]|3\\.0))'
-    ).test(window.navigator.userAgent) ||
-        // Feature detection for all other devices:
-        $('<input type="file">').prop('disabled'));
-    // The FileReader API is not actually used, but works as feature detection,
-    // as some Safari versions (5?) support XHR file uploads via the FormData API,
-    // but not non-multipart XHR file uploads.
-    // window.XMLHttpRequestUpload is not available on IE10, so we check for
-    // window.ProgressEvent instead to detect XHR2 file upload capability:
-    $.support.xhrFileUpload = !!(window.ProgressEvent && window.FileReader);
-    $.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload = !!window.FormData;
-    // Detect support for Blob slicing (required for chunked uploads):
-    $.support.blobSlice = window.Blob && (Blob.prototype.slice ||
-        Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || Blob.prototype.mozSlice);
-    // The fileupload widget listens for change events on file input fields defined
-    // via fileInput setting and paste or drop events of the given dropZone.
-    // In addition to the default jQuery Widget methods, the fileupload widget
-    // exposes the "add" and "send" methods, to add or directly send files using
-    // the fileupload API.
-    // By default, files added via file input selection, paste, drag & drop or
-    // "add" method are uploaded immediately, but it is possible to override
-    // the "add" callback option to queue file uploads.
-    $.widget('blueimp.fileupload', {
-        options: {
-            // The drop target element(s), by the default the complete document.
-            // Set to null to disable drag & drop support:
-            dropZone: $(document),
-            // The paste target element(s), by the default the complete document.
-            // Set to null to disable paste support:
-            pasteZone: $(document),
-            // The file input field(s), that are listened to for change events.
-            // If undefined, it is set to the file input fields inside
-            // of the widget element on plugin initialization.
-            // Set to null to disable the change listener.
-            fileInput: undefined,
-            // By default, the file input field is replaced with a clone after
-            // each input field change event. This is required for iframe transport
-            // queues and allows change events to be fired for the same file
-            // selection, but can be disabled by setting the following option to false:
-            replaceFileInput: true,
-            // The parameter name for the file form data (the request argument name).
-            // If undefined or empty, the name property of the file input field is
-            // used, or "files[]" if the file input name property is also empty,
-            // can be a string or an array of strings:
-            paramName: undefined,
-            // By default, each file of a selection is uploaded using an individual
-            // request for XHR type uploads. Set to false to upload file
-            // selections in one request each:
-            singleFileUploads: true,
-            // To limit the number of files uploaded with one XHR request,
-            // set the following option to an integer greater than 0:
-            limitMultiFileUploads: undefined,
-            // The following option limits the number of files uploaded with one
-            // XHR request to keep the request size under or equal to the defined
-            // limit in bytes:
-            limitMultiFileUploadSize: undefined,
-            // Multipart file uploads add a number of bytes to each uploaded file,
-            // therefore the following option adds an overhead for each file used
-            // in the limitMultiFileUploadSize configuration:
-            limitMultiFileUploadSizeOverhead: 512,
-            // Set the following option to true to issue all file upload requests
-            // in a sequential order:
-            sequentialUploads: false,
-            // To limit the number of concurrent uploads,
-            // set the following option to an integer greater than 0:
-            limitConcurrentUploads: undefined,
-            // Set the following option to true to force iframe transport uploads:
-            forceIframeTransport: false,
-            // Set the following option to the location of a redirect url on the
-            // origin server, for cross-domain iframe transport uploads:
-            redirect: undefined,
-            // The parameter name for the redirect url, sent as part of the form
-            // data and set to 'redirect' if this option is empty:
-            redirectParamName: undefined,
-            // Set the following option to the location of a postMessage window,
-            // to enable postMessage transport uploads:
-            postMessage: undefined,
-            // By default, XHR file uploads are sent as multipart/form-data.
-            // The iframe transport is always using multipart/form-data.
-            // Set to false to enable non-multipart XHR uploads:
-            multipart: true,
-            // To upload large files in smaller chunks, set the following option
-            // to a preferred maximum chunk size. If set to 0, null or undefined,
-            // or the browser does not support the required Blob API, files will
-            // be uploaded as a whole.
-            maxChunkSize: undefined,
-            // When a non-multipart upload or a chunked multipart upload has been
-            // aborted, this option can be used to resume the upload by setting
-            // it to the size of the already uploaded bytes. This option is most
-            // useful when modifying the options object inside of the "add" or
-            // "send" callbacks, as the options are cloned for each file upload.
-            uploadedBytes: undefined,
-            // By default, failed (abort or error) file uploads are removed from the
-            // global progress calculation. Set the following option to false to
-            // prevent recalculating the global progress data:
-            recalculateProgress: true,
-            // Interval in milliseconds to calculate and trigger progress events:
-            progressInterval: 100,
-            // Interval in milliseconds to calculate progress bitrate:
-            bitrateInterval: 500,
-            // By default, uploads are started automatically when adding files:
-            autoUpload: true,
-            // Error and info messages:
-            messages: {
-                uploadedBytes: 'Uploaded bytes exceed file size'
-            },
-            // Translation function, gets the message key to be translated
-            // and an object with context specific data as arguments:
-            i18n: function (message, context) {
-                message = this.messages[message] || message.toString();
-                if (context) {
-                    $.each(context, function (key, value) {
-                        message = message.replace('{' + key + '}', value);
-                    });
-                }
-                return message;
-            },
-            // Additional form data to be sent along with the file uploads can be set
-            // using this option, which accepts an array of objects with name and
-            // value properties, a function returning such an array, a FormData
-            // object (for XHR file uploads), or a simple object.
-            // The form of the first fileInput is given as parameter to the function:
-            formData: function (form) {
-                return form.serializeArray();
-            },
-            // The add callback is invoked as soon as files are added to the fileupload
-            // widget (via file input selection, drag & drop, paste or add API call).
-            // If the singleFileUploads option is enabled, this callback will be
-            // called once for each file in the selection for XHR file uploads, else
-            // once for each file selection.
-            //
-            // The upload starts when the submit method is invoked on the data parameter.
-            // The data object contains a files property holding the added files
-            // and allows you to override plugin options as well as define ajax settings.
-            //
-            // Listeners for this callback can also be bound the following way:
-            // .bind('fileuploadadd', func);
-            //
-            // data.submit() returns a Promise object and allows to attach additional
-            // handlers using jQuery's Deferred callbacks:
-            // data.submit().done(func).fail(func).always(func);
-            add: function (e, data) {
-                if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                if (data.autoUpload || (data.autoUpload !== false &&
-                        $(this).fileupload('option', 'autoUpload'))) {
-                    data.process().done(function () {
-                        data.submit();
-                    });
-                }
-            },
-            // Other callbacks:
-            // Callback for the submit event of each file upload:
-            // submit: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadsubmit', func);
-            // Callback for the start of each file upload request:
-            // send: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadsend', func);
-            // Callback for successful uploads:
-            // done: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddone', func);
-            // Callback for failed (abort or error) uploads:
-            // fail: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadfail', func);
-            // Callback for completed (success, abort or error) requests:
-            // always: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadalways', func);
-            // Callback for upload progress events:
-            // progress: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadprogress', func);
-            // Callback for global upload progress events:
-            // progressall: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadprogressall', func);
-            // Callback for uploads start, equivalent to the global ajaxStart event:
-            // start: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploadstart', func);
-            // Callback for uploads stop, equivalent to the global ajaxStop event:
-            // stop: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploadstop', func);
-            // Callback for change events of the fileInput(s):
-            // change: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchange', func);
-            // Callback for paste events to the pasteZone(s):
-            // paste: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadpaste', func);
-            // Callback for drop events of the dropZone(s):
-            // drop: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddrop', func);
-            // Callback for dragover events of the dropZone(s):
-            // dragover: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddragover', func);
-            // Callback for the start of each chunk upload request:
-            // chunksend: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunksend', func);
-            // Callback for successful chunk uploads:
-            // chunkdone: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkdone', func);
-            // Callback for failed (abort or error) chunk uploads:
-            // chunkfail: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkfail', func);
-            // Callback for completed (success, abort or error) chunk upload requests:
-            // chunkalways: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkalways', func);
-            // The plugin options are used as settings object for the ajax calls.
-            // The following are jQuery ajax settings required for the file uploads:
-            processData: false,
-            contentType: false,
-            cache: false
-        },
-        // A list of options that require reinitializing event listeners and/or
-        // special initialization code:
-        _specialOptions: [
-            'fileInput',
-            'dropZone',
-            'pasteZone',
-            'multipart',
-            'forceIframeTransport'
-        ],
-        _blobSlice: $.support.blobSlice && function () {
-            var slice = this.slice || this.webkitSlice || this.mozSlice;
-            return slice.apply(this, arguments);
-        },
-        _BitrateTimer: function () {
-            this.timestamp = (( ? : (new Date()).getTime());
-            this.loaded = 0;
-            this.bitrate = 0;
-            this.getBitrate = function (now, loaded, interval) {
-                var timeDiff = now - this.timestamp;
-                if (!this.bitrate || !interval || timeDiff > interval) {
-                    this.bitrate = (loaded - this.loaded) * (1000 / timeDiff) * 8;
-                    this.loaded = loaded;
-                    this.timestamp = now;
-                }
-                return this.bitrate;
-            };
-        },
-        _isXHRUpload: function (options) {
-            return !options.forceIframeTransport &&
-                ((!options.multipart && $.support.xhrFileUpload) ||
-                $.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload);
-        },
-        _getFormData: function (options) {
-            var formData;
-            if ($.type(options.formData) === 'function') {
-                return options.formData(options.form);
-            }
-            if ($.isArray(options.formData)) {
-                return options.formData;
-            }
-            if ($.type(options.formData) === 'object') {
-                formData = [];
-                $.each(options.formData, function (name, value) {
-                    formData.push({name: name, value: value});
-                });
-                return formData;
-            }
-            return [];
-        },
-        _getTotal: function (files) {
-            var total = 0;
-            $.each(files, function (index, file) {
-                total += file.size || 1;
-            });
-            return total;
-        },
-        _initProgressObject: function (obj) {
-            var progress = {
-                loaded: 0,
-                total: 0,
-                bitrate: 0
-            };
-            if (obj._progress) {
-                $.extend(obj._progress, progress);
-            } else {
-                obj._progress = progress;
-            }
-        },
-        _initResponseObject: function (obj) {
-            var prop;
-            if (obj._response) {
-                for (prop in obj._response) {
-                    if (obj._response.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
-                        delete obj._response[prop];
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                obj._response = {};
-            }
-        },
-        _onProgress: function (e, data) {
-            if (e.lengthComputable) {
-                var now = (( ? : (new Date()).getTime()),
-                    loaded;
-                if (data._time && data.progressInterval &&
-                        (now - data._time < data.progressInterval) &&
-                        e.loaded !== {
-                    return;
-                }
-                data._time = now;
-                loaded = Math.floor(
-                    e.loaded / * (data.chunkSize ||
-                ) + (data.uploadedBytes || 0);
-                // Add the difference from the previously loaded state
-                // to the global loaded counter:
-                this._progress.loaded += (loaded - data._progress.loaded);
-                this._progress.bitrate = this._bitrateTimer.getBitrate(
-                    now,
-                    this._progress.loaded,
-                    data.bitrateInterval
-                );
-                data._progress.loaded = data.loaded = loaded;
-                data._progress.bitrate = data.bitrate = data._bitrateTimer.getBitrate(
-                    now,
-                    loaded,
-                    data.bitrateInterval
-                );
-                // Trigger a custom progress event with a total data property set
-                // to the file size(s) of the current upload and a loaded data
-                // property calculated accordingly:
-                this._trigger(
-                    'progress',
-                    $.Event('progress', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                    data
-                );
-                // Trigger a global progress event for all current file uploads,
-                // including ajax calls queued for sequential file uploads:
-                this._trigger(
-                    'progressall',
-                    $.Event('progressall', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                    this._progress
-                );
-            }
-        },
-        _initProgressListener: function (options) {
-            var that = this,
-                xhr = options.xhr ? options.xhr() : $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
-            // Accesss to the native XHR object is required to add event listeners
-            // for the upload progress event:
-            if (xhr.upload) {
-                $(xhr.upload).bind('progress', function (e) {
-                    var oe = e.originalEvent;
-                    // Make sure the progress event properties get copied over:
-                    e.lengthComputable = oe.lengthComputable;
-                    e.loaded = oe.loaded;
-           =;
-                    that._onProgress(e, options);
-                });
-                options.xhr = function () {
-                    return xhr;
-                };
-            }
-        },
-        _isInstanceOf: function (type, obj) {
-            // Cross-frame instanceof check
-            return === '[object ' + type + ']';
-        },
-        _initXHRData: function (options) {
-            var that = this,
-                formData,
-                file = options.files[0],
-                // Ignore non-multipart setting if not supported:
-                multipart = options.multipart || !$.support.xhrFileUpload,
-                paramName = $.type(options.paramName) === 'array' ?
-                    options.paramName[0] : options.paramName;
-            options.headers = $.extend({}, options.headers);
-            if (options.contentRange) {
-                options.headers['Content-Range'] = options.contentRange;
-            }
-            if (!multipart || options.blob || !this._isInstanceOf('File', file)) {
-                options.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' +
-                    encodeURI( + '"';
-            }
-            if (!multipart) {
-                options.contentType = file.type || 'application/octet-stream';
-       = options.blob || file;
-            } else if ($.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload) {
-                if (options.postMessage) {
-                    // window.postMessage does not allow sending FormData
-                    // objects, so we just add the File/Blob objects to
-                    // the formData array and let the postMessage window
-                    // create the FormData object out of this array:
-                    formData = this._getFormData(options);
-                    if (options.blob) {
-                        formData.push({
-                            name: paramName,
-                            value: options.blob
-                        });
-                    } else {
-                        $.each(options.files, function (index, file) {
-                            formData.push({
-                                name: ($.type(options.paramName) === 'array' &&
-                                    options.paramName[index]) || paramName,
-                                value: file
-                            });
-                        });
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if (that._isInstanceOf('FormData', options.formData)) {
-                        formData = options.formData;
-                    } else {
-                        formData = new FormData();
-                        $.each(this._getFormData(options), function (index, field) {
-                            formData.append(, field.value);
-                        });
-                    }
-                    if (options.blob) {
-                        formData.append(paramName, options.blob,;
-                    } else {
-                        $.each(options.files, function (index, file) {
-                            // This check allows the tests to run with
-                            // dummy objects:
-                            if (that._isInstanceOf('File', file) ||
-                                    that._isInstanceOf('Blob', file)) {
-                                formData.append(
-                                    ($.type(options.paramName) === 'array' &&
-                                        options.paramName[index]) || paramName,
-                                    file,
-                                    file.uploadName ||
-                                );
-                            }
-                        });
-                    }
-                }
-       = formData;
-            }
-            // Blob reference is not needed anymore, free memory:
-            options.blob = null;
-        },
-        _initIframeSettings: function (options) {
-            var targetHost = $('<a></a>').prop('href', options.url).prop('host');
-            // Setting the dataType to iframe enables the iframe transport:
-            options.dataType = 'iframe ' + (options.dataType || '');
-            // The iframe transport accepts a serialized array as form data:
-            options.formData = this._getFormData(options);
-            // Add redirect url to form data on cross-domain uploads:
-            if (options.redirect && targetHost && targetHost !== {
-                options.formData.push({
-                    name: options.redirectParamName || 'redirect',
-                    value: options.redirect
-                });
-            }
-        },
-        _initDataSettings: function (options) {
-            if (this._isXHRUpload(options)) {
-                if (!this._chunkedUpload(options, true)) {
-                    if (! {
-                        this._initXHRData(options);
-                    }
-                    this._initProgressListener(options);
-                }
-                if (options.postMessage) {
-                    // Setting the dataType to postmessage enables the
-                    // postMessage transport:
-                    options.dataType = 'postmessage ' + (options.dataType || '');
-                }
-            } else {
-                this._initIframeSettings(options);
-            }
-        },
-        _getParamName: function (options) {
-            var fileInput = $(options.fileInput),
-                paramName = options.paramName;
-            if (!paramName) {
-                paramName = [];
-                fileInput.each(function () {
-                    var input = $(this),
-                        name = input.prop('name') || 'files[]',
-                        i = (input.prop('files') || [1]).length;
-                    while (i) {
-                        paramName.push(name);
-                        i -= 1;
-                    }
-                });
-                if (!paramName.length) {
-                    paramName = [fileInput.prop('name') || 'files[]'];
-                }
-            } else if (!$.isArray(paramName)) {
-                paramName = [paramName];
-            }
-            return paramName;
-        },
-        _initFormSettings: function (options) {
-            // Retrieve missing options from the input field and the
-            // associated form, if available:
-            if (!options.form || !options.form.length) {
-                options.form = $(options.fileInput.prop('form'));
-                // If the given file input doesn't have an associated form,
-                // use the default widget file input's form:
-                if (!options.form.length) {
-                    options.form = $(this.options.fileInput.prop('form'));
-                }
-            }
-            options.paramName = this._getParamName(options);
-            if (!options.url) {
-                options.url = options.form.prop('action') || location.href;
-            }
-            // The HTTP request method must be "POST" or "PUT":
-            options.type = (options.type ||
-                ($.type(options.form.prop('method')) === 'string' &&
-                    options.form.prop('method')) || ''
-                ).toUpperCase();
-            if (options.type !== 'POST' && options.type !== 'PUT' &&
-                    options.type !== 'PATCH') {
-                options.type = 'POST';
-            }
-            if (!options.formAcceptCharset) {
-                options.formAcceptCharset = options.form.attr('accept-charset');
-            }
-        },
-        _getAJAXSettings: function (data) {
-            var options = $.extend({}, this.options, data);
-            this._initFormSettings(options);
-            this._initDataSettings(options);
-            return options;
-        },
-        // jQuery 1.6 doesn't provide .state(),
-        // while jQuery 1.8+ removed .isRejected() and .isResolved():
-        _getDeferredState: function (deferred) {
-            if (deferred.state) {
-                return deferred.state();
-            }
-            if (deferred.isResolved()) {
-                return 'resolved';
-            }
-            if (deferred.isRejected()) {
-                return 'rejected';
-            }
-            return 'pending';
-        },
-        // Maps jqXHR callbacks to the equivalent
-        // methods of the given Promise object:
-        _enhancePromise: function (promise) {
-            promise.success = promise.done;
-            promise.error =;
-            promise.complete = promise.always;
-            return promise;
-        },
-        // Creates and returns a Promise object enhanced with
-        // the jqXHR methods abort, success, error and complete:
-        _getXHRPromise: function (resolveOrReject, context, args) {
-            var dfd = $.Deferred(),
-                promise = dfd.promise();
-            context = context || this.options.context || promise;
-            if (resolveOrReject === true) {
-                dfd.resolveWith(context, args);
-            } else if (resolveOrReject === false) {
-                dfd.rejectWith(context, args);
-            }
-            promise.abort = dfd.promise;
-            return this._enhancePromise(promise);
-        },
-        // Adds convenience methods to the data callback argument:
-        _addConvenienceMethods: function (e, data) {
-            var that = this,
-                getPromise = function (args) {
-                    return $.Deferred().resolveWith(that, args).promise();
-                };
-            data.process = function (resolveFunc, rejectFunc) {
-                if (resolveFunc || rejectFunc) {
-                    data._processQueue = this._processQueue =
-                        (this._processQueue || getPromise([this])).pipe(
-                            function () {
-                                if (data.errorThrown) {
-                                    return $.Deferred()
-                                        .rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
-                                }
-                                return getPromise(arguments);
-                            }
-                        ).pipe(resolveFunc, rejectFunc);
-                }
-                return this._processQueue || getPromise([this]);
-            };
-            data.submit = function () {
-                if (this.state() !== 'pending') {
-                    data.jqXHR = this.jqXHR =
-                        (that._trigger(
-                            'submit',
-                            $.Event('submit', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                            this
-                        ) !== false) && that._onSend(e, this);
-                }
-                return this.jqXHR || that._getXHRPromise();
-            };
-            data.abort = function () {
-                if (this.jqXHR) {
-                    return this.jqXHR.abort();
-                }
-                this.errorThrown = 'abort';
-                that._trigger('fail', null, this);
-                return that._getXHRPromise(false);
-            };
-            data.state = function () {
-                if (this.jqXHR) {
-                    return that._getDeferredState(this.jqXHR);
-                }
-                if (this._processQueue) {
-                    return that._getDeferredState(this._processQueue);
-                }
-            };
-            data.processing = function () {
-                return !this.jqXHR && this._processQueue && that
-                    ._getDeferredState(this._processQueue) === 'pending';
-            };
-            data.progress = function () {
-                return this._progress;
-            };
-            data.response = function () {
-                return this._response;
-            };
-        },
-        // Parses the Range header from the server response
-        // and returns the uploaded bytes:
-        _getUploadedBytes: function (jqXHR) {
-            var range = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Range'),
-                parts = range && range.split('-'),
-                upperBytesPos = parts && parts.length > 1 &&
-                    parseInt(parts[1], 10);
-            return upperBytesPos && upperBytesPos + 1;
-        },
-        // Uploads a file in multiple, sequential requests
-        // by splitting the file up in multiple blob chunks.
-        // If the second parameter is true, only tests if the file
-        // should be uploaded in chunks, but does not invoke any
-        // upload requests:
-        _chunkedUpload: function (options, testOnly) {
-            options.uploadedBytes = options.uploadedBytes || 0;
-            var that = this,
-                file = options.files[0],
-                fs = file.size,
-                ub = options.uploadedBytes,
-                mcs = options.maxChunkSize || fs,
-                slice = this._blobSlice,
-                dfd = $.Deferred(),
-                promise = dfd.promise(),
-                jqXHR,
-                upload;
-            if (!(this._isXHRUpload(options) && slice && (ub || mcs < fs)) ||
-           {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (testOnly) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (ub >= fs) {
-                file.error = options.i18n('uploadedBytes');
-                return this._getXHRPromise(
-                    false,
-                    options.context,
-                    [null, 'error', file.error]
-                );
-            }
-            // The chunk upload method:
-            upload = function () {
-                // Clone the options object for each chunk upload:
-                var o = $.extend({}, options),
-                    currentLoaded = o._progress.loaded;
-                o.blob =
-                    file,
-                    ub,
-                    ub + mcs,
-                    file.type
-                );
-                // Store the current chunk size, as the blob itself
-                // will be dereferenced after data processing:
-                o.chunkSize = o.blob.size;
-                // Expose the chunk bytes position range:
-                o.contentRange = 'bytes ' + ub + '-' +
-                    (ub + o.chunkSize - 1) + '/' + fs;
-                // Process the upload data (the blob and potential form data):
-                that._initXHRData(o);
-                // Add progress listeners for this chunk upload:
-                that._initProgressListener(o);
-                jqXHR = ((that._trigger('chunksend', null, o) !== false && $.ajax(o)) ||
-                        that._getXHRPromise(false, o.context))
-                    .done(function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
-                        ub = that._getUploadedBytes(jqXHR) ||
-                            (ub + o.chunkSize);
-                        // Create a progress event if no final progress event
-                        // with loaded equaling total has been triggered
-                        // for this chunk:
-                        if (currentLoaded + o.chunkSize - o._progress.loaded) {
-                            that._onProgress($.Event('progress', {
-                                lengthComputable: true,
-                                loaded: ub - o.uploadedBytes,
-                                total: ub - o.uploadedBytes
-                            }), o);
-                        }
-                        options.uploadedBytes = o.uploadedBytes = ub;
-                        o.result = result;
-                        o.textStatus = textStatus;
-                        o.jqXHR = jqXHR;
-                        that._trigger('chunkdone', null, o);
-                        that._trigger('chunkalways', null, o);
-                        if (ub < fs) {
-                            // File upload not yet complete,
-                            // continue with the next chunk:
-                            upload();
-                        } else {
-                            dfd.resolveWith(
-                                o.context,
-                                [result, textStatus, jqXHR]
-                            );
-                        }
-                    })
-                    .fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-                        o.jqXHR = jqXHR;
-                        o.textStatus = textStatus;
-                        o.errorThrown = errorThrown;
-                        that._trigger('chunkfail', null, o);
-                        that._trigger('chunkalways', null, o);
-                        dfd.rejectWith(
-                            o.context,
-                            [jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown]
-                        );
-                    });
-            };
-            this._enhancePromise(promise);
-            promise.abort = function () {
-                return jqXHR.abort();
-            };
-            upload();
-            return promise;
-        },
-        _beforeSend: function (e, data) {
-            if (this._active === 0) {
-                // the start callback is triggered when an upload starts
-                // and no other uploads are currently running,
-                // equivalent to the global ajaxStart event:
-                this._trigger('start');
-                // Set timer for global bitrate progress calculation:
-                this._bitrateTimer = new this._BitrateTimer();
-                // Reset the global progress values:
-                this._progress.loaded = = 0;
-                this._progress.bitrate = 0;
-            }
-            // Make sure the container objects for the .response() and
-            // .progress() methods on the data object are available
-            // and reset to their initial state:
-            this._initResponseObject(data);
-            this._initProgressObject(data);
-            data._progress.loaded = data.loaded = data.uploadedBytes || 0;
-   = = this._getTotal(data.files) || 1;
-            data._progress.bitrate = data.bitrate = 0;
-            this._active += 1;
-            // Initialize the global progress values:
-            this._progress.loaded += data.loaded;
-   +=;
-        },
-        _onDone: function (result, textStatus, jqXHR, options) {
-            var total =,
-                response = options._response;
-            if (options._progress.loaded < total) {
-                // Create a progress event if no final progress event
-                // with loaded equaling total has been triggered:
-                this._onProgress($.Event('progress', {
-                    lengthComputable: true,
-                    loaded: total,
-                    total: total
-                }), options);
-            }
-            response.result = options.result = result;
-            response.textStatus = options.textStatus = textStatus;
-            response.jqXHR = options.jqXHR = jqXHR;
-            this._trigger('done', null, options);
-        },
-        _onFail: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, options) {
-            var response = options._response;
-            if (options.recalculateProgress) {
-                // Remove the failed (error or abort) file upload from
-                // the global progress calculation:
-                this._progress.loaded -= options._progress.loaded;
-       -=;
-            }
-            response.jqXHR = options.jqXHR = jqXHR;
-            response.textStatus = options.textStatus = textStatus;
-            response.errorThrown = options.errorThrown = errorThrown;
-            this._trigger('fail', null, options);
-        },
-        _onAlways: function (jqXHRorResult, textStatus, jqXHRorError, options) {
-            // jqXHRorResult, textStatus and jqXHRorError are added to the
-            // options object via done and fail callbacks
-            this._trigger('always', null, options);
-        },
-        _onSend: function (e, data) {
-            if (!data.submit) {
-                this._addConvenienceMethods(e, data);
-            }
-            var that = this,
-                jqXHR,
-                aborted,
-                slot,
-                pipe,
-                options = that._getAJAXSettings(data),
-                send = function () {
-                    that._sending += 1;
-                    // Set timer for bitrate progress calculation:
-                    options._bitrateTimer = new that._BitrateTimer();
-                    jqXHR = jqXHR || (
-                        ((aborted || that._trigger(
-                            'send',
-                            $.Event('send', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                            options
-                        ) === false) &&
-                        that._getXHRPromise(false, options.context, aborted)) ||
-                        that._chunkedUpload(options) || $.ajax(options)
-                    ).done(function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
-                        that._onDone(result, textStatus, jqXHR, options);
-                    }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-                        that._onFail(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, options);
-                    }).always(function (jqXHRorResult, textStatus, jqXHRorError) {
-                        that._onAlways(
-                            jqXHRorResult,
-                            textStatus,
-                            jqXHRorError,
-                            options
-                        );
-                        that._sending -= 1;
-                        that._active -= 1;
-                        if (options.limitConcurrentUploads &&
-                                options.limitConcurrentUploads > that._sending) {
-                            // Start the next queued upload,
-                            // that has not been aborted:
-                            var nextSlot = that._slots.shift();
-                            while (nextSlot) {
-                                if (that._getDeferredState(nextSlot) === 'pending') {
-                                    nextSlot.resolve();
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                                nextSlot = that._slots.shift();
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (that._active === 0) {
-                            // The stop callback is triggered when all uploads have
-                            // been completed, equivalent to the global ajaxStop event:
-                            that._trigger('stop');
-                        }
-                    });
-                    return jqXHR;
-                };
-            this._beforeSend(e, options);
-            if (this.options.sequentialUploads ||
-                    (this.options.limitConcurrentUploads &&
-                    this.options.limitConcurrentUploads <= this._sending)) {
-                if (this.options.limitConcurrentUploads > 1) {
-                    slot = $.Deferred();
-                    this._slots.push(slot);
-                    pipe = slot.pipe(send);
-                } else {
-                    this._sequence = this._sequence.pipe(send, send);
-                    pipe = this._sequence;
-                }
-                // Return the piped Promise object, enhanced with an abort method,
-                // which is delegated to the jqXHR object of the current upload,
-                // and jqXHR callbacks mapped to the equivalent Promise methods:
-                pipe.abort = function () {
-                    aborted = [undefined, 'abort', 'abort'];
-                    if (!jqXHR) {
-                        if (slot) {
-                            slot.rejectWith(options.context, aborted);
-                        }
-                        return send();
-                    }
-                    return jqXHR.abort();
-                };
-                return this._enhancePromise(pipe);
-            }
-            return send();
-        },
-        _onAdd: function (e, data) {
-            var that = this,
-                result = true,
-                options = $.extend({}, this.options, data),
-                files = data.files,
-                filesLength = files.length,
-                limit = options.limitMultiFileUploads,
-                limitSize = options.limitMultiFileUploadSize,
-                overhead = options.limitMultiFileUploadSizeOverhead,
-                batchSize = 0,
-                paramName = this._getParamName(options),
-                paramNameSet,
-                paramNameSlice,
-                fileSet,
-                i,
-                j = 0;
-            if (limitSize && (!filesLength || files[0].size === undefined)) {
-                limitSize = undefined;
-            }
-            if (!(options.singleFileUploads || limit || limitSize) ||
-                    !this._isXHRUpload(options)) {
-                fileSet = [files];
-                paramNameSet = [paramName];
-            } else if (!(options.singleFileUploads || limitSize) && limit) {
-                fileSet = [];
-                paramNameSet = [];
-                for (i = 0; i < filesLength; i += limit) {
-                    fileSet.push(files.slice(i, i + limit));
-                    paramNameSlice = paramName.slice(i, i + limit);
-                    if (!paramNameSlice.length) {
-                        paramNameSlice = paramName;
-                    }
-                    paramNameSet.push(paramNameSlice);
-                }
-            } else if (!options.singleFileUploads && limitSize) {
-                fileSet = [];
-                paramNameSet = [];
-                for (i = 0; i < filesLength; i = i + 1) {
-                    batchSize += files[i].size + overhead;
-                    if (i + 1 === filesLength ||
-                            ((batchSize + files[i + 1].size + overhead) > limitSize) ||
-                            (limit && i + 1 - j >= limit)) {
-                        fileSet.push(files.slice(j, i + 1));
-                        paramNameSlice = paramName.slice(j, i + 1);
-                        if (!paramNameSlice.length) {
-                            paramNameSlice = paramName;
-                        }
-                        paramNameSet.push(paramNameSlice);
-                        j = i + 1;
-                        batchSize = 0;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                paramNameSet = paramName;
-            }
-            data.originalFiles = files;
-            $.each(fileSet || files, function (index, element) {
-                var newData = $.extend({}, data);
-                newData.files = fileSet ? element : [element];
-                newData.paramName = paramNameSet[index];
-                that._initResponseObject(newData);
-                that._initProgressObject(newData);
-                that._addConvenienceMethods(e, newData);
-                result = that._trigger(
-                    'add',
-                    $.Event('add', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                    newData
-                );
-                return result;
-            });
-            return result;
-        },
-        _replaceFileInput: function (input) {
-            var inputClone = input.clone(true);
-            $('<form></form>').append(inputClone)[0].reset();
-            // Detaching allows to insert the fileInput on another form
-            // without loosing the file input value:
-            input.after(inputClone).detach();
-            // Avoid memory leaks with the detached file input:
-            $.cleanData(input.unbind('remove'));
-            // Replace the original file input element in the fileInput
-            // elements set with the clone, which has been copied including
-            // event handlers:
-            this.options.fileInput = (i, el) {
-                if (el === input[0]) {
-                    return inputClone[0];
-                }
-                return el;
-            });
-            // If the widget has been initialized on the file input itself,
-            // override this.element with the file input clone:
-            if (input[0] === this.element[0]) {
-                this.element = inputClone;
-            }
-        },
-        _handleFileTreeEntry: function (entry, path) {
-            var that = this,
-                dfd = $.Deferred(),
-                errorHandler = function (e) {
-                    if (e && !e.entry) {
-                        e.entry = entry;
-                    }
-                    // Since $.when returns immediately if one
-                    // Deferred is rejected, we use resolve instead.
-                    // This allows valid files and invalid items
-                    // to be returned together in one set:
-                    dfd.resolve([e]);
-                },
-                dirReader;
-            path = path || '';
-            if (entry.isFile) {
-                if (entry._file) {
-                    // Workaround for Chrome bug #149735
-                    entry._file.relativePath = path;
-                    dfd.resolve(entry._file);
-                } else {
-                    entry.file(function (file) {
-                        file.relativePath = path;
-                        dfd.resolve(file);
-                    }, errorHandler);
-                }
-            } else if (entry.isDirectory) {
-                dirReader = entry.createReader();
-                dirReader.readEntries(function (entries) {
-                    that._handleFileTreeEntries(
-                        entries,
-                        path + + '/'
-                    ).done(function (files) {
-                        dfd.resolve(files);
-                    }).fail(errorHandler);
-                }, errorHandler);
-            } else {
-                // Return an empy list for file system items
-                // other than files or directories:
-                dfd.resolve([]);
-            }
-            return dfd.promise();
-        },
-        _handleFileTreeEntries: function (entries, path) {
-            var that = this;
-            return $.when.apply(
-                $,
-                $.map(entries, function (entry) {
-                    return that._handleFileTreeEntry(entry, path);
-                })
-            ).pipe(function () {
-                return Array.prototype.concat.apply(
-                    [],
-                    arguments
-                );
-            });
-        },
-        _getDroppedFiles: function (dataTransfer) {
-            dataTransfer = dataTransfer || {};
-            var items = dataTransfer.items;
-            if (items && items.length && (items[0].webkitGetAsEntry ||
-                    items[0].getAsEntry)) {
-                return this._handleFileTreeEntries(
-                    $.map(items, function (item) {
-                        var entry;
-                        if (item.webkitGetAsEntry) {
-                            entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry();
-                            if (entry) {
-                                // Workaround for Chrome bug #149735:
-                                entry._file = item.getAsFile();
-                            }
-                            return entry;
-                        }
-                        return item.getAsEntry();
-                    })
-                );
-            }
-            return $.Deferred().resolve(
-                $.makeArray(dataTransfer.files)
-            ).promise();
-        },
-        _getSingleFileInputFiles: function (fileInput) {
-            fileInput = $(fileInput);
-            var entries = fileInput.prop('webkitEntries') ||
-                    fileInput.prop('entries'),
-                files,
-                value;
-            if (entries && entries.length) {
-                return this._handleFileTreeEntries(entries);
-            }
-            files = $.makeArray(fileInput.prop('files'));
-            if (!files.length) {
-                value = fileInput.prop('value');
-                if (!value) {
-                    return $.Deferred().resolve([]).promise();
-                }
-                // If the files property is not available, the browser does not
-                // support the File API and we add a pseudo File object with
-                // the input value as name with path information removed:
-                files = [{name: value.replace(/^.*\\/, '')}];
-            } else if (files[0].name === undefined && files[0].fileName) {
-                // File normalization for Safari 4 and Firefox 3:
-                $.each(files, function (index, file) {
-           = file.fileName;
-                    file.size = file.fileSize;
-                });
-            }
-            return $.Deferred().resolve(files).promise();
-        },
-        _getFileInputFiles: function (fileInput) {
-            if (!(fileInput instanceof $) || fileInput.length === 1) {
-                return this._getSingleFileInputFiles(fileInput);
-            }
-            return $.when.apply(
-                $,
-                $.map(fileInput, this._getSingleFileInputFiles)
-            ).pipe(function () {
-                return Array.prototype.concat.apply(
-                    [],
-                    arguments
-                );
-            });
-        },
-        _onChange: function (e) {
-            var that = this,
-                data = {
-                    fileInput: $(,
-                    form: $(
-                };
-            this._getFileInputFiles(data.fileInput).always(function (files) {
-                data.files = files;
-                if (that.options.replaceFileInput) {
-                    that._replaceFileInput(data.fileInput);
-                }
-                if (that._trigger(
-                        'change',
-                        $.Event('change', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                        data
-                    ) !== false) {
-                    that._onAdd(e, data);
-                }
-            });
-        },
-        _onPaste: function (e) {
-            var items = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.clipboardData &&
-                    e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items,
-                data = {files: []};
-            if (items && items.length) {
-                $.each(items, function (index, item) {
-                    var file = item.getAsFile && item.getAsFile();
-                    if (file) {
-                        data.files.push(file);
-                    }
-                });
-                if (this._trigger(
-                        'paste',
-                        $.Event('paste', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                        data
-                    ) !== false) {
-                    this._onAdd(e, data);
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        _onDrop: function (e) {
-            e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
-            var that = this,
-                dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer,
-                data = {};
-            if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                this._getDroppedFiles(dataTransfer).always(function (files) {
-                    data.files = files;
-                    if (that._trigger(
-                            'drop',
-                            $.Event('drop', {delegatedEvent: e}),
-                            data
-                        ) !== false) {
-                        that._onAdd(e, data);
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-        },
-        _onDragOver: function (e) {
-            e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
-            var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
-            if (dataTransfer && $.inArray('Files', dataTransfer.types) !== -1 &&
-                    this._trigger(
-                        'dragover',
-                        $.Event('dragover', {delegatedEvent: e})
-                    ) !== false) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
-            }
-        },
-        _initEventHandlers: function () {
-            if (this._isXHRUpload(this.options)) {
-                this._on(this.options.dropZone, {
-                    dragover: this._onDragOver,
-                    drop: this._onDrop
-                });
-                this._on(this.options.pasteZone, {
-                    paste: this._onPaste
-                });
-            }
-            if ($.support.fileInput) {
-                this._on(this.options.fileInput, {
-                    change: this._onChange
-                });
-            }
-        },
-        _destroyEventHandlers: function () {
-            this._off(this.options.dropZone, 'dragover drop');
-            this._off(this.options.pasteZone, 'paste');
-            this._off(this.options.fileInput, 'change');
-        },
-        _setOption: function (key, value) {
-            var reinit = $.inArray(key, this._specialOptions) !== -1;
-            if (reinit) {
-                this._destroyEventHandlers();
-            }
-            this._super(key, value);
-            if (reinit) {
-                this._initSpecialOptions();
-                this._initEventHandlers();
-            }
-        },
-        _initSpecialOptions: function () {
-            var options = this.options;
-            if (options.fileInput === undefined) {
-                options.fileInput ='input[type="file"]') ?
-                        this.element : this.element.find('input[type="file"]');
-            } else if (!(options.fileInput instanceof $)) {
-                options.fileInput = $(options.fileInput);
-            }
-            if (!(options.dropZone instanceof $)) {
-                options.dropZone = $(options.dropZone);
-            }
-            if (!(options.pasteZone instanceof $)) {
-                options.pasteZone = $(options.pasteZone);
-            }
-        },
-        _getRegExp: function (str) {
-            var parts = str.split('/'),
-                modifiers = parts.pop();
-            parts.shift();
-            return new RegExp(parts.join('/'), modifiers);
-        },
-        _isRegExpOption: function (key, value) {
-            return key !== 'url' && $.type(value) === 'string' &&
-                /^\/.*\/[igm]{0,3}$/.test(value);
-        },
-        _initDataAttributes: function () {
-            var that = this,
-                options = this.options,
-                clone = $(this.element[0].cloneNode(false));
-            // Initialize options set via HTML5 data-attributes:
-            $.each(
-      ,
-                function (key, value) {
-                    var dataAttributeName = 'data-' +
-                        // Convert camelCase to hyphen-ated key:
-                        key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
-                    if (clone.attr(dataAttributeName)) {
-                        if (that._isRegExpOption(key, value)) {
-                            value = that._getRegExp(value);
-                        }
-                        options[key] = value;
-                    }
-                }
-            );
-        },
-        _create: function () {
-            this._initDataAttributes();
-            this._initSpecialOptions();
-            this._slots = [];
-            this._sequence = this._getXHRPromise(true);
-            this._sending = this._active = 0;
-            this._initProgressObject(this);
-            this._initEventHandlers();
-        },
-        // This method is exposed to the widget API and allows to query
-        // the number of active uploads:
-        active: function () {
-            return this._active;
-        },
-        // This method is exposed to the widget API and allows to query
-        // the widget upload progress.
-        // It returns an object with loaded, total and bitrate properties
-        // for the running uploads:
-        progress: function () {
-            return this._progress;
-        },
-        // This method is exposed to the widget API and allows adding files
-        // using the fileupload API. The data parameter accepts an object which
-        // must have a files property and can contain additional options:
-        // .fileupload('add', {files: filesList});
-        add: function (data) {
-            var that = this;
-            if (!data || this.options.disabled) {
-                return;
-            }
-            if (data.fileInput && !data.files) {
-                this._getFileInputFiles(data.fileInput).always(function (files) {
-                    data.files = files;
-                    that._onAdd(null, data);
-                });
-            } else {
-                data.files = $.makeArray(data.files);
-                this._onAdd(null, data);
-            }
-        },
-        // This method is exposed to the widget API and allows sending files
-        // using the fileupload API. The data parameter accepts an object which
-        // must have a files or fileInput property and can contain additional options:
-        // .fileupload('send', {files: filesList});
-        // The method returns a Promise object for the file upload call.
-        send: function (data) {
-            if (data && !this.options.disabled) {
-                if (data.fileInput && !data.files) {
-                    var that = this,
-                        dfd = $.Deferred(),
-                        promise = dfd.promise(),
-                        jqXHR,
-                        aborted;
-                    promise.abort = function () {
-                        aborted = true;
-                        if (jqXHR) {
-                            return jqXHR.abort();
-                        }
-                        dfd.reject(null, 'abort', 'abort');
-                        return promise;
-                    };
-                    this._getFileInputFiles(data.fileInput).always(
-                        function (files) {
-                            if (aborted) {
-                                return;
-                            }
-                            if (!files.length) {
-                                dfd.reject();
-                                return;
-                            }
-                            data.files = files;
-                            jqXHR = that._onSend(null, data).then(
-                                function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
-                                    dfd.resolve(result, textStatus, jqXHR);
-                                },
-                                function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-                                    dfd.reject(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
-                                }
-                            );
-                        }
-                    );
-                    return this._enhancePromise(promise);
-                }
-                data.files = $.makeArray(data.files);
-                if (data.files.length) {
-                    return this._onSend(null, data);
-                }
-            }
-            return this._getXHRPromise(false, data && data.context);
-        }
-    });
diff --git a/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.iframe-transport.js b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.iframe-transport.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d64b59..0000000
--- a/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebUploader/GCDWebUploader.bundle/js/jquery.iframe-transport.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery Iframe Transport Plugin 1.8.2
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2011, Sebastian Tschan
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the MIT license:
- *
- */
-/* global define, window, document */
-(function (factory) {
-    'use strict';
-    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-        // Register as an anonymous AMD module:
-        define(['jquery'], factory);
-    } else {
-        // Browser globals:
-        factory(window.jQuery);
-    }
-}(function ($) {
-    'use strict';
-    // Helper variable to create unique names for the transport iframes:
-    var counter = 0;
-    // The iframe transport accepts four additional options:
-    // options.fileInput: a jQuery collection of file input fields
-    // options.paramName: the parameter name for the file form data,
-    //  overrides the name property of the file input field(s),
-    //  can be a string or an array of strings.
-    // options.formData: an array of objects with name and value properties,
-    //  equivalent to the return data of .serializeArray(), e.g.:
-    //  [{name: 'a', value: 1}, {name: 'b', value: 2}]
-    // options.initialIframeSrc: the URL of the initial iframe src,
-    //  by default set to "javascript:false;"
-    $.ajaxTransport('iframe', function (options) {
-        if (options.async) {
-            // javascript:false as initial iframe src
-            // prevents warning popups on HTTPS in IE6:
-            /*jshint scripturl: true */
-            var initialIframeSrc = options.initialIframeSrc || 'javascript:false;',
-            /*jshint scripturl: false */
-                form,
-                iframe,
-                addParamChar;
-            return {
-                send: function (_, completeCallback) {
-                    form = $('<form style="display:none;"></form>');
-                    form.attr('accept-charset', options.formAcceptCharset);
-                    addParamChar = /\?/.test(options.url) ? '&' : '?';
-                    // XDomainRequest only supports GET and POST:
-                    if (options.type === 'DELETE') {
-                        options.url = options.url + addParamChar + '_method=DELETE';
-                        options.type = 'POST';
-                    } else if (options.type === 'PUT') {
-                        options.url = options.url + addParamChar + '_method=PUT';
-                        options.type = 'POST';
-                    } else if (options.type === 'PATCH') {
-                        options.url = options.url + addParamChar + '_method=PATCH';
-                        options.type = 'POST';
-                    }
-                    // IE versions below IE8 cannot set the name property of
-                    // elements that have already been added to the DOM,
-                    // so we set the name along with the iframe HTML markup:
-                    counter += 1;
-                    iframe = $(
-                        '<iframe src="' + initialIframeSrc +
-                            '" name="iframe-transport-' + counter + '"></iframe>'
-                    ).bind('load', function () {
-                        var fileInputClones,
-                            paramNames = $.isArray(options.paramName) ?
-                                    options.paramName : [options.paramName];
-                        iframe
-                            .unbind('load')
-                            .bind('load', function () {
-                                var response;
-                                // Wrap in a try/catch block to catch exceptions thrown
-                                // when trying to access cross-domain iframe contents:
-                                try {
-                                    response = iframe.contents();
-                                    // Google Chrome and Firefox do not throw an
-                                    // exception when calling iframe.contents() on
-                                    // cross-domain requests, so we unify the response:
-                                    if (!response.length || !response[0].firstChild) {
-                                        throw new Error();
-                                    }
-                                } catch (e) {
-                                    response = undefined;
-                                }
-                                // The complete callback returns the
-                                // iframe content document as response object:
-                                completeCallback(
-                                    200,
-                                    'success',
-                                    {'iframe': response}
-                                );
-                                // Fix for IE endless progress bar activity bug
-                                // (happens on form submits to iframe targets):
-                                $('<iframe src="' + initialIframeSrc + '"></iframe>')
-                                    .appendTo(form);
-                                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                                    // Removing the form in a setTimeout call
-                                    // allows Chrome's developer tools to display
-                                    // the response result
-                                    form.remove();
-                                }, 0);
-                            });
-                        form
-                            .prop('target', iframe.prop('name'))
-                            .prop('action', options.url)
-                            .prop('method', options.type);
-                        if (options.formData) {
-                            $.each(options.formData, function (index, field) {
-                                $('<input type="hidden"/>')
-                                    .prop('name',
-                                    .val(field.value)
-                                    .appendTo(form);
-                            });
-                        }
-                        if (options.fileInput && options.fileInput.length &&
-                                options.type === 'POST') {
-                            fileInputClones = options.fileInput.clone();
-                            // Insert a clone for each file input field:
-                            options.fileInput.after(function (index) {
-                                return fileInputClones[index];
-                            });
-                            if (options.paramName) {
-                                options.fileInput.each(function (index) {
-                                    $(this).prop(
-                                        'name',
-                                        paramNames[index] || options.paramName
-                                    );
-                                });
-                            }
-                            // Appending the file input fields to the hidden form
-                            // removes them from their original location:
-                            form
-                                .append(options.fileInput)
-                                .prop('enctype', 'multipart/form-data')
-                                // enctype must be set as encoding for IE:
-                                .prop('encoding', 'multipart/form-data');
-                            // Remove the HTML5 form attribute from the input(s):
-                            options.fileInput.removeAttr('form');
-                        }
-                        form.submit();
-                        // Insert the file input fields at their original location
-                        // by replacing the clones with the originals:
-                        if (fileInputClones && fileInputClones.length) {
-                            options.fileInput.each(function (index, input) {
-                                var clone = $(fileInputClones[index]);
-                                // Restore the original name and form properties:
-                                $(input)
-                                    .prop('name', clone.prop('name'))
-                                    .attr('form', clone.attr('form'));
-                                clone.replaceWith(input);
-                            });
-                        }
-                    });
-                    form.append(iframe).appendTo(document.body);
-                },
-                abort: function () {
-                    if (iframe) {
-                        // javascript:false as iframe src aborts the request
-                        // and prevents warning popups on HTTPS in IE6.
-                        // concat is used to avoid the "Script URL" JSLint error:
-                        iframe
-                            .unbind('load')
-                            .prop('src', initialIframeSrc);
-                    }
-                    if (form) {
-                        form.remove();
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        }
-    });
-    // The iframe transport returns the iframe content document as response.
-    // The following adds converters from iframe to text, json, html, xml
-    // and script.
-    // Please note that the Content-Type for JSON responses has to be text/plain
-    // or text/html, if the browser doesn't include application/json in the
-    // Accept header, else IE will show a download dialog.
-    // The Content-Type for XML responses on the other hand has to be always
-    // application/xml or text/xml, so IE properly parses the XML response.
-    // See also
-    //
-    $.ajaxSetup({
-        converters: {
-            'iframe text': function (iframe) {
-                return iframe && $(iframe[0].body).text();
-            },
-            'iframe json': function (iframe) {
-                return iframe && $.parseJSON($(iframe[0].body).text());
-            },
-            'iframe html': function (iframe) {
-                return iframe && $(iframe[0].body).html();
-            },
-            'iframe xml': function (iframe) {
-                var xmlDoc = iframe && iframe[0];
-                return xmlDoc && $.isXMLDoc(xmlDoc) ? xmlDoc :
-                        $.parseXML((xmlDoc.XMLDocument && xmlDoc.XMLDocument.xml) ||
-                            $(xmlDoc.body).html());
-            },
-            'iframe script': function (iframe) {
-                return iframe && $.globalEval($(iframe[0].body).text());
-            }
-        }
-    });

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