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Posted to by Stephen Bennett <> on 2003/12/09 18:17:19 UTC

XPath support - an alternative?


Currently, the support for queries in the standalone version of XmlBeans is
somewhat limited.  However, is there a sensible way to query the XML
directly and then map the results back to XmlObjects?  Presumably this is
what happens at some level anyway.  For example, a DOM node could easily be
obtained from the relevant XmlObject and passed to the selectNodeList()
method of the org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI class.  This would return a
org.w3c.dom.NodeList object.  The question would then be how to map the DOM
nodes in the NodeList back to the corresponding XmlObjects in the object
model.  Presumably, there wouldn't be any equivalence between the Nodes in
the NodeList and the Nodes returned by the newDomNode() method in XmlObject?
Would this also be possible by querying an XmlCursor?


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