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[GitHub] eric-haibin-lin closed pull request #13336: GEMM Tensor Core Support

eric-haibin-lin closed pull request #13336: GEMM Tensor Core Support

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/src/operator/linalg_impl.h b/src/operator/linalg_impl.h
index d7c3c651916..4e63f61f105 100644
--- a/src/operator/linalg_impl.h
+++ b/src/operator/linalg_impl.h
@@ -315,9 +315,57 @@ void linalg_gemm<gpu, mshadow::half::half_t>(const Tensor<gpu, 2, mshadow::half:
                               &beta, C.dptr_, C.stride_, C.size(1) * C.stride_, A.size(0))) \
-  LINALG_GPU_BATCH_GEMM(SgemmStridedBatched, float)
   LINALG_GPU_BATCH_GEMM(DgemmStridedBatched, double)
+  #if CUDA_VERSION < 9010
+  LINALG_GPU_BATCH_GEMM(SgemmStridedBatched, float)
+  #else
+    template <>
+    inline void linalg_batch_gemm<gpu, float>(const Tensor<gpu, 3, float>& A,
+                                              const Tensor<gpu, 3, float>& B,
+                                              const Tensor<gpu, 3, float>& C,
+                                              float alpha, float beta, bool tA,
+                                              bool tB, Stream<gpu>* s) {
+      using namespace mxnet;
+      using mshadow::gpu;
+      CHECK_NOTNULL(s);
+      linalg_check_batch_size(A.size(0), B.size(0), C.size(0));
+      check_gemm(A[0], B[0], C[0], alpha, beta, tA, tB);
+      auto blas_handle = Stream<gpu>::GetBlasHandle(s);
+      bool use_tensor_ops =
+          GetEnvAllowTensorCore() && GetEnvAllowTensorCoreConversion();
+      using namespace mshadow::cuda;
+      auto cublas_math_mode =
+          use_tensor_ops ? CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH : CUBLAS_DEFAULT_MATH;
+      auto previous_math_mode = SetCublasMathMode(blas_handle, cublas_math_mode);
+      // cublasGemmStridedBatchedEx is only supported for GPU with architecture
+      // capabilities equal or greater than 5.0. Fall back to
+      // cublasSgemmStridedBatched, which doesn't support implicit conversion
+      // to half-precision to use TensorCores
+      auto cc_major = (s->prop).major;
+      if ((cc_major >= 5) && use_tensor_ops) {
+        CUBLAS_CALL(cublasGemmStridedBatchedEx(
+            blas_handle, (tB ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N),
+            (tA ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N), C.size(2), C.size(1),
+            (tB ? B.size(2) : B.size(1)), &alpha, B.dptr_, CUDA_R_32F,
+            B.stride_, B.size(1) * B.stride_, A.dptr_, CUDA_R_32F, A.stride_,
+            A.size(1) * A.stride_, &beta, C.dptr_, CUDA_R_32F, C.stride_,
+            C.size(1) * C.stride_, A.size(0), CUDA_R_32F,
+      } else {
+        CUBLAS_CALL(cublasSgemmStridedBatched(
+            blas_handle, (tB ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N),
+            (tA ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N), C.size(2), C.size(1),
+            (tB ? B.size(2) : B.size(1)), &alpha, B.dptr_, B.stride_,
+            B.size(1) * B.stride_, A.dptr_, A.stride_, A.size(1) * A.stride_,
+            &beta, C.dptr_, C.stride_, C.size(1) * C.stride_, A.size(0)));
+      }
+      SetCublasMathMode(blas_handle, previous_math_mode);
+    }
+  #endif  // CUDA_VERSION < 9010
 // Version where matrix rows are given by second axis.
 #define LINALG_GPU_BATCH_GEMM_AXIS(fname, DType) \
   template<> inline \
diff --git a/src/operator/ b/src/operator/
index 9ba764904e1..82b03c0fafc 100644
--- a/src/operator/
+++ b/src/operator/
 .describe(R"code(Applies recurrent layers to input data. Currently, vanilla RNN, LSTM and GRU are
 implemented, with both multi-layer and bidirectional support.
+When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables MXNET_CUDA_ALLOW_TENSOR_CORE
+and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will try to use
+pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to use
+Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant speedups.
 **Vanilla RNN**
 Applies a single-gate recurrent layer to input X. Two kinds of activation function are supported:
diff --git a/src/operator/tensor/ b/src/operator/tensor/
index f8a130d0ce4..0f3c2954a0f 100644
--- a/src/operator/tensor/
+++ b/src/operator/tensor/
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ calls. For example let *A*, *B*, *C* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*, *B
 without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations.
+When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables MXNET_CUDA_ALLOW_TENSOR_CORE
+and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will try to use
+pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to use
+Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant speedups.
 .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
@@ -134,6 +139,11 @@ calls. For example let *A*, *B* be 5 dimensional tensors. Then gemm(*A*, *B*, ax
 without the overhead of the additional swapaxis operations.
+When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables MXNET_CUDA_ALLOW_TENSOR_CORE
+and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will try to use
+pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to use
+Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant speedups.
 .. note:: The operator supports float32 and float64 data types only.
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
index 1bf9ca0237a..6babd50633e 100644
--- a/tests/python/unittest/
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 from mxnet.base import py_str, MXNetError, _as_list
 from common import setup_module, with_seed, teardown, assert_raises_cudnn_not_satisfied, assertRaises
 import unittest
+import os
 def check_rnn_consistency(cell1, cell2, T, N, I, H, grad_req, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-4):
     dshape = (N, T, I)
@@ -5224,46 +5225,10 @@ def test_deformable_psroipooling():
                                                grad_nodes=grad_nodes, ctx=mx.gpu(0))
-# Helper functions for test_laop
-def _make_symm_symbol(a, ndims):
-    assert ndims >= 2
-    tr_shape = list(range(ndims))
-    tr_shape[-1] = ndims-2
-    tr_shape[-2] = ndims-1
-    tr_shape = tuple(tr_shape)
-    return 0.5 * (a + mx.sym.transpose(a, axes=tr_shape))
-def _make_triangle_symm(a, ndims, m, lower, dtype=np.float32):
-    assert ndims >= 2
-    # The last two dimensions must both be m
-    # Create mask for lower triangle and diagonal
-    index = mx.sym.arange(start=0, stop=m, step=1, dtype=np.int32)
-    lt_mask = mx.sym.one_hot(index, depth=m, dtype=dtype)
-    for j in range(1, m):
-        part1 = mx.sym.zeros(shape=(j, m), dtype=dtype)
-        index = mx.sym.arange(start=0, stop=m-j, step=1, dtype=np.int32)
-        part2 = mx.sym.one_hot(index, depth=m, dtype=dtype)
-        lt_mask = lt_mask + mx.sym.concat(*[part1, part2], dim=0)
-    if not lower:
-        lt_mask = mx.sym.reshape(lt_mask, shape=(m, m))
-        lt_mask = mx.sym.transpose(lt_mask, axes=(1, 0))
-    shp = tuple([1]*(ndims-2) + [m, m])
-    lt_mask = mx.sym.reshape(lt_mask, shape=shp)
-    return mx.sym.broadcast_mul(a, lt_mask)
-# @ankkhedia: Getting rid of fixed seed as flakiness could not be reproduced
-# tracked at
-def test_laop():
-    dtype = np.float64
-    rtol_fw = 1e-7
-    atol_fw = 1e-9
+def _gemm_test_helper(dtype, grad_check, rtol_fw = 1e-7, atol_fw = 1e-9):
     num_eps = 1e-6
     rtol_bw = 1e-5
     atol_bw = 1e-6
-    # enable numerical checking of gradients
-    grad_check = 1
     data1 = mx.symbol.Variable('data1')
     data2 = mx.symbol.Variable('data2')
@@ -5278,15 +5243,14 @@ def test_laop():
     rep_3x = lambda a, m, n :\
         np.reshape(np.tile(np.array(a).flatten(), 3), (3, 1, m, n))
-    # Test gemm separately from other la-operators.
     shape1 = (2, 3)
     shape2 = (3, 2)
     shape3 = (3, 3)
     shape4 = (2, 2)
-    data_in1 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape1)
-    data_in2 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape2)
-    data_in3 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape3)
-    data_in4 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape4)
+    data_in1 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape1).astype(dtype)
+    data_in2 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape2).astype(dtype)
+    data_in3 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape3).astype(dtype)
+    data_in4 = np.random.uniform(1, 10, shape4).astype(dtype)
     # Check all transpositions of gemm operator.
     data_in1_t = np.transpose(data_in1)
     data_in2_t = np.transpose(data_in2)
@@ -5388,7 +5352,71 @@ def test_laop():
     if grad_check == 1:
         check_grad(test_gemm, [a2, b2])
-    # Now test all the other operators.
+# Test gemm separately from other la-operators.
+def test_gemm():
+    _gemm_test_helper(np.float64, True)
+    _gemm_test_helper(np.float32, False, rtol_fw = 1e-5, atol_fw = 1e-7)
+    if default_context().device_type == 'gpu':
+        _gemm_test_helper(np.float32, False, rtol_fw = 2e-5, atol_fw = 2e-7)
+# Helper functions for test_laop
+def _make_symm_symbol(a, ndims):
+    assert ndims >= 2
+    tr_shape = list(range(ndims))
+    tr_shape[-1] = ndims-2
+    tr_shape[-2] = ndims-1
+    tr_shape = tuple(tr_shape)
+    return 0.5 * (a + mx.sym.transpose(a, axes=tr_shape))
+def _make_triangle_symm(a, ndims, m, lower, dtype=np.float32):
+    assert ndims >= 2
+    # The last two dimensions must both be m
+    # Create mask for lower triangle and diagonal
+    index = mx.sym.arange(start=0, stop=m, step=1, dtype=np.int32)
+    lt_mask = mx.sym.one_hot(index, depth=m, dtype=dtype)
+    for j in range(1, m):
+        part1 = mx.sym.zeros(shape=(j, m), dtype=dtype)
+        index = mx.sym.arange(start=0, stop=m-j, step=1, dtype=np.int32)
+        part2 = mx.sym.one_hot(index, depth=m, dtype=dtype)
+        lt_mask = lt_mask + mx.sym.concat(*[part1, part2], dim=0)
+    if not lower:
+        lt_mask = mx.sym.reshape(lt_mask, shape=(m, m))
+        lt_mask = mx.sym.transpose(lt_mask, axes=(1, 0))
+    shp = tuple([1]*(ndims-2) + [m, m])
+    lt_mask = mx.sym.reshape(lt_mask, shape=shp)
+    return mx.sym.broadcast_mul(a, lt_mask)
+# @ankkhedia: Getting rid of fixed seed as flakiness could not be reproduced
+# tracked at
+def test_laop():
+    dtype = np.float64
+    rtol_fw = 1e-7
+    atol_fw = 1e-9
+    num_eps = 1e-6
+    rtol_bw = 1e-5
+    atol_bw = 1e-6
+    # enable numerical checking of gradients
+    grad_check = 1
+    data1 = mx.symbol.Variable('data1')
+    data2 = mx.symbol.Variable('data2')
+    data3 = mx.symbol.Variable('data3')
+    check_fw = lambda sym, location, expected :\
+        check_symbolic_forward(sym, location, expected, rtol=rtol_fw,
+                               atol=atol_fw, dtype=dtype)
+    check_grad = lambda sym, location:\
+        check_numeric_gradient(sym, location, numeric_eps=num_eps, rtol=rtol_bw,
+                               atol=atol_bw, dtype=dtype)
+    rep_3x = lambda a, m, n :\
+        np.reshape(np.tile(np.array(a).flatten(), 3), (3, 1, m, n))
     for lower in [True, False]:
         upper = not lower


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