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svn commit: r963965 - in /incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server: ./ tests/

Author: mfojtik
Date: Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
New Revision: 963965

Refreshed and fixed Test::Unit tests


Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/Rakefile
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/Rakefile (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/Rakefile Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -26,13 +26,14 @@ require 'rake/gempackagetask'
 desc "Run basic unit tests""test") { |t|
   t.test_files = FileList[
+    'tests/api_test.rb',
+    'tests/hardware_profiles_test.rb',
-    'tests/storage_volumes_test.rb',
-    'tests/storage_snapshots_test.rb',
+    'tests/instance_states_test.rb',
-  t.verbose = false
+  t.verbose = true
   t.warning = false

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/api_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/api_test.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/api_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+require 'tests/common'
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class ApiTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
+    def test_it_returns_entry_points
+      do_xml_request '/api'
+      (last_xml_response/'/api/link').map.size.should > 0
+    end
+    def test_it_has_correct_attributes_set
+      do_xml_request '/api'
+      (last_xml_response/'/api/link').each do |link|
+        link.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'href', 'rel' ]
+      end
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['api'].class.should == Hash
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/common.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/common.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/common.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'base64'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'spec'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'json'
+require 'ap'
+# Set proper environment variables for running test
+ENV['RACK_ENV']     = 'test'
+ENV['API_DRIVER']   = 'mock'
+ENV['API_HOST']     = 'localhost'
+ENV['API_PORT']     = '4040'
+ENV['API_USER']     = 'mockuser'
+ENV['API_PASSWORD'] = 'mockpassword'
+require 'server'
+set :environment => :test
+set :loggining => true
+set :raise_errors => false
+set :show_exceptions => false
+require 'rack/test'
+Spec::Runner.configure do |conf|
+  conf.include Rack::Test::Methods
+module DeltacloudTestCommon
+  def auth_hash(credentials)
+    "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{credentials[:user]}:#{credentials[:password]}")
+  end
+  def authenticate(opts={ :format => :xml })
+    credentials = opts[:credentials] || { :user => ENV['API_USER'], :password => ENV['API_PASSWORD']}
+    return {
+      'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => auth_hash(credentials),
+    }.merge(accept_header(opts[:format]))
+  end
+  def default_headers
+    { 'SERVER_PORT' => ENV['API_PORT'] }
+  end
+  def accept_header(format=:xml)
+    case format
+      when :json then { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }
+      when :xml then { 'Accept' => 'application/xml;q=1' }
+      else { 'Accept' => 'application/xhtml+xml;text/html' }
+    end.merge(default_headers)
+  end
+  def create_url(url, format = :xml)
+    "#{url}.#{format.to_s}"
+  end
+  def do_request(uri, params=nil, authentication=false, opts={ :format => :xml })
+    get create_url(uri, opts[:format]), params || {}, (authentication) ? authenticate(opts) : {}
+  end
+  def do_xml_request(uri, params=nil, authentication=false)
+    get create_url(uri), params || {}, (authentication) ? authenticate : {}
+    puts "[401] Authentication required to get #{uri}" if last_response.status == 401
+    if last_response.status == 200
+      @xml_response = false
+      @xml_response = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body) 
+    end
+  end
+  def require_authentication?(uri)
+    get uri, {}
+    true if last_response.status.eql?(401)
+  end
+  def last_xml_response
+    @xml_response ||
+  end
+  def add_created_instance(id)
+    $created_instances ||= []
+    $created_instances << id
+  end
+include DeltacloudTestCommon

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/hardware_profiles_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/hardware_profiles_test.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/hardware_profiles_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+require 'tests/common'
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class HardwareProfilesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
+    def test_it_returns_hardware_profiles
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile').map.size.should > 0
+    end
+    def test_it_has_correct_attributes_set
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile').each do |profile|
+        profile.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'href', 'id' ]
+      end
+    end
+    def test_hardware_profiles_have_name
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile').each do |profile|
+        (profile/'name').text.should_not == nil
+      end
+    end
+    def test_hardware_profiles_have_unique_name
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      names = []
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile').each do |profile|
+        names << (profile/'name').text
+      end
+      names.should == names.uniq
+    end
+    def test_hardware_profiles_have_unique_id
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      ids = []
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile').each do |profile|
+        ids << profile['id']
+      end
+      ids.should == ids.uniq
+    end
+    def test_m1_xlarge_profile_has_correct_attributes
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles'
+      profile = (last_xml_response/'hardware_profiles/hardware_profile[@id="m1-xlarge"]')
+      test_profile_properties(profile)
+    end
+    def test_it_returns_valid_hardware_profile
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-xlarge'
+      profile = (last_xml_response/'hardware_profile')
+      test_profile_properties(profile)
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['hardware_profiles'].class.should == Array
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-xlarge', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['hardware_profile'].class.should == Hash
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-xlarge', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
+    def test_it_returns_error_on_wrong_name
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-unknown-wrongname', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 404
+      do_xml_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-unknown-wrongname'
+      last_response.status.should == 404
+      do_request '/api/hardware_profiles/m1-unknown-wrongname', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 404
+    end
+    private
+    def test_profile_properties(profile)
+      (profile/'property').each do |properties|
+        properties.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'kind', 'name', 'unit', 'value' ]
+      end
+      (profile/'property[@name="architecture"]').first['kind'].should == 'fixed'
+      (profile/'property[@name="architecture"]').first['unit'].should == 'label'
+      (profile/'property[@name="memory"]').first['kind'].should == 'range'
+      (profile/'property[@name="memory"]').first['unit'].should == 'MB'
+      (profile/'property[@name="memory"]/range').size.should == 1
+      (profile/'property[@name="memory"]/range').first.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'first', 'last' ]
+      (profile/'property[@name="cpu"]').first['kind'].should == 'fixed'
+      (profile/'property[@name="cpu"]').first['unit'].should == 'count'
+      (profile/'property[@name="storage"]').first['kind'].should == 'enum'
+      (profile/'property[@name="storage"]').first['unit'].should == 'GB'
+      (profile/'property[@name="storage"]/enum').size.should == 1
+      (profile/'property[@name="storage"]/enum/entry').map.size.should == 3
+      (profile/'property[@name="storage"]/enum/entry').each do |entry|
+        entry.attributes.keys.should == [ 'value' ]
+        entry['value'].should_not == nil
+      end
+    end
+  end

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/images_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/images_test.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/images_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -1,94 +1,111 @@
-require 'tests/deltacloud_test'
+require 'tests/common'
-class ImagesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class HardwareProfilesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
-  def initialize(*args)
-    @collection = 'images'
-    @operations = [:index, :show]
-    @params = {}
-    super(*args)
-  end
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
-  def test_if_images_are_not_empty
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_not_equal 0, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-  end
+    def test_it_require_authentication
+      require_authentication?('/api/images').should == true
+    end
-  [:id, :owner_id, :name, :description, :architecture].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_images_index_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      elt = doc.xpath('/images/image[1]').first
-      assert_not_nil elt.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_returns_images
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').map.size.should > 0
-  end
-  [:id, :owner_id, :name, :description, :architecture].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_image_show_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/images/img1.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      elt = doc.xpath('/image').first
-      assert_not_nil elt.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_has_correct_attributes_set
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').each do |image|
+        image.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'href', 'id' ]
+      end
-  end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_id
-    @params={ :id => 'img1' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:id], doc.xpath('/images/image/id').first.text
-  end
+    def test_img1_has_correct_attributes
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      image = (last_xml_response/'images/image[@id="img1"]')
+      test_image_attributes(image)
+    end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_owner_id
-    @params={ :owner_id => 'fedoraproject' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 2, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:owner_id], doc.xpath('/images/image/owner_id')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:owner_id], doc.xpath('/images/image/owner_id')[1].text
-  end
+    def test_it_returns_valid_image
+      do_xml_request '/api/images/img1', {}, true
+      image = (last_xml_response/'image')
+      test_image_attributes(image)
+    end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_architecture
-    @params={ :architecture => 'i386' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 2, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:architecture], doc.xpath('/images/image/architecture')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:architecture], doc.xpath('/images/image/architecture')[1].text
-  end
+    def test_it_has_unique_ids
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      ids = []
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').each do |image|
+        ids << image['id'].to_s
+      end
+      ids.sort.should == ids.sort.uniq
+    end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_id_and_owner_id
-    @params={ :id => 'img1', :owner_id => 'fedoraproject' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:owner_id], doc.xpath('/images/image/owner_id')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:id], doc.xpath('/images/image/id')[0].text
-  end
+    def test_it_has_valid_urls
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      ids = []
+      images = (last_xml_response/'images/image')
+      images.each do |image|
+        do_xml_request image['href'].to_s, {}, true
+        (last_xml_response/'image').first['href'].should == image['href'].to_s
+      end
+    end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_id_and_owner_id_and_architecture
-    @params={ :id => 'img1', :owner_id => 'fedoraproject', :architecture => 'x86_64' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:owner_id], doc.xpath('/images/image/owner_id')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:id], doc.xpath('/images/image/id')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:architecture], doc.xpath('/images/image/architecture')[0].text
-  end
+    def test_it_can_filter_using_owner_id
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', { :owner_id => 'mockuser' }, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').size.should == 1
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image/owner_id').first.text.should == 'mockuser'
+    end
-  def test_images_filtering_by_id_and_architecture
-    @params={ :id => 'img1', :architecture => 'x86_64' }
-    get '/api/images.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/images/image').size
-    assert_equal @params[:id], doc.xpath('/images/image/id')[0].text
-    assert_equal @params[:architecture], doc.xpath('/images/image/architecture')[0].text
-  end
+    def test_it_can_filter_using_unknown_owner_id
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', { :architecture => 'unknown_user' }, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').size.should == 0
+    end
+    def test_it_can_filter_using_architecture
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', { :architecture => 'x86_64' }, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').size.should == 1
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image/architecture').first.text.should == 'x86_64'
+    end
+    def test_it_can_filter_using_unknown_architecture
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', { :architecture => 'unknown_arch' }, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').size.should == 0
+    end
-  include DeltacloudTest
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api/images', {}, true, { :format => :json }
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['images'].class.should == Array
+      do_request '/api/images/img1', {}, true, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['image'].class.should == Hash
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api/images', {}, true, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+      do_request '/api/images/img1', {}, true, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
+    private
+    def test_image_attributes(image)
+      (image/'name').text.should_not nil
+      (image/'owner_id').text.should_not nil
+      (image/'description').text.should_not nil
+      (image/'architecture').text.should_not nil
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instance_states_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instance_states_test.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instance_states_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+require 'tests/common'
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class RealmsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
+    def test_it_not_require_authentication
+      require_authentication?('/api/realms').should_not == true
+    end
+    def test_it_returns_instance_states
+      do_xml_request '/api/instance_states', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'states/state').map.size.should > 0
+    end
+    def test_each_state_has_transition
+      do_xml_request '/api/instance_states', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'states/state').each do |state|
+        next if state['name'].eql?('finish') # Finnish state doesn't have transitions
+        (state/'transition').map.size.should > 0
+        (state/'transition').each do |transition|
+          transition['to'].should_not == nil
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api/instance_states', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Array
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).first['transitions'].class.should == Array
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).first['name'].should == 'start'
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api/instance_states', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_png
+      do_request '/api/instance_states', {}, false, { :format => :png }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      last_response.headers['Content-Type'].should == 'image/png'
+      last_response.headers['Content-Length'].should == '4371'
+    end
+  end

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instances_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instances_test.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/instances_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -1,136 +1,219 @@
-require 'tests/deltacloud_test'
+require 'tests/common'
-class InstancesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class InstancesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
-  def initialize(*args)
-    @collection = 'instances'
-    @operations = [:index, :show]
-    @options = [:id, :architecture, :memory, :storage]
-    @params = {}
-    self.temp_inst_id = 'inst2'
-    super(*args)
-  end
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
-  attr_accessor :temp_inst_id
+    def test_it_require_authentication
+      require_authentication?('/api/instances').should == true
+    end
-  def test_if_instances_are_not_empty
-    get '/api/instances.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_not_equal 0, doc.xpath('/instances/instance').size
-  end
+    def test_it_returns_instances
+      do_xml_request '/api/instances', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'instances/instance').map.size.should > 0
+    end
-  [:id, :name, :owner_id, :image, :realm, :state, :actions, :'public-addresses', :'private-addresses'].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_instances_index_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/instances.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      instance = doc.xpath('/instances/instance[1]').first
-      assert_not_nil instance.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_has_correct_attributes_set
+      do_xml_request '/api/images', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'images/image').each do |image|
+        image.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'href', 'id' ]
+      end
-  end
-  [:id, :name, :owner_id, :image, :realm, :state, :actions, :'public-addresses', :'private-addresses'].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_instance_show_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/instances/inst1.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      instance = doc.xpath('/instance').first
-      assert_not_nil instance.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_has_unique_ids
+      do_xml_request '/api/instances', {}, true
+      ids = []
+      (last_xml_response/'instances/instance').each do |image|
+        ids << image['id'].to_s
+      end
+      ids.sort.should == ids.sort.uniq
-  end
-  def test_instances_filtering_by_id
-    get '/api/instances.xml', { :id => 'inst1'}, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/instances/instance').size
-    assert_equal 'inst1', doc.xpath('/instances/instance/id').first.text
-  end
+    def test_inst1_has_correct_attributes
+      do_xml_request '/api/instances', {}, true
+      instance = (last_xml_response/'instances/instance[@id="inst2"]')
+      test_instance_attributes(instance)
+    end
-  def test_instances_filtering_by_state
-    get '/api/instances.xml', { :state => 'RUNNING'}, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    doc.xpath('/instances/instance').each do |instance|
-      assert_equal 'RUNNING', instance.xpath('state').first.text
+    def test_it_returns_valid_realm
+      do_xml_request '/api/instances/inst1', {}, true
+      instance = (last_xml_response/'instance')
+      test_instance_attributes(instance)
-  end
-  def test_instances_filtering_by_unknown_state
-    get '/api/instances.xml', { :state => '_TEST_UNKNOWN_STATE'}, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 0, doc.xpath('/instances/instance').size
-  end
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api/instances', {}, true, { :format => :json }
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['instances'].class.should == Array
+      do_request '/api/instances/inst2', {}, true, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['instance'].class.should == Hash
+    end
-  def test_001_create_instance
-    @params = {
-      :name     => '_test-instance',
-      :image_id => 'img1'
-    }
-    post '/api/instances.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    self.temp_inst_id = doc.xpath('/instance/id').text
-    assert_equal @params[:name], doc.xpath('/instance/name').first.text
-    image_href = doc.xpath('/instance/image').first[:href].to_s
-    image_id = image_href.gsub(/.*\/(\w+)$/, '\1')
-    assert_equal @params[:image_id], image_id
-  end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api/instances', {}, true, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+      do_request '/api/instances/inst1', {}, true, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
-  def test_create_instance_with_hwp_id
+    def test_it_create_a_new_instance_using_image_id
+      params = {
+        :image_id => 'img1'
+      }
+      post '/api/instances', params, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+      last_response.status.should == 302
+      last_response.headers['Location'].should_not == nil
+      do_xml_request last_response.headers['Location'], {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'instance/name').should_not == nil
+      add_created_instance (last_xml_response/'instance').first['id']
+      test_instance_attributes(last_xml_response/'instance')
+    end
-    @params = {
-      :name     => '_test-instance',
-      :image_id => 'img1',
-      :hwp_id => 'm1-xlarge'
-    }
-    post '/api/instances.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    hwp_href = doc.xpath('/instance/hardware_profile').first[:href].to_s
-    hwp_id = hwp_href.gsub(/.*\/([\w\-]+)$/, '\1')
-    assert_equal @params[:hwp_id], hwp_id
-  end
+    def test_it_create_a_new_instance_using_image_id_and_name
+      params = {
+        :image_id => 'img1',
+        :name => "unit_test_instance1"
+      }
+      post '/api/instances', params, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+      last_response.status.should == 302
+      last_response.headers['Location'].should_not == nil
+      do_xml_request last_response.headers['Location'], {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'instance/name').text.should == 'unit_test_instance1'
+      add_created_instance (last_xml_response/'instance').first['id']
+      test_instance_attributes(last_xml_response/'instance')
+    end
-  def test_create_instance_with_realm_id
+    def test_it_create_a_new_instance_using_image_id_and_name_and_hwp
+      params = {
+        :image_id => 'img1',
+        :name => "unit_test_instance1",
+        :hwp_id => "m1-xlarge"
+      }
+      post '/api/instances', params, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+      last_response.status.should == 302
+      last_response.headers['Location'].should_not == nil
+      do_xml_request last_response.headers['Location'], {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'instance/name').text.should == 'unit_test_instance1'
+      (last_xml_response/'instance/hardware_profile').first['id'].should == 'm1-xlarge'
+      add_created_instance (last_xml_response/'instance').first['id']
+      test_instance_attributes(last_xml_response/'instance')
+    end
-    @params = {
-      :name     => '_test-instance',
-      :image_id => 'img1',
-      :realm_id => 'us'
-    }
-    post '/api/instances.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    realm_href = doc.xpath('/instance/realm').first[:href].to_s
-    realm_id = realm_href.gsub(/.*\/([\w\-]+)$/, '\1')
-    assert_equal @params[:realm_id], realm_id
-  end
+    def test_it_z0_stop_and_start_instance
+      $created_instances.each do |instance_id|
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        stop_url = (last_xml_response/'actions/link[@rel="stop"]').first['href']
+        stop_url.should_not == nil
+        post create_url(stop_url), {}, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+        last_response.status.should == 200
+        instance = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
+        test_instance_attributes(instance)
+        (instance/'state').text.should == 'STOPPED'
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        start_url = (last_xml_response/'actions/link[@rel="start"]').first['href']
+        start_url.should_not == nil
+        post create_url(start_url), {}, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+        last_response.status.should == 200
+        instance = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
+        test_instance_attributes(instance)
+        (instance/'state').text.should == 'RUNNING'
+      end
+    end
-  def test_002_stop_instance
-    post '/api/instances/'+self.temp_inst_id+'/stop.xml', rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 'STOPPED', doc.xpath('/instance/state').first.text
-  end
+    def test_z0_reboot_instance
+      $created_instances.each do |instance_id|
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        reboot_url = (last_xml_response/'actions/link[@rel="reboot"]').first['href']
+        reboot_url.should_not == nil
+        post create_url(reboot_url), {}, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+        last_response.status.should == 200
+        instance = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
+        test_instance_attributes(instance)
+        (instance/'state').text.should == 'RUNNING'
+      end
+    end
-  def test_003_start_instance
-    post '/api/instances/'+self.temp_inst_id+'/start.xml', rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 'RUNNING', doc.xpath('/instance/state').first.text
-  end
+    def test_z1_stop_created_instances
+      $created_instances.each do |instance_id|
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        stop_url = (last_xml_response/'actions/link[@rel="stop"]').first['href']
+        stop_url.should_not == nil
+        post create_url(stop_url), {}, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+        last_response.status.should == 200
+        instance = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)
+        test_instance_attributes(instance)
+        (instance/'state').text.should == 'STOPPED'
+      end
+    end
-  def test_004_reboot_instance
-    post '/api/instances/'+self.temp_inst_id+'/reboot.xml', rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 'RUNNING', doc.xpath('/instance/state').first.text
-  end
+    def test_z2_destroy_created_instances
+      $created_instances.each do |instance_id|
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        destroy_url = (last_xml_response/'actions/link[@rel="destroy"]').first['href']
+        destroy_url.should_not == nil
+        delete create_url(destroy_url), {}, authenticate(:format => :xml)
+        last_response.status.should == 302
+        do_xml_request last_response.headers['Location'], {}, true
+        (last_xml_response/'instances').should_not == nil
+        do_xml_request "/api/instances/#{instance_id}", {}, true
+        last_response.status.should == 404
+      end
+    end
-  def test_005_destroy_instance
-    delete '/api/instances/'+self.temp_inst_id+'.xml', {}, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert last_response.ok?
-  end
+    private
-  include DeltacloudTest
+    def test_instance_attributes(instance)
+      (instance/'name').should_not == nil
+      (instance/'owner_id').should_not == nil
+      ['RUNNING', 'STOPPED'].include?((instance/'state').text).should == true
+      (instance/'public_addreses').should_not == nil
+      (instance/'public_addresses/address').map.size.should > 0
+      (instance/'public_addresses/address').first.text.should_not == ""
+      (instance/'private_addresses').should_not == nil
+      (instance/'private_addresses/address').map.size.should > 0
+      (instance/'private_addresses/address').first.text.should_not == ""
+      (instance/'actions/link').map.size.should > 0
+      (instance/'actions/link').each do |link|
+        link['href'].should_not == ""
+        link['rel'].should_not == ""
+        link['method'].should_not == ""
+        ['get', 'post', 'delete', 'put'].include?(link['method']).should == true
+      end
+      (instance/'image').size.should > 0
+      (instance/'image').first['href'].should_not == ""
+      (instance/'image').first['id'].should_not == ""
+      do_xml_request (instance/'image').first['href'], {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'image').should_not == nil
+      (last_xml_response/'image').first['href'] == (instance/'image').first['href']
+      (instance/'realm').size.should > 0
+      (instance/'realm').first['href'].should_not == ""
+      (instance/'realm').first['id'].should_not == ""
+      do_xml_request (instance/'realm').first['href']
+      (last_xml_response/'realm').should_not == nil
+      (last_xml_response/'realm').first['href'] == (instance/'realm').first['href']
+      (instance/'hardware_profile').size.should > 0
+      (instance/'hardware_profile').first['href'].should_not == ""
+      (instance/'hardware_profile').first['id'].should_not == ""
+      do_xml_request (instance/'hardware_profile').first['href']
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profile').should_not == nil
+      (last_xml_response/'hardware_profile').first['href'] == (instance/'hardware_profile').first['href']
+    end
+  end

Modified: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/realms_test.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/realms_test.rb (original)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/server/tests/realms_test.rb Wed Jul 14 08:07:10 2010
@@ -1,56 +1,78 @@
-require 'tests/deltacloud_test'
+require 'tests/common'
-class RealmsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+module DeltacloudUnitTest
+  class RealmsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+    include Rack::Test::Methods
-  def initialize(*args)
-    @collection = 'realms'
-    @operations = [:index, :show]
-    @options = [:id, :name, :state]
-    @params = {}
-    super(*args)
-  end
+    def app
+      Sinatra::Application
+    end
-  def test_if_realms_are_not_empty
-    get '/api/realms.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_not_equal 0, doc.xpath('/realms/realm').size
-  end
+    def test_it_not_require_authentication
+      require_authentication?('/api/realms').should_not == true
+    end
-  [:id, :name, :state].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_realms_index_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/realms.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      realm = doc.xpath('/realms/realm[1]').first
-      assert_not_nil realm.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_returns_realms
+      do_xml_request '/api/realms', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'realms/realm').map.size.should > 0
-  end
-  [:id, :name, :state].each do |option|
-    method_name = :"test_if_realm_show_contain_#{option}"
-    send :define_method, method_name do
-      get '/api/realms/us.xml', @params, rack_headers
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-      realm = doc.xpath('/realm').first
-      assert_not_nil realm.xpath(option.to_s).first
+    def test_it_has_correct_attributes_set
+      do_xml_request '/api/realms', {}, true
+      (last_xml_response/'realms/realm').each do |realm|
+        realm.attributes.keys.sort.should == [ 'href', 'id' ]
+      end
-  end
-  def test_realms_filtering_by_state
-    @params[:state] = 'AVAILABLE'
-    get '/api/realms.xml', @params, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 2, doc.xpath('/realms/realm').size
-    assert_equal @params[:state], doc.xpath('/realms/realm/state').first.text
-  end
+    def test_us_has_correct_attributes
+      do_xml_request '/api/realms', {}, true
+      realm = (last_xml_response/'realms/realm[@id="us"]')
+      test_realm_attributes(realm)
+    end
-  def test_realms_filtering_by_id
-    get '/api/realms.xml', { :id => 'us'}, rack_headers
-    doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(last_response.body)
-    assert_equal 1, doc.xpath('/realms/realm').size
-    assert_equal 'us', doc.xpath('/realms/realm/id').first.text
-  end
+    def test_it_returns_valid_realm
+      do_xml_request '/api/realms/us', {}, true
+      realm = (last_xml_response/'realm')
+      test_realm_attributes(realm)
+    end
-  include DeltacloudTest
+    def test_it_has_unique_ids
+      do_xml_request '/api/realms', {}, true
+      ids = []
+      (last_xml_response/'realms/realm').each do |realm|
+        ids << realm['id'].to_s
+      end
+      ids.sort.should == ids.sort.uniq
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_json
+      do_request '/api/realms', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['realms'].class.should == Array
+      do_request '/api/realms/us', {}, false, { :format => :json }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body).class.should == Hash
+      JSON::parse(last_response.body)['realm'].class.should == Hash
+    end
+    def test_it_responses_to_html
+      do_request '/api/realms', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+      do_request '/api/realms/us', {}, false, { :format => :html }
+      last_response.status.should == 200
+      Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body).search('html') == 'html'
+    end
+    private
+    def test_realm_attributes(realm)
+      (realm/'name').should_not == nil
+      (realm/'limit').should_not == nil
+      ['AVAILABLE'].include?((realm/'state').text).should == true
+    end
+  end