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Posted to by Mark van Dijk <> on 2001/06/26 11:06:19 UTC

ndash problem Netscape 4.7

Hi All,

I have a problem displaying a ndash in Netscape 4.7.

I tried to edit the Xerces HTMLEntities.res file, but nothing worked:

		    Display browser
ndash 8211   -> IE: –, NN: &ndash;
#8211 8211   -> IE: ?, NN: ? (no translation by xerces)
\#8211 8211  -> IE: &\#8211;, NN: &\#8211;
"#8211" 8211 -> IE: &"#8211";, NN: &"#8211";
&#8211 8211  -> IE: &–, NN: &–
shy 8211     -> IE: ?, NN: ?
minus 8211   -> IE: ?, NN: ?

Netscape can understand the entities &#8211; and &#x2013;. The ampersand and
semi-colon will be added automatically, so if I can let xerces translate
8211 into #8211 Netscape will understand and show the proper character.
Unfortunately the # is used in the HTNLEntities.res file as a remark

My question: Is there an escape character that I can use in the
HTMLEntities.res file so I can add an # in the translation output? (example:
'escape char'#8211 8211 will be translated into &#8211;)

Best regards,


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