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[45/50] [abbrv] couch commit: updated refs/heads/1963-eunit-bigcouch to 661443f

Port 231-cors.t etap test suite to eunit

Extend vhost and subresource testing for more generic code.


Branch: refs/heads/1963-eunit-bigcouch
Commit: c329d3f1e98d0544e0d45b8556bfba66eef6adc7
Parents: 22a93c3
Author: Alexander Shorin <>
Authored: Tue Jun 10 19:11:45 2014 +0400
Committer: Russell Branca <>
Committed: Mon Aug 11 13:22:09 2014 -0700

 test/couchdb/couchdb_cors_tests.erl | 344 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/couchdb/test_request.erl       |  14 +-
 2 files changed, 357 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/test/couchdb/couchdb_cors_tests.erl b/test/couchdb/couchdb_cors_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e88ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/couchdb/couchdb_cors_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(ADMIN_USER, {user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>]}}).
+-define(TIMEOUT, 1000).
+start() ->
+    {ok, Pid} = couch_server_sup:start_link(?CONFIG_CHAIN),
+    ok = couch_config:set("httpd", "enable_cors", "true", false),
+    ok = couch_config:set("vhosts", "", "/", false),
+    Pid.
+stop(Pid) ->
+    couch_server_sup:stop(),
+    erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', _, _, Pid, _} ->
+            ok
+    after ?TIMEOUT ->
+        throw({timeout, server_stop})
+    end.
+setup() ->
+    DbName = ?tempdb(),
+    {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(DbName, [?ADMIN_USER]),
+    couch_db:close(Db),
+    couch_config:set("cors", "credentials", "false", false),
+    couch_config:set("cors", "origins", "", false),
+    Addr = couch_config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
+    Port = integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
+    Host = "http://" ++ Addr ++ ":" ++ Port,
+    {Host, ?b2l(DbName)}.
+setup({Mod, VHost}) ->
+    {Host, DbName} = setup(),
+    Url = case Mod of
+        server ->
+            Host;
+        db ->
+            Host ++ "/" ++ DbName
+    end,
+    DefaultHeaders = [{"Origin", ""}]
+                     ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+    {Host, DbName, Url, DefaultHeaders}.
+teardown(DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
+    ok = couch_server:delete(?l2b(DbName), [?ADMIN_USER]),
+    ok;
+teardown({_, DbName}) ->
+    teardown(DbName).
+teardown(_, {_, DbName, _, _}) ->
+    teardown(DbName).
+cors_test_() ->
+    Funs = [
+        fun should_not_allow_origin/2,
+        fun should_not_allow_origin_with_port_mismatch/2,
+        fun should_not_allow_origin_with_scheme_mismatch/2,
+        fun should_not_all_origin_due_case_mismatch/2,
+        fun should_make_simple_request/2,
+        fun should_make_preflight_request/2,
+        fun should_make_prefligh_request_with_port/2,
+        fun should_make_prefligh_request_with_scheme/2,
+        fun should_make_prefligh_request_with_wildcard_origin/2,
+        fun should_make_request_with_credentials/2,
+        fun should_make_origin_request_with_auth/2,
+        fun should_make_preflight_request_with_auth/2
+    ],
+    {
+        "CORS (COUCHDB-431)",
+        {
+            setup,
+            fun start/0, fun stop/1,
+            [
+                cors_tests(Funs),
+                vhost_cors_tests(Funs),
+                headers_tests()
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+headers_tests() ->
+    {
+        "Various headers tests",
+        {
+            foreach,
+            fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+            [
+                fun should_not_return_cors_headers_for_invalid_origin/1,
+                fun should_not_return_cors_headers_for_invalid_origin_preflight/1,
+                fun should_make_request_against_attachment/1,
+                fun should_make_range_request_against_attachment/1,
+                fun should_make_request_with_if_none_match_header/1
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+cors_tests(Funs) ->
+    {
+        "CORS tests",
+        [
+            make_test_case(server, false, Funs),
+            make_test_case(db, false, Funs)
+        ]
+    }.
+vhost_cors_tests(Funs) ->
+    {
+        "Virtual Host CORS",
+        [
+            make_test_case(server, true, Funs),
+            make_test_case(db, true, Funs)
+        ]
+    }.
+make_test_case(Mod, UseVhost, Funs) ->
+    {
+        case Mod of server -> "Server"; db -> "Database" end,
+        {foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{{Mod, UseVhost}, Fun}
+                                                 || Fun <- Funs]}
+    }.
+should_not_allow_origin(_, {_, _, Url, Headers0}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            couch_config:delete("cors", "origins", false),
+            Headers1 = proplists:delete("Origin", Headers0),
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""}]
+                      ++ Headers1,
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:get(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_not_allow_origin_with_port_mismatch({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_not_allow_origin_with_scheme_mismatch({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_not_all_origin_due_case_mismatch({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            Headers = [{"Origin", "http://ExAmPlE.CoM"},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_simple_request(_, {_, _, Url, DefaultHeaders}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:get(Url, DefaultHeaders),
+        ?assertEqual(
+            undefined,
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", Resp)),
+        ?assertEqual(
+            "",
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)),
+        ?assertEqual(
+            "Cache-Control, Content-Type, Server",
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", Resp))
+    end).
+should_make_preflight_request(_, {_, _, Url, DefaultHeaders}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(?SUPPORTED_METHODS,
+        begin
+            Headers = DefaultHeaders
+                      ++ [{"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}],
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_prefligh_request_with_port({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual("",
+        begin
+            couch_config:set("cors", "origins", "",
+                             false),
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_prefligh_request_with_scheme({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual("",
+        begin
+            couch_config:set("cors", "origins", "",
+                             false),
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_prefligh_request_with_wildcard_origin({_, VHost}, {_, _, Url, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual("",
+        begin
+            couch_config:set("cors", "origins", "*", false),
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}]
+                      ++ maybe_append_vhost(VHost),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_request_with_credentials(_, {_, _, Url, DefaultHeaders}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual("true",
+        begin
+            ok = couch_config:set("cors", "credentials", "true", false),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Url, DefaultHeaders),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_origin_request_with_auth(_, {_, _, Url, DefaultHeaders}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual("",
+        begin
+            Hashed = couch_passwords:hash_admin_password(<<"test">>),
+            couch_config:set("admins", "test", Hashed, false),
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:get(
+                Url, DefaultHeaders, [{basic_auth, {"test", "test"}}]),
+            couch_config:delete("admins", "test", false),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_preflight_request_with_auth(_, {_, _, Url, DefaultHeaders}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(?SUPPORTED_METHODS,
+        begin
+            Hashed = couch_passwords:hash_admin_password(<<"test">>),
+            couch_config:set("admins", "test", Hashed, false),
+            Headers = DefaultHeaders
+                      ++ [{"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}],
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(
+                Url, Headers, [{basic_auth, {"test", "test"}}]),
+            couch_config:delete("admins", "test", false),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", Resp)
+        end).
+should_not_return_cors_headers_for_invalid_origin({Host, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""}],
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:get(Host, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_not_return_cors_headers_for_invalid_origin_preflight({Host, _}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(undefined,
+        begin
+            Headers = [{"Origin", ""},
+                       {"Access-Control-Request-Method", "GET"}],
+            {ok, _, Resp, _} = test_request:options(Host, Headers),
+            proplists:get_value("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Resp)
+        end).
+should_make_request_against_attachment({Host, DbName}) ->
+    {"COUCHDB-1689",
+     ?_assertEqual(200,
+         begin
+             Url = Host ++ "/" ++ DbName,
+             {ok, Code0, _, _} = test_request:put(
+                 Url ++ "/doc/file.txt", [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}],
+                 "hello, couch!"),
+             ?assert(Code0 =:= 201),
+             {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:get(
+                 Url ++ "/doc?attachments=true",
+                 [{"Origin", ""}]),
+             Code
+         end)}.
+should_make_range_request_against_attachment({Host, DbName}) ->
+    {"COUCHDB-1689",
+     ?_assertEqual(206,
+         begin
+             Url = Host ++ "/" ++ DbName,
+             {ok, Code0, _, _} = test_request:put(
+                 Url ++ "/doc/file.txt",
+                 [{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}],
+                 "hello, couch!"),
+             ?assert(Code0 =:= 201),
+             {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:get(
+                 Url ++ "/doc/file.txt", [{"Origin", ""},
+                                          {"Range", "bytes=0-6"}]),
+             Code
+         end)}.
+should_make_request_with_if_none_match_header({Host, DbName}) ->
+    {"COUCHDB-1697",
+     ?_assertEqual(304,
+         begin
+             Url = Host ++ "/" ++ DbName,
+             {ok, Code0, Headers0, _} = test_request:put(
+                 Url ++ "/doc", [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}], "{}"),
+             ?assert(Code0 =:= 201),
+             ETag = proplists:get_value("ETag", Headers0),
+             {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:get(
+                 Url ++ "/doc", [{"Origin", ""},
+                                 {"If-None-Match", ETag}]),
+             Code
+        end)}.
+maybe_append_vhost(true) ->
+    [{"Host", ""}];
+maybe_append_vhost(false) ->
+    [].
diff --git a/test/couchdb/test_request.erl b/test/couchdb/test_request.erl
index 36871b4..68e4956 100644
--- a/test/couchdb/test_request.erl
+++ b/test/couchdb/test_request.erl
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
--export([get/1, get/2, get/3, put/2, put/3]).
+-export([get/1, get/2, get/3]).
+-export([put/2, put/3]).
+-export([options/1, options/2, options/3]).
 -export([request/3, request/4]).
 get(Url) ->
@@ -31,6 +33,16 @@ put(Url, Headers, Body) ->
     request(put, Url, Headers, Body).
+options(Url) ->
+    request(options, Url, []).
+options(Url, Headers) ->
+    request(options, Url, Headers).
+options(Url, Headers, Opts) ->
+    request(options, Url, Headers, [], Opts).
 request(Method, Url, Headers) ->
     request(Method, Url, Headers, []).