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[Lenya Wiki] Update of "WyonaCreatePublication" by GregorRothfuss

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The following page has been changed by GregorRothfuss:

The comment on the change is:

- '''NOTE:''' ''This text is hopelessly outdated and should probably be scrapped. Also Wyona has been renamed to Lenya, so any documentation effort should go towards improving the [:Lenya] pages.'' 
+ deleted
- == Creating a new Publication ==
- === Introduction ===
- At the moment there seem to be two possibilities to
- use Lenya. You can either copy a sample publication from
- the Lenya distribution which has a similar information
- architecture as the one you have in mind for yourself, or
- you might have an existing Cocoon based publication, which
- you want to make content manageable, which means documents respectively
- pages shall basically be editable and publishable.
- === Customizing a sample publication ===
- === Sample publications ===
- The following sample publications currently exist:
-  *  UNIPUBLIC (University of Zurich)
-  * Department of Materials Science (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- === Copy sample publication ===
- In following let '''ethz-mat''' be the source and '''MY-PUB''' the name of the new publication
-  1. Copy: cp -r lenya/pubs/ethz-mat lenya/pubs/MY-PUB
-  1. Rename the ethz/mat subdirectories for your purpose[[BR]]
-      for instance: ethz-mat/docs/ethz/mat ==&gt; MY-PUB/docs/standard/t01 [[BR]]
-      and: ethz-mat/stylesheets/ethz/mat ==&gt; MY-PUB/stylesheets/standard/t01
- Configure MY-PUB/sitemap.xmap<br/>
- Just replace ethz-mat by MY-PUB and ethz/mat by standard/t01
- <code><!do-login||switch-user||logout||.*\.css||.*\.jpg||.*\.gif</public>
-    </map:action>
-    <map:action name="authenticator" src="org.apache.lenya.cms.cocoon.acting.IML!AuthenticatorAction"
-                                                   logger="sitemap.action.iml-authenticator">
-       <type>MY-PUB</type>
-       <passwd>MY-PUB/passwd/</passwd>
-    </map:action>
-  </map:actions>
- </map:components>
- ...
- <map:resources>
-   <map:resource name="login">
-     <map:generate type="serverpages" src="../../content/ac/login.xsp"/>
-     <map:transform src="../../xslt/ac/login.xsl">
-       <map:parameter name="publication_name" value="MY-PUB"/>
-       <map:parameter name="publication_id" value="MY-PUB"/>
-       <map:parameter name="lenya_path" value="lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/docs/standard/t01/" />
-     </map:transform>
-     <map:serialize type="html"/>
-   </map:resource>
- </map:resources>
- ]]></code>
- <code><![CDATA[<map:matchpattern="logout"><map:generatetype="serverpages"src="../../content/ac/logout.xsp"/><map:transformsrc="../../xslt/ac/logout.xsl"><map:parametername="publication_name"value="MY-PUB"/></map:transform><map:serialize/></map:match>]]></code>
- </li>
- <li>
- Set Name of Publication: lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/stylesheets/lenya/conf/conf.xsl
- (e.g. 'MY Publication')
- <code><![">]]></code>
- </li>
- <li>
- Moreover, replace ethz-mat by MY-PUB in following files:<br/>
- i)   webapp/lenya/content/menus/live.xsp<br/>
- ii)  webapp/lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/docs/cms/menus/live.xsp<br/>
- iii) webapp/lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/stylesheets/standard/t01/Configuration/read.xsl<br/>
- iv)  webapp/lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/stylesheets/Configuration/read.xsl<br/>
- v)   webapp/lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/stylesheets/lenya/edit/root.xsl
- </li>
- </ol>
- </section>
- <section><title>Adding copied publication to root sitemap</title>
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- File: webapp/sitemap.xmap
- </p>
- <source><![CDATA[<map:matchpattern="MY-PUB/**"><map:mounturi-prefix="MY-PUB"src="lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/sitemap.xmap"check-reload="true"reload-method="synchron"/></map:match>]]></source>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section><title>Adding CM functionalities to an existing publication</title>
- <section><title>Creating Authoring and Live area</title>
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- to do
- </p>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section><title>Import content</title>
- <section><title>Create XSLT from HTML with JTidy</title>
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- export PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin:$PATH <br/>
- java -classpath LENYACMS/build/lenya/classes:LENYACMS/build/lenya/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-04aug2000r7-dev.jar org.apache.lenya.util.!TidyCommandLine
- </p>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section><title>Regard following items</title>
- <section><title>Modify !EditorMainAction if the html-editor is used</title>
- <p>
- </p>
- <p>
- Modify 'lenyaPath'in the java-class org.apache.lenya.cms.cocoon.acting.!EditorMainAction<br/>
-      for instance: String lenyaPath="lenya/pubs/MY-PUB/docs/standard/t01/";<br/>
-      and recompile.
- </p>
- </section>
- </section>

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