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- Here's how XSLT programs can use DFDL/Daffodil - posted by Roger L Costello <> on 2020/06/02 16:10:51 UTC, 1 replies.
- Re: Here's how XSLT programs can use DFDL/Daffodil - posted by Steve Lawrence <> on 2020/06/02 16:30:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- java.lang.ArithmeticException: Overflow - posted by Claude Mamo <> on 2020/06/09 06:29:44 UTC, 6 replies.
- What platforms does Daffodil run on? - posted by Roger L Costello <> on 2020/06/18 17:07:48 UTC, 1 replies.
- dfdl:choiceDispatchKey - posted by Patrick Grandjean <> on 2020/06/18 19:28:23 UTC, 4 replies.
- How come error reports contain the same message repeated 3 times? - posted by Roger L Costello <> on 2020/06/19 12:27:30 UTC, 1 replies.
- looking for an example that parses data at the bit level - posted by Mark Webb <> on 2020/06/25 12:19:55 UTC, 5 replies.