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- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-723 PortletV3Demo DependencyPortlet does not encode the exception message - posted by on 2018/08/04 19:46:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-724 V3AnnotationPortletAppConfigOverrideTests portlet.xml descriptor does not validate against the portlet-app_3_0.xsd schema - posted by on 2018/08/04 19:52:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-725 Several portlets in PortletV3Demo fail to work in Liferay Portal due to missing configuration in liferay-portlet.xml - posted by on 2018/08/04 19:59:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-726 The pluto profile in the V3AnnotationPortletAppConfigOverrideTests pom.xml descriptor does not ignore Liferay-specific files - posted by on 2018/08/04 20:05:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-727 PortletSession invalidated in the HEADER_PHASE gets recycled and reused in the RENDER_PHASE - posted by on 2018/08/22 00:27:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-728 TCK: Contesting usage of PortletSession attributes in V3HeaderPortletTests - posted by on 2018/08/22 00:39:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-728 TCK: Contesting usage of PortletSession attributes in V3HeaderPortletTests - posted by on 2018/08/22 00:39:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-714 AnnotationPortletArtifactValidityTests redundantly specify the @PortletApplication annotation 4 times - posted by on 2018/08/22 19:29:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-728 TCK: Contesting usage of PortletSession attributes in V3HeaderPortletTests (fix for Liferay Portal) - posted by on 2018/08/22 20:06:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-730 Selenium WebDriverException thrown by TCKSimpleTestDriver - posted by on 2018/08/22 20:58:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-729 TCK: Contesting usage of upper-case portlet modes and window states in Portlet Hub tests - posted by on 2018/08/23 01:17:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-730 Selenium WebDriverException thrown by TCKSimpleTestDriver (specify -Dtest.scroll=true on the command line to enable) - posted by on 2018/08/23 13:46:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: TCK: Contesting usage of PortletRequest.getProperty("Referer") in V3RenderStateTests_SPEC2_12_MutableRenderState_setPortletMode5 - posted by on 2018/08/29 20:02:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- portals-pluto git commit: PLUTO-731 TCK: Contesting usage of PortletRequest.getProperty("Referer") in V3RenderStateTests - posted by on 2018/08/30 16:59:13 UTC, 0 replies.