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- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing few improvements to implementation of, function item inline function expressions, and improvements to implementations of xpath functions fn:for-each and fn:filter. fixing an issue with implementation file as well, that was discovered during xalanj xslt 3.0's tests regressions. - posted by on 2023/07/01 15:38:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing improvements to xpath 3.1 function item inline function expressions processing. improvements to, xsl:copy-of instruction to handle processing of xpath 3.1 sequences. improvements to xpath function fn:count to handle range to expression as an argument. adding a related working xslt 3.0 test case as well. - posted by on 2023/07/02 10:47:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing improvements to xpath 3.1 fn:for-each function implementation. minor enhancements to implementation of xsl:copy-of instruction for xslt 3.0. adding a related new working xslt 3.0 test case as well. - posted by on 2023/07/03 18:01:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 dynamic function calls. also committing few related working test cases as well. minor refactoring of few other parts of xalanj codebase, as well. - posted by on 2023/07/05 10:54:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: minor xalanj code refactoring on this branch. adding a new working test case as well, for xpath 3.1 dynamic function calls implementation. - posted by on 2023/07/05 16:43:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing a new working test case, for xpath 3.1 dynamic function calls implementation - posted by on 2023/07/06 14:59:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 'if' conditional expression, and few related new working test cases - posted by on 2023/07/07 11:47:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: improving little bit implementation of xpath 3.1 'if' conditional expression. improving dereferencing xslt 3.0 variable when it refers to a context item from an xpath 3.1 sequence with atomic values. adding few new related working test cases as well. - posted by on 2023/07/08 16:19:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing improvements to implementation of, xpath 3.1 dynamic function calls. also committing a related working test case as well. - posted by on 2023/07/09 16:39:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: improving a bit, the implementation of xpath 3.1 dynamic function calls. add a related new, working test case as well. doing minor improvements to comments, within few existing xslt 3.0 xalanj test cases. - posted by on 2023/07/10 14:35:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: improving the implementation of xpath 3.1 fn:filter and fn:for-each functions. also adding few new related working test cases as well. - posted by on 2023/07/11 16:39:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 'for' expression, and few new related working test cases as well. also modifications and refactoring to, few other parts of xalanj xslt 3.0 implementation that were affected by xpath 3.1 'for' expression implementation. - posted by on 2023/07/13 13:58:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: minor changes to, comments within few xslt 3.0 test case xsl documents - posted by on 2023/07/13 16:51:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch master updated (61ce985e -> dfeea1c4) - posted by on 2023/07/14 15:41:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch DTM_EXP deleted (was 9eceeb8b) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:52:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch XalanC-Output deleted (was 4faf3e44) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:52:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch XSLTC_DTM deleted (was 6e975bd6) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:52:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch xslt20-compiled deleted (was a5e92499) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:53:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-test] branch XSLTC_DOMImpl deleted (was e5f10274) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:53:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_2_1_0_maint deleted (was 870f3498) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:54:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch DTM_EXP deleted (was 0cb81628) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:56:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch Bxalan-j_2_2L deleted (was 72c2c830) - posted by on 2023/07/14 16:57:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch XSLTC_DOMImpl deleted (was 1842839f) - posted by on 2023/07/14 17:03:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch jdk-1_4_2 deleted (was bf31a3e3) - posted by on 2023/07/14 17:03:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_2_7_1_xdocs_old@1359740 deleted (was cdf3a2f3) - posted by on 2023/07/14 17:04:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_2_7_1_xdocs_old deleted (was b0ea926a) - posted by on 2023/07/14 17:04:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 quantified expressions 'some', 'every', with few new related working test cases as well. doing few minor refactoring as well within other parts of xalanj xslt 3.0 codebase. - posted by on 2023/07/14 17:20:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: adding few new working xalanj xslt 3.0 test cases, and doing minor changes to comments within an existing xalanj xslt 3.0 test case - posted by on 2023/07/15 12:15:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 'let' expression and related codebase changes, and few new working related test cases as well - posted by on 2023/07/16 15:47:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: implementation of xpath 3.1 function fn:distinct-values. improvements to xpath 3.1 function implementations for fn:index-of, fn:string-join, fn:tokenize. implementation of XML Schema data types xs:untyped, xs:untypedAtomic for xslt 3.0 processing. minor improvement to xpath expression lexer, to recognize the characters '{', '}' as valid xpath 3.1 language tokens. committing few related new working test cases as well. minor improvements to few other parts of, xalanj xslt 3.0 processor codebase. - posted by on 2023/07/18 14:26:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing minor improvements to, xpath 3.1 function implementations fn:distinct-values, fn:index-of, fn:string-join - posted by on 2023/07/18 16:56:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of XPath 3.1 built-in functions namespace uri also committing implementation of XPath 3.1 built-in math functions within namespace uri committing few other related xalanj xslt 3.0 implementation changes, and few new working related test cases as well. - posted by on 2023/07/20 12:34:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 sequence constructor, with comma operator and begin/end parenthesis pairs. also committing few related xalanj xslt 3.0 implementation codebase changes. committing few new related test cases as well, for xpath 3.1 sequence constructor expressions. - posted by on 2023/07/21 16:33:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 string concatenation operator - posted by on 2023/07/25 09:59:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing improvements to XML namespace handling, within recently implemented xalanj xslt 3.0 codebase. also committing, few new related xalanj test cases as well. - posted by on 2023/07/26 13:39:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: improving the xpath 3.1 parser implementation for the for, let and quantified expressions, and improvements to few other related areas of xalanj xslt 3.0 codebase as well. adding few new related working test cases as well. - posted by on 2023/07/27 12:27:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of xpath 3.1 component extraction functions on duration values. also committing, xpath 3.1 implementation of arithmetic 'addition' and 'subtraction' operations on duration values. committing as well, few new related working test cases for these xalanj xslt 3.0 implementation changes. - posted by on 2023/07/29 11:52:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [xalan-java] branch xalan-j_xslt3.0 updated: committing implementation of few arithmetic operations on xpath 3.1 duration values, along with few new related working test cases. also committing, improvements to few other parts of xalanj xslt 3.0 implementation related to arithmetic operations involving the operators +, -, *, div. - posted by on 2023/07/30 13:07:35 UTC, 0 replies.