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- [lucenenet] branch master updated (4fde199 -> 53bf64c) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/29: Patched SolutionDir MSBuild property so it works for dotnet.exe commands and updated project imports to utilize it - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/29: Made lucene-cli into a dotnet tool and updated the documentation on how to install and use it - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 03/29: Moved MSBuild element to common Directory.Build.props file (imported automatically by every project) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 04/29: Consolidated common MSBuild properties for NuGet packages to build/NuGet.props. Setup NuGet file to deploy LICENSE.txt rather than reference the repository URL, which has been deprecated. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 05/29: Fixed build.ps1 script so it will not try to pack new projects that are added to the solution by default. Removed publish target, as we are now packing the dotnet-cli as a dotnet tool. closes #228 - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 06/29: Moved all PackageReference versions to a common build/Dependencies.props file. Also moved common test project references (NUnit, Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, etc) into a common project file build/TestReferences.Common.targets. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 07/29: BUG: Intermittent failures of Lucene.Net.Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.TestCharBlockArray.TestArray(). The test was not setup to with encoders that fallback to '?' for unmapped/invalid characters. Also, the BinaryReader/BinaryWriter was too strict with regard to validating surrogate pairs for this type of serialization, so implemented custom extension methods over Stream that do not use encoding. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 08/29: Removed unnecessary commented tags from .csproj files. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 09/29: BUG: LUCENENET-602 - Some platforms fail to load codecs seemingly because their types are discovered by using reflection. Supplying local codec types explicitly will be faster, and possibly also more reliable across platforms. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 10/29: BUG: Fixes TestMultiTermConstantScore cleanup - safely call Dispose by ensuring the reference variable is not null - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 11/29: BUG: Fixes BaseTestRangeFilter cleanup - safely call Dispose by ensuring the reference variable is not null - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 12/29: build.ps1: Fixed tests and setup build to use a specific SDK version (2.1.505) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 13/29: Lucene.Net.Support.IO.FileSupport::fileCanonPathCache needs to be threadsafe - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 14/29: Use ConcurrentDictionary::GetOrAdd - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 15/29: Use AddValueFactory - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 16/29: Lucene.Net.Support.IO.FileSupport: Removed unnecessary using statement (closes #226) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 17/29: fix locking/disposal bug - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 18/29: Lucene.Net.Store.NativeFSLockFactory: Renamed local variables to conform with naming rules (closes #222) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 19/29: Changes the "Improve this doc" button to always point to the lucenenet github repo - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 20/29: Updated readme with the location of the documentation (closes #225, applies to LUCENENET-589) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 21/29: Added strong naming to Lucene.Net assemblies - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 22/29: Added comment on Version.proj default - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 23/29: Remove LuceneDocsPlugin dummy pack target and cleaned up a few comments - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 24/29: Moved to Directory.Build.props so we don't have to specify in every project at the same directory depth. Moved AssemblyKeys to Lucene.Net.Support. (closes #227, LUCENENET-608) - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 25/29: build.ps1: Removed unnecessary CommonAssemblyInfo.cs generation and passed the FileVersion property explicitly - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 26/29: BUG: Fixed invalid method call introduced in #222 to ClearLock that caused the path to double up, which caused the GetCanonicalPathOfLockFile method to fail. - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 27/29: Reverted Lucene.Net.Support.EqualityComparer implementation that was created as an experiment to attempt to solve LUCENENET-602 - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 28/29: Added missing guard clauses for HashMap and LinkedHashMap constructors - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 29/29: Upgraded to latest dotnet-install.ps1 - posted by on 2019/07/09 21:29:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated: build.ps1: Changing the order of execution so when we check if the SDK is installed, it won't crash due to an error. - posted by on 2019/07/10 21:14:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (82f3699 -> 7c96de9) - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:42:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/12: Fixed TestThreadInterruptDeadlock and TestTwoThreadsInterruptDeadlock - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:42:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/12: build.ps1: Removed functions that install the .NET Core 1.0 SDK - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:42:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 03/12: Updated to the latest version of SharpZipLib, 1.1.0 - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:42:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 04/12: Upgraded to the latest version of TeamCity.VSTest.TestAdapter, 1.0.15 - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:42:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 05/12: TestICUCollationKeyAnalyzer: Removed manual failure, since we are no longer getting crashes due to background threads throwing exceptions - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 06/12: BUG: Fixed ConcurrentMergeScheduler and TaskMergeScheduler so they don't throw exceptions on background threads and properly throw exceptions on the calling thread (fixes #214, fixes #220, fixes LUCENENET-603) - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 07/12: Lucene.Net.Tests.Index.TestIndexWriter.cs: Removed extra code that was used to put propagate background exceptions to the calling thread (ThreadClass now handles this for us). Relates to #218. The tests still fail intermittently, but we at least now have useful exceptions that give us clues. - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 08/12: Removed manual test failures that were used to block application crashes due to exceptions on background threads - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 09/12: SWEEP: Made all tests 5 seconds or over into long running tests, and removed the attribute from tests that are now performing better than they used to - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 10/12: Removed Timeout attribute from tests that are known to run in a short time, and deleted the (pointless) HasTimeoutAttribute - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 11/12: Upgrade test target from .NET Core 2.0 to .NET Core 2.1 to support (see: - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 12/12: Upgraded to the stable version on NuGet, 59.1.15 - posted by on 2019/07/11 15:43:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (7c96de9 -> 8b1daa2) - posted by on 2019/07/11 21:38:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/02: build.ps1: Setup tests to always use dotnet test and pinned the .NET Core SDK version to 2.2.300 - posted by on 2019/07/11 21:38:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/02: Setup project files to ignore .NET Framework targets if not building on Windows. - posted by on 2019/07/11 21:38:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (8b1daa2 -> c70c0f4) - posted by on 2019/07/12 09:18:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/02: Upgraded to latest version of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, 16.2.0 - posted by on 2019/07/12 09:18:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/02: Added NUnit.Extension.TeamCityEventListener NuGet package to test projects. - posted by on 2019/07/12 09:18:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (c70c0f4 -> 5fbf245) - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/07: Upgraded to latest version of NUnit3TestAdapter, 3.13.0 from 3.8.0 - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/07: Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer: Implemented dispose pattern - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 03/07: Lucene.Net.Benchmark.ByTask.Tasks.PerfTask: added IDisposable so the class can be used with a using block (it already had Dispose()) - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 04/07: Lucene.Net.Analysis.ICU.Collation: Added Dispose() to each class that clones its own ICU Collator, as it contains unmanaged disposable resources. Except for ICUCollationKeyFilter because IncrementToken() is called after Dispose(). See LUCENENET-611. - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 05/07: Upgraded NUnit package dependency to 3.9.0 - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 06/07: build.ps1: Added function to summarize the test results on the console - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 07/07: Lucene.Net.Tests.Replicator: Had a test hang on a build.bat run, but unclear which test caused the hang and unable to easily repeat. Adding the Timeout attribute to the assembly so in the event of another hang, we will get a failed test. - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:52:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated: Lucene.Net.Tests.Replicator: Conditional compilation for Timeout, as the attribute doesn't exist in .NET Standard 1.6 - posted by on 2019/07/13 17:58:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated: Lucene.Net.Tests.Replicator: Timeout doesn't exist on .NET Standard 2.0 (as of NUnit 3.9.0) either, patching build - posted by on 2019/07/13 18:27:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated: Lucene.Net.Tests.Replicator: Fixed comments - posted by on 2019/07/13 20:22:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (2cee94a -> a44fcc2) - posted by on 2019/07/15 10:23:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/02: Removed Version.proj file and moved the version properties into the root Directory.Build.props file - posted by on 2019/07/15 10:23:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/02: Renamed TestTargetFramework.proj to TestTargetFramework.props (Some editions of VS2019 don't seem to like the .proj extension) - posted by on 2019/07/15 10:23:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (a44fcc2 -> 472cc20) - posted by on 2019/07/16 16:38:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/03: BUG: Lucene.Net.TestFramework: Removed dependency on local file path location of europarl.lines.txt.gz and embedded the file. Removed Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Paths class whose only purpose was to resolve such dependencies (and didn't exist in Java). - posted by on 2019/07/16 16:39:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/03: Deleted test-files directory. All of these files have been embedded or do not apply to Lucene 4.8.0. - posted by on 2019/07/16 16:39:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 03/03: Lucene.Net.TestFramework: Implemented dispose pattern where applicable - posted by on 2019/07/16 16:39:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] branch master updated (472cc20 -> 50e21e4) - posted by on 2019/07/27 13:23:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 01/02: Refactored Lucene.Net.ICU to utilize ICU4N instead of + added all missing functionality and tests from Java Lucene (100% passing). This is built against ICU4N 60.1.0-alpha.22.ga154ecb7c2 (which corresponds to ICU 60.1 and is about 40% of the total ICU4J package). Added Lucene version compatibility level to each file, as some files have been ported from Lucene 7.1.0. - posted by on 2019/07/27 13:23:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [lucenenet] 02/02: Upgraded to ICU4N 60.1.0-alpha.46 - posted by on 2019/07/27 13:23:28 UTC, 0 replies.