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- [01/49] lucenenet git commit: Setup InternalsVisibleTo Lucene.Net.Core <- Lucene.Net.Tests for testing. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/49] lucenenet git commit: Setup InternalsVisibleTo Lucene.Net.TestFramework <- Lucene.Net.Tests for testing. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/49] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in FST that were causing test failures and Debug.Assert failures in Misc.Util.Fst. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.Util.Fst.TestBytesStore - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/49] lucenenet git commit: .NETify FST: Public member names should be PascalCase. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.Util.Fst.TestFSTs - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.Util.Packed.TestPackedInts - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/49] lucenenet git commit: .NETify FST: Changed Final, Last, Compiled, and Reversed() to IsFinal, IsLast, IsCompiled, and IsReversed to make it clear that they are boolean states. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/49] lucenenet git commit: Removed duplicate (hidden) class definitions in FST. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/49] lucenenet git commit: .NETify FST: Private/protected fields should be camelCase. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/49] lucenenet git commit: .NETify FST: Private/protected fields should be camelCase. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/49] lucenenet git commit: .NETify FST: Interfaces should start with "I" - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/49] lucenenet git commit: Moved BytesRefFSTEnum.InputOutput and IntsRefFSTEnum.InputOutput classes into non-generic classes with the same name so we don't need to specify the generic type twice. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/49] lucenenet git commit: Normalized FST license headers - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/49] lucenenet git commit: Refactored FST class to disallow the verbose and confusing FST.Arc syntax, favoring FST.Arc. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/49] lucenenet git commit: Fixed infinite recursion issue and key not found bugs in the FSTTester - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/49] lucenenet git commit: Core.Util.Fst.TestFSTs: Fixed infinite recursion bug in TestRealTerms(). Use Environment.TickCount rather than DateTime.Now.Millisecond when doing time sensitive testing. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/49] lucenenet git commit: TestFSTs: Added LongRunningTest and Ignore attributes for applicable tests. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/49] lucenenet git commit: Fixed issue with SortedSet not being emptied in Core.Util.Fst.Util, and added thread safety, since SortedSet doesn't have the necessary atomic operations. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported StressRamUsageEstimator & TestRamUsageEstimator + fixed bugs in RamUsageEstimator - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/49] lucenenet git commit: Added timeout to long running test (~45 sec) in Core.Util.Packed.TestPackedInts - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.Util.TestIdentityHashSet + fixed bugs in RamUsageEstimator.IdentityHashSet. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.Util.TestWeakIdentityMap (partially) - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/49] lucenenet git commit: Fixed String.Format bug in Core.Util.NamedThreadFactory - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.TestDemo - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.TestSearch - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.TestSearchForDuplicates - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.TestExternalCodes + fixed bugs that were preventing it from running. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:16:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/49] lucenenet git commit: Moved tests from namespace Lucene.Net.Document to Lucene.Net.Documents so we don't have conflicts with the Document type and cleaned up headers. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported Core.TestMergeSchedulerExternal - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/49] lucenenet git commit: Finished implementing ignored Classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifierTest.TestNGramUsage() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/49] lucenenet git commit: Finished implementing ignored Core.Index.TestAddIndexes.TestAddIndexMissingCodec() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Core.Search.TestMultiTermConstantScore.TestBasics() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Lucene.Net.Index.TestBinaryTerms.TestBinary() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored tests in Core.Index.Test2BDocs + fixed temp dir creation bug in LuceneTestCase - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/49] lucenenet git commit: Updated ignore flag on Index.Test2BBinaryDocValues with the message from the Java version that it takes 45 minutes. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/49] lucenenet git commit: Updated ignore flag on Index.Test2BSortedDocValues with the message from the Java version that it is very slow. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Core.Util.TestWAH8DocIdSet + fixed bugs in tests - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/49] lucenenet git commit: Updated ignore attribute on Index.Test2BNumericDocValues with the message from Java that indicates it takes ~30 minutes - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Index.TestStressIndexing2.TestRandom() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Search.TestPhraseQuery.TestRandomPhrases() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Search.TestBoolean2.TestRandomQueries() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/49] lucenenet git commit: Enabled ignored Core.Util.TestBroadWord.TestRank1() - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/49] lucenenet git commit: Removed commented code block from TestFramework.Util.Fst.FSTTester. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/49] lucenenet git commit: Moved common code from Core.Util.Fst.FST and TestFramework.Util.Fst.FSTTester into the support namespace. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/49] lucenenet git commit: Ported part of AtomicReferenceArray from Java for testing. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/49] lucenenet git commit: Finished implementation of Core.Util.TestWeakIdenityMap and fixed some bugs with the enumerator logic of WeakIdenityMap (test still failing). - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/49] lucenenet git commit: Removed commented code from Core.Util.Fst.NodeHash - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/49] lucenenet git commit: Merge remote-tracking branch '888/core-fst' - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:17:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/12] lucenenet git commit: Changed default namespace of QueryParser to QueryParsers to avoid namespace/class name collisions. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed all compiler warnings in QueryParser - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed string comparison bug in QueryParser.Surround.Query.SimpleTerm - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in QueryParser.Surround.Parser.QueryParserTokenManager that caused all of the Surround QueryParser tests to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in the Core.Search.Query class. We cannot set the Boost property in the constructor, since subclasses can override it and throw exceptions. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in QueryParser.Surround.Query.DistanceQuery.DistanceSubQueryNotAllowed() that was causing a null reference exception when the type of query does not implement IDistanceSubQuery. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/12] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in the QueryParser.Simple.TestSimpleQueryParser tests that were inverting the logic and testing for enabled rather than disabled option states. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/12] lucenenet git commit: Finished implementation of QueryParser.Surround.Query.SrndTruncQuery - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/12] lucenenet git commit: Added missing QueryParser.Analyzing.AnalyzingQueryParser.GetPrefixQuery override that was causing the TestAnalyzingQueryParser.TestPrefixQuery() test to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/12] lucenenet git commit: Changed all "String" references to "string" in QueryParser - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/12] lucenenet git commit: Optimized QueryParser.Surround.Query.SrndTruncQuery to fail fast if the Regex doesn't match the entire string. - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/12] lucenenet git commit: Merge remote-tracking branch '888/queryparser-bugz' - posted by on 2016/10/02 10:22:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Modified Core.Support.PriorityQueue to work with either IComparable or IComparer, similar to the one in Java. Also, made the members virtual so it can be inherited. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Suggest.Spell.WordBreakSpellChecker + tests - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Cleaned up Suggest test code - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Renamed InputIterator interface IInputIterator - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Finished porting TestFreeTextSuggester (NOTE: missing test data file so the test can't be run, but the test was ignored anyway). - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Completed port of Suggest.Analyzing.AnalyzingInfixSuggesterTest.TestRandomNRT() - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Completed port of Suggest.Spell.TestSpellChecker.TestConcurrentAccess() - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in SortedInputIterator where the sorting was using the wrong comparator instance, which caused exceptions when trying to decode the files. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Patched bug in Suggest.SortedInputIterator where the context set was being read back in reverse, however the underlying cause is still a mystery. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added an exception in the toString() extension method because string implements IEnumerable but we just want it to be returned unchanged. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing StringBuilder.append extension missing overloads because char was being added to the StringBuilder as long - this could be a problem with other data types as well. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in the Suggest.Analyzing.TestFreeTextSuggester.TestRandom() test - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed more ushort usage issues and left some documentation comments as a reminder to always cast the ReadShort() return value to ushort to ensure it is positive. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed some issues with Suggest.AnalyzingSuggesterTest. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed string comparison in SuggestWordScoreComparator to match that of Java. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Visual Studio 2015 keeps adding this XML element to the QueryParser.csproj file automatically - no downside to keeping it. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Renamed SizeInBytes() to GetSizeInBytes() (with a verb) because this action can be intensive and thus should not be a property or have a noun for a name. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Wrapped Suggest.Spell.TestSpellChecker disposable components into using blocks to prevent bogus error messages from appearing in test results upon failure. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in Suggest.Spell.TestSpellChecker.TestConcurrentAccess that caused it to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed issue in Suggest.Search.TestSpellChecker with ConcurrentBag list being built in the reverse order than the items are added. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed infinite recursion bug in Suggest.Jaspell.JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNote.GetSizeInBytes() - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest.Analyzing.AnalyzingSuggester: No need to convert key to a string if it already is. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated Suggest documentation links to code elements and made corrections. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated Suggest documentation links to code elements and made corrections. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated Suggest documentation links to code elements and made corrections. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Normalized Suggest license headers. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated Suggest member accessibility to match that of Java. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Refactored culture on Suggest.Jaspell.JaspellTernarySearchTrie to make it work better with .NET. In this case it is better to load the culture when the object is created since a dictionary (which is also loaded in th - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed TODO about ToLower() culture in Suggest.Spell.DirectSpellChecker. In this case it is best to get the culture from the current thread so the user can override if necessary. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest.Spell.WordBreakSpellChecker: Made enums into optional parameters so the defaults that were used in Java can be respected without making them nullable. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest: general housekeeping - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest: Return List rather than IList from methods to prevent having to do too many O(n) list operations. Namely, the Sort() method doesn't exist on IList. But accept IList as input where possible. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest.Spell.SpellChecker: Per MSDN, calling Dispose() multiple times should be a safe operation, so fixed the behavior to allow it and changed the test. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Suggest: Fixed all compiler warnings. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Lucene.Net.Misc: Fixed all compiler warnings. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing IComparer interface to the Misc.Index.Sorter.Sorter.DocComparator class. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Lucene.Net.Misc: General housekeeping - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated Lucene.Net.Misc documentation - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Lucene.Net.Memory + tests - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Lucene.Net.Memory + tests - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Lucene.Net.Memory + tests - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:35:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed most compiler warnings in Analysis (a few lingering issues). - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed most compiler warnings in Analysis (a few lingering issues). - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed most compiler warnings in Analysis (a few lingering issues). - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed TestFramework toString() extension method so it will print the word "null" when it encounters a null value, similar to Java. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added non-random test to help with debugging Suggest.Analyzing.AnalyzingSuggesterTest.TestRandom() - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in TestFramework.Analysis.MockUTF16TermAttributeImpl that was causing the attribute to be initialized with a set of bytes representing the encoding name rather than bytes representing the value of the attri - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Updated comment with a TODO, since this assertion should be passing, but is not. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed equality checks in Core.Util.Fst.FST to account for generics. Updated some of the commented debug code to be .NETified in case it is required again. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Suggest: Added a SuggesterOptions flags enum to specify the AnalyzingSuggester and FuzzySuggester options using Intellisense. - posted by on 2016/10/02 14:36:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed Regex bugs in the Analysis.Synonym.TestSynonymMapFilter that were causing 14 failing tests. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in the Analysis.Synonym.SlowSynonymFilter that were causing 3 tests to fail by not polling the correct buffer. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Analysis.Compound.Hyphenation.PatternParser that didn't call the EndElement method on empty elements. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in the Analysis.Compound.Hyphenation.TernaryTree.Iterator that was causing it to populate one the 'k' array incorrectly. Refactored the Iterator to act more like a .NET IEnumerator (that is, to have an initial poin - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/10] lucenenet git commit: Completed implementation of Analysis.Compound.Hyphenation.TernaryTree.PrintStats() - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Analysis.Util.TestCharTokenizers.TestReadSupplementaryChars() that caused the test to fail randomly. Array elements caused by doubled space characters were not being properly excluded by the string.Split() funct - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several CharArraySet/CharArrayMap bugs that were causing tests to fail, and re-enabled those tests. Refactored both classes to be more .NET-like. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several CharArraySet/CharArrayMap bugs that were causing tests to fail, and re-enabled those tests. Refactored both classes to be more .NET-like. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several CharArraySet/CharArrayMap bugs that were causing tests to fail, and re-enabled those tests. Refactored both classes to be more .NET-like. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/10] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several CharArraySet/CharArrayMap bugs that were causing tests to fail, and re-enabled those tests. Refactored both classes to be more .NET-like. - posted by on 2016/10/02 15:02:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed Facet.Taxonomy.LRUHashMap implementation to correctly remove the eldest item from the cache when an item is added (test passing). - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Facet.Taxonomy.SearcherTaxonomyManager - wrong exception being thrown. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/46] lucenenet git commit: Finished implementation of Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.TestCharBlockArray test and fixed the implementation of CharBlockArray and CompactLabelToOrdinal to make the test pass. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/46] lucenenet git commit: Finished port of Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.TestCompactLabelToOrdinal and fixed bugs with FacetLabel hash code, CategoryPathUtils.EqualsToSerialized(), CharBlockArray.SubSequence() and CompactLabelToOrdinal.Open() to make th - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/46] lucenenet git commit: Added reminder to .NETify the Size property. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet.FacetResult & Facet.LabelAndValue: Fixed string format bugs by adding extra constructors to track the underlying data type of return value and formatting accordingly in ToString(). - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed wrong exception thrown from Facet.SortedSet.SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts as well as the wrong expected exception in its test. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed sorting bugs in Facet.FacetTestCase. Need to sort the list that was passed into the method, not create a new one. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed Facet.FacetTestCase.SortTies() to include a sort length rather than end index. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Facet.Taxonomy.TestTaxonomyFacetCounts.TestBasic() where the output wasn't being written to because of a missing StreamWriter. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed assert bug in Facet.TestDrillSideways.VerifyEquals() that caused random failures. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed cache cleanup bug in Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.NameIntCacheLRU. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Normalized code formatting, license headers, and usings. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Normalized code formatting, license headers, and usings. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/46] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Facet: Interfaces should begin with an "I" - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/46] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Facet: Method names should be PascalCase - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/46] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Facet: Field names should be camelCase. Fields should not be public (changed to properties with PascalCase names). - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/46] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Facet: Field names should be camelCase. Fields should not be public (changed to properties with PascalCase names). - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/46] lucenenet git commit: .NETify Facet: Renamed method from entryIterator() to GetEnumerator() - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Facet.Taxonomy.Directory.DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.MemoryOrdinalMap - setting size has no effect on the size of the array. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed Facet.Taxonomy.Directory.TaxonomyIndexArrays _renamed variable names. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed string CompareTo to match Java - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Changed accessibility of class members to match Java Lucene. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/46] lucenenet git commit: Facets: Return List rather than IList to prevent having to do too many O(n) operations on the results. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet.Taxononmy.Directory.DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.IOrdinalMap: Renamed Size back to the original SetSize() because it changes the internal state of the object. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Facet.Taxonomy.ParallelTaxonomyArrays methods Parents, Children, and Siblings to be properties. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/46] lucenenet git commit: Renamed Facet.Taxononmy.WriterCache.ITaxonomyWriterCache.Full back to its original name IsFull to indicate it is a boolean state. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/46] lucenenet git commit: Renamed Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.CompactLabelToOrdinal.MemoryUsage, Cl2oTaxonomyWriterCache.MemoryUsage and CollisionMap.MemoryUsage back to their original name (GetMemoryUsage()) because these are intensive operations. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Size() and Capacity() methods of Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.CollisionMap to Count and Capacity properties. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:01:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.CompactLabelsToOrdinal.SizeOfMap to a property - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.LabelToOrdinal.NextOrdinal back to a method (GetNextOrdinal()) because it is not deterministic. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Facet.FacetsCollector.GetMatchingDocs back to a method (non-deterministic), modified it to return a List instead of IList and modified related members OriginalMatchingDocs and CreateSampledDocs() similarly. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/46] lucenenet git commit: Renamed Facet.Taxonomy.TaxonomyReader.Size to Count (.NETified) - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Facet.Taxonomy.LRUHashMap Size and MaxSize methods to Count and Capacity properties (.NETified) - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/46] lucenenet git commit: Renamed Facet.SortedSet.SortedSetDocValuesReaderState.Size to be Count (.NETified) - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/46] lucenenet git commit: Renamed Facet.Taxonomy.ITaxonomyWriter.Size to Count (.NETified) - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/46] lucenenet git commit: In Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.NameIntCacheLRU, renamed Size and MaxSize to Count and Capacity (.NETified) - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed all Facet compiler warnings - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Updated documentation - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Updated documentation - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/46] lucenenet git commit: Facet: Updated documentation - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/46] lucenenet git commit: Changed Close() to IDisposable.Dispose() in Facet.Taxonomy.WriterCache.ITaxonomyWriterCache. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed "identityHashCode" call in Facet.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFacetSumValueSource. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/46] lucenenet git commit: Added CSharpTest.Net.Collections.LurchTable to our Support namespace and modified the DirectoryTaxonomyReader and NameIntCacheLRU to utilize it. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/46] lucenenet git commit: Added CSharpTest.Net.Collections.LurchTable to our Support namespace and modified the DirectoryTaxonomyReader and NameIntCacheLRU to utilize it. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/46] lucenenet git commit: Fixed QueryParser project merge conflict. - posted by on 2016/10/04 20:02:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- lucenenet git commit: fix copyright year - posted by on 2016/10/06 13:45:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] lucenenet git commit: Changed casing of String to string. - posted by on 2016/10/06 14:08:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] lucenenet git commit: Merge branch 'master' of - posted by on 2016/10/06 14:08:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Codecs.SimpleText.SimpleTextDocValuesWriter - changed to long?.GetValueOrDefault() to match Java Lucene. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Index.TestDuelingCodecs - was using wrong codec for testing, it should be SimpleText, not Lucene41. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Store.NativeFSLockFactory - Dispose() override missing. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Index.IndexWriter - shouldn't be calling WriteLock.Release() here. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs with Codecs.SimpleText.SimpleTextUtil checksum formatting. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Codecs.SimpleText.SimpleTextStoredFieldsWriter.Dispose(): if disposing, should dispose, not return. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several bugs that were causing the Codecs.SimpleText tests to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed Regex bug in Core.Index.TestDuelingCodecs - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/47] lucenenet git commit: Codecs.SimpleText.SimpleTextStoredFieldsWriter: Fixed formatting bugs that were causing loss of precision on float/double types when converting to string. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/47] lucenenet git commit: Made all test methods in BaseDocValuesFormatTestCase and BaseStoredFieldsFormatTestCase virtual so they can be overridden and used in the correct context. For now, leaving the [Test] attributes in place. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs that were causing the Codecs.SimpleText.TestSimpleTextTermVectorsFormat tests to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/47] lucenenet git commit: Added the Codecs.SimpleText tests to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/47] lucenenet git commit: Core.Store.FSDirectory: Added check to ensure deleted file was really deleted (similar to the way it works in Java). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.DiskDv tests to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:34:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/47] lucenenet git commit: Codecs: Fixed more inverted disposing logic. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed cloning behavior of Core.Store.DataInput to match Java Lucene. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed comparison bug in Codecs.BlockTerms.BlockTermsReader - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.BlockTerms tests to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/47] lucenenet git commit: Core.Store.CompoundFileDirectory: Fixed issue where magic byte was not correctly represented as negative (secondByte is always negative and represents the Lucene version). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed missing call to AddBinaryField that caused many Codecs.DiskDv tests to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/47] lucenenet git commit: Reverted Codecs.IntBlock API back to its original form - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.Bloom tests + mocks to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.Sep tests to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.IntBlock tests + mocks to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.Pulsing tests + mocks to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/47] lucenenet git commit: Added Codecs.Memory tests to the project - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/47] lucenenet git commit: Marked the Core.Index.MergePolicy.MergeException class serializable. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in Codecs.Pulsing (wrong disposing logic and key not found exception). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed several bugs in Codecs.Memory that were causing tests not to pass. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed infinite recursion bug in TestFramework.Index.BaseTermVectorsTestCase.RandomDocument. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Index.Test2BDocs that was causing the temp directory to be deleted before both tests were finished using it (which only failed when both tests were run at the same time). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/47] lucenenet git commit: Increased timeouts on tests that were failing because of the 20 second limit imposed on all core tests. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/47] lucenenet git commit: Made BaseDocIdSetTestCase test methods virtual. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/47] lucenenet git commit: Removed Ignore attribute for Core.Index.TestSnapshotDeletionPolicy.TestSnapshotDeletionPolicy_Mem(). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/47] lucenenet git commit: Made Core.Util.BaseSortTestCase test methods virtual. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/47] lucenenet git commit: Removed Ignore attribute on Core.Util.TestVirtualMethod classes that caused all of the tests to be ignored. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/47] lucenenet git commit: Reverted test method stubs on Misc.Index.Sorter.SorterTestBase-derived test classes so this state can be returned to later when swapping test frameworks to xUnit. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/47] lucenenet git commit: Refactored TestFramework.Util.VirtualMethod and Core.Util.TestVirtualMethod to avoid having to deal with subclasses of test classes (that mess up test context). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/47] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/47] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/47] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/47] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/47] lucenenet git commit: Not sensible to make Core.Util.TestPriorityQueue.Benchmarks() fail when verbosity is turned off. Added AssumeTrue to skip the test when verbosity is not set and run it when it is (note this test doesn't exist in Java Lucene) - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/47] lucenenet git commit: Marked Core.Util.TestPagedBytes.TestOverflow() Ignored because it was ignored in Java (and throws an OOM exception most of the time). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/47] lucenenet git commit: Fixed missing using clause and invalid attempt to decrement countdown below 0 (for some reason 2 doesn't work, but checking the count before decrementing does). - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/47] lucenenet git commit: Codecs.SimpleText: Fixed several bugs due to string parsing/formatting without invariant culture, missing CompareTo() calls, and missing null checks. - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/47] lucenenet git commit: Merge branch 'codecs-bugz' - posted by on 2016/10/11 18:35:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed LongRunningTest attribute from Core.Util.Automaton.TestUTF32ToUTF8.TestRandomRegexes() because it only takes a few seconds - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added LuceneNetSpecific attribute to Core.Util.TestLongBitSet.TestClearSmall() and Core.Util.TestLongBitSet.TestClearLarge() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added LuceneNetSpecific attribute to Core.Util.TestFixedBitSet.TestClearSmall() and Core.Util.TestFixedBitSet.TestClearLarge() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added original Ignore message to Core.Util.Test2BPagedBytes - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added LuceneNetSpecific attribute to Core.Util.TestOpenBitSet.TestClearSmall() and Core.Util.TestOpenBitSet.TestClearLarge() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing asserts in Core.Util.TestNumericUtils.TestLongConversionAndOrdering() and Core.Util.TestNumericUtils.TestIntConversionAndOrdering() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing test Core.Util.TestMathUtil - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing asserts to Core.Util.TestVersion.TestDeprecations() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing test Core.TestWorstCaseBehavior - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing tests to Core.Util.TestPriorityQueue + marked most existing tests with the LuceneNetSpecific attribute. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing random task scheduler to LuceneTestCase.NewSearcher() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added parameter to [SuppressCodecs] attribute and added the attribute to all applicable classes in Lucene.Net.Tests - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Index.TestConcurrentMergeScheduler.TestFlushExceptions() that caused it not to finish. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:01:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Index.TestIndexWriter.TestWickedLongTerm() that caused the test not to complete. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in Core.Util.Automaton where HashSets were being used within Dictionaries and are expected to be compared by contained values rather than by reference. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed fail assertion in Core.Index.TestIndexWriterUnicode because the test now finishes. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in Core.Search.FieldCache and Core.Search.TestFieldCache that were causing the TestFieldCache tests to fail. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added missing random TaskScheduler overload call to TestFramework.Index.ThreadedIndexingAndSearchingTestCase. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed unnecessary byte[] cast from Core.Store.SimpleFSDirectory.ReadInternal() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed parsing bug in Core.Search.FieldCache. Also changed IFieldCache.InfoStream from StreamWriter to TextWriter to allow more flexibility in usage (can use a StringWriter rather than writing to a stream). - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed unnecessary cast from Core.Store.NIOFSDirectory - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed accessibility/initial size bugs when opening Core.Store.MMapDirectory. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported the tests for ByteBuffer from Java and refactored ByteBuffer. Also ported LongBuffer + tests (required by Core.Util.TestPackedInts.TestEncodeDecode()). - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported the tests for ByteBuffer from Java and refactored ByteBuffer. Also ported LongBuffer + tests (required by Core.Util.TestPackedInts.TestEncodeDecode()). - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported the tests for ByteBuffer from Java and refactored ByteBuffer. Also ported LongBuffer + tests (required by Core.Util.TestPackedInts.TestEncodeDecode()). - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Search.TestFieldCache (number of threads not specified on the Barrier) - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs with keeping track of the current position in Core.Support.MemoryMappedFileByteBuffer - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bugs in Core.Store.MMapDirectory that were causing false access denied exceptions when reaching the end of the file. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Added longer timeouts to TestMultiMMap and TestControlledRealTimeReopenThread tests - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Revert "HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context." - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Revert "HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context." - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Revert "HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context." - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Revert "HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context." - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Reworked QueryParserTestBase to once again be abstract. Added virtual keyword to tests to match that of Java. This is prep work for fixing test context in QueryParser. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Removed unnecessary array declaration in Core.Util.FieldCacheSanityChecker.CheckSubreaders() - in .NET all that will do is take up more RAM for no reason. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in Core.Search.FieldCacheImpl where value to be cached was being overwritten by TryGetValue. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Completed implementation of QueryParser.Util.QueryParserTestBase.TestDateRange() - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed bug in QueryParser.Ext.ExtendableQueryParser constructor that was causing extension not to be initialized correctly. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed issues with tests polluting each other's state by setting FieldCache.InfoStream in the setup of the FieldCache specific tests and tearing them down properly rather than leaving the state around for other tests. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed number conversion bug in Queries.Function.TestDocValuesFieldSources - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Fixed hash code value and ToString() bug in Queries.CommonTermsQuery - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: HACK: Added stubs for all tests subclasses of abstract test classes (with [Test] attributes) and commented the [Test] attributes in the abstract classes to keep the tests from running in the wrong context. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Analysis.Stempel + tests (closes #190) - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Analysis.Stempel + tests (closes #190) - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported Analysis.Stempel + tests (closes #190) - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/50] [abbrv] lucenenet git commit: Ported tests for Support.DataInputStream and Support.DataOutputStream from Java and fixed bugs. - posted by on 2016/10/23 13:02:36 UTC, 0 replies.