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- [01/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14680 : retain consistent splits /during/ (as opposed to across) LLAP failures on top of HIVE-14589 (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14790: Jenkins is not displaying test results because 'set -e' is aborting the script too soon (Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14779 make DbTxnManager.HeartbeaterThread a daemon (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14651. Add a local cluster for Tez and LLAP. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran, Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14624 : LLAP: Use FQDN when submitting work to LLAP (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14793. Allow ptest branch to be specified, PROFILE override. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14714: Avoid misleading " Stream closed" when shutting down HoS (Gabor Szadovszky via Rui) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14801 : improve TestPartitionNameWhitelistValidation stability (Thejas Nair, reviewed by Daniel Dai) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14782: Improve runtime of NegativeMinimrCliDriver (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14461. Move hbase_bulk to run via TestCliDriver. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14783 : bucketing column should be part of sorting for delete/update operation when spdo is on (Ashutosh Chauhan via Prasanth J) Addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14766 : ObjectStore.initialize() needs retry mechanisms in case of connection failures (Sushanth Sowmyan, reviewed by Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14814: metastoreClient is used directly in Hive cause NPE (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Eugene Koifman) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14774: Canceling query using Ctrl-C in beeline might lead to stale locks (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Jimmy Xiang, Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14751: Add support for date truncation (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14579: Add support for date extract (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14805: Subquery inside a view will have the object in the subquery as the direct input (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:08:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14820: RPC server for spark inside HS2 is not getting server address properly (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14713: LDAP Authentication Provider should be covered with unit tests (Illya Yalovyy, reviewed by Chaoyu Tang, Szehon Ho) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14713: LDAP Authentication Provider should be covered with unit tests (Illya Yalovyy, reviewed by Chaoyu Tang, Szehon Ho) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14817. Shutdown the SessionManager timeoutChecker thread properly upon shutdown. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14818. Reduce number of retries while starting HiveServer for tests. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14831: Missing Druid dependencies at runtime (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/44] hive git commit: HIVE-3173 Add tests for JDBC getTypeInfo method (Xiu Gao via gates) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/44] hive git commit: HIVE-5867: JDBC driver and beeline should support executing an initial SQL script(Jianguo Tian, via Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14358: Add metrics for number of queries executed for each execution engine (Barna Zsombor Klara, reviewed by Gabor Szadovszky, Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14029: Update Spark version to 2.0.0 (Ferdinand Xu, via Li Rui, Szehon Ho and Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/44] hive git commit: HIVE-7224: Set incremental printing to true by default in Beeline (Sahil Takiar, reviewed by Thejas M Nair> - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/44] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena)" - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14843: HIVE-14751 introduced ambiguity in grammar (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/44] hive git commit: HIVE-12222: Define port range in property for RPCServer (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14824. Separate fstype from cluster type in QTestUtil. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14849: Support google-compute-engine provider on Hive ptest framework (Sergio Pena, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/44] hive git commit: HiveServer2: Provide the user with different error messages depending on the Thrift client exception code (Peter Vary via Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14778 document threading model of Streaming API (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14852. Change qtest logging to not redirect all logs to console. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14854. Add a core cluster type to QTestUtil. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14819: FunctionInfo for permanent functions shows TEMPORARY FunctionType (Jason Dere, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14784: Operation logs are disabled automatically if the parent directory does not exist. (Naveen Gangam via Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14100: Adding a new logged_in_user() UDF which returns the user provided when connecting (Peter Vary, reviewed by Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14775: Cleanup IOException usage in Metrics APIs (Barna Zsombor Klara reviewed by Peter Vary, Gabor Szadovszky, Szehon Ho, Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14865 Fix comments after HIVE-14350 (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/44] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:09:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-9423: HiveServer2: Provide the user with different error messages depending on the Thrift client exception code (Peter Vary via Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/01 01:33:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14874: Master: Update errata.txt for the missing JIRA number in HIVE-9423 commit msg (Chaoyu Tang)" - posted by on 2016/10/02 01:49:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14810. Fix failing test: TestMetaStoreMetrics.testMetaDataCounts. (Barna Zsombor Klara, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/03 18:06:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14830. Move a majority of the MiniLlapCliDriver tests to use an inline AM. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/03 20:06:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/5] hive git commit: HIVE-14874: Master: Update errata.txt for the missing JIRA number in HIVE-9423 commit msg (Chaoyu Tang)" - posted by on 2016/10/03 23:44:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/5] hive git commit: HIVE-14810. Fix failing test: TestMetaStoreMetrics.testMetaDataCounts. (Barna Zsombor Klara, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/03 23:44:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/5] hive git commit: HIVE-14830. Move a majority of the MiniLlapCliDriver tests to use an inline AM. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/03 23:45:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/5] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/03 23:45:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/5] hive git commit: HIVE-14641 : handle writing to dynamic partitions (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/03 23:45:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14768: Add a new UDTF Replicate_Rows (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/04 05:08:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [6/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:10:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [7/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:11:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13587: Set Hive pom to use Hadoop 2.6.1 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewd by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/04 14:53:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14806: Support UDTF in CBO (AST return path) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:00:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14768: Add a new UDTF Replicate_Rows (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14806: Support UDTF in CBO (AST return path) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/15] hive git commit: HIVE-14638 : handle unions (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/04 18:46:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14882: Lean qtest initialization for CliDrivers (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/05 00:47:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14858: Analyze command should support custom input formats (Chao Sun, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang and Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/05 04:34:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14099: Hive security authorization can be disabled by users (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/05 14:20:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/05 16:54:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/05 16:54:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14773: NPE aggregating column statistics for date column in partitioned table (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/05 17:41:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/38] hive git commit: HIVE-3173 Add tests for JDBC getTypeInfo method (Xiu Gao via gates) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/38] hive git commit: HIVE-5867: JDBC driver and beeline should support executing an initial SQL script(Jianguo Tian, via Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14358: Add metrics for number of queries executed for each execution engine (Barna Zsombor Klara, reviewed by Gabor Szadovszky, Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14029: Update Spark version to 2.0.0 (Ferdinand Xu, via Li Rui, Szehon Ho and Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/38] hive git commit: HIVE-7224: Set incremental printing to true by default in Beeline (Sahil Takiar, reviewed by Thejas M Nair> - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/38] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena)" - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14843: HIVE-14751 introduced ambiguity in grammar (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/38] hive git commit: HIVE-12222: Define port range in property for RPCServer (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14824. Separate fstype from cluster type in QTestUtil. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14849: Support google-compute-engine provider on Hive ptest framework (Sergio Pena, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/38] hive git commit: HiveServer2: Provide the user with different error messages depending on the Thrift client exception code (Peter Vary via Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14778 document threading model of Streaming API (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14852. Change qtest logging to not redirect all logs to console. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14854. Add a core cluster type to QTestUtil. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14819: FunctionInfo for permanent functions shows TEMPORARY FunctionType (Jason Dere, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14784: Operation logs are disabled automatically if the parent directory does not exist. (Naveen Gangam via Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14100: Adding a new logged_in_user() UDF which returns the user provided when connecting (Peter Vary, reviewed by Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14775: Cleanup IOException usage in Metrics APIs (Barna Zsombor Klara reviewed by Peter Vary, Gabor Szadovszky, Szehon Ho, Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14865 Fix comments after HIVE-14350 (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14874: Master: Update errata.txt for the missing JIRA number in HIVE-9423 commit msg (Chaoyu Tang)" - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14810. Fix failing test: TestMetaStoreMetrics.testMetaDataCounts. (Barna Zsombor Klara, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14830. Move a majority of the MiniLlapCliDriver tests to use an inline AM. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14768: Add a new UDTF Replicate_Rows (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:18:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14558: Add support for listing views similar to "show tables" (Naveen Gangam, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14806: Support UDTF in CBO (AST return path) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14882: Lean qtest initialization for CliDrivers (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14858: Analyze command should support custom input formats (Chao Sun, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang and Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14099: Hive security authorization can be disabled by users (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/38] hive git commit: HIVE-14773: NPE aggregating column statistics for date column in partitioned table (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/06 00:19:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14545 : HiveServer2 with http transport mode spends too much time just creating configs (Rajesh Balamohan via Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/06 01:34:16 UTC, 1 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14892: Test that explicitly submit jobs via child process are slow (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/06 04:12:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14896 : Stabilize golden files for currently failing tests - posted by on 2016/10/06 05:51:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14889: Beeline leaks sensitive environment variables of HiveServer2 when you type set; (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/07 15:05:52 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14861: Support precedence for set operator using parentheses (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/07 20:53:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14861: Support precedence for set operator using parentheses (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/07 20:53:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/5] hive git commit: HIVE-13409: Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 13:33:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/5] hive git commit: HIVE-13409: Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 13:33:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/5] hive git commit: HIVE-13409: Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 13:33:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/5] hive git commit: HIVE-13409: Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 13:33:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/5] hive git commit: HIVE-13409: Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 13:33:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14146: Column comments with "\n" character "corrupts" table metadata (Peter Vary, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/10 14:17:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14875: Enhancement and refactoring of TestLdapAtnProviderWithMiniDS (Illya Yalovyy, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/10 15:06:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:51:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:51:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:51:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:51:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/26] hive git commit: HIVE-13549: Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2 (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 16:52:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14917: explainanalyze_2.q fails after HIVE-14861 - posted by on 2016/10/10 17:07:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14917: explainanalyze_2.q fails after HIVE-14861 - posted by on 2016/10/10 17:08:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13860: Fix more json related JDK8 test failures (Mohit Sabharwal, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/10 17:40:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14803: S3: Stats gathering for insert queries can be expensive for partitioned dataset (Rajesh Balamohan via Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/10 17:49:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13798: Fix the unit test failure org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_ivyDownload (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 16:18:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-14803: S3: Stats gathering for insert queries can be expensive for partitioned dataset (Rajesh Balamohan via Pengcheng Xiong)" - posted by on 2016/10/11 20:55:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14762 : Add logging while removing scratch space (Ashutosh Chauhan via Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/11 21:23:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14828 : Cloud/S3: Stats publishing should be on HDFS instead of S3 (Rajesh Balamohan via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 21:38:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14690: Query fail when hive.exec.parallel=true, with conflicting session dir (Daniel Dai, reviewed by Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/11 22:53:42 UTC, 1 replies.
- [01/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14882: Lean qtest initialization for CliDrivers (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:09:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14858: Analyze command should support custom input formats (Chao Sun, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang and Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:09:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14099: Hive security authorization can be disabled by users (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:09:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:09:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14873: Add UDF for extraction of 'day of week' (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14773: NPE aggregating column statistics for date column in partitioned table (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14545 : HiveServer2 with http transport mode spends too much time just creating configs (Rajesh Balamohan via Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14892: Test that explicitly submit jobs via child process are slow (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14896 : Stabilize golden files for currently failing tests - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14889: Beeline leaks sensitive environment variables of HiveServer2 when you type set; (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14861: Support precedence for set operator using parentheses (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14861: Support precedence for set operator using parentheses (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14146: Column comments with "\n" character "corrupts" table metadata (Peter Vary, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14875: Enhancement and refactoring of TestLdapAtnProviderWithMiniDS (Illya Yalovyy, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14917: explainanalyze_2.q fails after HIVE-14861 - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14917: explainanalyze_2.q fails after HIVE-14861 - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14803: S3: Stats gathering for insert queries can be expensive for partitioned dataset (Rajesh Balamohan via Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/22] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-14803: S3: Stats gathering for insert queries can be expensive for partitioned dataset (Rajesh Balamohan via Pengcheng Xiong)" - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14762 : Add logging while removing scratch space (Ashutosh Chauhan via Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14690: Query fail when hive.exec.parallel=true, with conflicting session dir (Daniel Dai, reviewed by Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/22] hive git commit: HIVE-14639 : handle SKEWED BY for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/11 23:10:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14914. Improve the 'TestClass' did not produce a TEST-*.xml file message. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/12 05:18:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14915. Add an option in ptest to skip log collection for successful tests. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/12 05:19:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14850: Fix TestJdbcDriver2 set up time (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 05:39:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14721: Fix TestJdbcWithMiniHS2 runtime (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 06:02:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/37] hive git commit: HIVE-14877: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 07:27:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13798: Fix the unit test failure org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_ivyDownload (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) (addendum) - posted by on 2016/10/12 14:47:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14930: RuntimeException was seen in explainanalyze_3.q test log (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/12 15:00:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14922 : Add perf logging for post job completion steps (Ashutosh Chauhan via Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/12 15:30:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14761: Remove TestJdbcWithMiniMr after merging tests with TestJdbcWithMiniHS2 (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/12 17:10:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-12458: remove identity_udf.jar from source (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Thejas Nair) - posted by on 2016/10/12 17:49:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14872: Remove the configuration HIVE_SUPPORT_SQL11_RESERVED_KEYWORDS (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/12 21:04:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14872: Remove the configuration HIVE_SUPPORT_SQL11_RESERVED_KEYWORDS (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/12 21:04:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14876 : make the number of rows to fetch from various HS2 clients/servers configurable (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Vaibhav Gumashta) - posted by on 2016/10/12 23:43:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14928 Analyze table no scan mess up schema (Jimmy Xiang, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/13 00:24:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:50:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/13 10:51:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14373: Add integration tests for hive on S3 (Thomas Poepping and Abdullah Yousufi, reviewed by Sergio Pena and Illya Yalovyy) - posted by on 2016/10/13 15:25:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14929: Adding JDBC test for query cancellation scenario (Deepak Jaiswal via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/13 21:23:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/13 21:40:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:19:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/57] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [52/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14373: Add integration tests for hive on S3 (Thomas Poepping and Abdullah Yousufi, reviewed by Sergio Pena and Illya Yalovyy) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [53/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14929: Adding JDBC test for query cancellation scenario (Deepak Jaiswal via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [54/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14835: Improve ptest2 build time (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [55/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [56/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14640 : handle hive.merge.*files in select queries (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [57/57] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14640 : handle hive.merge.*files in select queries (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/14 00:20:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14938. Part1. Add deployed ptest properties file. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/14 06:25:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14938. Part2. Updated deployed ptest properties file to remove isolated tests, batch other tests. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/14 06:26:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14916. Reduce the memory requirements for Spark tests. (Dapeng Sun, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu, Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/14 06:36:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:00:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 09:01:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14839: Improve the stability of TestSessionManagerMetrics (Marta Kuczora, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/14 16:04:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-12458: remove identity_udf.jar from source (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Thejas Nair)" - posted by on 2016/10/14 17:31:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14942: HS2 UI: Canceled queries show up in "Open Queries" (Tao Li via Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/14 21:22:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:16:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:17:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:17:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/14 22:17:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14966: JDBC: Make cookie-auth work in HTTP mode (Gopal V reviewed by Tao Li, Vaibhav Gumashta) - posted by on 2016/10/15 07:46:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14799: Query operation are not thread safe during its cancellation (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin, Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/15 12:55:58 UTC, 1 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-11957 : Add StartedTime and LastHeartbeatTime columns to SHOW TRANSACTIONS output (Wei Zheng, reviewed by Eugene Koifman) - posted by on 2016/10/16 21:33:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14822: Add support for credential provider for jobs launched from Hiveserver2 (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Barna Zsombor Klara, Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/17 16:58:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14063: beeline to auto connect to the HiveServer2 (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Aihua Xu, Szehon Ho, Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/17 17:08:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13046: DependencyResolver should not lowercase the dependency URI's authority (Anthony Hsu via Carl Steinbach - posted by on 2016/10/17 17:28:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14935: Add tests for beeline force option (Kavan Suresh via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/17 18:04:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14958. Improve the 'TestClass' did not produce a TEST-*.xml file message to include list of all qfiles in a batch, batch id. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/17 18:07:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14957: HiveSortLimitPullUpConstantsRule misses branches when parent operator is Union (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Jesus Camacho Rodriguez) - posted by on 2016/10/17 18:12:27 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14891: Parallelize TestHCatStorer (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/17 18:58:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14891: Parallelize TestHCatStorer (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/17 18:58:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14959: Fix DISTINCT with windowing when CBO is enabled/disabled (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/17 19:22:15 UTC, 1 replies.
- [01/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:35:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:36:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:41:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/67] [abbrv] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)"" - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [52/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14966: JDBC: Make cookie-auth work in HTTP mode (Gopal V reviewed by Tao Li, Vaibhav Gumashta) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [53/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14799: Query operation are not thread safe during its cancellation (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin, Yongzhi Chen) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [54/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-11957 : Add StartedTime and LastHeartbeatTime columns to SHOW TRANSACTIONS output (Wei Zheng, reviewed by Eugene Koifman) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [55/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14822: Add support for credential provider for jobs launched from Hiveserver2 (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Barna Zsombor Klara, Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [56/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14063: beeline to auto connect to the HiveServer2 (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Aihua Xu, Szehon Ho, Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [57/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-13046: DependencyResolver should not lowercase the dependency URI's authority (Anthony Hsu via Carl Steinbach - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [58/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14935: Add tests for beeline force option (Kavan Suresh via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [59/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14958. Improve the 'TestClass' did not produce a TEST-*.xml file message to include list of all qfiles in a batch, batch id. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [60/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14957: HiveSortLimitPullUpConstantsRule misses branches when parent operator is Union (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Jesus Camacho Rodriguez) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [61/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14891: Parallelize TestHCatStorer (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [62/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14891: Parallelize TestHCatStorer (Vaibhav Gumashta reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [63/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14959: Fix DISTINCT with windowing when CBO is enabled/disabled (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [64/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [65/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14643 : handle ctas for the MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [66/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14932 : handle bucketing for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [67/67] [abbrv] hive git commit: HIVE-14932 : handle bucketing for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:42:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14899 : MM: support (or disable) alter table concatenate (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/17 20:54:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14991: JDBC result set iterator has useless DEBUG log (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Vaibhav Gumashta) - posted by on 2016/10/17 21:09:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14940: MiniTezCliDriver - switch back to SQL metastore as default (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/18 04:07:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [6/6] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/18 11:28:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14927: Remove code duplication from tests in TestLdapAtnProviderWithMiniDS (Illya Yalovyy via Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/18 21:05:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14878 : integrate MM tables into ACID: add separate ACID type - posted by on 2016/10/18 22:13:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14878 : integrate MM tables into ACID: add separate ACID type (Wei Zheng) [Forced Update!] - posted by on 2016/10/18 22:17:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14973. Fix Flaky test: TestJdbcWithSQLAuthorization.testBlackListedUdfUsage. (Zoltan Haindrich, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/18 23:06:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [41/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [42/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:35:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [43/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [44/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [45/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [46/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [47/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [48/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [49/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [50/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [51/62] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "Revert "Revert "HIVE-11394: Enhance EXPLAIN display for vectorization (Matt McCline, reviewed by Gopal Vijayaraghavan)""" - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [52/62] hive git commit: HIVE-14991: JDBC result set iterator has useless DEBUG log (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Vaibhav Gumashta) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [53/62] hive git commit: HIVE-14940: MiniTezCliDriver - switch back to SQL metastore as default (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [54/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [55/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [56/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [57/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [58/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [59/62] hive git commit: HIVE-13316: Upgrade to Calcite 1.10 (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [60/62] hive git commit: HIVE-14927: Remove code duplication from tests in TestLdapAtnProviderWithMiniDS (Illya Yalovyy via Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [61/62] hive git commit: HIVE-14973. Fix Flaky test: TestJdbcWithSQLAuthorization.testBlackListedUdfUsage. (Zoltan Haindrich, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [62/62] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/19 00:36:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15000: Remove addlocaldriverjar, and addlocaldrivername from command line help (Peter Vary, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:08:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:39:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:08 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/35] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:40:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14974: TestBeeLineHistory throws NPE in ShutdownHook (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 01:42:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14977:Flaky test: fix order_null.q and union_fast_stats.q (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:02:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/40] hive git commit: HIVE-15000: Remove addlocaldriverjar, and addlocaldrivername from command line help (Peter Vary, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [29/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [30/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [31/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [32/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:17:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [33/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [34/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [35/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [36/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14921: Move slow CliDriver tests to MiniLlap - part 2 (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [37/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14974: TestBeeLineHistory throws NPE in ShutdownHook (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [38/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [39/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14642 : handle insert overwrite for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- [40/40] hive git commit: HIVE-14996 : handle load for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/19 18:18:07 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15022: Missing hs2-connection-timed-out in (Peter Vary, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/19 20:49:56 UTC, 1 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15009. ptest - avoid unnecessary cleanup from previous test runs in batch-exec.vm. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/19 20:51:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15010 Make LockComponent aware if it's part of dynamic partition operation (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/19 21:20:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15008. Cleanup local workDir when MiniHS2 starts up in FS_ONLY mode. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 02:07:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15006. Rename TestBeelineWithHS2ConnectionFile to avoid it being interpreted as a test file.. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 05:25:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15013. Config dir generated for tests should not be under the test tmp directory. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 06:49:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13423: Handle the overflow case for decimal datatype for sum() (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang, Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/20 13:39:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [6/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [7/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [8/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [9/9] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 16:01:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14985 : Remove UDF-s created during test runs (Peter Vary, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 20:10:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14977:Flaky test: fix order_null.q and union_fast_stats.q (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15022: Missing hs2-connection-timed-out in (Peter Vary, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15009. ptest - avoid unnecessary cleanup from previous test runs in batch-exec.vm. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15010 Make LockComponent aware if it's part of dynamic partition operation (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15008. Cleanup local workDir when MiniHS2 starts up in FS_ONLY mode. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15006. Rename TestBeelineWithHS2ConnectionFile to avoid it being interpreted as a test file.. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15013. Config dir generated for tests should not be under the test tmp directory. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/23] hive git commit: HIVE-13423: Handle the overflow case for decimal datatype for sum() (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Xuefu Zhang, Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : Add new unit tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14985 : Remove UDF-s created during test runs (Peter Vary, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/23] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15019 : handle import for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15019 : handle import for MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15020 : handle truncate for MM tables (not atomic yet) (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:12:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/23] hive git commit: HIVE-15021 : handle (or add a test for) multi-insert into MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/20 22:13:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14920: S3: Optimize SimpleFetchOptimizer::checkThreshold() (Rajesh Balamohan reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/21 07:38:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/3] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/21 13:51:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/3] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/21 13:52:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/3] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/21 13:52:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14993 make WriteEntity distinguish writeType (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/22 18:49:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [4/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [5/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [6/7] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- [7/7] hive git commit: HIVE-14580: Introduce || operator (Zoltan Haindrich reviewed by Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/22 21:34:06 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14753 : Track the number of open/closed/abandoned sessions in HS2 (Barna Zsombor Klara via Szehon) - posted by on 2016/10/24 15:29:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: Addendum for HIVE-14753 (new files) - posted by on 2016/10/24 15:31:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15034 : Fix orc_ppd_basic & current_date_timestamp tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/24 17:03:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-9941: sql std authorization on partitioned table: truncate and insert (Sushanth Sowmyan via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/24 17:38:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14391. TestAccumuloCliDriver is not executed during precommit tests. (Peter Vary, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/24 21:50:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14950 Support integer data type (Zoltan Haindrich via Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/24 22:58:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14837: JDBC: standalone jar is missing hadoop core dependencies (Tao Li, via Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/25 01:14:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13589: beeline support prompt for password with '-p' option (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu, Jia Ke) - posted by on 2016/10/25 03:42:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14968: Fix compilation failure on branch-1 (Daniel Dai, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran, Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/25 06:49:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/3] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 11:14:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/3] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 11:14:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/3] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 11:14:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15030: Fixes in inference of collation for Tez cost model (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 11:17:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15042: Support intersect/except without distinct keyword (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 11:52:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14920: S3: Optimize SimpleFetchOptimizer::checkThreshold() (Rajesh Balamohan reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:22 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14913 : addendum patch - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:23 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14993 make WriteEntity distinguish writeType (Eugene Koifman, reviewed by Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:24 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:25 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:26 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:27 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/28] hive git commit: HIVE-12765: Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14580: Introduce || operator (Zoltan Haindrich reviewed by Pengcheng Xiong) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:31 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14753 : Track the number of open/closed/abandoned sessions in HS2 (Barna Zsombor Klara via Szehon) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:32 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/28] hive git commit: Addendum for HIVE-14753 (new files) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:33 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15034 : Fix orc_ppd_basic & current_date_timestamp tests (Vineet Garg via Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/28] hive git commit: HIVE-9941: sql std authorization on partitioned table: truncate and insert (Sushanth Sowmyan via Jason Dere) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/28] hive git commit: HIVE-13589: beeline support prompt for password with '-p' option (Vihang Karajgaonkar, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu, Jia Ke) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14391. TestAccumuloCliDriver is not executed during precommit tests. (Peter Vary, reviewed by Siddharth Seth) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14950 Support integer data type (Zoltan Haindrich via Alan Gates) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- [20/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14837: JDBC: standalone jar is missing hadoop core dependencies (Tao Li, via Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- [21/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:40 UTC, 0 replies.
- [22/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:41 UTC, 0 replies.
- [23/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15029: Add logic to estimate stats for BETWEEN operator (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:42 UTC, 0 replies.
- [24/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15030: Fixes in inference of collation for Tez cost model (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:43 UTC, 0 replies.
- [25/28] hive git commit: HIVE-15042: Support intersect/except without distinct keyword (Pengcheng Xiong, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [26/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:45 UTC, 0 replies.
- [27/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14954 : put FSOP manifests for the instances of the same vertex into a directory (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [28/28] hive git commit: HIVE-14953 : don't use globStatus on S3 in MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/25 21:43:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15064 : fix explain for MM tables - don't output for non-MM tables (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/26 00:51:36 UTC, 1 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-13873: Support column pruning for struct fields in select statement(Ferdinand Xu via Sun Chao) - posted by on 2016/10/26 01:37:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14990 : run all tests for MM tables and fix the issues that are found (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/26 02:29:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15070: HIVE-13062 causes the HMS schema upgrade tests to not work (Naveen Gangman, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/26 15:28:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15031 : Fix flaky LLAP unit test (TestSlotZNode) (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/26 18:11:28 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14990 : run all tests for MM tables and fix the issues that are found - issue with FetchOperator (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/27 01:47:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14964: Failing Test: Fix TestBeelineArgParsing tests (Zoltan Haindrich, reviewed by Siddharth Seth and Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/27 03:37:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15046: Multiple fixes for Druid handler (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/27 11:09:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: Preserve the location of table created with the location clause in table rename (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/27 13:52:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15025: Secure-Socket-Layer (SSL) support for HMS (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/27 14:01:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15046: Multiple fixes for Druid handler (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) (addendum) - posted by on 2016/10/27 15:56:39 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14887. Reduce the memory used by MiniMr, MiniTez, MiniLlap tests. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/27 20:25:37 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15065: SimpleFetchOptimizer should decide based on metastore stats when available (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/27 21:23:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15087 : integrate MM tables into ACID: replace hivecommit property with ACID property (Wei Zheng) - posted by on 2016/10/27 21:26:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-14990 : run all tests for MM tables and fix the issues that are found - issue with FetchOperator, drop, NPE (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/28 00:39:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14645 : table conversion to and from MM (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/28 01:49:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14645 : table conversion to and from MM (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/28 01:49:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15027 : make sure export takes MM information into account (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:08:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/11] hive git commit: HIVE-13873: Support column pruning for struct fields in select statement(Ferdinand Xu via Sun Chao) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:09 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15070: HIVE-13062 causes the HMS schema upgrade tests to not work (Naveen Gangman, reviewed by Sergio Pena) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:10 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15031 : Fix flaky LLAP unit test (TestSlotZNode) (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Prasanth Jayachandran) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:11 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/11] hive git commit: HIVE-14964: Failing Test: Fix TestBeelineArgParsing tests (Zoltan Haindrich, reviewed by Siddharth Seth and Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:12 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15046: Multiple fixes for Druid handler (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:13 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/11] hive git commit: Preserve the location of table created with the location clause in table rename (Chaoyu Tang, reviewed by Aihua Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15025: Secure-Socket-Layer (SSL) support for HMS (Aihua Xu, reviewed by Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15046: Multiple fixes for Druid handler (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) (addendum) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/11] hive git commit: HIVE-14887. Reduce the memory used by MiniMr, MiniTez, MiniLlap tests. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Sergio Peña) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:17 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/11] hive git commit: HIVE-15065: SimpleFetchOptimizer should decide based on metastore stats when available (Prasanth Jayachandran reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:18 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/11] hive git commit: HIVE-14671 : merge master into hive-14535 (Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/28 02:33:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15091: Master: Update errata.txt for the missing JIRA number in HIVE-14909 commit msg (Chaoyu Tang) - posted by on 2016/10/28 13:36:38 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15025: Secure-Socket-Layer (SSL) support for HMS (addendum) - posted by on 2016/10/28 20:29:36 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15095: TestHiveDruidQueryBasedInputFormat.testCreateSplitsIntervals fails (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Sergey Shelukhin) - posted by on 2016/10/29 00:22:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15081: RetryingMetaStoreClient.getProxy(HiveConf, Boolean) doesn't match constructor of HiveMetaStoreClient (Rui reviewed by Sergey) - posted by on 2016/10/31 07:30:21 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15056: Support index shifting for struct fields (Chao Sun, reviewed by Ferdinand Xu) - posted by on 2016/10/31 16:15:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14933 : include argparse with LLAP scripts to support antique Python versions (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/31 19:24:29 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] hive git commit: HIVE-14933 : include argparse with LLAP scripts to support antique Python versions (Sergey Shelukhin, reviewed by Gopal V) - posted by on 2016/10/31 19:24:30 UTC, 0 replies.
- hive git commit: HIVE-15061: Metastore types are sometimes case sensitive (Chaoyu Tang, review by Mohit Sabharwal) - posted by on 2016/10/31 21:03:36 UTC, 1 replies.