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- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7652: Float/Double trunc methods perform rounding for negative values (closes #171) - posted by on 2015/11/01 10:09:19 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7583: Unnecessary Instantiation on DefaultGroovyMethods.numberAwareCompareTo - posted by on 2015/11/01 10:41:28 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] incubator-groovy git commit: add org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.isEmpty(Iterable) - posted by on 2015/11/01 12:50:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7552: add org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.isEmpty(Iterable) (closes #129) - posted by on 2015/11/01 12:50:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Groovysh: refactor: Tests robust against race conditions on Preferences (closes #172) - posted by on 2015/11/01 14:27:13 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Fix some links and a typo in javadocs - posted by on 2015/11/01 16:04:08 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7639 Comparing primitive to null safe primitive property expression should not throw NPE * Correct assertions in tests for GROOVY-5613 Closes #167 - posted by on 2015/11/01 16:48:29 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: fix after #172, Interpretermode tests also need to run all other tests in interpreter mode (closes #173) - posted by on 2015/11/01 22:14:15 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7587: add code to bypass jigsaw exception and change a GCL method to avoid compilation problems with a new ClassLoader method - posted by on 2015/11/02 13:40:35 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-4847 - Missing GDK rounding (and trunc) methods for BigDecimal (closes #175) - posted by on 2015/11/02 19:52:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7612: GroovyDoc should allow timestamp/version stamp info to be omitted (extend support to ant task) - posted by on 2015/11/03 03:46:17 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Remove printlns that shouldn't be there (closes #177) - posted by on 2015/11/03 18:58:41 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7363: Frequent compilation error on cascading generic types (closes #158) - posted by on 2015/11/03 19:05:54 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7660: gradle/utils.gradle: Remove unused imports and unused variables. Fully specify ASM Opscodes instead of importing the whole namespace. (closes #178) - posted by on 2015/11/04 18:58:30 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: ResolveVisitor: Correct class mentioned in GroovyBugError thrown from LowerCaseClass#setName - posted by on 2015/11/06 06:38:01 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7524: Document that TupleConstructor and InheritConstructors shouldn't be mixed (closes #180) - posted by on 2015/11/07 00:26:28 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-2178 - Shell can not handle multi-line list defs (closes #181) - posted by on 2015/11/07 18:09:35 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Fix typo: Missing trailing 's' in design pattern section (closes #182) - posted by on 2015/11/08 08:31:19 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7465: ResourceGroovyMethods/NioGroovyMethods BOM behavior is inconsistent - posted by on 2015/11/09 23:09:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7665 - JsonSlurperCharSource decimal parsing producing unexpected results (closes #183) - posted by on 2015/11/09 23:09:35 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7665 - JsonSlurperCharSource decimal parsing producing unexpected results (closes #183) - posted by on 2015/11/09 23:18:13 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-6922 - JsonSlurper loses trailing 0's in numbers (closes #184) - posted by on 2015/11/10 21:52:24 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7668: Better error-message for AST transformation when binary compatibility changes - posted by on 2015/11/10 23:19:45 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7524: Document that mixing TupleConstructor and InheritConstructors will likely not give you what you want (tweak wording) - posted by on 2015/11/12 01:05:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Fix javadoc malformed link warning (closes #186): - posted by on 2015/11/12 19:45:14 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: escape characters in javadoc and remove unnecessary @inheritdoc javadoc annotations - posted by on 2015/11/12 20:57:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: removed unnecessary @inheritdoc annotations - posted by on 2015/11/12 21:02:05 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7672: TupleConstructor should have only SOURCE retention policy (closes #187) - posted by on 2015/11/14 03:08:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7672: TupleConstructor should have only SOURCE retention policy (additional doco) - posted by on 2015/11/14 03:08:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7656 Statically compiled spread safe method calls on list literals result in the list expression being evaluated twice * StatementWriter: Remove temporary variables after their use - posted by on 2015/11/15 08:55:55 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: JSON CharScanner cleanup (closes #188) - posted by on 2015/11/15 12:53:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: replaced invalid entity "&nsbp; " with simple space in java docs - posted by on 2015/11/15 14:37:18 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7442 Spread-dot operator within assert isn't expected with @CompileStatic * Add unit test (issue fixed as side effect of changes for GROOVY-7656) - posted by on 2015/11/17 06:00:45 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7675: Compiler customization builder not resolve secureAst properties (closes #190) - posted by on 2015/11/17 18:43:20 UTC, 1 replies.
- [1/2] incubator-groovy git commit: The usage of the PROP_NAMES HashMap was not thread safe because the access was synchronized only for "put" operations and not for "get" operations: since HashMap is not thread safe all access to get/put operations must - posted by on 2015/11/18 18:40:15 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] incubator-groovy git commit: Removed useless synchronized block and comment; they were probably a leftover after commit 17ee95e. - posted by on 2015/11/18 18:40:16 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/2] incubator-groovy git commit: Removed useless synchronized block and comment; they were probably a leftover after commit 17ee95e. - posted by on 2015/11/18 18:41:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/2] incubator-groovy git commit: The usage of the PROP_NAMES HashMap was not thread safe because the access was synchronized only for "put" operations and not for "get" operations: since HashMap is not thread safe all access to get/put operations must - posted by on 2015/11/18 18:41:05 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: TPL: Remove DISCLAIMER - posted by on 2015/11/19 18:52:06 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: TLP: delete Groovy Podling Maturity Assessment - posted by on 2015/11/19 19:07:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: wiki-snaphot.pdf is not checked in anymore, so do not try to copy it into the documentation distribution - posted by on 2015/11/19 19:27:43 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7680: Bump gradle to version 2.9 (closes #192) - posted by on 2015/11/20 07:58:34 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Default value of includePackage of toString is true (closes #193) - posted by on 2015/11/22 11:31:16 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7342 Last enum value is hidden if annotated * Try syntactic predicate for enum constant before predicate for end of enum constants Closes #194 - posted by on 2015/11/25 06:53:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: Change modulo to remainder in operator page (closes #195) - posted by on 2015/11/25 18:40:27 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: JsonSlurper: Improve exception message for parseText(String) - posted by on 2015/11/25 20:47:47 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7691: Create a test (closes #198) - posted by on 2015/11/28 11:07:09 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7538: Bound unbounded wildcards using the type declaration (closes #197) - posted by on 2015/11/28 20:58:05 UTC, 1 replies.
- incubator-groovy git commit: GROOVY-7688 Spread safe method call receivers with side effects should not be visited twice * StaticInvocationWriter#makeCall: use temporary variables for spread safe receiver expressions which are not variable or constant ex - posted by on 2015/11/30 19:33:47 UTC, 1 replies.