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- curator git commit: CURATOR-190 - Modified to always use the base name when creating protected ephemeral nodes. This prevents the current protected name being appended to the name each time the node is created, which in turn prevents multiple nodes being - posted by on 2015/03/03 23:11:44 UTC, 0 replies.
- [1/3] curator git commit: Adding the notion of a 'lock schema' to ChildReaper that enables it to reap both the direct children its watching and subnodes of those children. This is necessary with InterProcessSemaphoreV2 as it creates multiple subnodes be - posted by on 2015/03/11 17:40:19 UTC, 0 replies.
- [2/3] curator git commit: Replacing LockSchema with simple Set - posted by on 2015/03/11 17:40:20 UTC, 0 replies.
- [3/3] curator git commit: Merge branch 'CURATOR-173' - posted by on 2015/03/11 17:40:21 UTC, 0 replies.