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- git commit: whitespace change to test apache-git-wip - posted by on 2013/04/19 05:12:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [01/19] git commit: remove aduna repository, as sesame-2.7 is going to be deployed to sonatype and maven central - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:46 UTC, 0 replies.
- [02/19] git commit: bump sesame and slf4j versions - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:47 UTC, 0 replies.
- [03/19] git commit: add new ValueFactory methods to Any23ValueFactoryWrapper - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:48 UTC, 0 replies.
- [04/19] git commit: bump to sesame-2.7.0-beta2-SNAPSHOT - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:49 UTC, 0 replies.
- [05/19] git commit: modify N3 mimetype to match current W3C team submission - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:50 UTC, 0 replies.
- [06/19] git commit: remove aduna-commons packages that are not used independent of sesame - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:51 UTC, 0 replies.
- [07/19] git commit: add sonatype snapshot repository to fetch sesame-2.7-SNAPSHOT artifacts - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:52 UTC, 0 replies.
- [08/19] git commit: add changes since beta2 - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:53 UTC, 0 replies.
- [09/19] git commit: import sesame-rio-nquads package into nquads module - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:54 UTC, 0 replies.
- [10/19] git commit: add log4j properties file to nquads module - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:55 UTC, 0 replies.
- [11/19] git commit: replace NQuadsWriter as a thin wrapper over sesame-rio-nquads writer - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:56 UTC, 0 replies.
- [12/19] git commit: fix test that relies on the NQuadsWriter expanding namespaces, when this is never necessary with the Sesame API, as namespaces are always expanded automatically inside of the org.openrdf.model.URI interface, and in addition, N-Quads h - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:57 UTC, 0 replies.
- [13/19] git commit: add FIXME note about N-Quads parser catching all Exceptions - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:58 UTC, 0 replies.
- [14/19] git commit: fix use of relative URLs in test1.nq that is designed to only test cases from the NQuads grammar - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:10:59 UTC, 0 replies.
- [15/19] git commit: convert NQuadsParser to override sesame-rio-nquads parser with UTF-8 support for InputStreamReader constructor - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:11:00 UTC, 0 replies.
- [16/19] git commit: fix test that attempted to parse an nquads file with no newlines in it, against the specification - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:11:01 UTC, 0 replies.
- [17/19] git commit: make NQuadsParserTest pass, including always having an rdfHandler, ignoring column numbers as they are not supported, removing test for relative URL as it is not in the NQuads specification, and fixing blank node identifiers that star - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:11:02 UTC, 0 replies.
- [18/19] git commit: migrate NQuadsParserTest to make it use strict datatype handling - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:11:03 UTC, 0 replies.
- [19/19] git commit: Switch off verification for now as otherwise DBPedia will be inaccessible - posted by on 2013/04/19 06:11:04 UTC, 0 replies.
- git commit: another tmp commit for ANY23-140 - Revise Any23 tests to remove fetching of web content - posted by on 2013/04/24 21:34:29 UTC, 1 replies.